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Chapter 662: The troubles of a boy with soil

Uchiha Obito wanted to cry.

Originally eating happily, his grandmother mentioned this, reminding him of what happened to him in the evening, the trouble he caused, and the "compensation" for which the exact amount was unknown.

The food that tasted better than usual suddenly became tasteless, and Uchiha Obito packed his own food into his stomach.

Grandma saw what was wrong with Uchiha Obito, but she didn't know what happened to Uchiha Obito, and thought that her grandson was emotionally frustrated - Uchiha Obito's feelings for Nohara Rin, grandma is clear.

"Did Nohara Rin rejected you? Your sad expression in the afternoon wasn't because the fish fell to the ground, but was rejected by Nohara Rin!"


Grandma's sudden question made the absent-minded Uchiha Obito wake up as if he was awakened from a nightmare. He said "Ah" blankly, and then stood up abruptly: "Ah, there is no such thing!"

After he finished speaking, Uchiha Obito with three boomerangs in his arms ran out and said without looking back: "Grandma, I'm done eating, don't wait for me."

Only the smiling grandmother looked at Uchiha Obito's back: "Obito is really like his father back then, when he pursued his mother, the hesitant attitude that he could not ask for is exactly the same. !"

Uchiha Obito, who ran out of his own home, did not run around, but purposefully walked towards the home of Uchiha Fugaku, the patriarch of the Uchiha clan.

"Wow, what a big house."

Unlike his own "one-house-built" home, Uchiha Fugaku's home is a typical Japanese-style mansion, a mansion with a courtyard, which is "three out and three in" in an easy-to-understand description method. house.

"When I get married, I will definitely become a great ninja. I must buy such a courtyard, and then... Xiao Lin, hehe."

Uchiha Obito enjoyed his bright future and came to the main gate of Uchiha Fuyue's house.

Uchiha Fuyue's newly married Yan Er has just married his wife Uchiha Mikoto, but in such a large courtyard, there is definitely not only the couple living in it, and as the patriarch of the Uchiha clan, what happened to the servants in the family.

Soon, a servant named Uchiha Fugaku informed Uchiha Obito of the purpose of visiting the door at night, and was received.

Uchiha Fuyue is neatly dressed, kneeling on the tatami, with his arms folded in his hands, with a serious expression, one glance at him, one can understand that he is a stern person. As the patriarch of the Uchiha clan, he is a mature and reliable man. guy.

But Uchiha Obito is Uchiha after all. He knows that this is not just Uchiha Fuyue, the patriarch who deliberately put on this expression, but the Uchiha family has this kind of iceberg face, he Uchiha Obito The sunny boy like soil is an alternative.

"Tell me, what's the matter." Uchiha Fuyue looked at the restless Uchiha clansman across from him and said coldly. Although the guests came to the door, no cup of tea was prepared for Uchiha Obito.

"Lord Patriarch, I came to visit tonight because I have something to show you." Uchiha Obito took out the three boomerangs, placed them on the tatami in front of him, and respectfully pushed them to Uchiha Fugaku.

For the boomerang with poor craftsmanship, rough texture, obvious processing marks and scars, Uchiha Fuyue is not very eye-catching, and he can't figure out what is the use of something like a child's handmade product, but as a Patriarch, he still picked up a boomerang and looked at it carefully before saying, "What is this?"

"It's a new ninja tool, the patriarch!" Uchiha Obito put away his usual escaping gesture and said respectfully.

"Show me." Pushing the boomerang back in front of Uchiha Obito, Uchiha Fuyue stood up and said, "Follow me."

"Yes!" Uchiha Obito grabbed three boomerangs and stood up, followed Uchiha Fugaku through the corridor and came to a courtyard.

The courtyard was empty, with only a few targets standing on one side, which was obviously the place where Uchiha Fugaku usually used to throw shuriken.

"I'm about to start." Uchiha Obito stood in the courtyard and said to Uchiha Fuyue who was beside him.

Uchiha Fuyue did not answer, but nodded.

