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Chapter 727: Yuesi's fairy mode

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"When we... when Yuna and I just came out of the orphanage and entered the ninja school, we could only live on the relief funds distributed to the orphans in this village, and our life was very tight, so in the future we imagined , the first and easiest way is to eat a bowl of Yile ramen and two servings of char siew.”

Yue Si said to Uchiha Obito, who was standing beside him blowing wind together, that this is also a practice in the ninja world, and he started with memories.

"I have always hated war and have always resisted becoming a ninja, but this is not something I can decide by my own strength. I did not take the graduation exam, and I directly obtained the qualification to become a ninja. The teacher who accepted me as a disciple was still One of the Konoha Sannin, Orochimaru, under the guidance of Mr. Orochimaru, I became stronger and stronger, and even succeeded in assassinating the three generations of Mizukage."

"Okay, even if I didn't become a ninja, my partners, their life, seems to be the only way to be a ninja. Even if I can keep myself away from the war, I can't prevent others from taking this path."

As the words were revealed, the momentum of Yue Si began to rise, and Uchiha Obito, who was close at hand, directly felt Yue Si's thoughts, that firm will, including the ambition of the entire ninja world, even if Yue Si did not say anything , Uchiha Obito has vaguely felt it.

"War, what did the war bring!"

"What has the war brought us!"

"Everything built by the first Hokage and the second Hokage, including the ninja school system, has been trampled on, and everything is for war."

Yue Si said in an unquestionable tone: "Ninja world, it's time to change - no, the world of ninja should not be what it is today. War and fighting should not be the theme of this world."

"With soil."

Yue Si suddenly mentioned his name, which made Uchiha Obito stunned for a moment, and then replied, "I'm here."

"Would you like to join hands with me to change this world of ninjas and prevent war from taking away everything we cherish!" Yue Si sent an invitation to Uchiha Obito, inviting him to participate in his great cause.

Changing the pattern of the entire ninja world is something that Yue Si has already prepared. For this reason, he has begun to accumulate strength. After all, the ninja world is a world that respects power. As long as you have unparalleled power, you can crush the entire world. The power of your will will be well exercised.

What happened to Yuna was just an opportunity, a reason to be understood by others, and a reason for Yue Si's mentality to change.

But Qin Hui still has three friends. It is impossible for Yue Si to challenge the order of the entire ninja world alone, so he sent an invitation to Uchiha Obito, and Uchiha Obito just thought about it and agreed. Joyce's invitation.

The fists of two people touch together, indicating that the two people will work hard for a common ideal.

However, before Yue Si's major event began to take the first step, they were instructed to leave Konoha Ninja Village. After packing up some necessary items, they were about to rush to the battlefield.

Although the Sand Ninja Village of the Wind Country and the Mist Ninja Village of the Water Country have withdrawn from the war due to the lack of national strength or serious internal conflicts, the war between the remaining three major countries is still very fierce, and there are personnel every day. Casualties, a large number of personnel and supplies are replenished to the front line almost every day, and new forces like Yue Si and Uchiha Obito will of course not let them waste time and lives in the village.

In order to take care of Yuna, Rin Nohara took a leave of absence through her teacher, Minato Namifeng, and stayed in the village. The vacant places were filled by Yue Si. It is a taboo to change the team before the battle. There will be no change, in order to run in with each other in the task, familiarize yourself with the abilities of your partner, and then be able to cooperate perfectly during the battle.

Just like Jiraiya, Tsunade and Orochimaru's Yellow Gambling Poison (crossed out) Konoha Sannin combination, as well as the Yamanaka, Nara, and Akimichi's pig deer butterfly combination, they are all well-known ninja combinations.

However, Yue Si proved his own strength with his outstanding record. Putting him into the Minato class to replace the weaker Nohara Rin would significantly improve the overall strength. The cooperation of ninjas is no longer important here. .

Although Kakashi Hatake is already in the team, the leader is still Namikaze Minato, and Yun Ren is still affected by the death of three generations of Raikage. The pressure in the direction of Konoha is reduced, and the maximum The threat came from the direction of Iwa Ninja, the land of the land, so Namikaze Minato was transferred back and sent back to the front line of the land of the land and the land of fire.

