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Chapter 286: Electronic control

"What happened in the future and why are you like this."

With the existence of the system, there is only one family in this world without a semicolon. Reed Wayne believes that the mature version of himself in front of him is really his future self.

Although he really wants mutant powers, Reed Wayne knows himself, and he will never do such a thing as fighting and charging ahead, especially now that he has so much wealth, the son of a daughter can't sit down. It’s even more impossible to experience the frontline of the war like Tony Stark, and it’s good to pay someone to do something.

As long as the money is enough, what kind of mutants can't be hired.

Even the mighty Magneto is not obediently working for himself now, completing the kind of equipment that can turn ordinary people into mutants for himself - the above is what Reed Wayne thinks.

"We talked about these things on the way. Now, we're going to Xavier Academy for Gifted Teens. All the information is in my head, and the tone depends on things like language. It's better to let Professor X read the mind directly. ' said a future version of Reed Wayne.

The time-travelling machine was included in the system warehouse by the future version of Reed Wayne, and the corresponding icon also appeared in Reed Wayne's system warehouse.

After getting rich, Reed Wayne bought things like houses and cars first. For Medi people living "on wheels", Reed Wayne was the first to buy things like a driver's license. Immediately after reaching adulthood, I got my driver's license.

Without even bothering to change his clothes, the sweaty Reed Wayne drove his future self to the Xavier School of Giftedness in upstate New York, and the future Reed Wayne said, "What do you think? If you ask, feel free to ask, the things you care about may be the key to determining the victory of the war in the future, and knowing these in advance will be beneficial to the future."

"Has Magneto's device succeeded?" Reed Wayne asked what he had been worrying about recently.

"Power factor converter?" said the future version of Reed Wayne: "Successful, but not completely successful, it can indeed implant mutant factors into ordinary people to induce them to mutate into mutants, but what is it? In essence, it is just relying on Magneto's powerful mutant factor to induce the latent X gene in the human body to forcibly wake up."

"Mutants are the future evolutionary trend of human beings. Most people can be transformed into mutants, and some people die tragically because of genetic conflicts - and those who have been forcibly transformed into mutants are also forcibly transformed because of the X gene. Because of the awakening, it will not survive for a long time, and it will turn into a pool of pus due to the collapse of genes."

To get this answer, Reed Wayne actually had a hunch in his heart. The Robert Congressman in the movie awakened the mutant ability of liquefaction, and finally it was the end of a genetic collapse.

"What about me, have I used this power factor converter, and have I awakened any powerful mutant powers?"

Reed Wayne asked his future self, if the future self was able to drive the time-space shuttle back to the present, either the device was useless, or the mutant ability was awakened.

The future Reed Wayne said: "Used and awakened mutant abilities, but not as powerful as you think."

"Is it an ability inferior to Hermit Purple?" Reed Wayne asked his future self

"It's time to let go of the Hermit Purple!" said the future Reed Wayne: "I...accurately say our ability is, electronic control."

"Electronic control?" Reed Wayne was talking about the name of the ability he was about to awaken. After all, this name was not as intuitive as the "Cyclops" of "Storm Girl".

The future Reed Wayne said: "I have absolute control over mechanical objects, especially those using electronic intelligent systems, as long as they appear within a certain distance of me, I can control them. ."

“Without any external device, I can hack into the Internet and modify and rewrite data—such as bypassing the U.S. Department of Defense’s firewall to browse highly classified information, modifying the Federal Reserve’s customer information, manipulating The stock market. Of course, more often, I connect my thinking to Umbrella's supercomputer matrix to accelerate its data computing capabilities."

"In this modern world built by data networks and smart devices, I am a god-like existence, especially after the army has invested a lot of unmanned equipment, civilian equipment is becoming more and more intelligent, and civilian drones and shuttles are also used. Like, the destructive power of my abilities is getting stronger and stronger."

"The more technology advances, the higher the degree of automation and intelligence, the stronger my power will be."

"That is, there is no Iron Man in this world, otherwise he will only kneel in front of me, and artificial intelligence such as Ultron and Skynet, I am their natural enemy."

"If it weren't for teaching them to unite to reverse the future, even if the sentinel robot is made, it will not be able to slaughter the mutants again, but it will become my help."

Reed Wayne suddenly realized: " my ability so strong? Then it seems that my Umbrella's next development plan is to develop towards unmanned intelligent devices."

Looking at the scars on his body in the There are scars everywhere where the clothes are not completely covered, new wounds are piled on top of old scars, Reed Wayne asked: "Just, look at you. The world in the future must be very unfriendly, what kind of enemy are you going to face?"

"Apocalypse? Aliens? Phoenix Force?"

"Bolivar Strucker," said the future Reed Wayne. "Mad scientist, discoverer and name of the X gene, father of the Sentinel robot—the little devil you know."

"He?" said Reed Wayne in surprise.

After learning that he was in the world of "X-Men", Reed Wayne began to investigate the information of Bolivar Strucker. In the modified timeline of the reverse future, the mutant was sent to the sentinel Robots slaughtered, then X gene carriers, and finally ordinary humans with sympathy for mutants.

But in the history of my own world, the information on the famous scientist Bolivar Strucker was up to 1975, and there was no news about him after that, not even being arrested and imprisoned. Maybe it was died.

How can a dead person become an enemy who needs to travel through time to modify history?

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