Uchiha Obito threw the boomerang at the target, but Uchiha Obito didn't know how to use it normally for something he only came into contact with this afternoon, he just aimed and threw it in a simple way go out.

It would be fine if he just threw it for no purpose. Uchiha Obito was aiming at the target and threw it. The first two boomerangs missed the target, and he drew an arc and flew back to a place not far from him. The third Throwing the boomerang at random, it hit the target.

Uchiha Fuyue didn't know the real strength of Uchiha Obito, thinking that he was just demonstrating the characteristics of the boomerang. The writing wheel can see clearly that the flight path of the boomerang is not a straight line or an arc, but a spiral, which is different from the previous one. The ninja tools are different.

The spiral flight path makes the enemy hard to guard, and the boomerang will fly back to the user's hand without hitting the target.

Although it is only a rough wooden product, the difference between the monomers is very large, but Uchiha Obito has shown the particularity of the boomerang, which is another innovation for the ninja after the kunai and the shuriken.

Uchiha Fuyue called the servant's name, and the servant with Chunin level immediately appeared beside Fuyue, lowered his head and asked, "Lord Fuyue, what are your orders?"

Uchiha Fuyue said: "Invite a few elders in the clan, and invite the craftsmen in the clan to bring tools and wood—and, make two cups of tea and bring some snacks."

While speaking, Uchiha Fugaku looked at Uchiha Obito who was standing at attention.

"Hi!" The servant with the same surname Uchiha immediately understood that the tea and snacks were prepared for this junior Uchiha who came to visit at night. Although it is already past dinner time, Uchiha Obito may not have it. Have a meal.

Moreover, the value of what Uchiha Obito brought this time deserves the attention of the patriarch Uchiha Fuyue, and Uchiha Obito cannot be treated as an ordinary clan.

The elders of the Uchiha family are all very old people. Some of them were active when Konoha was not established, and even followed Uchiha Madara. With the passage of time and the years of battles in the early years, chakra was extracted. Over-squeezing cell activity, they age faster than the average old man, but their experience is invaluable.

Even though Uchiha Fuyue is the patriarch, in terms of influence alone, he is not as good as these elders in the clan now, so even if it is an innovative ninja tool.

When the elders arrived, what they saw was Uchiha Fuyue sitting upright, and in the position behind him was a junior Uchiha who was constantly filling his mouth with snacks. With the experience of these elders, it was very obvious that he could see it. It turns out that this kid wearing goggles is actually using the action of drinking tea and eating snacks to hide his inner tension.

In a corner of the room, a craftsman-like person was measuring a strange-shaped piece of wood with a tape measure, recording the data while measuring, and picking up tools to polish and trim another piece of wood.

A Uchiha looked at Uchiha Fuyake in front of him and asked, "Patriarch, why did you call our group of old guys here at night."

Uchiha Fuyue said: "Uchiha has obtained a new kind of ninja tool, a very special kind of ninja tool, which was brought by a Uchiha clan - Obito, who has seen several elders."

Uchiha Obito who was drinking tea hurriedly put down the teacup, not even wiping the cake **** at the corner of his mouth, stood up with a squeak, bowed ninety degrees to the group of Uchiha who seemed to be dying, and shouted loudly: " My name is Uchiha Obito! Fourth grader at Ninja School!"

"Very good, very spirited!"

The elder with Uchiha briefly praised Uchiha Obito, let him sit down, and then asked Uchiha Fuyue: "Fuyue, where is that kind of ninja tool?"

Uchiha Fuyue took out a boomerang, showed it to Uchiha's elders and said, "This is it."

The boomerangs in Fuyue's hand were not the ones made by Yue Si, but were restored by Uchiha's craftsmen. They were made of serious wood, made with professional tools, and the surface was smoothed with sandpaper. I don't know how much better than the one that Biyes saved by hand.

There is no nonsense to introduce the performance of the boomerang, Uchiha Fuyue directly threw it out and proved it with practice.

