Villains Template

Chapter 489: The good are better, the evil is worse

Looking at Floyd's appearance, if there is a big disagreement, the white knife will go in and the red knife will go out, and Richard Lee will be injured and fall to the ground, and then he will touch the valuables from him - there are senior members of the gang watching, the newcomer When he joined the gang, he had to show his ruthlessness, otherwise he would not be able to get along in the future, and even if he joined the gang, he would not be able to raise his head.

But even if Richard Lee handed over the things, he would inevitably be stabbed, because Floyd's gang joining ceremony not only robbed a person, but also stabbed a person. Only by doing this can he prove that he joined the gang. The determination - just like the votes of the heroes and heroes of Liangshan in the water.

Some time ago, due to the betrayal of the traitor, the brothers in the gang suffered a lot, so the boss would recruit troops to attract more people to join, otherwise he would not have the opportunity to join the gang, and this opportunity must be seized.

Richard Li hurriedly pretended to be cowardly, his eyes rolled around, and he looked aside the black man who surrounded him, and said, "Don't be nervous, I'll take my wallet." Equipped with skills by taking things out of his arms card, and then extracted the nunchaku.

"I hit!"

Richard Lee let out a screeching sound that sounded like a firecracker, making Floyd shake his head. Taking this opportunity, Richard Lee launched a counterattack.

The nunchaku swept across and hit Floyd's hand. The black skin was in pain and let go of the switchblade. Before the knife hit the ground, Richard Lee swept the stick from the bottom up again. He took the switchblade and let it fly overhead. Floyd didn't know what to think, but he looked up at the knife that was originally in his hand.

Richard Lee returned a stick and hit Floyd on the neck, causing the black eyelid to faint on the spot, and this also meant that the circle of black brothers opened a gap, Richard De Li rushed forward.

"Mother Falk."

When a black man saw that Richard Lee was actually fighting back, he even killed a person neatly, and immediately touched his hand to the lower back, where he was pinning a pistol.

But Richard Lee just ran out two steps and stopped, and then the nunchaku swept again, this time instead of hitting someone, he was hit by a switchblade that fell from the air, and the end of the stick was drawn. Above the handle, the switchblade gained a horizontal force, flew towards the crowd, and nailed it to the forehead of the black brother who was about to touch the knife.

In addition to tooth enamel, the hardest human bone is the frontal bone, but the switchblade directly pierced through the man's skull with the help of Richard Lee's acceleration, and the death could not be more dead.

Richard Lee has no concept of his strengthened body. After all, the system is basically dead. Only when he participates in certain 'events' will it make noises. There is no other system that treats the host's body. The ability to quantify various skills has now entered a state of combat. It turns out that he is already a super soldier, big or small, and his reflexes, speed, strength, and accuracy are far beyond that of ordinary humans.

In his serious state, the movements of those black brothers were slow to death, and the trajectory of the switchblade flying out became clear, so he was able to rise and fall, and the series of movements were so neat and tidy.

Otherwise, no matter how proficient one-handed weapons are, he will not be able to continuously draw the switchblade and use it as a weapon to kill the black brother who is the most threatening - he doesn't know if he can dodge bullets, and kill the one with the gun first. wrong.

After indirectly killing the black man, Richard Lee, who was about to turn around and run away, made up his mind and turned around to fight back against the black brothers who surrounded him. Since he was chosen as the target to attack, don't blame him for attacking when he counterattacked. Show no mercy.

With the super soldier's one-handed weapon proficiency, none of the blacks were enemies of the nunchaku in one round, and they all fell to the ground. The fainting of these people was relatively light in the past, and they were basically concussions.

Richard Lee is just an ordinary person who has not received any training. Whether in his previous life or in this life, he has possessed the physique and good skills of a super soldier for hundreds of years, but there is a gap in his mentality. After fainting these few people, he couldn't get out of a state of excitement mixed with fear for a while, and he stepped on the black brothers who fell to the ground, each of them hitting their crotch. , every kick is real.

No matter how advanced the medical technology in the Marvel world is, as long as it can't reach the level of cloning and transplantation, the key to their crotch is basically to remove this kind of treatment result.

During Richard Lee's footsteps, several black friends woke up with pain, and then fainted from the pain.

"Completion Event: Floyd's Joining Ceremony."

"Complete the event: The Heist of the Blacks."

"Get Participation Points: Several."

"Get Character Status: Warrior's Heart."

"Get props: delicious seasoning powder."

After hanging up the "Soldier's Heart", Richard Lee suddenly felt that he had calmed down. The previous events could not touch his nerves at all. Recalling what seemed to be trivial things, his beating heart gradually became stable. Get up: "There are no surveillance probes nearby, there is no evidence that it was my hand, and there are no passers-by watching, even if it was the only dead person, the weapon that killed him didn't have any fingerprints on it, but that Floyd's. ... this matter has nothing to do with me."

The nunchaku is a thing produced by the system. It disappears after the event is over. No one can find its whereabouts. If there is no direct evidence to prove that he moved his hand, then he is innocent.

Richard Li was discharged from the hospital in the morning. He had spent a lot of time cleaning, buying ingredients, and cooking. Now that it was getting late, people with normal intelligence and no bad intentions would not go to this dangerous corner. There were no passers-by here, so the group of black brothers would attack him, which instead gave Richard Lee a cover.

After thinking about it for a while, he found that there was no direct evidence pointing to him, so he swaggered away, walked towards his small restaurant, and turned in the other direction: "Let's have barbecue tonight!"

Yeah, I went out for a brazilian and was interrupted by this swarm of bugs.

"However, what is that delicious seasoning powder?"

