Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1001: Gu Yunyan hit hard

  Chapter 1001 Heavy damage to Gu Yunyan

  Gu Yunyan's face was gloomy and uncertain. She was hit by Chen Xuan's fist in her lower abdomen, and she suddenly felt that all her internal organs were affected. Crimson blood rose from her chest.

   Then she spat out the blood mixed with minced meat. Going backwards in embarrassment, the ground under his feet appeared to be broken and cracked.

  Gu Yunyan was shocked! I really didn't expect that the weak Chen Xuan could hurt her. Only at this time, Gu Yunyan stared slightly in surprise and said: "You have reached the initial stage of foundation building?!"

  This is an essential leap from condensation to foundation building! In the vast world of Baicao Realm, more than 50% of the people will be stuck at this stage!

  Anyone who can successfully cross over from this stage is a true genius and strong. It can be said that no one can easily cross this step.

   However, the slight surprise in the depths of Gu Yunyan's eyes was quickly replaced by a thick banter. She was a little bit ridiculed now, looking at Chen Xuandao: "Hehe, why do you look so arrogant now? It looks like you can fight with me because you are a level substitute, right? It's just yours. Compared with me, Ability still seems a bit too weak. Do you really think you can compete with me?"

  Gu Yunyan laughed extremely. The dazzling aura fluctuations as she stepped forward turned out to be dazzling colors, her speed suddenly more than doubled, and she reached Chen Xuan's side like lightning.

  She fought back in an instant!

  The sharp spiritual energy was gathered in the palms of the incomparable white, and the astonishing weight as heavy as a mountain, unexpectedly smashed the air into pieces.

  At this time, Chen Xuan's body was completely controlled by this amazing palm.


  Chen Xuan counterattacked but was still blasted. He groaned in embarrassment and retreated out to see that his face inevitably turned pale.

  When he got a place tens of meters away, he slowly raised his head. A faint light of sharp aura emerged from the depths of his deep eyes, and he waved his hand to wipe off the blood that overflowed from the corner of his mouth, and he was really a little joke.

  Gu Yunyan really doesn’t know what else he is so happy about for this? It's nothing more than a bluff to want to come to this kid.

   didn't give him the slightest good face. Moving at lightning speed again, supporting a phoenix-like phantom faintly emerged from her body. Chen Xuan clearly felt a mysterious aura emerging in his mind.

  He almost immediately knew that the amazing power in front of him was called "Huang Mang Jue."

  The striking power is really not weak. The suppressive power of the primitive beast makes people unable to breathe. The huge and vigorous pressure made Chen Xuan at this time seem to have a mountain falling. I have to say that this astonishing pressure made him feel uncomfortable.

  The astonishing phantom of the Phoenix was suppressed in this battlefield in front of him. Looking at this powerful blow, Chen Xuan knew that the time had come to decide the outcome.

  It just takes some time!

  The horrible bombardment fell and the phoenix phantom surging with brilliant light swiftly hit the eyes. Chen Xuan's body was blasted fiercely, and he was blown upside down almost instantly.

  Two hideous gullies emerged from the piercing of both hands into the earth, and Chen Xuan slowly raised his head, and the depths of his eyes were all mocking.

   "Good boy, you really can persist." Gu Yunyan pursed her mouth and smiled, and at this time she shook her head helplessly. When the battle entered the current stage, the role she could mobilize and play was almost to the extreme.

  Now she hardly needs to use any ability and strength, and she can naturally defeat it. Slowly walked towards Chen Xuan, Gu Yunyan decided to use a not weak means to end the battle...

  When she reached Chen Xuan's side, Gu Yunyan's eyes sharpened. Five fingers shot at Chen Xuan like a cold knife.

  The result that should have ended the battle at the next moment did not appear. Her extremely white wrist was actually grabbed by the palm of her hand that seemed to be in arrears. With a bang, the woman in front of her had her wrists firmly controlled and stood up. There was no possibility of movement at all.

  Chen Xuan slowly stood up. The depths of the eyes are all joking at this time. He looked at the girl in front of him and said faintly: "Aren't you trying to hurt me? Come?"

  Gu Yunyan struggled madly. She wanted to get out of Chen Xuan's control, but unfortunately there was no such opportunity for her.

  After struggling strongly for a while, she can clearly see that she is really weak now.


  Chen Xuan slapped down with a slap in the palm of her hand, surging with amazing spiritual light, and quickly fell on her body. With a bang, the extremely powerful palm suddenly shattered her body.

  Her face suddenly paled. Crimson blood spit out Gu Yunyan from her mouth and flew out in embarrassment.

  The body fell heavily and ejected again. Gu Yunyan was stiff all over.

   "The effect of the Sanyuan Qi Pill is really good." Chen Xuan smiled.

   Obviously he swallowed the Sanyuan Qi Condensing Pill at the most dangerous time. The power of this medicine pill rose rapidly in his body like a river, which enabled Chen Xuan to quickly possess the ability and strength to fight against the warriors in the late stage of foundation building.

   Chen Xuan has great confidence in defeating his opponent even if he crosses two or three levels of battle. Now that he possesses such a powerful pill power, he can certainly exert greater strength.

  Looking at Gu Yunyan and Chen Xuan really joked. After a few steps, she reached Gu Yunyan's side and exploded with great power.

  The layer of air exploded and immediately hit Gu Yunyan's body. Boom! An astonishingly heavy palm suddenly split Gu Yunyan's body, and blood was ejected from the wound without money.

  Gu Yunyan vomited blood, turned and flew out. Incomparable red blood was constantly spraying out, and her body was extremely cold at this time, and her body smashed the ground under her feet into a big pit.

  Gu Yunyan crawled out of it embarrassingly. Now that she looked pale, she was really embarrassed to a certain extent.

   His red lips trembled as if he was about to say something, but after all, she held it back, as if there was an arrogance in her heart that would not easily bow her head with Chen Xuan.

  Chen Xuan was anxious that the woman would continue to be tough, and walked out slowly with a smile like a breeze. Swiftly arrived in front of him, the astonishing palm pierced out swiftly and violently, and the palm surging with powerful spiritual energy fell fiercely on Gu Yunyan's shoulder.

  Gu Yunyan's shoulders instantly became bloody. The incomparable heavy blow force made Gu Yunyan fly out, and she fell to the ground lifelessly, and suddenly the sword fell and collapsed!

  (End of this chapter)

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