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Chapter 612: ben parker

This tall, fat man was called Otto Gunther Octavius, or Doctor Octopus.

Dr. Octavius ​​and Dr. Curtis Connors are old acquaintances. Although the two are not good friends, they have talked and chatted for a while, and they can discuss some issues.

As doctors and professors in the American comic industry, and they are still famous, both of them have doctorate qualifications in physics, but they are also dabbling in other fields, such as to make up for physical defects, Dr. Curtis Connors is conducting research on cross-species genetics. Peter Parker in "Spider-Man 3" asked him to study venom. Although he said "just a physicist", Curtis Connors Dr. Nas also actually worked out some properties of the symbiote's venom.

Similarly, in order to get help in conducting research, Dr. Octavius ​​developed mechanical tentacles, as he said, mechanical tentacles involved many fields such as neurology, artificial intelligence, electronic engineering and so on.

"Is the Osborne Group going to venture into new energy too?" Dr. Curtis Connors asked Norman Osborne.

Dr. Curtis Connors knew that Dr. Octavius's long-standing ideal was to make achievements in atomic energy, that is, controllable nuclear fusion technology, but for scientific research, it is absolutely impossible without money, such as Hundreds of thousands of grams of chemical reagents, such as lunar soil with an average unit price of 1,500,001 grams, and controllable nuclear fusion technology, this kind of high-level research is not a small investment.

What's more, many things in atomic physics are controlled items. Why did Sheldon, who was a child in "Little Sheldon", get free electricity and prepare to study a nuclear reactor by himself. The FBI came to the door with the constantly sounding Geiger counter, without the endorsement of a large group, and without the channel of a large group, it was simply impossible.

Obtaining funding from the Osborne Group is not a bad choice for Dr. Octavius, at least he needs a stable source of funds and equipment - if the Osborne Group does not have major financial problems if.

Because of lack of money, no one is willing to sponsor a one-armed university professor. Even if Dr. Curtis Connors is interested in research, he can only be trapped in the university campus, teaching and educating people, and doing some research in his spare time.

Norman Osborne said: "The Osborne Group just wants to obtain the technical authorization of Dr. Octavius, the multi-faceted technology involved in his mechanical tentacles, the sensitivity and accuracy of the machinery, the artificial In the field of intelligence and human neurology, if Dr. Octavius ​​brings out his technology in mechanical tentacles, even if it is only technical theory, ten papers will be enough - but he is obsessed with controllability The study of nuclear fusion."

"During the consultation on technology licensing, Dr. Octavius ​​proposed a new form of cooperation - he can license the related technology of the mechanical tentacles to us for free, but the Osborne Group needs to carry out his research. Funding, I agree, whether as a scientist or as a businessman, Dr. Octavius' proposal is very beneficial to me, how can I disagree."

Those who learn mechanical circuits can see the flexibility and strength of octopus tentacles; those who learn artificial intelligence can see the intelligence of information collection and analysis, which can directly interfere with the intelligence of human thinking. The edge of their ability has been able to make them become big bosses in related industries.

However, Dr. Octavius ​​didn't care about what others could ask for: "Mr. Osborn, you know how huge the investment required for controllable nuclear fusion technology is, the technical authorization of my mechanical tentacles. The licensing fee is simply not comparable to the amount invested.”

Just like a director who created a phenomenal anime IP, his face was unhappy when he mentioned his work, but when he mentioned special photography, he was as happy as an eight-year-old girl with a heart and a smile like a flower. Bloom has already set foot in many classic special drama series such as "Godzilla", "Ultraman", "Kamen Rider", and I don't know whether it will be "Metal Hero" or "Double Dragon" next.

After a brief chat with Dr. Octavius, Dr. Curtis Connors and Norman Osborn left, and Dr. Curtis Connors needed a tour of where he was working next , as well as communicate and understand with people in the team, so as to facilitate the subsequent work.

"Mr. Osborne, what project do you want me to undertake?" Dr. Curtis Connors said to Norman Osborne: "As you can see, I am a physicist and Can't help you much."

"Superheroes." Norman Osborn said: "This is a question I think about when the research and development of physical enhancement drugs is at a bottleneck. Everything I do is prepared for war. My ideal, My knowledge, everything I have created, is in the service of war, that shouldn't be the case!"

"So, I changed my mind and prepared to use the research carried out by the Osborne Group in other directions, to devote resources to certain individuals, to empower them, and to enable them to make the world a better place. place."

"We've got our first superhero who's been bolstered with a Type 2 stamina potion and given some tech gear."

"Can I meet him?" Dr. Curtis Connors looked at Norman Osborn with some anticipation. As a disabled person, he had an inexplicable envy for a healthy body, and won the The superhero with enhanced physical strength must be a perfect existence.

"Sorry, the existence of the superhero is still in the confidential stage. Even if his existence is revealed to the public in the future, his true identity will not be disclosed. This is to protect him and his family - this paragraph You can pay attention to the news from time to time, you should be able to.”

Norman Osborn showed an inexplicable smile and said, "Dr. Curtis Connors, the project you are asking for is how to create a superhero, a hero with powerful abilities."