As the patriarch, Uchiha Fuyue's throwing skills were many times stronger than those of Obito. When the boomerang flew out, it flew over the heads of the elders who were sitting. When he came back, it only ran to the back of one elder's head.

At that moment, the elder whose skin was slack, his eyelids drooping, and who seemed to be able to fall asleep at any moment suddenly widened his eyes, his dim pupils were gleaming, his pupils turned blood red, and there were three hook jades spinning in them. .

The elder who was sitting on his knees spun up and grabbed the boomerang that came straight to the back of his head. The speed was so fast that Uchiha Obito didn't even see his movements clearly, as if nothing happened in the middle. The elder directly changed from kneeling to the final state.

"There is no chakra attached, no special techniques are used, it is the function of the ninja tool itself." Putting away his own writing wheel, the elder returned to a sleepy state, as if the person just now was not him.

He handed the boomerang to the elder next to him, the elder stopped talking, and the other Uchiha elders kept circulating the boomerang and carefully scrutinized the details of the boomerang.

As a high-level executive who has lived from the war era before the establishment of Shinobi Village to the present, the elders of Uchiha understand that the more inconspicuous things such as ninja tools are, the things that really determine the direction of a war, just like Yue Si's previous What Yuna said, even if various ninjutsu emerge in an endless stream, more than 40% of the ninjas on the battlefield actually died of shuriken and kunai.

Boomerang, its trajectory is different from other ninja tools, the enemy does not understand it, and if you shoot it, it can have an extraordinary effect.

"Junior, you did a good job." An elder opened his eyes and glanced at Uchiha Obito.

Just at this sight, Uchiha Obito felt that all his hairs rose. Although the elder did not target him, the murderous aura he accumulated from the sea of ​​corpses and blood made Uchiha Obito, who had not really become a ninja, unbearable. .

"Junior, how did you get this new type of ninja tool?"

Uchiha Obito recounted his experiences in the evening one by one, and of course, it was also the spring and autumn brushwork, which concealed the calamity caused by his clumsy "Uchiha Ryu · Flower Rain in the Sky" throwing method, as well as his Yue Si's extortion and extortion matter, even if the matter only hides part of the facts, but the whole incident has changed when Uchiha Obito's mouth is exposed.

"Junior, what reward do you want to get—although this ninja tool was not developed by you, it was you who brought it to Uchiha." An elder said to Uchiha Obito.

When Uchiha Obito heard this, his brows widened and he said, "Money, I need money."

Because of the money, he brought the boomerang to the patriarch Uchiha Fuyue. As long as he has money, he can get rid of a piece of his heart disease and stop Yue Si's mouth.

Then Uchiha Obito was stuffed with a huge sum of money for him, more than his one-year pocket money combined, and then went home happily.

And those Uchiha elders and Uchiha Fuyue stayed behind and continued the meeting to discuss the matter of this new ninja tool, which is a matter between despicable adults.

Uchiha, who came back home, walked on tiptoe, lest his actions wake up his grandmother. Although he is not a ninja yet, he has also mastered a lot of ninja skills when he is about to graduate, and he can still do this.

With the money, Uchiha Obito was so excited that he couldn't But as soon as the excitement wore off, Uchiha Obito thought that the money wouldn't last long, it was to be given to that strange person Guy's hush money.

Moreover, their appointment time is next weekend, in the woods behind the ninja school, even if he wants to get rid of this heart disease early, he can't do it, he can only spend another week in torment and entanglement.

On the other hand, unlike the tormented Uchiha Obito, Yue Si feels very good.

After the transformation of his thinking, his research has advanced by leaps and bounds. Although the research on "Ultimate Qigong" and [Current Push] has not been completed, it has brought him real power.

Although there is not much change in appearance, his physique has been greatly enhanced, and there is vigorous vitality permeating his body and every cell in him.

His mental power is even more abundant, allowing his brain to maintain emotions at all times, and to be more able to master his own body and every detail of his body.

If it wasn't for Yue Si who didn't want to go too far under Chakra's power system, his total amount of Chakra would be more than the average Jōnin.

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