Villain's Journey Towards Destruction

Chapter 18: Fate Worse Than Death.

Delight was in chaos.

The news about Jack appearing at the entrance of Delight has spread everywhere already.

Citizens panicked.

Heroes felt fear.

Villains celebrated.

Delight has around 120 Heroes, including 9-Star Hero Noah.

And currently, all the Heroes are gathered in the Heroes Association building.

They all were standing at the largest hall located on Floor 44.

Noah also appeared there, even though his face was neutral, without any signs of fear.

Inside... He felt intense fear.

'Maybe this is Karma...' Noah thought.

He isn't a good guy.

He has raped, murdered, and destroyed countless families.

His Karma is approaching.

The Heroes waited for Noah's words.

Noah is god-like existence to them, and he is one of the four remaining 9-Star Heroes in Kindland, which makes his identity even more special.

Usually, they feel secure no matter what threat they face because they have Noah on their side.

...But this time, they know that Noah can't do anything about the upcoming threat.

Kenturion was the only one who could defeat Jack, and even he died.

''Heroes...'' Noah opened his mouth. ''I am sure all of you are aware of the threat we are facing. I will be blunt and say that we have no chance of victory, not even 1%.''

His words silenced the Heroes.

''But... We can limit the destruction. I know why The Jack is here.''

Heroes gasped.

''A few hours ago, two former Heroes, now Villains, entered Delight. They are Star Warrior and Green Dream.''

Heroes started whispering with each other.

They are aware that they became Villains because those two abandoned their duties in Charity, but they aren't aware of the real reason yet.

''The rumor about The Jack chasing after them... Isn't rumor anymore, he is here because of them.'' Noah said bluntly.

Heroes widened their eyes.

Why was the famous Jack chasing after 6-Moon Villain and 5-Moon Villain?

''We need to find those two and maybe, just maybe The Jack won't destroy Delight as he did with Charity.'' Noah ended his speech.

''Weren't they Heroes as well? Are we just going to sacrifice them?'' One of the Heroes asked.

Noah sighed. ''They aren't Heroes anymore; they are Villains, remember that.''

Some of the Heroes felt reluctant.

But some understood that it is for the greater good.

''Go! Find those two quick! Quicker we find them; fewer citizens will be killed in the hands of The Jack!'' Noah roared and left the hall.

He walked in the corridors silently; even his thoughts were silent.


Jack looked at the sign in front of him.

[Welcome to Delight - We hope you have a lovely time!]

In front of him was an empty street.

Empty cars were located in the streets while the stores were closed in a hurry.

Multiple Helicopters flew in the sky, filming his every move.

''Hmm...'' Jack hummed and started walking.

He was alone on the streets, not a soul in sight.

He had always been alone before he met Sophia.

He didn't have friends; his parents hated him for some reason.

But for some reason, animals loved him.

He enjoyed spending time with stray cats because they never avoided him.

But this time... he was truly alone.

What did he do to deserve this?

He thought that the heavens pitied him and decided to give him a wonderful wife.

But even that was taken away from him.

[Rage Meter: 11% - Heavens! Why did you take her?! Why not me?!]

Jack glared towards the sky.

''RAAAAAAAAAAAAA!'' Roar echoed in the streets.

But everyone heard that Roar.

And the result was...


Citizens tried to run away further and further from him.

Children cried on the streets; they were too afraid to move.

Suddenly all the adults started running.

They were too young to understand.


Citizens paled after hearing a footstep approaching them.

Children looked curiously.

They all saw a black-haired man carrying a refrigerator.

But the momentum he gave is unbearable.

''KYAAA!'' Screams were heard in the crowd.

They started pushing each other, trying to run away.

A Group of 4 children was standing on the side, and they couldn't move an inch.

They were all around five years of age.

''Amy?! Where are you?!'' A loud yell was heard in the crowd of people.

''Mommy? Mommy, I am here!'' A young girl in the group of four yelled anxiously.

A middle-aged woman was shown; her outfit was disheveled while her brown hair was messy.

''Amy!'' She ran towards her daughter and hugged her tightly.

''Mommy! Why is everyone running?'' Amy asked with an innocent voice.

Her mother turned her pale face towards the source of all chaos.

Jack was only 10 meters away from them, and the crowd was only 20 meters from him.

Amy's mother shielded the group of children behind her, she looked towards Jack with intense fear, but she needed to protect her daughter no matter what!

Jack now was standing only 3 meters away from her.

He saw how the middle-aged woman ignored her safety and tried to save the children instead.

The group of children looked towards Jack with their innocent eyes; their cute young faces were confused but curious about the black-haired man, and they wondered, why was he carrying the heavy-looking item?

Amy's mother's body trembled, tears started forming in the corner of her eyes.

The crowd of people has already stopped moving; they can't move forwards because there is nowhere to go.

The crowd moved at a snail pace.

The closest ones from Jack looked at him with fear.

But then...

Jack opened his mouth while looking at the middle-aged woman. ''Admirable.''

Amy's mother widened her eyes; why did he say that?

Jack sighed and put the refrigerator down on the ground; he sat down while leaning at the fridge.

Everyone looked at him with surprise; why isn't he moving?

There is a simple explanation.

