Villains Template

Chapter 643: Diana

After a glass of beer, Trevor got up to leave the pub. The story Zadok told made him very uncomfortable. The lackluster story and the poor presentation of the narrator, as well as the details revealed in the story, were not good. experience, especially when you're inextricably linked to that story, it's even worse.

Almost everyone loves to hear stories, but when you become a character in a story, it doesn't feel so good.

When paying the bill, he asked the boss, "Give that person a soup and a piece of bread."

"Who? Oh, it's old Zadok, that old liar." The owner of the tavern looked in the direction Trevor was pointing, saw Zadok drinking beer, and said, "Hey, you were also caught The old liar's story has deceived that paradise island full of gold and beautiful women, that doesn't exist."

"Old Zadok didn't tell the truth at all, all his experiences were fabricated, even his name was fake, he didn't call it this originally, the name Zadok was copied from a certain magazine, He took that name as his own, covered up his real name, and after a long time, everyone called him Zadok, thinking it was his real name, but he forgot his real name."

"Oh, that's how it is." Knowing this from the boss, Trevor relaxed a little for no reason. He didn't feel as relaxed as he is now after finding out that he was cheated: "Well, come on. A glass of wine, the most expensive wine here, and talk to me more about that Zadok..."

The boss poured a glass of wine and slid it to Trevor, and began to tell what he knew, about Zadok in the early years.

"When my father was my age, Zadok started telling his story to other people, Zadok with only one hand can't work like everyone else, can only use stories to deceive people In exchange for wine or food, but his story was not the same as what you heard back then, not the same as what he tells now, more bloody, more unacceptable."

"The Zadok in that story was not an ignorant lucky unlucky **** like he described now, he was a very ambitious and savage guy who, in order to survive, could sneak a sneak attack and plan an escape together. people, just to get a piece of leather armor on the other side, not as a gift from others as you heard."

"His chance to escape was obtained by betraying his companions who were plotting to escape. Half of his companions were sold to the Amazons. He and the rest murdered a companion because they were not carrying enough food and water..."

"Also, about the gods, about the gods on Mount Olympus, Zadok remembered very clearly at that time. Although he was illiterate, he remembered very clearly what the scholars told him, because it was really It is too blasphemous, too shocking, and after listening to it, it is unforgettable, and the memory is still fresh, even I can recall a general idea."

"But Zadok doesn't admit it, he always says he's forgotten about those things, but who knows, I once told him what he once told me in front of him, oh, that old liar , he was so angry that he was like a man-eating shark, at that time I really believed that he had killed people."

Intuition told Trevor to stop listening, but curiosity overcame the faint uneasiness in his heart, and drove him to ask a question: "Zaddock does not know about the gods on Mount Olympus. What did you say."

The boss recalled for a while and said: "Zaddock said at the beginning, he has heard the stories of those scholars, the knowledge recorded in the books of Paradise Island, the hidden history, the hidden truth."

"When this world was just born, an unknown existence was born in the chaos, and then the chaos became orderly, and then Gaia, the mother of the earth, was born. Gaia holds the power of reproduction and is also a symbol of life. He gave birth to the first generation of God King Uranus."

"Uranus is a powerful being, the ruler of the universe, and at the same time a brutal existence, the child Cronus conceived by him and Gaia killed him, therefore, Cronus became the second generation of gods king."

"But because he became the king of gods by killing his father, Cronus feared that he would be overthrown by his own children. At the same time, in order to prevent his power and authority from being divided by his children, Cronus ate his children. , and one of the children called Zeus was quietly sent away by his mother... This child later defeated Cronus and became the third generation of gods until now. "

Trevor interrupted the boss and said, "Greek mythology, I know that."

"Those scholars saw the initial version of the story from the classics of Paradise Island, but it was also restored by later generations through the words of the gods. In the past, the gods still walked on the earth, and people were able to directly contact the gods and communicate with the gods. They communicated, but what they could get was only part of the truth, only the general relationship between the characters, and the original appearance of the matter is no longer clear.” The boss said: “At that time, Zadok directly repeated the words of the scholars, and the wording was definitely better than mine. ."

"However, in the books of Paradise Island, it is recorded that the forms of those gods describe their appearance, and those are all inhuman and terrifying existences, such as a **** who lives in an underwater city, he has the dragon (Dragon) The body, human hands and feet, sharp claws, the head of an elephant, the tentacles of an octopus, with the wings of a bat on the back, the mythical dragon is shaped in his image, the greedy and sleepy image of the dragon, lying on the treasure. The image of the upper sleeping is pointing to Him."

"The gods created all kinds of creatures to work for them. The monsters in mythology we have heard are all servants of the gods; a **** named Prometheus and several other gods designed humans based on many kinds of creatures. , and created humans from the soil, and Zeus noticed the behavior of Prometheus and created the Amazons in imitation. He used the soil to shape the bodies of the Amazons, gave them souls, gave them life, and You can intermarry with humans, and the offspring will also be Amazons.”

"But just like the god-kings betrayed their fathers, human beings have also betrayed their creators, but human beings have no way or strength to resist the gods, so humans began to choose to forget the gods and created false gods with humans as a template, The belief was transferred to those false gods, and it was recorded as the desert oath, it was recorded as an apocalypse event, our gods are false, and they were created by man.”

