Villains Template

Chapter 433: The most important thing is to be happy

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"It's a master, a master who is incompetent."

The chartered wife roughly judged the depth of his martial arts from Yue Si's invisible aura, which was so powerful that it was despairing, but the three coolies were unaware.

"I'm only staying here for a few days. If I can't accommodate anything, I'll leave when the time comes, but don't worry, the rent will not be refunded to me."

Yue Si folded his arms with a confident smile on his face, ignoring the charter wife's shirk.

Although she looks like a philistine on weekdays, the existence of Zhucang Walled City has sheltered many poor people, and she will not easily drive them away if the rent is short, just like three coolies who owe her three months rent , she also brought this matter up to make them leave here quickly.

Letting such an unstable factor as Yue Si live in the pig cage walled city brings security risks, so the charter woman tried her best to get Yue Si to dispel this idea.

"No one lives around here..."

Yue Si said in a slightly exaggerated, somewhat real estate agency-style tone: "Very good, with a wide field of vision, far away from people, and a treasure of feng shui!"

"I basically rely on walking here to travel..."

Yue Si said, "It's okay, I have a motorcycle."

Not only a motorcycle, but also a magnetic levitation motorcycle, a magnetic levitation motorcycle that can fire bolt bombs and is also equipped with a dual laser gun.

"I often have no water here..."

Yue Si said: "Where I came from, there is no running water and no electricity. There is some use now. What else can I say."

This refers to the world of "Tianlong Babu". Although it has undergone drastic transformation, only the capital Bianliang can be called a modern city, and the rest of the place is terribly backward. The deity really wants to run a world. A long way to go.

Seeing that Yue Si couldn’t be beaten, and then pushing it back would be inconsistent with someone who has always been greedy, stingy and domineering, so he had to say: “The rent is ten yuan a month, two houses, according to what you said, one pays three, a total of eighty yuan. "

Yue Si took a few banknotes and handed them over to the renter. He pointed to the three coolies from Twelve Road, and said, "I will also help pay for the rent of these three heroes for a few months."

Taking the banknotes, the charter wife muttered, "It's really rich."

Then I went to arrange the rooms. Even in the same house, there are good and bad rooms. In the face of a rich man like Yue Si, of course, we should choose a better environment. He roared rudely, yelled at his children, and when he opened the window to ventilate, he wouldn't be facing the toilet and smell the stench.

Halfway through the journey, the renter suddenly raised her voice and shouted, "It's alright, if you don't come out to work, you won't have food if you don't work. It doesn't matter if you starve to death, my rent can't be less!"

Ah Xing and Fei Zaicong stayed behind to distribute gifts. The three coolies didn’t want gifts, but they couldn’t pick up the things they picked up along the way. They unpacked the things in the load, took out a handful of candy and shouted: "Children, come get candy, authentic American candy."

"And authentic wine and filter cigarettes."

Tobacco, alcohol, candy, three essential items for gift giving, these are the main things they choose.

Yesterday, someone was injured in the riot, his arm was dangling with bandages, and then one person sent a box of American ginseng to the body.

Although they didn't like Ah Xing and Fat Zaicong, the gifts were sincere. Those kids with amazed bones grabbed a handful of candy from Ah Xing and ran away, and then the good ones took a bottle of wine and smoked. He took a few packs of cigarettes, and even the charterer, who was beaten up by the charterer for peeking at other people's baths, limped over and took away two bottles of foreign wine, and put two packs of cigarettes in his clothes pocket. .

Before leaving, he drunkenly pointed at Ah Xing and Fat Zaicong, with an expression of "I'm optimistic about you".

Eating people's mouths are soft, holding people's hands is short, and after accepting gifts, although the residents of Zhucongcheng Village have not changed their attitudes towards A Xing and Fat Zaicong, they don't feel that kind of rejection anymore.

After choosing the room, Ah Xing and Fat Zaicong were instructed to buy some sheets and quilts and other items, and gave them a sum of money to buy some ingredients.

Although it's only a place where I can't live for a few days, it's a welcome move.

Since it can be regarded as a happy event, a happy event, it should be a good meal to celebrate, and it is also appropriate to invite the neighbors to have a meal.

Anyway, the money is blown by the wind, and it is not spent in vain.