Yue Si had interacted with several people in the Minato class before, and they got along fairly well. When he met Kakashi, Yue Si realized how serious Uchiha Obito’s understatement was.

A scar descended from Kakashi's forehead and crossed his left eye. The lower half of his face was covered by a mask, and the length of the scar could not be seen, but the scene at that time could be imagined, but fortunately, Kakashi Casey's eyes were not injured, and both eyes were still intact.

"Thank you for the dagger, if it weren't for it..." Kakashi noticed Yue Si's gaze, touched the scar on his face subconsciously, and said that before, he had been carrying the dagger 'White Fang' inherited from his father. ', and the Jōnin gift dagger that Uchiha Obito gave him, and now there is only one left.

"What you should thank is Obito. Although I made this knife, it was an order he placed with me, and it was also a gift from him." Yue Si did not take the credit, but told the truth. came out.

Namikaze Minato looked at the three Yue Si who were getting along relatively well, and smiled with relief—in the war, people die every day, and even he couldn't guarantee that he would survive until the end of the war, seeing his students all die. Still alive, he was already satisfied.

Make the best use of everything and make the best of your talents. Konoha sent a new force in the direction of the land of the land. They also acted as the logistics force, including food and grass, shuriken, kunai, detonating talismans, bandages, and a lot more. Mortar shells and grenades specially designed for grenade launchers.

Yue Si checked and found that the mortar shells and grenades used were not detonating charms, but detonating clay.

"Teacher Minato, I have a question that I want to ask." The group set off on their way, and when they set up camp at night, Yue Si went to Minato Minato and told him some doubts in his heart.

As the future four generations of Hokage, the quasi-high-level people in the village, and the people who are closer to the center of Konoha's power, Namikaze Minato must know more about Konoha than his mere Genin.

Namikaze Minato was still in that warm masculine aura, and said, "Okay, what do you want to know."

Yue Si took out a ball of blasting clay and showed it to Minato Namikaze, saying, "Mizuki-sensei, this technique is called blasting clay. It is a kind of ninjutsu left by the second Hokage, filled with mortar shells and grenades. The thing, that's it."

"However, with the technique of detonating clay, there are only three ninja guilds, including me, me, A Guo, who has already sacrificed, and a ninja whose name I can't name. I haven't stayed in the village for a while. Aguo was sacrificed on the battlefield with Yan Ninja. As far as I know, that ninja did not have contact with the village, but the village can still produce so many shells, and it is not used as a substitute for the detonating charm, but It’s real detonating clay, I want to ask you, how much do you know, Minato-sensei.”

From Namikaze Minato, Yue Si understood the general situation.

Yue Si has never resold the blasting clay to Konoha, but only sold the blasting clay as a commodity, which made a lot of money in the village. Although Konoha's Ninja Tool R&D Department came up with a method to replace the blasting charm , But after all, it is not as good as the blasting clay, and the power of the fairy magic and blasting clay is not replaceable by ordinary blasting charms. Therefore, the senior officials of Konoha put their minds on A Guo.

For ninjas, intelligence gathering and spying is one of the compulsory courses, not to mention the affairs in the village. Yue Si once taught Ah Guo the technique of 'exploding clay'. After many investigations, it has been investigated by the senior management in the village. Master, and during the period when Yue Si left the village, the senior officials of Konoha put pressure on A Guo, wanting her to develop her style and hand over the technique of 'exploding clay'.

Everything is for Konoha.

Once this slogan was uttered, Konoha's senior management stood on the commanding heights of morality, and Ah Guo, who had no experience and social experience, was helpless. Under the coercion and temptation, Ah Guo could only agree and hand over the 'exploding clay' to Konoha .

Because she has no second choice other than doing this, she is just a mere shinoin, and the opposite is the combination of the three generations of Hokage and the wood industry consultant, this group of crazy guys, even Uchiha, one of the pillars of Konoha After a clan can be forced to rebel, they will be executed in the name of the other party's rebellion, and even people like Hatake Sakumo of the wood industry can be forced to death.

Even if she was under pressure and didn't hand it over, the top officials of Konoha would try their best to deprive Ah Guo and force her under the pressure of public opinion.