"At the same time, they also personified those gods, selected people to play those gods, assigned people's names to those gods, and reenacted human deeds with human bodies, thus distorting cause and effect - not human beings to play gods, to repeat The deeds of the gods, but the deeds of human beings are deified, and then the gods are turned into characters in the story, those gods have no names, the names of Gaia, Cronus, Zeus are the people who play them."

Trevor said: "Is this something that can be done? Cover your eyes with your hands and think the world doesn't exist, and this is downright heresy!"

"I don't know about this either. It was the words of the scholars that Zadok recited. Later, when Zadok told the story to others, he also concealed this passage." The boss said: "According to the scholars According to our calculations, the history of mankind is five million years long, and there have been many brilliant civilizations, but they all perished in the wrath of the gods, leaving only a few people to survive, expand the number of races, and build on the ruins. A new civilization, we don't know how many times it is."

Having said this, the tavern owner lowered his voice and said: "Among the things Zadok told, the most heretical ones are actually not those. Those scholars who have not gone completely crazy tell him that we, everything in this world, All things, in fact, do not exist, it is the body of Uranus that twists and forms us, and we are essentially no different from air, soil, and water, and the **** of the sky is the **** of all things.”

"The reason why those scholars are crazy is this, they know too much, but the knowledge recorded in the books on Paradise Island goes against their cognition, but the knowledge recorded in those books is right, it is the truth, and then they crazy."

Trevor got goosebumps all over his body. He subconsciously touched his face. There was touch, outline, and temperature, which was clearly real...

After paying, Trevor said to the boss, "Give that old Zadok a soup and bread."

The boss took the money, and the money paid for the drinks and a piece of food. There was still leftovers, so he sent a soup and bread to the old Zadok. Zadok, who was full of drinks, originally thought that it would be like this tonight. In the past, getting two beers from Trevor was enough for him, and he didn't expect a surprise.

Zadok thanked Trevor, who had left, and began to feast, breaking the bread and dunking it in the soup, waiting for it to soak up the soup before delivering it to his mouth.

Just like soaking steamed buns in vegetable soup, it is eaten by the poor. The bread eaten by the poor is not a good thing. It is hard to swallow. It is mixed with sawdust in different proportions. Throat, there is no soup to soak in to soften it, it must be served with lard, which is spread on the bread.

However, Zadok ate too quickly, he hadn't had a normal meal for too long, and a piece of bread that had not been softened so thoroughly was stuck in his throat, and he couldn't swallow it.

Seeing Zadok's choked face turning purple, none of the group of drunkards around helped him. Instead, they laughed at his appearance and made fun of his embarrassing appearance until Zadok lost his breath. fell to the ground.

Although Steve Trevor followed the flight formation on the bombing mission, he was not only a pilot, but also a spy. The bombing mission was actually a cover for him, allowing him to sneak into the arsenal smoothly and use To obtain the enemy's research data on weapons of mass destruction, and use this to conduct targeted cracking.

Or, use those research materials directly.

But his infiltration failed. Although he obtained important research notes, his existence was also discovered. In a hurry, he had to fly a plane and flee in a hurry...

On Paradise Island, in the golden palace, Diana woke up from her sleep.

This golden palace originally only allowed a small number of people to enter, only Queen Hippolyta could stay in it, but all this changed after the birth of Diana, the girl with the blood of the gods is the island The most noble existence in the world, even Hippolyta, who was queen and gave birth to her, was not as noble as Diana.

Thus, the palace of gold became Diana's property, and only she was allowed to live in it.

The blessing of the gods made her the most perfect creation in the world, possessing the divine power bestowed by Demeter, the goddess of earth and harvest, the wisdom and courage bestowed by Athena, the goddess of wisdom and war, and the hunter bestowed by Artemis, the goddess of hunting. Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty, gave her beauty and love; Hestia, the goddess of holy fire, gave her the holy fire of truth; Hermes, the messenger of the gods, gave her speed and flying ability.

With the blessing of the gods, Diana would not dream, and the dream **** would not give her dreams to her as the son of God.

However, once Diana dreamed, the things in the dream must happen, or it was a revelation from Zeus to his daughter, so when Diana fell asleep, she wore a white robe, that is, a sacrifice that covered her body with sheets. He would wait quietly and observe Diana's sleeping position, so as to judge whether Diana was Obviously, this time Diana was dreaming again, and the priest in white robe walked out of the palace quickly, Notify Queen Hippolyta of this.

Queen Hippolyta entered the palace in the most dignified attire. She wore the armor that Vulcan traded to Paradise Island, a golden cloak, and a standing crown on her head. She spoke to Diana in a motherly tone. Said: "My daughter, what did you dream about?"

"Mother, I dreamed of war."

Diana looked at her mother and told her dreams seriously:

"I dreamed of the existence of evil, which is entrenched in the dark clouds of war, waiting for the battle between the prey, every bite of the prey, every bloodshed, it is its sustenance, and its strength continues to grow until Growing into an unshakable behemoth, it secretly spews poison, making its prey bite more violently, and then when one of the prey is weakened, it will really show its face and join one of them, with the winner's The gesture devours the prey."

"However, it will not stop there. It will only grow in war, and it will continue to start wars, causing millions or more people to die in wars, at its hands, with their souls and their souls. Blood becomes strong."

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