Jack felt the signals of Star Warrior and Green Dream approaching his spot.

He doesn't know why, but he doesn't care.

This time, he wasn't planning to let them run away.

Amy looked at him with her bright blue eyes.

''Mommy, who is this, mister?'' She asked.

Her mother paled. ''Shh...'' She tried to stop her daughter from talking.

But then Amy yelled. ''Mister! Who are you? And why are you carrying that!'' She pointed towards the Refrigerator.

Her mother paled.

The crowd paled as well.

Jack turned his head and looked at her with his black and red eyes.

Amy looked at his eyes without blinking. ''Mister, your eyes are so pretty!''

The group of children also nodded; to them, his eyes looked very cool and pretty.

Because of the fear people have, they always think that Jack's eyes look like demons.

But actually, it isn't bad-looking.

His black and red eyes fit each other perfectly.

Jack's mouth curved slightly; it was the first time since Sophia's death that he didn't feel like killing someone. ''My name is Jack, what about you?''

''My name is Amy!'' She said politely.

''Polite one, aren't you?'' Jack looked at her with amusement.

''Mmm!'' Amy nodded proudly.

Everyone looked at their conversation with widened eyes.

Some even recorded it.

But then a loud shout was heard from the crowd.


Everyone turned their heads towards the direction Jack came from.

From there, a group of 120 Heroes came with serious faces.

They saw Jack sitting close to a group of children.

'Hostages!' Heroes thought anxiously.

Noah was in front of the group of Heroes.

He looked at Jack with multiple emotions.




He even felt like bowing towards the legendary figure.

But that wouldn't look good, hero bowing towards villain?

That would be humiliation towards Heroes.

He is scum, and he knows it.

He still has his Heroic Spirit, which he had as a child.

The Group of Heroes stopped 30 meters away from Jack.

''Waaa! Heroes!'' Amy exclaimed.

Jack looked at her. ''Do you want to be Hero one day, miss?''

''Mmm!'' Amy nodded. ''I want to save people!''

''Admirable goal, I hope you succeed,'' Jack said and stood up from his position.

He faced the Heroes without a hint of fear.

Only Rage remained.

''Bring them,'' Noah told the Heroes behind him.

Heroes brought two men who were currently tied up.

They were Star Warrior and Green Dream.

Their faces were pale, while despair filled their eyes.

''Why are those two tied up?'' Amy asked curiously.

''They are Villains,'' Jack said.

''What did they do?''

''They killed someone very precious to me.''

Amy's face turned into shock.

''Are you alright, mister?'' She asked with worry.

''Soon I will,'' Jack said and started walking towards the group of heroes.

The Heroes flinched, while Noah didn't move, but his face was a lot paler.

Jack was now standing in front of Star Warrior and Green Dream, and he saw their faces filled with despair.

He turned his head towards the group of children.

His hand turned into a color of red.

''No!'' Heroes yelled.

Amy's mother paled and covered the group of heroes.

Jack swiped his hand, which created a wall of Rage Energy, and now he and the Group of Heroes couldn't see the children or the crowd.

And they couldn't see them.

''They shouldn't witness this...'' Jack murmured.

The Group of Heroes looked at him strangely.

Jack turned his head towards kneeling figures of Star Warrior and Green Dream.

He crouched, and his face was on the same level as them.

Jack touched the cheek of Star Warrior.

Star Warrior's face was already beyond terrified.

''Hmm... I won't kill you two... I will make you two suffer for eternity.'' Jack said coldly.

He then grabbed Star Warrior's face and used his thumbs to crush his eyes.

''ARGGGGGGGGGH!'' Star Warrior screamed, he started twitching, but Jack's hands held him steady.

''Shh...'' Jack shushed.

He grabbed Star Warrior's tongue and ripped it from his mouth.

''MMMMmmmmm!'' Star Warrior twitched in agony; blood covered his mouth.

Jack then aimed his thumbs towards Star Warrior's ears.


Jack stabbed his thumbs into Star Warrior's ears which destroyed his eardrums.

Star Warrior had blood coming from his eyesockets, mouth and now from his ears.

''Nasty...'' Jack murmured, then he grabbed Star Warrior from his groin.


Jack grabbed with all his might, which destroyed Star Warrior's male genital and his two balls.

He threw Star Warrior to the ground.

Jack stepped on his back and stomped.


''MMMMmmmmmmmm!'' Star Warrior whined in agony.

Jack broke his spinal cord.

''I won't let you die.'' Jack put his finger on his broken back.

His finger turned into color of red which fused with Star Warrior's body.

The Rage Energy invaded his body and attacked his nerve system.

''Mmmmmmmmmmmmm!'' Star Warrior was even in more pain.

But suddenly small red forcefield surrounded Star Warrior.

Jack covered his nerve system with rage energy, because it will make Star Warrior feel pain all the time.

And Star Warrior can't remove it, no matter he does.

Also he surrounded his body with Rage Energy so that he can't kill himself and no one can kill him.

Star Warrior was now blind, mute, deaf, impotent and cripple.

Jack turned his head towards Green Dream who was even paler than before.

''Your turn...'' Jack murmured, he didn't have any expression on his face.

Only pure calmness.

''This is for you Sophia!'' Jack yelled and grabbed Green Dream's face.

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