Yue Si is here to find happiness, as long as he can be happy, it doesn't matter.

This time, without Yue Si's coercive restraint, Ah Xing and Fat Zaicong didn't do it themselves, but hired people, brought in a truck after truck of ingredients, invited a chef, set up a cauldron, In full swing.

Each family moved out of their own tables, chairs and benches, and ate a good meal and dishes that were only willing to eat during the Chinese New Year. They only stopped when their belly was round. next meal.

The deep-fried ghost got a sum of money from Yue Si, and he helped him during the cooking. The deep-fried ghost Wulang's gossip stick was used to roll the noodles, and he presented a bowl of noodles to all the residents.

When there is a lack of oil and water in the stomach, people have a large stomach, and there is no bowl of noodles to make a base. It is not enough to eat vegetables alone, and when there are many people like this, it is much more convenient to cook down than to cook. Open, noodle, and when it is cooked, take it out and put another pot of noodles.

During this period, I don't know how many kilograms of Chai Carbon Flour was used, and a martial arts master of the fried ghost was so tired that his hands trembled.

And Ah Xing and Fat Zaicong and the tailor, coolie and Jiang Bang came to a table. Although they only had a big meal yesterday, one meal is not enough. In addition, they are busy during the day. The ground is exhausted and the food is very rude.

But even if they eat Haisai, their eating speed is not as fast as the other three people at the same table. The three strong coolies seem to be chewing slowly, but the speed of eating is not slow at all. Tsai Cong opened his eyes.

And the renter and the renter will naturally not eat at the same table with those residents. Their identities are placed there, plus a person who is sneaky and domineering on weekdays, who will sit at the same table with them, Definitely won't be able to eat.

Therefore, they sat at a table alone in the fried ghost's breakfast shop. The dishes on the table were much more delicate than those outside that were large enough to fill their stomachs. Yue Si personally cooked them. , there is "Character Card: Tang Niu", some simple materials are processed to be full of color, flavor, and A Xing and Fei Zaicong did not know that they had obtained the materials needed to make Buddha Jump over the Wall. Yue Si stewed a pot of super The Invincible Seaview Buddha jumped out of the wall.

Dishes of this size are placed on the table, and only Yue Si can sit on this table.

But in a table of three people, except for Yue Si who moved his chopsticks alone, the other two had no intention of eating at all. Even if the fragrance of the super invincible sea view Buddha jumping over the wall floated outside the house, it would make people's throats surging, and they swallowed hard. Saliva, the charterer took a bottle of wine and drank himself there, while the chartered wife smoked one after another, and the cigarette butts on the ground fell into a pile.

Judging from their appearance, they were very hostile to Yue Si, who was sitting across the table, just like the police who gave the suspect a bowl of pork chop rice in a Japanese drama and waited for the other party to explain it after eating.

However, the smoke from the chartered wife's cigarette did not float across the dining table, as if there was an air wall blocking it, preventing the smell of smoke from stealing the smell.

"I heard that Yang Guo and Xiaolongnv, who are known as the Condor Heroes in the Jianghu, saw their children being beaten to death because of their martial arts competition, so they retired to the Jianghu without asking about the world. If you want to come, it's just the two!"

Because the atmosphere was too rigid, Yue Si ate something, then put down the tableware and talked about things formally.

It is customary for Chinese people to talk about things at the dinner table.

This body is manufactured through genetic engineering, so it has a sense of taste. Compared with the fake eating of the main body, it is more able to taste the taste of food, so he pays more attention to eating and drinking.

"Who are you?" The renter said with a cigarette in his mouth: "You are a peerless expert, and you must have other purposes in coming to my pig cage city."

After their identities were revealed, the chartered wife and her husband were unmoved. They remained the same. Instead, they asked Yue Si's intentions.

"I said I'm here to play, do you believe it?" Yue Si said, "I was born to death and defeated all kinds of opponents. Now I want to relax. You are satisfied with this answer."

The renter and the renter shook their heads together, not believing what Yue Si said, because it was too nonsense.

"I found a peerless master who is one of a kind. He and I learned the same martial art as Tathagata God's Hand, but after getting started, I put it aside and didn't practice any more. I'm going to train him to become a talent, and I won't let him. The aptitude and martial arts are wasted like this.”

