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Chapter 281: world reset

What Yue Si is talking about is the self-healing factor that Bolivar has improved, and the canned self-healing factor, but Yue Si will not take out all the good things. The self-healing factor of a clone is divided into twenty parts. Only one came.

Although they think William Stryker is a powerful character, they dare not use this kind of thing with unknown origin easily on themselves. The self-healing factor extraction device was developed by Yoshida Ichiro. The research on wolf ability is also promoted by one hand, and there is nothing to worry about.

This group of people who are dying is especially cherishing their lives. Of course, they will not use their own experiments to test the effect of self-healing factors. The experimental products are very easy to find. These old men were very satisfied, and the funds that Yue Si needed were quickly received.

"It's resolved." A few months later, the arrival of the new century is getting closer, and Bolivar Strucker's research results have also come out.

As the director of the base and a person who strongly supported him, Bolivar handed over a copy of the analysis data of mutant genes to Yue Si, which was the most valuable thing he had researched after regaining his freedom.

"Black Emperor, Sebastian Xiao's mutant genetic data."

Yue Si took the data board and checked it carefully from the beginning, not missing the slightest detail: "Thank you, doctor."

"This is just part of the plan." Bolivar adjusted his glasses, not proud of Yue Si's words.

Although in the plot of "Reversing the Future", Mystique's X gene was analyzed and mastered by Bolivar, and the second-generation sentinel robot has the ability to imitate other mutants. In fact, this statement is not completely correct.

In Bolivar's design, at least the analysis of the mutant genes of three mutants is required to achieve the level that the second-generation Sentinel robot he envisions can achieve.

The first is Mystique's simulated transformation ability; there is also a mutant code-named Mimesis, whose ability is to copy the mutant abilities of other mutants; and finally the mutant code-named Darwin, whose ability is automatically mutated according to the external environment the ability to adapt.

Although the abilities of the three are not indispensable, they also complement each other. Only when the abilities of the three are superimposed can they achieve the strength of the sentinel robot in the design and become an existence beyond mutants.

Although the plan of the sentry robot was killed by Bolivar himself, the necessary technical reserves are still needed. As an extremely powerful existence, the ability of the Black Emperor was analyzed and analyzed by Bolivar at the request of Yue Si. - The near-incomprehensible ability to absorb all forms of energy and convert it into its own.

The Black Emperor can release the absorbed energy at will, or increase his physical strength, speed and stamina through energy.

The forms of these energies include but are not limited to kinetic energy, electrical energy, thermal energy, and even magical energy. Although this ability has an upper limit, the upper limit of the Black Emperor is not lower than the energy of a nuclear bomb explosion.

The essence of Yoss is that the nucleus of True Godzilla has multiple nuclei, which carry eight times the genetic information of humans, which means that True Godzilla has the ability to evolve rapidly, just like Darwin.

After learning the relevant knowledge of life science, Yue Si can actively control the combination of gene sequences. As long as the mutant's X gene is parsed, he can control his own genes to imitate, so as to obtain the ability of mutants.

The ability of the Black Emperor Sebastian Xiao's near-physical immunity is what Yue Si has in mind - energy or something, he is not lacking in fusion reactions all the time.

And this ability is perfect with the cards he draws in this world.

"Skill Card: Great Devouring"

"Explanation: A magical spell from fantasy novels, which can devour everything and turn it into vitality for use by magical power users."

"Remarks: Although it can devour everything, the purity and quantity of vitality that can be transformed into it depends on what is swallowed. After all, the vitality converted from swallowing a ton of coal is not comparable to a vitality spar in the Xianxia world. "


The next day, Yue Si found that the base in charge of William Stryker had changed a lot, and many of the staff had changed their faces. Some scientists were still working on projects that Bolivar had completed, and there was no trace of Bolivar.

I asked about the whereabouts of the group of scientists Bolivar, and they said to Yue Si with great confusion that no scientist named Bolivar Strucker had ever come to this base, not even Tyrion Lannister. The pseudonym never came up either.

"The world has been reset?"

Yue Si searched the base and found that all traces of Bolivar Strucker had been erased. Whether it was research data or result data, all disappeared.

Then I investigated the past of Bolivar Strucker through internal authority, and found that he had disappeared in the 1970s, and the Strucker Industries under his name also lost the control of the leader in a short period of time. It was declared bankrupt within a year and was dismembered and acquired by various forces. Some of the information left behind is in the database of the base.

This is obviously the work of the X-Men. The future world of the original timeline must be very unfriendly to mutants, so they traveled through time again, modified the past, and reversed the future.

Open the Yue Si took out a few cards and found that fortunately he had prepared before. The power armor built by Bolivar Strucker based on the silver samurai mecha is still there, and Yue Si used power to hide it. Five sets, as well as the Edman alloy that was stolen from the old devil Yashida Ichiro, relying on the power of the Multiverse Authority, these things have been preserved together with Yue Si's memory.

It's just that everything Yue Si did on the original world line was turned into a phantom, everything prepared for the war disappeared, and everything was brought back to its original point, including Bolivar's genetic analysis data on mutants.

"Magneto's variant gene analysis is only halfway done, what a pity!" Yue Si recalled what he saw. The genetic sequence data of the black emperor Sebastian Xiao was simulated in the cell nucleus. The power of language expression appeared in his body, slowly and steadily absorbing the weak kinetic energy of the air flow when it came into contact with his body, and the heat radiation in the atmosphere was constantly being converted into energy in his body.

"Fortunately, Bolivar's work was completed yesterday, otherwise my previous investment would have turned into nothing."

"The degree of deviation of the world, fifty percent."

"Illegal time traveler detected."

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