Villains Template

Chapter 449: What is your expression! What is the look!

"Love is better than Jin Jian's seven-day lock?" Ghost Wangda repeated the name, and then imagined He Jinyin's use of martial arts with this name to lock the senior brother Shuan Shuiliu. He felt a chill, and couldn't help shivering. Goosebumps all over my arms.

Then he said blankly: "Anyway, you took the money, you have the final say on what name it is."

At this time, He Jinyin didn't know that he was being used as a tool, and at the same time, he was abused when he didn't touch anything.

"That's good, He Jinyin's devil training is divided into two stages. In the morning, I taught him the golden snake to wrap his hands - no, love is better than Jin Jian's seven-day lock, and he takes him to eat, drink and have fun, and by the way, let out smoke bombs to the outside world, Caused psychological pressure to Senior Brother Shutoff."

"But the real killer move is why Jinyin did the special training you did, to open up his second line of appointment and governor within this month, and unleash his potential. That's your sect's stunt, and it's inconvenient for me to watch it on the side. "

"No, the development of He Jinyin's potential still requires the help of others. You can do it. Anyway, this method can only be used on the incomparable martial arts prodigies, not on others." Yue Si He waved his hand and said.

"That's it." Ghost Wangda said: "By the way, when the press conference was held, a reporter from a TV station secretly gave me 500 yuan, saying that they wanted to get my exclusive access to He Jinyin's special training in hell. The right to interview, tomorrow is the first day, I decided to take He Jinyin to play the side stove, use the exclusive secret recipe to make a medicated pot bottom, and make up for him."

When the hard power is unable to fight against the opponent, the application of tactics is very necessary, and there are also TV reporters who actively pay for the tactics of the ghost king. Although there is a big gap with the "hell-style devil training", the effect of the program has arrived. , before the start of the ring match, the ratings have been climbing.

Some merchants noticed this situation, waved their banknotes, and went to the TV station, the ghost king Dahe Jinyinhe, and the senior brother Shuanshuiliu, and wanted them to promote their products.

Senior Brother Shuan Shuiliu grew up in a foot basin, and he has the style of a little foot pot chicken in his bones, that is, he blows some things into the sky, and he pays special attention to the so-called sense of ritual.

Even if it was a month after the competition, he started to regulate his diet very early, and he didn't touch tobacco and alcohol, and he didn't get close to women.

After all, relying on the things of poisoning and seducing opponents, the foot basin martial arts world has done a lot, and of course he will guard against this.

Endorsements, advertisements, etc., Big Brother Shuan Shui Liu refused, and then he lived a regular life. In addition to practicing martial arts, he also practiced with people from the Karate Department of the Global Elite Sports Center to familiarize his body with the feeling of martial arts.

After learning this, He Jinyin breathed a sigh of relief, which meant that Ghost King Da was right, as long as the competition started, Senior Brother Shuan Shui Liu would not do this to Ali again, as long as it was a month later. If he proves himself in the game, he still has a chance.

Then, He Jinyin was even happier when he ate hot pot. A certain hot pot restaurant invited the master and apprentice to eat in his own restaurant in exchange for one month of free meals. When the TV station interviewed, he naturally went to this restaurant. , which is equivalent to spending a month's meal for the two of them, so they invited the TV station to advertise for themselves.

In addition, a large amount of endorsement fees were given to Ghost Wangda and He Jinyin. Although they are not valuables, the way of publicity is just to let the two people talk about their own products when they are interviewed by TV stations. , but it adds up to a lot of money.

And in order to exaggerate the atmosphere, they carried out a psychological offensive against the elder brothers who had been training hard there. After the side fire, they went to hold a pool party, and the expenses were the advertising fees of those businesses.

He Jinyin is also a nostalgic person. Although the boss and colleagues bully him on weekdays, but when it comes to this kind of fun, he has not forgotten them, and called all the boss and buddies of Rongji Bingshi over to have a good time together.

After the pool party, there was karaoke. In short, all kinds of food, drink and fun, all the money that ordinary people could make a small fortune were all spent within a month, as if it was a carnival before death.

