Villains Template

Chapter 518: nightmare

"After the sword is activated, it will form a force field with terrifying destructive power. The blade will destroy matter directly from the molecular bond level, and even the armor plate of the main battle tank will be penetrated by a sword. "

The energy supplemented by the flamethrower for the long sword was not enough to support the force field for too long, and the light blue mist quickly subsided. The scientists put the long sword back on the test bench and continued the experiment. .

"If the energy of this sword is sufficient, it will not be what it looks like now. The force field will continue to cover the sword body. Because of the existence of air, the force field will smash the air all the time, which will form A special sound that also generates electricity."

That's not the concern of Nick Fury, who asks, "Can we copy it?"

"No." Then the scientist shook his head and said: "With the existing technology, it is impossible to achieve effective research on this sword. It can be said that we can't even analyze the structure of this sword, let alone that kind of force field. What is the form of its generator, and what is its energy supply method, it can be said that we can't even restore a long sword without a decomposition force field."

Nick Fury had one nightmare, two to be exact.

In the first-level dream, he dreamed that the Hydra welcomed the exiled alien, and it activated the genes of the mutants hidden in the crowd with its own abilities, so that those who carried the mutant genes obtained various A kind of super power, and have an absolute command to them, instructing them to conquer the whole world.

After tens of thousands of years of changes in the times, those who carry mutant gene fragments have reached a very terrifying number. Before their abilities were awakened, many people did not know that they were actually mutants, because among the people who carried mutant genes There are a large part of people who can't awaken their abilities in their whole lives, and just spend their whole life like that as an ordinary person.

And after awakening their abilities, they can recognize their true identity, and many of them even occupy high positions, such as his old acquaintance, General Ross.

The social order on the human side has completely collapsed, and the reluctantly formed feedback force cannot resist the army of mutants. They are simply another species different from humans.

Not even the Avengers, not even Captain Marvel, Carol Danvers, can only watch those superheroes die under the combined attack of mutants, and then be mocked by his old boss, Alexander Pierce.

In the second layer of dreams, it is another situation.

The fleet returned to the earth in a mighty way, to their homeland. The earth is still the same earth, but their homeland is no longer the original homeland.

Although they all thrived on the earth and have the same appearance, today's human beings are not their kind, at least they think so; for the civilization with interstellar navigation ability, today's human society is barbaric And it is backward, and a considerable part of human beings are polluted by mutant genes, which are irreversible. Half of the human beings in the world belong to the "pollutants" that need to be removed.

Then came the war—no, it was a one-sided slaughter, and human resistance was meaningless in the face of that civilization.

Just like the 'one drop of blood principle' of the US emperor, a drop of ink into the water means that the water is polluted. For that civilization, identifying people with mutant genes from the seven billion people in the world is a matter of A very cumbersome thing, so it directly decided to wipe out all human beings.

City-like warships do not need to enter the atmosphere at all. The artillery on both sides of the hull fires at the ground, and removes human cities and important military facilities. Human fighters are shot down before they even have time to lift off; high-energy lasers The beam evaporated a large amount of seawater, and a huge "hole" formed in the sea surface engulfed the fleet.

Finally, the remnants of the defeated soldiers were gathered together to form a complete army. What they had to face was an army armed to the teeth. Countless giants in heavy armor waving long swords from two meters away were tearing apart the human tank battle. Vehicles, not to mention fragile flesh and blood, human bullets and shells can only leave traces on their armor, which are simply walking tanks and chariots, and the existing weapons and equipment are on them, and In the eyes of some media reporters, the water gun is about the same power.

The Avengers worked hard to obtain an opponent's fighter jet, gambled on the future of mankind, carried out beheading tactics, infiltrated the opponent's mothership, and prepared to destroy the fleet's command system, in order to paralyze the entire The battle of the fleet, and then was taken away by a wave without even seeing the opponent's face.

He, Nick Fury, was escorted to a certain existence as a prisoner. He should be a character like the commander of the fleet, sitting on the golden throne, with semi-mechanical skulls floating around the throne. Lighting is provided, and some kind of music resembling a sacrificial ballad is played.

The person who couldn't see his face let out a mocking laugh, as if mocking the self-control of human beings.

Then, Nick Fury woke up, it was only three short hours before he fell asleep, but at this time he could no longer fall asleep, and the things obtained from the ruins were entangled like a nightmare he.

He couldn't help recalling and imagining the scene on the fresco, analyzing the many details, as if there was some kind of magic in it, so that he couldn't get rid of its influence.

As for the relic itself, Nick Fury directly used the authority of the director of SHIELD to raise it to the ninth level of secrets, and this truth was sealed in a small part.

The deity of Yue Si, who is far away in the universe, showed a smile. The mural really has magic power. It is a graphic that he recorded and drawn with the magic method. It has the concept of bewitching people in magic. After seeing it, ordinary people will of course be unwilling to let go. , nightmares and hallucinations are inevitable, even for agents who have been tempered.

Of course, if it is a mage from Kama Taj, the effect is not so good. After all, they have research on soul and consciousness, and specialize in art.

Of course, this influence will gradually disappear with the passage of time, and there is no need to worry that people who come into contact with the murals will become insane.

