Villains Template

Chapter 205: childhood shadow

As for this bear boy, his brain is not as good as that of elementary school graduates in terms of mathematical operations. When doing calculations, he must concentrate on calculations, and he has no extra energy to fabricate lies.

In the question and answer of a math question mixed with other questions, the number decreased rapidly, and Yue Si also mastered a lot of information about the few bear children who ran away.

"What is five hundred and thirty-eight minus seven?"

After being nurtured by dozens of questions, the bear boy has gradually mastered the rhythm, and answered very easily: "It's equal to five hundred and thirty."

After getting the answer, Yue Si was silent and did not continue to ask the bear child questions. His eyes under the mask stared straight at the bear child: "I thought the game between us would go on smoothly like this, I'm sorry, One question, your answer is - wrong."

"According to the rules of the game I said, I will use these things on you as punishment for your wrong answers. But rest assured, I am a professional and will not treat your body when you are in pain. Injuries too serious to be life-threatening."

As he spoke, Yue Si stroked various utensils with his hands, showing a gesture of difficulty in choosing, preparing to choose the utensils to be used on the bear child.

In the terrified eyes of the bear child, the incessant sound of begging for mercy, and the plea of ​​"please give me one more chance", Yue Si finally settled on what to use - the brass-colored pliers he was playing with at first.

With a thud, one of the bear children's fingers shattered to the bone.

His fingers were connected to his heart, and the severe pain made him writhe in the chair, sweating and screaming.

It stands to reason that such a child who has not received professional anti-strike training, the blood that was lost before taking out, suffered this kind of pain, which has already triggered the protection mechanism of the human body, causing him to pass out.

The bear child also desperately wanted to pass out, but for some reason, his nerves were still active, and the pain from the missing limb was continuously sensed by his brain.

"I forgot to tell you that when you were in a coma before, I had injected some medicines for you to ensure that you would wake up quickly and not fall into a coma because of the pain." Yue Si said, "That's for the soldiers of the American Empire. A good thing has a price but no market. By injecting that thing, the survival rate of American imperial soldiers on the battlefield has greatly improved - 72 hours of sleepless crossing the enemy area, the ribs are broken by bullets, and the rib is still fighting, and even the whole body To retreat, all rely on the stimulation of this drug.”

Having said this, Yue Si became interested and talked at length about the bear child: "Why so many retired American soldiers suffer from PTSD, it is not because the severe war has made them too psychologically stressed, it is purely because of a large number of injections of that kind of drug. side effects, serious damage to the brain."

"Damage to specific areas of the brain can cause nightmares, personality changes, emotional dissociation, numbness, irritability, hypervigilance and other symptoms, which are exactly consistent with the symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder. The top is close, and the truth of the matter is covered up."

"That kind of drug belongs to the undisclosed secret of the U.S. military, and it belongs to the world's leading biotechnology. The physiological examination program in the hospital cannot detect special chemical components from the blood samples of retired soldiers, unless it is a top-level biochemical experiment. Only the room can get a glimpse of the clues.”

"Just like the Olympics, are U.S. imperial athletes using illegal drugs? That is inevitable. But U.S. imperialism is the only superpower in the world, and it can easily bribe and threaten referees and the organizing committee. If it is checked out, it can also be regarded as an innocent. It happened, and the technical capabilities of their athletes using doping and other illegal drugs are completely beyond the inspection capabilities of the Olympic Committee."

"As long as you can't check that I'm using illegal drugs, then I'm not using them."

The bear boy didn't listen to a word of Yue Si's nonsense.

The severe pain in his body made him distracted, and he didn't respond to external stimuli. Yue Si's nonsense ended and he just waited until the peak of the bear child's pain subsided.

Then a new round of problems began. The bear boy made mistakes one after another, and Yue Si unceremoniously performed the actual operation of various equipment on him.

In the end, the bear child had all hands, feet and ten fingers cut off, wounds all over his body, and his whole body was dripping with blood.

Although it looked miserable, his life was not in danger. At most, he suffered a little pain and lost a lot of blood.

"The game between us is over. According to the agreement, I should let you go."

Yue Si pulled out the pencil that nailed the bear child's hands and feet, and said slowly.

After being tormented by one question after another, the bear child's eyes were dull, and the continuous pain hit his sanity. The eyes were already dim, but after hearing Yue Si's words, they glowed again. new look.


Asked in a trembling there was an expression of disbelief on the boy's face.

"It's true, I said let you go, I'll let you go, and I won't give you hope without words and then destroy it with your own hands, laughing at your desperate expression." Yue Si continued to speak in an exaggerated tone. : "However, although I promised to let you go or let you go, I didn't say what kind of living method to let you live."

The continuous pain and torture caused the bear child to consume a lot of physical strength. The muscles in his legs could not support his body, and the crushed toes and the previous penetrating injury made him unable to stand even.

Relying on his palms and knees, the bear crawled **** the ground, keeping as far away from Yue Si as possible.

Even if Yue Si deliberately waited for him for a minute, the distance to climb out was only two steps away.

Then Yue Si slowly recounted: "My family was very poor when I was a child. Although the TV was colored, I could only receive a few local TV stations, and I could only watch operas with my elders. The last two sentences, and then a play I saw one day became a lingering psychological shadow for me for many years."

"The plot is about two traffickers who caught a child, cut off his tongue, slashed his skin with whips, then killed a big dog, skinned it, and wrapped it around the festering child. It sticks together like glue and can never come off. Call him a lion dog and take him to juggle to make money."

After all, Yue Si walked away and came back with a big dog in his hand, it was Bright's dog Bonnie.

Bright guessed wrong, Yue Si did not kill this Rottweiler.

But the boy's eyes were full of despair, because it was hard not to remind him of the story Yue Si told.

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