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Chapter 592: attend the funeral

Just like what Yue Si has always done, after Yue Si No. 2 throws out certain information, he leaves some time for others to think before continuing: "The psychiatrist who treats me told the psychiatrist. , in order to control my symptoms, let me focus on one personality as much as possible."

"So, I let this body's original consciousness fall asleep, completely dominated by Yue Si's thinking, you are facing a person with Yue Si's thinking, but my original memory and values ​​still affect I have the thinking of Yue Si, so I claim to be a poor imitation, lacking the memory of Yue Si, which led to many of my judgments being wrong."

"A person's experience has a great influence on his character. Just like Emperor Hui of the Han Dynasty, Liu Ying, the second emperor of the Han Dynasty, Liu Bang was not an emperor when he was young. Liu Bang was defeated in the battle of Pengcheng, and Xiang Yu's men were tight. Reluctant to give up, Liu Bang, in order to escape for his life, lightened the load on the vehicle, kicked Liu Ying and Princess Lu Yuan out of the car three times, and Xia Houying, who was driving for him, got off the carriage three times and carried the child back into the car. The experience made Liu Ying cherish her family very much, to the point of paranoia."

In this regard, Yue Si No. 2, like Yue Si, likes to take historical events as an example, regardless of the knowledge reserves of others.

Nodding his head, Yue Si No. 2 looked at Wallbreaker A, looked at him and took a step back involuntarily, and said, "Your original choice was very correct, in the same culture, the same People who grow up under the education system have a common cultural reserve and ideological education, so they can understand why they think this way."

Having said that, Yue Si No. 2 paused for a while before continuing: "However, I have the same way of thinking as Yue Si, this is enough, my judgment is basically the same as Yue Si's. The same idea is enough!"

Having said that, Yue Si No. 2 smiled and said to several wall breakers: "You know, what does Yue Si's thinking make me think about now?"

"Do you know what I want to do most now?"

Wallbreaker A asked, "What?"

"Hahaha, you are tortured by cruel means. You can't survive, and you can't die. My memory lacks the part that Yue Si's thinking needs. I can only express it like this." No. 2 still had the same smile: "According to Yue Si's thoughts, you traitors of humanity, all ETO members, have voluntarily renounced their human identities when they joined ETO, and the various laws, ethics, The protection of human beings by morality has no effect on you, because you have automatically renounced your human identity."

"Yue Si is a human supremacist, he himself admitted this, you and I both understand." Yue Si No. 2 looked at the four wallbreakers with strange expressions and said, "Don't doubt this kind of thing, he Absolutely do it - do you know why I take so many drugs, the destructive effects of those drugs on the body are irreversible, however, it can control my state, and can restrain my behavior by affecting the secretion of various hormones , otherwise my actions will be completely controlled by Yue Si's mind."

"Using Freud's theory, what controls this body is the id and ego from Yue Si. The memory, personality, and morality of the original me are the superego, which controls the ego and the id, and relies on the influence of drugs. I was able to speak to you so calmly."

"This is just crazy!" Wallbreaker A couldn't help but say.

"I, he, Yue Si, is simply a lunatic, and you have been fighting a lunatic!" Yue Si No. 2

Wallbreaker B looked at Wallbreaker A and said, "How can someone who has become a Wallfacer, a famous scientist, be a lunatic? Did the pressure from the Wallfacer plan drive Yue Si crazy?"

"It seems that you can't understand Yue Si's thinking... normal people." Yue Si No. 2 said: "I asked someone to tell you before that you failed to break the wall of Yue Si, I have already let you Don't waste your energy in vain."

"At that time..." Wallbreaker B said halfway through, he really couldn't think of any words that could accurately and harmlessly describe the state of Yue Si No. 2 at that time: "At that time, you couldn't communicate with people normally, Like you said, in a stage where two people are holding the same handlebar, we can only think that the experiment about you was a failure, and we can only proceed according to our own plan."

"So that's how it is!" Yue Si No. 2 said, "I was in a really bad state at the time—your speculation about Yue Si's plan seems reasonable, but it has the greatest technical threshold—now, I will tell you Break the wall to break the wall."

"When you see me, you should know that the plan you speculated about Yue Si is fundamentally wrong."

Gudong Gudong drank the half bottle of mineral water that he had been holding in his hand, and Yue Si No. 2 said: "First of all, it is a fundamental question, do clones have their own minds, do they have their own consciousness?"

No one had ever thought about this question, and for a while, the four Wallfacers didn't know how to answer it.

"The answer is yes. From the moment of birth, clones have their own thinking and consciousness. A healthy body must have normal brain activity. Consciousness is born from this brain activity, and can For the transmission of memory and personality, the clone must develop to a certain physical state. At this time, implanting memory and personality into the clone's brain will cause a conflict of consciousness, and then the whole person will appear crazy. already."

"In our words, this is called the mystery in the womb - no, it's not the mystery in the womb, it should be called a house grab, the conflict between the two consciousnesses will inevitably cause damage, even if one is very weak, but the other is very weak. The impact is irreversible.”

Wallbreaker B said, "Just like you."

"Yes, just like me." Yue Si No. 2 said unabashedly: "Because Yue Si himself is a lunatic, and I have his own thinking, but I don't seem so crazy."

"What you found and analyzed, what is Yue Si's real plan?" asked Wallbreaker C, who had been silent for a while.

Yue Si No. 2 did not answer directly, but stretched out a finger and gestured: "Your analysis about Yue Si is correct in some places, he did not hide his plans, but publicly announced them, but It's because of the announcement that a lot of people don't think in that direction - for example, Yues once mentioned, helium flash, and has been using Wallfacer Manuel Rey Diaz's research on the sun."

