Villains Template

Chapter 587: Escape with all mankind

"I'm not like them, I'm upright."

Yue Stan made a big rant, played a line that no one in this world understands, and then said to Lao Xu: "Lao Xu, bring some desserts and drinks, you know my taste, just choose for me. …What would you like to drink."

"This girl, although you are my wallbreaker and are in a natural opposition to me, there has been no one to communicate with about what I have done over the years since I became a wallfacer."

Yue Si smiled and said to the wallbreaker very enthusiastically: "Since you are my wallbreaker, and now you are looking for me, it means that you know my plan very well, and I can finally find someone to talk to and bring all mankind together. The task on my shoulders is too heavy, I can only keep working to make myself forget the burden on my shoulders, and now there is a person to communicate with, which is really great.”

Yue Si's words and deeds surprised the Wallbreaker very much. His words and deeds were not what a person who shoulders the burden of saving mankind should have. Rather, it was like the kind of social fear of guests at home. Out of politeness, he had to do it. A gesture of warm hospitality, but she kept her mission in mind this time, and replied with a polite smile: "Ice American, thank you."

Old Xu, who was watching the Wallbreaker vigilantly, knew that none of Yue Si's words could be trusted. For example, when Yue Si formulated and implemented a certain plan, he had a meeting with the top person in charge of the underground base. The plan was approved by a considerable number of people.

For many reasons, Lao Xu did not know the content of the meeting, but Yue Si must have explained his strategic thinking and the strategic purpose of implementing a certain plan to the top person in charge.

After the drinks and some fruit desserts were served, Yue Si asked, "Why, didn't you ETO say shoot me? Why, I also have a wall breaker, and you still appear in front of me so grandly."

The Wallbreaker said: "Because of the failure of many assassinations against you, ETO found that with the technology in their hands, it is impossible to kill you in any way. You are a very cautious person, and the principle of the equipment you carry is that we Incomprehensible."

Yue Si took a sip of the drink. Because the perfume smell on the broken man irritated the nasal cavity, he felt that the drink had changed a little. This is a normal thing. Vision and smell have a great influence on the sense of taste. Close your eyes. Holding your nose, Coke and Sprite are basically the same.

"Then I should be proud. After all, ETO doesn't seem to have much effort for my three colleagues."

The Wallbreaker straightened his posture, his beautiful face with a proud coldness: "Can I describe your plan first?"

Hearing the Wallbreaker say this, Yue Si put down his drink, restrained his expression, became serious, and said, "I don't mind recording a video, I really want to know what my plan looks like in your understanding. ."

What Yue Si was doing, everything was announced. What he did was what he thought, except for the fact that he needed to pack and copy the technology tree of the human beings in the "Three-Body Problem" world.

Now when someone comes to him, he opens his mouth and says I understand what you mean and what you are doing, which makes Yue Si a little curious - just like the person who wrote the article, his article was selected into the reading comprehension , he also wanted to know what his original meaningless sentence would look like in the eyes of the person who asked the question.

It's just that Yue Si's curiosity and expectation turned into Yue Si's self-confidence in the eyes of the wall-breaker, confidence in his own strategic plan - as if Yue Si would take out a coin in the next moment and say to himself To: "I bet one dollar, you didn't analyze my plan."

But she was only the one who came to pass the word, not one of the ABCD group of Wallbreakers. The reason why she was selected by Tomoko was only because her appearance was in line with Yue Si's aesthetics, which improved her chances of contacting Yue Si a little. .

"I don't mind the recording."

The Wallbreaker said that she waited until the other staff members put a recorder that was confirmed to be working well and had no faults on the table between the two before she continued to speak: "Wallfacer Yue Si, from the day you became a Wallfacer, you have Committed to the evolution of human beings to eliminate hunger, poverty, ignorance, and backwardness. In this regard, you vigorously promote the construction of infrastructure, create a large number of jobs, and do not hesitate to exchange technology for resources and space elevators for a lot of Minerals, grains, and actively promote the popularization of basic education, forcing all children to receive 12 years of basic education, and even resorting to violent means, physically destroying many cancers that have grown up in human civilization itself.”

"It's a pity that this plan didn't go well." Yue Si said regretfully: "Except for my country, almost no one wants to do that. They would rather waste a lot of resources and provide it to my three colleagues to make a big deal. I would like to look down one more time, build one more road, build one more school, and put one more child in the school."

"However, that is not your real strategic purpose. Everything you do is not done overnight. You need to slowly promote the development of the world, and develop the existing to the best when technology is locked by the Sophon. For this reason , you need a large number of people, not the kind of repetitive workers who sell their labor, but scientists and engineers who do intellectual work, as well as artists and writers who retain and develop human culture.”

The Wallbreaker looked at Yue Si, stared at Yue Si with good-looking eyes, and read out the words she had recited over and over again, which she was already familiar with, and emotionally: "Just like your five-year plan, go step by step. , speed up the pace without violating the objective laws of development - is my statement of your strategic plan correct?"

Yue Si nodded: "Although there are a lot of mistakes, it's pretty much the same. If you can analyze this step, that's it, because even if my plan is exposed, it will have no effect on my plan. The Planetary Defense Council has It's not going to end my plan."

"No, until now, I'm sitting in front of you, and you're still covering up your true purpose." Relying on the deduction of the Zerg Yuesi, who had implanted Yuesi's mental model, the ABCD group of Wallbreakers had already mastered the Knowing what Yue Si will say, he has already deduced a whole set of words, and the wallbreaker only needs to recite it according to the rules: "If you just do those things, you can really deceive us, but you are too Urgent, although there are still four hundred years, you are still too eager, and then expose your true purpose."