And He Jinyin is extraordinarily open when it comes to eating, drinking, and having fun, which is fundamentally different from his identity as a delivery boy and his cowardly and fearful character in the past.

Because only he himself knows what kind of miserable life is behind the eating, drinking and playing.

Every morning before dawn, he was pulled up from the bed by Ghost Wangda with a rattan. After a brief warm-up, he started intense physical training, 100 sit-ups, 100 push-ups, and 100 squats. , and a ten-kilometer run.

On the first day, he almost didn't even finish the most basic training, the whole person collapsed, and he was directly tired and crying.

But just when He Jinyin complained and said that he couldn't do it, Yue Si came forward and urged him.

"What are your expressions! What are your eyes! What are your tears!"

"I ask you, what are your two lines of tears! Can you defeat Senior Brother Shuan Shuiliu with your tears! Can you prove that you have won Ali's heart with your tears!"

Then, Yue Si took out a modified rifle and encouraged He Jinyin to complete the training program.

The rifle with the stock removed and the barrel cut off was held by Yue Si with one hand, like holding a pistol, and shot He Jinyin with a few precise bursts.

When the whistling bullet rubbed his ears and pierced through a two-centimeter-thick wooden board behind him, He Jinyin was full of strength again and completed the prescribed training program.

After the training, He Jinyin walked staggeringly and felt like he fell to the ground at any time. He felt pain everywhere in his body, he felt that his lungs were bleeding, and his heart beat like a drum.

But without waiting for him to rest for two minutes, he hurriedly ate a high-calorie, high-protein nutritious breakfast of steak and fried eggs under the urging of Gui Wangda, and then boarded the truck rented by Gui Wangda, who was driven by Gui Wangda. Driving on the road that few people walk on, to carry out the training of "Seven Days Lock of Love than Gold", if He Jinyin doesn't want to be thrown off, he can only wrap himself firmly on the fence of the truck.

In one month, it was too late for He Jinyin to learn grappling and jiu-jitsu from scratch, so he could only find another way to use the threat between life and death to stimulate He Jinyin's potential, so that he would have a physical memory, so that he could win with no moves.

When he got there, He Jinyin was soft all over his body. If it wasn't for the high-intensity training that had consumed a lot of his physical energy, his digestive system would quickly convert the food into heat, otherwise the breakfast he had eaten would have been spit out long ago.

"He Jinyin, have you mastered the "Nine Yang Divine Art" that was handed to you a few days ago?"

Yue Si, who had been waiting there for a long time, said.

"It's done." He Jinyin nodded.

Although the cheat book given by Yue Si looked very nonsense, the illustrations were more than the text, and there was a price of two cents on the last page, but it was something that was as simple as a comic book. After reading it several times, he really After practicing, I feel that there is an energy in the body, which should be the legendary internal force.

It is also because he has internal strength to protect his body that he was able to endure the somewhat difficult physical training for ordinary people, and after that, he was able to survive the difficult truck training method.

"Ayin, as the saying goes, before you learn to beat people, you must learn to be beaten." Ghost Wangda said to He Jinyin: "I taught you the ace defense stunt of this gate's 'Qin than Jin Jian seven-day lock', which is a one-on-one moment. The strongest defensive skills, specifically to restrain his karate breaking the water, but your physical fitness is too poor, it is very likely that the opponent will be freed by the opponent in the first second."

"So I invited these people to help you and train your anti-strike ability."

Coming out from the side were the owner and clerk of the Rongji Ice Room. They were wearing rubber shoes and aprons. They were also wearing a raincoat outside. They also had various sticks and weapons in their hands.

If it weren't for the fact that people were a little crooked, then judging from the looks of these three, they would be absolutely murderous.

The boss had a smile on his not-so-good-looking face: "Ayin, we were surprised when we knew you were going to challenge that karate master, but none of us have practiced kung fu, so we could only do it silently behind our backs. Come on."

The colleague who looked like Tang Niu said: "Yes, yes, we and the boss are actually very worried about you, but we can't help you. Boss Tang came to us and let us, the few people on your side, be on your side. We were actually surprised when we came out to help.”