With the technology provided by Charles Wu Yuesi, S.H.I.E.L.D.'s sky carrier was officially launched, four anti-gravity engines replaced the original turbine engines, and the automatic defense cannon was taken over by the intelligent system and radar system, and there was no communication command. The aircraft approached and, after three unverified interrogations, would directly shoot down the target.

The sky carrier will be the new command base of S.H.I.E.L.D. Although it is very reluctant, the penetration of Hydra into S.H.I.E.L.D. is too serious. If Nick Fury only chooses real S.H.I.E.L.D. agents to come On this helicarrier, even the most basic personnel could not gather together, so they could only recognize it by pinching their noses.

As a command base, there are a large number of S.H.I.E.L.D. staff in the helicarrier, who are constantly busy. Some technicians are responsible for testing the equipment of the helicarrier, while others collect and analyze the data collected from all over the world as usual. information and organize it into pieces of information.

Captain America Steve Rogers was standing in front of the porthole, looking out of the window in a trance, he wasn't looking at anything, he just pretended to look at the scenery.

After awakening Captain America from the frozen state, Nick Fury didn't do much work. A certain sense of crisis made him speak plainly as soon as he came up, and clearly told Captain America that it was 70 years later, and the war had already ended. , the people he knew either died or grew old.

To this end, he also took Captain America to meet Peggy Carter, and let the two people reminisce. Although it is very difficult to integrate into the rhythm of modern life, and it is difficult to get used to the modern way of life, but he accepts this Reality.

"Captain, how does it feel to be in the new century?" Bruce Banner walked to Captain America's side, and asked Captain America in a familiar tone.

He can't be unfamiliar with Captain America, because he has research on the super soldier serum and the work of thawing Captain America from the ice. Bruce Banner is the main person in charge. After he wakes up, he also participated in a series of physical examinations. .

After spending a period of time eating and drinking on the SHIELD resort island, Bruce Banner has gained a lot of weight. After all, on the island, all he can do is have a vacation, eat, drink, do yoga, and relax his body and mind. , let yourself follow the Sylvester agent to learn how to control his emotions and avoid his own emotional fluctuations to release the Hulk.

You don't need to hide from XZ, you don't need to be afraid, it's normal to eat well, sleep well, and gain weight.

The current Bruce Banner is very different from the previous him, in terms of appearance and deeds. people's problems.

"Just call me Steve." Captain America and Bruce Banner politely said, "I don't feel like I belong here, I feel like an outsider, I can't fit in here at all."

"The world I know belongs to the past forever, and everything in the present is so unfamiliar."

"The same is true for me, because of the existence of Hulk, I am a monster in the eyes of others." Bruce Banner found an entry point and started the topic: "But, Steve, your situation is not the same as mine. The difference is not that you cannot fit in here, but that you are unwilling to integrate into this society, and you are resisting yourself to accept the present world.”

It was the first time that Captain America heard this kind of argument, and looked at Bruce Banner in surprise. For various reasons, Bruce Banner was also separated from this world and could not integrate into normal society, so the two had a special relationship. Common topics, being able to chat together, can be said to be sympathetic to each other.

Bruce Banner continued: "When you fell into the Arctic ice, you were not yet thirty years old, even if you were born in your nineties, but In fact, no matter your physical state or your mental age, you are still just a young man in his thirties, even better than those young people in their twenties. It is you who regard yourself as a ninety-something Old people look at it."

"This unhealthy mentality affects you. Young people are energetic, eager to learn, and very receptive to new things, but you close yourself up, refuse to learn to accept new things, and regard yourself as a 90-year-old. Old man of many years, indulging in a bygone era."

"It's not that you can't fit into the world, it's that you are afraid of all this and are unwilling to accept new things. Everything is a matter of your mentality."

Listening to Bruce Banner's analysis, Captain America fell into self-doubt - because Bruce Banner was right, if only his conscious time was counted into his age, he was only a twenty-something. A young man of age puts himself in the position of an old man of the old age, and then uses this as an excuse to refuse to accept new things. Like a smart device like MPhone, although it is said to be smart, it is basically a fool. Operation, even a child who doesn't know anything can play it very skillfully, but he can't play well no matter what, it's hard not to say that this is his problem.

"Gentlemen, please interrupt your chat, we have a new task for you to solve." Nick Fury took out a tablet and pointed to the dark-haired man with an evil smile on it and said, "From The second prince of Asgard, the **** of tricks Loki, his figure appeared in Germany, I need you to bring him back, the use of force is not prohibited, but be careful, do not kill him, it will cause diplomacy ACCIDENT."


Captain America asked He didn't understand why he was fighting a character who came out of myth, and those mythical characters were real?

What happened in New Mexico is classified. Although Captain America and Bruce Banner are the default candidates for the Avengers, the Avengers have not been formally established, and they have no affiliation with S.H.I.E.L.D. They have no authority for this matter. To understand, did not know that such a thing happened.

And Nick Fury told the incident to two people in the most concise language, so that they had a general understanding of the events and the relationship between the characters.

Before Thor and his party returned to Asgard, Yue Si drew a portrait of Loki based on their description of Loki's image, which was reserved for S.H.I.E.L.D. The encounter - stripped of divine power, banished to Earth, and lived as a mortal.

After all, God King Odin has only had two children for thousands of years. Even if it is a usurped power rebellion, it may be raised high and put down gently.

Although judging from Loki's performance, although he fell to the earth, he was not deprived of divine power, and he relied on his own ability to act recklessly...

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