Villains also get Second chance

Chapter 327: Lets play a drama


Marianne pov contd.

"Marianne…" he called out my name and I finally came back to my senses. I slowly looked at him with my face flushed so red in embarrassment.

Cassius half bit his lip as he looked at me. I was so aroused and knew that he was too. He wanted to be one with me. It was all written on his face and to say that I did not want it would be a lie. The way he had touched me there, I was still feeling his hot breathes there. My heartbeats had almost stopped when he used his tongue touched me there.

His face looked like he wanted to ask me if he could use his monster in there and can finally be one with me or not, but before he could do so I had already nodded my head and looked down as I flushed with embarrassment. I could not believe that I didn't even wait for him to ask me and nodded my head like a pervert before that.

But then I saw his eyes turning serious and he looked at me with guilt as all the lust left his body.

"Marianne, i want to tell you something" he said and my heart backflipped, his eyes were telling me that whatever it was, it was bad news.

"Cassius, umm, do we need to talk about it right now?" I asked as I looked at our nude bodies. There was not even a single cloth between us and we were entangled in bed. And he wanted to talk about serious things now! Like seriously!

"Marianne, i was using you as a pawn in a game." he said, cutting me and it was like cold water was poured over all the love i was feeling for him. My body suddenly felt cold and so did my eyes. 

No, there must be some confusion. I shook my head and looked at him as if I was asking for further elaboration.

"I.. I wanted to use you as a pawn so that the Wiltshire family would attack you so that Isabella could take your place. But it did not work so the emperor wanted me to change the technique and make love to you and behave rudely to Isabella, it would shake their trust over me and they would panic and do mistakes and then we will catch them." he said with soft voice, his eyes were filled with guilt but his words kept ticking my mind.

"Cassius what crime had Wiltshire's done that you are so sure that they would attack me? And how is Charles part of it? Did that man even have brains to think that you are taking advice from home?" I asked honestly as I always felt he was just a spoiled brat who only knew how to pass snarky comments.

He laughed hard, making me glare at him. "No, I mean not Charles, his father." he said shaking his head, " Charles knew nothing about our plans, and i want you to not talk to him about it." he said seriously.

"Tsk tsk.. Like I know about your plans anyways.`` I wrapped the blanket over my body. "Wear your clothes first. It's distracting. We need to have a long talk.`` I instructed in a no nonsense voice. 

He moved and took another blanket and slipped in it. "Tsk tsk,, you are lazier than me.'' I said and he just shrugged.

"Now start telling me, will you?" 

He nodded his head as he looked at the distance. "I think my parents' death was not an accident. Their death was too mysterious so I did my investigation. As if the robbers had entered that area just when my parents decided to come to meet me and they vanished once my parents died. Being there only for a week"

"But it could be a coincidence too?" I asked with a frown, "and why would they do so? Weren't Elizabeth married to you at that time, the whole property would have been theirs anyway. So even if they were greedy they would not do such foolish things?!" wasn't waiting a bit more years would have been better since his father was going to retire anyway.

"No, my father had some proof against them. They were trying to usurp the business of your father. Visibly the commoners market which was under them ws going in loss and they want to capture the nobles market and for that they have done many crimes and my father was a strict man, he would have punished them even if they were family." he said and i nodded that was something expected from them.

"So you think that by putting me as bait you would be able to get proof against them. Ha! If i wont be killed then you can not punish their whole family just for an attempt of murder which they could shrug off my putting responsibility on anyone. Just kill them by any means. Why wait for so many years?" i asked exasperated.

"I wish I could. But I want to end their name in nobility and…"

"And you can do that just by an attempt to mother. And this idea was given to you by Charles' father." o took a pause and asked, "why do you even trust the man who is using his own children as the pawn of chess, marrying Charles against his wishes and now Diana too, why would he help you without his benefit?" i asked and he turned still.,

"That was his family too. My father was his cousin brother." he said and i chuckled,

"I may sound cruel to you, Cassius but the royal family knows no relationships except benefits but if you still trust them.. Why did only Isabella? I think that Philip wants something too, and so does the royal family. In fact, i have a wonderful idea, Let's play a drama and test whose loyalty lies where.'' I said grinning devilishly as I rubbed my palms, bringing the villain in me back.

all the readers who can still read the chapter.. i want to inform you things in advance. i am very honored to get your support this far. but i am sorry to inform all of you that the book is getting banned because one of the smut  hand job is similar to another book. for that they have decided to take all my hard work.. and i have been even asked to pay 7-8k usd as fine. so that they can pay all the readers their coin back.

i am ashamed to ask, but i am a single mother and i will be ruined if i have to pay that money in present or from future incomes. so, if possible can you please deny if coins offered to you or request them to keep the book since the whole story, chapter and dialogues were orignal. maybe you still want to know about the ending of the story. 

i know that many of you think than i am shameless, but i really did not have any choice. thank you and once again i apologise for things that happened..


if you have any question or you want to talk about this matter, this is my discord id Nishi Durani#3061.  if the story still stay banned then you can contact me on my discord server to know the end and other important detail if you can deny the coins. please i will really appreciate your help and owe you this.. the link of my server is you can even join me on instagram from my name nishi durani.

i hope a few of you will support me. if not i am still grateful to you for your love and support towards the book, its characters and me. and i apologise for my mistakes.


rest is filler to post apology. this is not the future chapter. i am sorry to waste your coins once again, but i did not have any choice. i am just sorry for everything, but i am really desperately need help. i hope even if you hate me, you can still forgive me at some point,



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