Villains Template

Chapter 327: ghoul

"Material is a problem!"

According to the special circumstances of the Warhammer 40K universe, Yue Si, who is wearing a "Mad Scientist" character card, redesigned the plan of the Starkiller base, and achieved miniaturization and miniaturization.

But how to build it, not to mention how the various parts are produced and processed, the required materials have extremely high requirements.

The processing technology of shaping metal molecules with white dwarf-level gravity and magnetic fluid is just a common metal smelting technology in the Star Wars world. The materials required to build the Starkiller base are more demanding, among which are Need some crystals that are unique to the world of Star Wars or something.

Fortunately, Yue Si had bought a large amount of Edman alloy in the "X-Men" world before. With the properties of this super scientific alloy material, it can meet the theoretical requirements of the Starkiller Base.

"As long as a prototype is successfully made to verify the maturity of various technologies, I will start with myself! What atomic organisms, food and dew, I will directly feed on dark matter in the future!" Yue Si vowed: "In the future My atomic breath is not a stream of ultra-high heat-emitting particle rays, but a super-space material tearing ray, which directly shatters the planet and tears space, and hits the galaxy directly from this end of the galaxy to the other end of the galaxy!"

While improving the design plan, Yue Si thought about it - although if he can really complete the technical improvement and transplant it to himself, it is not impossible to reach that level.

"But it's too wasteful to use Edman alloys for all prototypes. Even if I scavenge a lot, the landlord's house has no room to spare. It's not good to sit on the mountain, it's really impossible to get Jules and Vincent through the boss's channel. Buy some basic materials as a replacement."

In a place that Yue Si didn't know about, a big battle was breaking out.

It is not so much a war as a simple massacre. One of them can only support it hard. Whether it is the number, firepower, combat quality of individual soldiers or fighting will, they are all at a disadvantage.

But they could only support with gritted teeth, because whether they died in battle or surrendered, their final result was the same - being eaten by the roaring enemy as food.

At the bottom of the hive, human corpses are an important food source. The starch produced by the processing of human corpses feeds countless people. Because of the necessary processing procedures, those corpse starches do not contain prions or the like. Deadly virus.

But in the process of disposing of the corpses, the sanity of the workers who are responsible for turning human corpses into food is the most vulnerable. Perhaps it is the image of the human body being smashed by the processing machine, or perhaps they did not clean themselves properly, causing them to accidentally eat it. Meat with prions, causing prions to invade the brain and insanity - anyway, these people are most likely to be bewitched by chaos, become followers of evil gods, and then hunt down living people to drink blood and eat meat.

When they gather in groups, they will grow, and a considerable number of people at the bottom who lack resources do not care what kind of meat they eat, as long as they don't starve to death.

When the flesh and blood of the same kind enter their stomachs, the blessings from darkness will together with the protein strengthen their bodies and corrupt their souls.

If these Chaos believers are discovered by the law enforcers of the hive, a large number of law enforcement officers will be assembled to ruthlessly destroy them. Burning to ashes by flamethrowers is their only outcome, and no prisoners will remain.

However, the situation at the bottom of the hive is too complicated. There will always be some Chaos believers who will survive, hiding in the dark, developing new believers, accumulating strength, raising weapons, and preparing to start subverting the order of the entire hive.

The first place to start is the disorderly bottom, because the people here are the most deprived of food, and it is easy to be deceived into the path of eating meat and drinking blood.

As long as they eat the first piece of meat, they can't go back, and they become crazy under the blessing of chaos, even if they are blood relatives, they will still be their meals.

Now is that time.

Although they are nothing more than low-level gang members and are not recognized by the Empire, they want to live as humans, not as a lunatic.

"Listen to my command, concentrate your firepower, and block those monsters from this door!"

Behind a bunker made of junk like scrap iron, Jules with a robotic eye shouted loudly, giving orders while cheering for gang members who belonged to the same gang family as him, At the same time, he checked the ammunition in the combat shotgun, estimating how long his continuous shooting would last.

In front of them is an abandoned sewage pipe. Those ghouls poured out from this place and attacked the place where they lived. Because of the complex geographical environment at the bottom, this channel is the best and almost only choice for ghouls. .

It's not that no one is thinking about blowing up this sewage pipeline. First, they don't have that many explosives, and no one is proficient in If they don't play well, they will bury themselves; Losing this best path, the ghouls will not let them go, but will find other paths, and they will be hard to guard against.

It's better to keep this channel and let the ghouls choose to attack only from this one place, so that they can concentrate their efforts to stop it.

Not far from him, Vincent held a laser gun and didn't say a word, but his eyes were full of determination - with the boss's channel, their gang's weapons and equipment are quite good, compared to other gangs relying on Weapons made from scrap metal are much more reliable - which is why they can occupy a large area.

"Three, two, one, fire."

Jules's voice fell. As the leader of the gang, he took the lead in emerging from behind the bunker. The combat shotgun in his hand spewed violent flames and made a loud noise. The drums fed the bullets, allowing Jules to continue. Fired, and the metal shrapnel formed a dense raindrop that splashed on the ghouls.

Whether in fear or otherwise, those gang members who were wearing armor forged into the apocalyptic wasteland style stood up one after another, aimed their automatic guns or laser guns at the gray-skinned enemies, and launched a round of untidy Qi. shoot.

Those ghouls who rely on cannibalism and the blessing of the evil **** are tall, they wear simple metal helmets, robes made of human skin, and armor made of scrap steel plates and twisted and mutant skulls. Most of them are holding machetes and big axes, which are also easily processed from discarded materials in the mechanical workshop, and a few are equipped with long-range weapons - the weapons of the gang that fell into their hands, and now they have become their trophies.

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