More importantly, A Guo's leader is just an ordinary jounin, not as good as Orochimaru. He has a good reputation and a high status. He also has a mentor-disciple relationship with the three generations of Hokage. He is also the most promising candidate for the next Hokage. As a teacher, Yue Si has invisibly saved a lot of trouble, and was able to stand up to the pressure from the top executives of the wood industry.

"Mizuna-sensei, then, Konoha is now responsible for the production of mortar shells and grenades, who is in charge, Konoha's ninja tool development department or..." Yue Si asked another question of concern.

Namikaze Minato said: "Most of them are Konoha's ninja development department. Of course, due to the needs of the war, the production of a single department cannot keep up with consumption, so the Mito family and the Chuan family took over part of the production. Work."

"TMD, these two old dogs!"

Yue Si cursed in his heart, but on the surface he remained calm, as if he hadn't heard the connection.

At any time, someone will make money.

In the following period of time, Minato Namikaze and Kakashi Hatake found that Yue Si became very taciturn, with a dark face, as if he was full of thoughts, and rarely communicated with others.

Only Uchiha Obito, who had communicated with Yue Si before and listened to Yue Si's exposition of his ideals and aspirations, understood Yue Si's heart and knew how magnificent his partner's heart was.

After arriving at the front line and handing over the supplies, and after a short rest, the Watergate class rushed to the battlefield and participated in the battle. Of course, the war would not only let one class work, there were many classes that cooperated with the Watergate class, including the Hyuga clan. ninja.

The ability of Baiyan to be applied to the battlefield is perfect.

"Within the range I can observe, the number of enemies is seventy, and it is not ruled out that there are other ninjas hiding in places beyond my observation range." The white-eyed ninja had blue veins on his face, and he used the strongest white-eyed ability. Watching the battlefield.

Although it looks calm, it has hidden murderous intentions. If you don't know the situation and lose the first move, even if you have more people on your side, you will definitely suffer from Chanyeol's losses.

"Teacher Minato, let me come!"

Before Namikaze Minato issued a combat order, Yue Si, who had always had a low sense of presence, suddenly stood up and said.

Before Namifeng Minato said anything, he saw Yue Si clasped his hands together: "Secret Technique, Qimen Dunjia Technique, open!"

The power of [magnetic field rotation] circulated on Yue Si, and rust-red battle lines appeared on Yue Si's face. In the eyes of the white rock ninjas of the Hyuga clan, the chakra in Yue Si plummeted, so weak that he could not detect it. On the contrary, Yue Si's aura continued to rise, reaching a very terrifying level, and people could see that this person was unmatched.

"Xianju?" Minato Namifeng looked at Yue Si, the battle lines on Yue Si's face, and the terrifying and domineering aura that he suddenly prompted, and he was worried.

As a disciple of Jiraiya, Namikaze Minato, of course, also went to Mt. Miaomu and followed the toads to practice Xianshu, and the practice was successful.

It’s just that Miaomushan’s celestial arts are not compatible with Minato Namikaze. Just look at Naruto Uzumaki. It takes a long time to keep still to refine the celestial arts chakra. Although the refined celestial arts chakra can bring improvements in all aspects , but there are time constraints.

And Namikaze Minato is a man who pursues One-handed flying thunder **** technique is enough for him to perform superbly, but performing immortal technique is a drag on him, because it is a waste of time.

Because of this, when Namikaze Minato saw the changes in Yue Si's body, he would move closer to the direction of 'immortal art'.

After refining the immortal chakra and entering the "immortal mode", there will inevitably be physical changes, changes in the shape of the pupils, and the appearance of eye shadow and facial lines on the face, all of which are proofs of the "immortal mode".

And the natural energy of the ninja world is very active. After entering the "immortal mode", the power is improved very quickly.

The battle lines of the strong man on Yue Si's face and the skyrocketing aura all confirmed this in Minato Namifeng's heart.

Yue Si's teacher is Orochimaru, one of the three ninjas, and holds the psychic scroll of Longdi Cave, one of the three holy places in the ninja world. It is also an explainable thing that Yue Si learned immortality in Longdi Cave.

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