"According to the information we have, you are particularly attentive on three projects."

The Wallbreaker stretched out three slender and slender fingers, making Yue Si subconsciously look at the stubby fingers inherited from the body: "The first one is the human body strengthening project, although I don't know where the technology you master comes from. , some of the substances applied cannot even be analyzed and synthesized by Trisolarans, but you have really succeeded in creating a human being that surpasses human beings, and a human being that surpasses today's human beings in all aspects."

"Although limited by cost, only some soldiers affiliated with the space force have been augmented, but the technology is mature and reliable, because so far, there is no case of surgical failure."

"And then." Yue Si said, "You continue to speak, and I will continue to listen."

The Wallbreaker put down his first finger and continued: "Secondly, you pay special attention to the aerospace industry. Space elevators and super-large space stations have been built one after another under your promotion, and there are also improvements in power armor. The space suit of the astronaut has improved the survival rate of astronauts. The most remarkable thing is that the probe launched by the 'Cyclops System' propelled by you with one hand has reached 30% of the speed of light, and the maximum speed of the Trisolaran spacecraft has reached 30%. 10% of the speed of light, although this launch has depleted part of Earth's reserves of mushroom eggs, it is the first time that something has been created from scratch."

"In this regard, the Trisolarans are amazed at the achievements you have guided. The formula of the paint on the probe's sails is what the Trisolarans want to achieve. It can be said that it is what humans can achieve in materials science. peak."

Yue Si said with a smile: "Thank you for the compliment. I am very happy to be recognized by the enemy."

Bending the second finger, the Wallbreaker said: "Finally, and most importantly, you pay special attention to Bill Hines' research, and even inspired the other party to conduct research in the direction of memory transmission, and even funded the other party a super A computer matrix that is nearly 16,000 times faster than today's most powerful supercomputers."

"Bill Hines and his wife, Ms. Keiko Yamasugi, are amazing scientists, especially Ms. Keiko Yamasugi, who can become a scientist and win a Nobel Prize in a foot basin environment. It's amazing." Yue Si said: "Their research is very fruitful, and I also conducted an experiment, and the results were gratifying, that's why I came here for vacation."

Seeing this, the Wallbreaker smiled lightly and said: "At this time, you are still calm - no, I shouldn't call you directly, I should call you 'you', what you have done for mankind, Deserving of a title."

"You only need to analyze these three items, combine them, and add your own personality to analyze your strategic purpose."

The wall-breaker, bending his last finger and moistening his throat with a sip of coffee, said, "You've always been an activist, but you've also been a defeatist, and this is what our psychologists have studied about you. The conclusion after everything is that we know you better than you."

"What have you all collected?" Yue Si asked nervously, straightening his back.

"Everything that can be collected about you." The Wallbreaker gestured on himself and said, "The reason why I came to see you today, you should know the reason."

Yue Si's expression restrained, and he said, "Understood, ETO must have wasted a lot of effort to find someone like you."

Regarding personal aesthetic standards for the opposite sex, Yue Si just made up a random one. He didn't expect that ETO could really correspond.

The Wall Breaker smiled but said nothing. In order to fit the character Yue Si made up, she suffered a lot during this period. First, she overeating every day to gain weight, then she gained muscle and reduced fat, and did yoga to shape her body. , and also practiced boxing. Do you know how difficult it is to practice the vest line?

Yue Si continued: "So, what is your final conclusion?"

"You are a defeatist, a complete escapeist." The Wallbreaker said: "Everything you do is to escape, to escape with human beings - as you said before, in the face of the wall What you said to the rest of the people at the conference where the plan was launched, you didn't hide your plan, you made it all public, you just added story rhetoric when you expressed it, you are less than one Wallfacer. Within hours, you revealed your plans to a lot of people."

"I did." Yue Si said indifferently, his words and deeds were one.

The Wallbreaker continued: "You are very smart, the rest of the people are idiots, they can't understand what you mean, even if the other party is a Nobel Prize winner, even if you reveal your plan, put it before everyone. In front of people, they can't understand your deep purpose, and you can only make the other three Wallfacers cooperate with your plan. plan and work hard.”

"Gather grains, build walls high, and be king slowly. This is the tactic you apply when you implement your strategy. It's very smart and correct, but you didn't strictly follow this strategy. intention."

"Imagine, in the future, a fleet consisting of many ships leaves the solar system, and those space warships driven by a small number of crews carry a large amount of materials and move forward at 30% of the speed of light, heading towards one or more unknown star fields. Go on and explore until you find a planet suitable for human Then the fleet transforms those planets with advanced technology to make it a truly habitable planet, and then the crew begins their real The work of restoring human civilization.”

"The most important component of a civilization is people. With advanced biochemical technology, material collected from that planet, and recorded genetic samples, a large number of people have been brought to this planet in the form of clones. Then, the data-based memory and personality are implanted, and a person who is almost the same as the original person is born."

"Wow!" Yue Si exclaimed, shocked by Wallbreaker's analysis, because that's how he was born.

The biological sages of the Mechanic Religion analyzed and restored part of the genes of the ontology Yue Si to shape the body, and then the original deity was infused with memory and personality.

The Wallfacer went on to say:

"It is much more convenient to carry data than to carry substances. It only needs a storage device large enough and strong enough to carry genetic samples of humans and other species, as well as data-based memories and personalities, which can easily take all human beings to escape."

"This is your real purpose, the real strategic plan of Wallfacer Yue Si, wandering with all mankind and fleeing!"

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