Yue Si made a fool of himself: "A good talent and a beautiful jade did not study martial arts well and become a peerless master, and did not study hard enough to become a doctor or a lawyer who was useful to the society, but resigned himself to become a small gangster, then Like a piece of jade that was not carved into an ornament, but was used as a curb, it is a pity and a waste."

"Xuewen is no good, he is too old, and he has to follow the elementary school students to start all over again, so he has to develop his potential and make him become a martial arts master, but that needs to open up his second line of appointment and governor, and needs the help of peerless masters. , just happened to be waiting here in the Zhucong Walled City, and someone I need will be delivered to the door."

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of the leased wife and the leased master relaxed. The leased master picked up the spoon and bowl, gave his wife a bowl of Buddha Jumps over the Wall, and then filled himself a bowl, talking while eating. : "When I smelled this fragrance, my saliva flowed out, and I could only rely on drinking to suppress it."

"Wow, the fragrance is so sweet that people's tongues are crispy, wife, try it now, it's rare to see it in your life!"

Is it really that delicious?

The renter took a sip, and her eyebrows almost danced: "This kind of Buddha jumping over the wall stewed from internal strength is full of heat, strong but not heavy, glue but not greasy, relying on this craft, even if you become a cook, you can make a fortune. got rich."

After hearing his wife's words, the charterer nodded again and again, but his mouth did not leave the side of the bowl. The chopsticks moved so fast that they kept catching the dishes on the table, and the hands were so fast that there were many afterimages.

Yue Si didn't hide it from them when he was cooking. He performed Yitianqie, 18 shovels for subduing dragons, etc., and replicated it. He used his internal skills to simmer Buddha over the wall for seven, seven, forty-nine hours within two minutes. The means to do it well, that's why the charter woman said so.

It is the first time in their lives that they have perfectly integrated martial arts into their cooking skills.

Perhaps it is because they have been incognito as ordinary people for a long time. The first thing they think about is how to use this skill to make a living, rather than fighting for the false name of "the best in the world".

If you don't believe the truth, make up a reason, and you take it as the truth.

Yue Si stretched out his hand and pulled out behind him. In fact, he took out a cone of ice cream from the "American Emperor" card, took out a stack of egg trays, and made an ice cream cone for himself on the spot with a spoon to eat: "I am rich enough to rival the country, No, there is no country in this world that is as rich as me, so why should I be so miserable for a living?"

"Being a human being, the most important thing is to be happy. Would you like me to make a bowl of noodles for you?"

The chartered wife didn't know what Yue Si said, so she was going to put another bowl of Buddha Jumping over the Wall for herself, but found that everything on the table was empty, the jar in which Buddha Jumping Over the Wall was stewed was also clean, and there was not a grain of rice left.

Looking at the charterer sitting next to him, this guy had a round stomach and a happy face. He was picking his teeth with a toothpick. When he was talking to Yue Si, he was alone. Eat everything.

Noticing his wife's murderous aura, the charterer said, "It's okay, anyway, he cooks very quickly, a altar of Buddha jumping over the wall is ready in two minutes."

"Hmph, I'll settle the account with you when I go back!" The renter said to Yue Si, "The talented and beautiful jade you mentioned is among your two younger brothers."

The charterer asked, "That fat man?"

"Why do you think it's him?" Yue Si made a cone for the charterer.

Even if the charterer's stomach was propped, he still took the cone and started eating: "The one called A Xing is a philistine, has no face and no skin, he is simply a rotten person, like a piece of shit, no It is necessary to save; that fat boy, although stupid, has a trace of purity in his heart, and it is worth saving."

"Young man, it's normal to go wrong. As long as it's not too late, there's still help, but that Ah Xing is already rotten." The renter was very angry that the renter had eaten alone again, and The charterer didn't look at the atmosphere at all, and didn't notice it at all.

"Let's see when the time comes!"

Yue Si laughed and didn't talk. If he didn't know the inside story, no one would look at A Xing, because if he hadn't seen the ugliness of the Axe Gang's people who were envied by him, he wouldn't have awakened his heart. With a trace of kindness, he hit the wicked Huoyun Evil God with that stick.

"Fat Zaicong, do you want to eat a cone?"

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