"So, Yue Si's plan is..."

Briefly describing the analyzed plan of Yue Si, the four Wallfacers gasped, and Wallbreaker D said incredulously, "He's a lunatic!"

"Is this technically possible?" Wallbreaker B asked.

Wallbreaker C checked some information, covered his face with his hands, and said, "Yes, the initial results have been achieved, Yue Si has tried similar experiments before, just need to develop in that direction, and the result is inevitable. ."

"The clue is right in front of us, but we didn't find it!"

"Frederick Taylor's research on high-yield mushroom eggs and ball lightning, Manuel Rey Diaz's project has already said, Bill Hines' research on the human brain, and Yue Si himself has been promoting the development of aerospace technology."

"Yue Si has always had a certain level of communication with the other three Wallfacers, and the exchange of technology is a frequent thing, and, do you remember, in Somoko's records, Yue Si once asked the other three Wallfacers to go together, in a state of being unobservable for a period of time during which we have no idea what they said or reached an agreement, it is very likely that at that time, they had reached a cooperation ."

"After all, if the plan that Yue Si No. 2 said is correct, then the size of the plan itself cannot be achieved by the resources that a Wallfacer can mobilize. Therefore, Yue Si divided the entire plan into four, consisting of Four Wallfacers working together - it's really hard to imagine such a crazy plan that he could convince the other three."

Hearing Wallbreaker C talking about the piles of things, Wallbreaker A walked into the room, where the four lines intersected for the second time, looked at the events represented by the intersection, and said: " At that time, the Wallfacer plan was officially launched not long ago, and the other three Wallfacers have not yet established their complete plans. If Yue Si gave a practical plan at this time, then...then..."

"Concentrating on big things is what Yue Si is best at in the indescribable country. He must have learned this, even if it is the most simple application, even if it is the most basic uniting all forces that can be united..."

Wallbreaker A looked at Yue Si No. 2 and said, "Is your speculation reasonable?"

"You already have the answer in your heart, so why ask me." Yue Si No. 2 said: "At least, it is much more reasonable than your previous analysis of Yue Si's plan, at least we don't have a lot of trial and error. Do you have a chance? You have already failed once, and you don’t care if you fail a second time. As long as we can achieve the final goal, we will pay no price, even if we are the price.”

"Even if we use the exhaustive method, as long as we can achieve our initial goal, this is enough - according to Yue Si's idea, when the problem cannot be solved, the table will be overturned and the problem itself will be eliminated."

After being silent for a while, Wallbreaker A said: "Since Yue Si has invited me before, then I am invited to go there this time. This is a good opportunity to defeat Yue Si - this is important. Thanks to Yue Si, he provided that platform by himself."

Wallbreaker A has left the place where he has been working recently, and the rest of the work will be done by Wallbreaker BCD and Yue Si No. 2. He has to prepare for facing Yue Si.

The first thing is clothes. Wallbreaker A first went to the most frequented clothing store. The owner was an old man with gray hair but very neatly groomed. He was wearing a shirt and vest, with round-frame glasses on the bridge of his nose and hanging around his neck. A tape measure, and a small note book tucked into the breast pocket.

"Sir, what kind of clothes do you need for the occasion?"

While taking measurements for Wallbreaker A, the tailor asked.

Wallbreaker A said, "Funeral."

"It could be the funeral of a terrible adversary, or it could be my own."

After taking care of his hairstyle and trimming his beard to a suitable length, the person who appeared in front of Yue Si was a person who should have the image of a "British gentleman" in the propaganda. Wallbreaker A was a middle-aged man full of infinite confidence. .

However, as Yue Si mocked him at the beginning, Wallbreaker A really wore a black suit, white shirt, and black tie, although looking at the fabric and stitching, it was obviously a high-end product.

When Wallbreaker A saw Yue Si, he folded a white handkerchief into the shape of a flower with great interest, and stuffed it on his left chest, as if he really came to attend the funeral.

The last contact Frederick Taylor contacted for Yues was a nuclear power plant, a newly built nuclear power plant using nuclear fusion technology.

In addition to Yue Si and Wallbreaker A, there are also representatives of the Planetary Defense Council. They will review Yue Si's Wallface plan based on Yue Si's actions.

But when he really saw Yue Si, Wallbreaker A discovered that Yue Si No. 2 actually only learned 10% of Yue Si's charm. What Yue Si showed was not madness, but an indescribable temperament~ 30% of that temperament can be described with contempt.

"Who is he?" A representative of the Planetary Defense Council asked Lao Xu—by the way, because after the last time, even if the security personnel recovered quickly and were discharged from the hospital, it still caused a great impact , which shows that Yue Si's security force has improved a lot.

Of course, the people are still those people, but the security personnel on the bright side have all put on power armor, and have carried out some militarized modifications to the power armor - although for Yue Si, that modification is like putting a Sharpening a spoon and tying it to a stick to act like a spear destroys the coordination of the power armor itself.

Relying on the power armor, he conducted a comprehensive inspection of Wallbreaker A, including whether he regarded himself as the pathogen of a certain virus like last time, and finally the result came out that he could have contact with Yue Si within a certain range.

"He's my wallbreaker." Yue Si said to all the representatives of the Planetary Defense Council who attended the "ceremony", saying: "This time, I'm here to deal with his wallbreaker and tell him that ETO has always been It's all going in the wrong direction."

"Wallfacer Yuesi, I am your wallbreaker." Wallbreaker A said his opening remarks, and then said to the representatives of the Planetary Defense Council: "I will unfold the second wallbreaker of the opposite wallfacer Yuesi. Breaking the wall."

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