Another colleague who looked like He Shuhuan echoed: "Yes, yes."

"What can we do, and it is said on TV that you are an employee of our Rongji Ice Room. The business has been much better recently, and we are even more unable to leave." The boss continued: "But, for you to be able to work in After surviving the match with that karate master, we still put down our business and came here to help you.”

Although it was actually people from the Karate Department of the Elite Center who knew that He Jinyin was working in the Rongji Ice Room, he came to provoke all day long. He set up a table and used his aura and eyes to scare away any diners who came.

And without He Jinyin, the takeaway boy, the takeaway business can't be done.

Therefore, for Yue Si's invitation, the boss and employees of Rongji Ice Room happily went there. Although Yue Si did not give money, he provided meals and beat He Jinyin as a pastime. Why not do it?

What's more, here, you can also get first-hand information, know what level He Jinyin is, and know how to bet when the market opens.

As for Senior Brother Broken Water Flow, there are many people who pressured him to win. As a result, they pressured him for 100 yuan, and he could only get 90 yuan after the game. On the contrary, in He Jinyin’s case, they all pressured him to win in the three rounds. Which round was killed.

If they get inside information, they can have a bottom line in their hearts.

Wiping the tears from the corners of his eyes, He Jinyin, who did not know the truth, said moved: "Boss, thank you."

"Okay, we're done talking, we can start." Ghost Wangda waved his hand and let the three bosses start.

Yue Si took out the "Hockey Mask · Change" that he had previously lent to He Jinyin, and lent it to He Jinyin to wear it: "You can break your hands or feet, as long as you don't break the image."

Then he went with Ghost King Da: "Ghost King Da, have you brought anything?"

"Of course, I brought a professional American oven, which is on the truck." Ghost Wangda patted his chest and said, "And there are chicken wings, sausages, and iced drinks presented by some restaurant owners."

In addition to the oven, Ghost Wangda also brought beach chairs and umbrellas, all to enjoy life.

"That's good, I will use an American oven for my authentic American beef." Yue Si nodded to the ghost king, and then shouted to the boss: "Hurry up and start, consume more energy, wait a moment. To eat more barbecue."

Anyway, idle is idle, barbecue to pass the time is also OK.

He Jinyin thought that Yue Si was talking to him, and shouted loudly, "I want the steak to be seven mature."

After saying that, he received a heavy blow on the shoulder.

"Oh, boss, why did you hit me?" He Jinyin covered his shoulders, and the face under the mask slowly became inconceivable.

"How the anti-strike ability is trained is by constantly being beaten. The way the three of us help you is to slap you hard, and this is also for your own good." The boss said earnestly at the end of, and added He said, "This is what Boss Tang ordered. I think he is right."

"Oops!" Before He Jinyin could react, he was hit again.

Next, the three bosses kept waving the sticks in their hands and smashing them towards He Jinyin, beating He Jinyin so hard.

A bad boy ran in front of him, and three men in raincoats and rubber shoes chased after him, brandishing their weapons. If the sky was darker, it would be better to have more rain. This is definitely a scene in a horror movie.

If it wasn't for this place being chosen out of the way, the police would have come to check it.

"A Yin, don't run away, I don't want you to run away!"

The oven was just set up here, and Ghost King Da took a moment to glance at the other side, took out a hand-held horn, and shouted in Master Yan's tone: "Don't run away, you have to face the stick in their hands, and cut off the water flow, Senior Brother's Fists are more terrifying than the sticks in their hands, if you blindly escape, you will not be able to face up to the fist of Senior Brother Duan Shui Liu in the competition, your martial arts practice is equivalent to nothing!"

"Master, save me!" Originally, He Jinyin was able to run away with the three bosses, but was interrupted by the ghost Wangda, and his footsteps were a little slower, and they were immediately caught up by them, and the stick fell on him like raindrops.

"Idiot, you have studied martial arts, use your fist to meet their sticks, dodge instead of escape!" Ghost King Da shouted ironically.

But He Jinyin was beaten very badly, and he was in the mood to listen to this. He was swept on the leg with a stick by a colleague like Tang Niu, and threw himself on the ground, and was then beaten up.

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