"And," Norman Osborn said to the thoughtful Dr. Curtis Connors, "and, Doctor, I don't know if you made a choice, what kind of right hand you chose. A high-tech prosthesis made of light alloys is superior to human limbs in all aspects; or a real arm cultivated through biochemical means."

"Dr. Octavius's technology, you should understand that the prosthesis created using the technology of his mechanical tentacles is not inferior to the original human body in some respects, as long as it can live up to self-awareness. ."


"Can you give me time to think about this question?" Although Dr. Curtis Connors was excited, he didn't make a choice right away. He needed to think about it.

Norman Osborn said: "No problem."

After the meeting with the scientists was over, Norman Osborn and Yue Si, who was the shopkeeper, chatted aside.

Unlike the kindness and pride with which the scientists got along, Norman Osborn at this time tore off his disguise and unabashedly displayed his inner anger, which was his anger at the company's senior management: " They seem to have forgotten, that I started this company from scratch, it's called The Osborne Group, it's my Norman Osborne company!"

"These idiots, they only relied on a little money to hold the shares of the Osborne Group, and they dared to question my decision. This company is a company that I have developed and grown a little bit, and it has poured all my efforts into it. , I'd rather spend a year with lunatics in a mental hospital than see their disgusting faces again! Even though they don't understand anything, they have to point fingers at me on professional issues."

"Their brains are corrupted by money, they don't know how to think like a normal person, they can only see financial statements, financial statements! And financial statements! They have no ability to see where the future of a company is. !"

"They deny the ability to pioneer and innovate. They only have interests in their eyes, as if they are going to rot with their money. They dare to kick me out of the company and then sell my hard work!"

"This group is called the Osborne Group!"

After venting, Norman Osborn returned to his original posture of a successful businessman, but looked at his hands in confusion: "What's wrong with me?"

"Oh, this is a normal reaction." When Norman Osborn uttered the first sentence, Yue Si observed him and answered his doubts: "The physical strength potion you used, It strengthens you as a whole, making your bones as if they were reinforced with carbon fibers, so that you can make muscles with soaring strength. At the same time, your internal organs and lymphatics are also obtained in the process Enhanced to adapt to your enhanced body."

"Of course, the strengthening of the brain is also the most important among them. The human brain is still the brain of a primitive man. In the face of a more powerful body, if the brain falls behind, it cannot be mastered. The gap between the body and the brain may even Forming an existence that resembles a second personality."

"Your brain has ushered in the second development, your perception ability and the ability of nerves to recruit muscles are constantly improving. During this period, your emotions have become extraordinarily sharp in this process, and the sadness you can feel , more sad than ever, the joy you can feel, more joy than ever, your anger, more anger than ever - fortunately you have good self-emotional control, although emotional dissonance, but after a short period of venting, it can be very It's good to find yourself quickly and not be swayed by emotions."

Hearing Yue Si's explanation, Norman Osborn breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, his current state was temporary. Otherwise, he was afraid that one day, he would be greedy and ugly by those carrion-eating jackals at the board meeting. Provoked by words and deeds, solve them all.

With his current physical state, that's not something he can't do.

"It seems that I need to take some time to relax, and it is a good choice to be with my child." Norman Osborne said, "Tomorrow, my child Harry's school organized an after-school activity to go to Columbia University for science. Visit the center and I can talk to him on the way to see him."

Norman Osborn's son Harry Osborn is a very interesting child. Although he is a rich second generation, he should have five people and six people, but he feels inferior because of his rich second generation status, because His classmates are all from ordinary families, and he is worried that his maverick will not be able to integrate into his classmates.

And because of the cowardice shown by his inner sensitivity, the only one who can become friends with him is Peter Parker, who is also shy and not good at expressing himself and has not yet transformed himself.

Ben Parker was watching with a few newspapers, and he drew circles and crosses on the job advertisements with a pen, and kept saying: "Look at the requirements for work now, understand computers, understand computers , I still know computers, oh my god, forgive me for this old man, now no matter what you do, you need to know computers."

Ben Parker, who is 68 years old this year, has worked in a company for 35 consecutive years and has become a senior technician, but he was mercilessly dismissed by the company. Now he has become a homeless person, idle at home, and has no pension. Without a new job, I can only show my presence by doing simple tasks like changing light bulbs at This made Ben Parker feel a wave of anxiety.

Ben Parker feels that he is getting old, and he is too old to keep up with the times. Even if he is applying for a job, he can't find a suitable one for him. For him, the computer is a mountain in front of him. It's a must - but he doesn't know that after some time, people who understand computers will not have the opportunity to work for 35 years like him, and they will be fired at the age of 35.

Ben Parker is the head of the family, has a family to support, his wife May Parker is a stay-at-home wife with no source of income, and a nephew Peter Parker who is raised as a son, the family of three depends on his income, although Peter Parker Parker understands photography and makes money by throwing photos in newspapers in his spare time, but that is better than nothing.

However, this year, Peter Parker graduated from high school and needs to go to college. The American Empire is a kind of knowledge monopoly atmosphere. Books, especially professional books, are very expensive, and college tuition can make a family go bankrupt. Thus gave birth to the existence of "Sugardaddy".

Ben Parker and May Parker have been married for many years, but the old couple has no children. For Peter Parker, the nephew, Ben Parker and May Parker are raised as biological sons.

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