Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1006: Supreme elder's summon

   Chapter 1006 The Supreme Elder's Summon

  Looking at the girl in front of him, Chen Xuan pursing her lips with a smile, gently rubbing Xiaoyou’s head and saying faintly: "How is your cultivation? Can you make progress?"

  "My talent is not high, it doesn't make much sense to practice." Xiaoyou pouted a little unhappy.

  She didn't lie on this point. To say that Chen Xuan's training for her in the past six months is not weak. It's a pity that her growth is really unsatisfactory. Is it true that Xiaoyou is really not suitable for practicing martial arts?

  He still shook his head helplessly after pondering for a little while. Although the girl in front of him said that the martial arts was very poor, her eyes were very vicious.

  It seems that she has a kind of innate sensitivity to the weakness of the martial artist, no matter what the strong is next to her and show the force, then the shortcoming of this person is what Xiaoyou can see at a glance.

  Chen Xuan was surprised at this and regarded it as a heavenly man. Reluctantly shook his head, Chen Xuan didn't do anything more about this matter. He smiled faintly: "It doesn't matter if you don't have martial arts strength, I will protect you. And I have a strong alchemy, let you It doesn't seem to be a problem to live forever!"

  Xiaoyou nodded quietly and nodded with a smile. It could be seen that she really believed in the words and behavior of the young man in front of her.

  "Why are you two still here? The sky broke outside the door!" When the two people were talking, some rude voices emerged.

  Chen Xuan looked around and found that it was Wang Yingjie who had not seen each other for a long time. Chen Xuan was slightly surprised and said: "What's the matter?"

   "A pair of relatives has come to the sect. They will fight for you alive and dead! As a result, they didn't agree with each other, and now even the suzerain is alarmed!" Wang Yingjie said in annoyance and speechlessness!

   "There is still such a thing." Chen Xuan shook his head helplessly.

  This is really not what he wants to see. Wang Yingjie said: "Now it’s useless for anyone to speak, and the sect is not easy to deal with them. After all, the relationship between these people and the sect is pretty good. Besides, they don’t have any bad intentions if they are expelled rashly. , I believe it will have a very bad effect. You should go check it out!"

   "Okay." Chen Xuan could only nod his head. He really doesn't want to participate in matters outside of cultivation! ...

  A shocking harassment emerged in the lobby. The chaos gave people a sense of horror. Chen Xuan saw the two top old figures fighting at this time, and the intensity of their fighting really felt a bit scary and amazing.

  Dozens of elders of the Ancient Medicine Sect around them were all looking at them with a smile, and at this time they were really helpless shaking their heads.

   Chen Xuan saw that these two fighting elders were both skilled in the mid-foundation stage, and they were not weak in their endurance. Although compared with the strong of Gu Yunyan, there were still some gaps.

But if you want to say that it is weak, it is definitely not counted. After watching for a while, Chen Xuan raised his voice a little speechlessly: "You two have come from afar and stay for a while and go back. Why are you in the ancient medicine sect? This place is making trouble, what kind of place is this, how can you allow you to be so noisy."

  Don’t look at it now, Chen Xuan still seems to have a position in the ancient medicine sect, but he still has a strong respect for the sect.

  This hall is usually opened only when the distinguished guests arrive. Now it is the same as the trading floor, which makes people feel very helpless.

  The two elders who were arguing were immediately stunned, and after a bang, they withdrew each other. I glanced at Chen Xuan and the face of one of the old men suddenly became wonderful: "Aren't you the little friend Chen Xuan?"

  "I'm here for you this time. From the Feihu Empire to the mountains and rivers, you have worked so hard along the way, don't let me down! This is my daughter's picture scroll. If you agree, I will be able to agree to your marriage immediately!"

  The old figure seemed to be really urgent. The other old man sneered and said, "What is your Flying Tiger Empire? My Nanban countries are truly powerful! Little brother, your deeds have been spread throughout Nanban. Everyone hopes you can marry it. Haha, as long as you Once we go, we will definitely respect you and promise to give you endless bright future and wealth. You will never enjoy the glory and wealth in the future!"

  The two elders fought, and at this time they didn’t let each other look like they wanted to fight again.

Chen Xuan looked at the two old men in front of him speechlessly. He waved his hand at this time and said: "I'm sorry I really didn't mean to marry or want to get married! This is impossible, so you don't need to be there for me. Fight here. I still said that this is the ancient medicine sect! If you continue to quarrel like this, I am afraid I will be rude to you."

  Hearing Chen Xuan's words, the two elders were immediately stunned! However, the powerful old man from the Flying Tiger Empire did not give up. He said faintly: "Does the little brother think that the value I gave is too vague, so do you excuse me? My daughter is also considered a beautiful country. You will definitely not I'm wronged, why can't I agree to this beautiful thing?"

   "You can't go on talking nonsense. Give me a hurry, or you'll be polite to you." Chen Xuan began to lose patience.

  The two old men suddenly shrugged their heads, and they could see that they were really frustrated...

  Dozens of elder-level figures in this hall in front of them, at this time they looked at Chen Xuan. There was a strange smell in the depths of the old eyes. Seeing these strange gazes, Chen Xuan suddenly felt speechless.

   shook his head in embarrassment, these old and ruthless people are really speechless!

  At this time, an elder headed by him said with a faint smile: "Boy, we don't make fun of you. The elder too has something to do with you. You can go to the library to see him."

   Chen Xuan's heart suddenly became extremely surprised. Who is the strongest among ancient medicine sects? There is no doubt that this Shenlong is the super strong who sees the head and the tail.

  Thinking of the last time I was fighting for the Imperial Qi Bead. If it weren't for him, I believe Chen Xuan would not be able to easily defeat the powerhouse of the Evil Pill Sect and gain so many benefits.

  I haven't seen this old man for some time. Now since he wants to meet, Chen Xuan naturally has no reason to refuse.

  The library building has been renovated and it can be seen that it is tall and majestic. There are countless collections in it, which can be called a model of the region.

  However, the elder's room in the deepest place has always been a place where disciples of the ancient medicine sect are forbidden. If they are not summoned and allowed, they are absolutely not allowed to enter.

  Chen Xuan felt the antique environment around him. At this time, he really felt a little relieved. He wiped his nose and he was surprised to see that a mysterious picture appeared in front of him.

  The mysterious picture scroll fluctuates with the mysterious feeling and breath of warm light flowing in it, and the overall look is extremely mysterious.

  (End of this chapter)

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