The "heart of a warrior" transformed Richard Lee's mentality into a seasoned warrior who has experienced many battles. Although he has no murderous aura or fighting skills at all, it is very useful just to obtain this state. Powder" should also be a very good thing.

Richard Lee clicked on the item introduction in the system and read: "Delicious seasoning powder, from the world of "Doraemon", sprinkle seasoning powder on food, it will become very delicious, people can't help but feel I want to eat it."

"Okay, isn't this forcing me to cook by myself, the golden finger to open a restaurant and make a fortune has arrived." Richard Lee laughed at himself when he saw the introduction of the item, and then suddenly thought of one thing: "Since being The black brothers’ robbery is considered an incident, and there is also income from participating points, then, killing gangs and fighting for justice is also an incident?”

Then the system answered Richard Lee's question, and the answer was "right". Whether it's a hero or an evildoer, as long as it can be known as an incident, you can get participation points, props, skills, etc. award.

No matter if Richard Lee is going to be a "superhero" or a "super villain", the system will not interfere, it all depends on Richard Lee's own choice, even if he is a supervillain in the early stage, and then joins in the later period. A superhero team is also possible, and there is no other system that forces the host to be a positive character.

Regarding the fact that the power of the Hulk can be obtained by injecting the blood of Bruce Banner, Yue Si is not without a target, but there is factual basis.

In the comics, Bruce Banner's cousin, Jennifer Susan Walters, was hospitalized because of a shooting and needed an emergency blood transfusion. Unfortunately, the blood bank was in urgent need of blood at the time. Bruce Banner, who had a very good relationship with his cousin, gave his own Blood, the jewel of Jennifer Susan Waltersin's life, the gamma energy in the blood also mutated her DNA, gaining the power of the Hulk and becoming the female Hulk.

Of course, it is not necessarily the case with others. There is a great probability of being killed by gamma rays, and there is a small probability of mutating. The probability of truly gaining the power of the Hulk is less than one in a million. .

These things are all nonsense by Yue Si. There is no such item in Samuel Stern's research, but Yue Si destroyed the notebook that hacked into the other party's computer, and General Ross would not let him touch it again. For these secrets, the computer staff in the base couldn't even break through the other party's firewall. Only after taking over the other party's computer could they verify the truth of what Yue Si said. By then, everything was settled.

As for Bronsky, if he injects Bruce Banner's blood, or is exposed to gamma radiation, there is only one fate for him, and that is to mutate into a monster called "Abomination", which is dictated by the rules of the universe.

The injection of super soldier serum, General Ross did it behind his back, but Bronski's change was very obvious. The dark side of his heart was magnified, and his face couldn't help but bring a hint of sinister, and there was a flash of fierceness in his eyes from time to time. Light, the muscles that had slackened with the passage of time tightened again, and swelled like an explosion. The wide camouflage uniform wore a tight texture on his body, and the bones became thicker, if not for the clothes. occlusion, and even the root condyles can be seen on the body surface.

And stimulated by General Ross's words about the super soldier serum returning to a youthful state and gaining stronger power, a flame called 'pursuit of power' ignited in his heart, and then Yue Si's call was like adding fuel to the fire. , let his heart ignite a raging fire, yearning for power.

After seeing the powerful power of the Hulk, and after realizing that he could become so powerful, his heart could no longer calm down, and the whole person became a little paranoid.

Obviously, the side effects of Super Soldier Serum are on full display in Bronski, as was the case with the unfinished Super Soldier Serum, and the reason for John Schmidt's transformation into the Red Skull.

After locking the address of Mr. Lan's secret laboratory, General Ross started the operation. With the big killer such as mechanical exoskeleton armor, there is no need for so many men and horses, only some helicopters, armored vehicles to assist, and fully armed The soldiers are responsible for blocking news, as well as things other than combat - such as removing all Mr. Lan's experimental equipment and research materials, and pulling them back to the base for use.

All research on the Hulk is in charge of General Ross, and no one else is allowed to intervene. Although the research carried out by Mr. Lan, Samuel Stern, has been approved by Bruce Banner, in General Ross's view, His research was illegal, all research materials and materials were confiscated, and personal control of Samuel Stern was inevitable.

Under the command of General Ross, a large net was laid. Even if Samuel Stern's laboratory was in the city, according to past experience, the task of capturing the Hulk would not be smooth sailing, and a war would break out. is inevitable.

However, General Ross did not choose to evacuate the people. Instead, he chose to control the news and blocked all the dispatching of his troops. Except for a few people familiar with the matter, the rest did not notice this happening at all. On the street separated by a wall from Samuel Stern, there is still an endless stream of traffic. It is conceivable that once the conflict breaks out, how many people will be involved in How many families will fall apart , his wife and sons were separated, and his family was destroyed.

But those had nothing to do with Yue Si. After delivering the mechanical exoskeleton armor with human parts to General Ross to complete the transaction, and after a few words about the power of Hulk, he led the team back to Hammer Industries.

On the other hand, because Betty Ross was controlled by General Ross in advance, Bruce Banner and his old lover did not meet again. After many setbacks, he finally met Samuel Stern and came to his laboratory. .

Bruce Banner can't wait to solve the problem of the Hulk in his body. The Hulk is a very unstable existence. Bruce Banner himself enters a state of anger, and even if the heartbeat frequency exceeds a certain threshold, he may become Hulk.

This means that Bruce Banner can't let his emotions fluctuate, his emotions must be controlled to a certain extent, and he can't do strenuous exercise.

Not to mention, when carrying out the great harmony of life, both personal emotions and heartbeats are in a state of violent fluctuations, and Bruce Banner at that time will inevitably transform into Hulk...

Therefore, for the happiness of the next half of life (body), Hulk's problem must be solved.

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