Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1033: Fire Spirit White Tiger

  Chapter 1033 Fire Spirit White Tiger

  The shocking blow that the raindrops all over the sky turned out, but disappeared in the impact and rise of a ray of light.

  The shocking blow made Chen Xuan feel the pressure. The intention of defeating the opponent with a single blow now had no chance of being realized, and Chen Xuan's feet suddenly fell into the void.

  Heavy feet actually split the air, and Chen Xuan's body forcibly stopped.


  Chen Xuan turned into a touch of light at a critical time and then withdrew. Looking at the scene in front of him incredibly, an astonishing solemn color appeared in the depths of his eyes.

  Countless lights of aura quickly gathered, flowing out of Prince Flying Tiger’s body, and converging into an amazing tiger shape.

  This fierce tiger is ten meters high, and the whole body shows a pure white color. Two bright and dazzling flames in the depths of his eyes showed a burning posture.

  The whole tiger gave people a weird feeling. Chen Xuan suddenly realized the form of the tiger in front of him and was really taken aback: "Fire spirit white tiger?!"

  Chen Xuan was really surprised at this time! It is necessary to know that even if their bodies are destroyed by some powerful monsters, the most essential part can survive by remaining in the core of the beast.

As long as the warrior is patient enough, he can continue to communicate with him, and use some methods appropriately to swallow it.

  After a long time, it is naturally not difficult to subdue it. And once this kind of thing is sent into its attack tactics, it may trigger a powerful combat power.

  Maybe in an instant it will be able to bring combat power far beyond the current stage of the warrior! Chen Xuan looked at the sudden appearance of the fire spirit white tiger shape, he clenched his fists tightly at this time and became extremely cautious...

   Coming out of the huge body of the Fire Spirit White Tiger, Prince Feihu’s eyes were full of killing intent.

  "Aren't you very arrogant, little beast? You used to counter-attack me continuously, now you can counter-attack me one more time?" The White Tiger joked incomparably.

  In his opinion, no matter how arrogant the boy in front of him is, it is completely impossible for him to resist such terrifying tricks.

  At this time, he was incomparably joking. The uncomfortable emotions accumulated in the battle before, completely disappeared at this time, and he could clearly see that Prince Flying Tiger was really cruel and joking at this time.

  I can see that at this time, he is carrying a bit of cruelty, he looks at Chen Xuan extremely cruelly, and the depth of his eyes suddenly surges with murderous intent: "Death to me!"

  Prince Flying Tiger is really arrogant. The amazing fire spirit white tiger he mastered, the amazing flames surging and burning in the depths of his eyes, began to become very rich and powerful at this time.

  These amazing killing intent and burning fluctuations can be called weird and terrifying. It has to be said that this amazing tiger at this time seems to be able to kill people as long as it is evil.


   The deafening and terrifying roar erupted from the mouth of the fire-spirited white tiger. Layers of sonic waves erupted swiftly and violently, and I have to say that the intensity of such terrifying horror is amazing.

  In the battlefield in front of you, the astonishing roar broke out very quickly.

   is not only the threat and damage of the sound, but now the entire figure of the tiger is moving swiftly, and the impact of the cold and strong wind slowly swept out the five claws of the fierce tiger after it was in front of you!

  The amazing edge power is coming. It was really powerful and immediately suppressed Chen Xuan.

  At this time, the air around Chen Xuan was completely suppressed. At this moment, it was possible to clearly see that the entire piece of air was shattered in the downward movement of its tiger's claws.

  It can be seen that these amazing blows cannot be easily resisted!

   Chen Xuan was submerged in front of the tiger attack, but at this time, Chen Xuan did not seem to be nervous at all. He looked at the incomparably ferocious tiger in front of him, but his gaze fell on Prince Flying Tiger in the core.

  At this time, he sneered and clenched his fists, ignoring the strength of the tiger's combat power, carrying an astonishing blow that could not be easily resisted, and swept away with a slap in the face.

  Both sides are not weak to fight against natural collision! Boom! Although Chen Xuan's combat power is not weak, compared with the fire-spirited white tiger in front of him, there is naturally a considerable gap.

  But at this time, he could clearly see that under this astonishing impact, his body was torn apart almost instantly.

   Like a cold and heavy stone, Chen Xuan retreats in embarrassment at this time! At this time, I can clearly feel that Chen Xuan has really fallen into a trough after experiencing the blow just now...

  "Is the little beast finally unable to bear it? Die, die!"

  Prince Flying Tiger is really excited now, and in the extreme swelling emotions, at this time, he can clearly see that the face of this Prince Flying Tiger has almost become extremely hideous in an instant.

  The ten-meter-high Huo Ling Baihu roared forward. At this time, its claws fell again and jumped up to Chen Xuan's side. The five claws fell fiercely and hit Chen Xuan.

   Chen Xuan was immediately controlled by the huge impact force, causing the ground in front of him to be blasted out of a big pit.

  Fire spirit white tiger is really ferocious and cruel! Prince Feihu came out from here, with an astonishing joking killing intent surging in the tiger's eyes. He poked his lips to mock through the dusty dust before him.

After waiting to discover Chen Xuan, who was covered in blood, Prince Feihu said indifferently: "You little beast is up to fight? Haha, aren't you arrogant? What's the matter, it's not working anymore!"

  The cold voice of playfulness came from his mouth. At this moment, his palm slowly rose up, and he could see that the incomparably ferocious white tiger was controlled by him.

  The amazing sharp claws fell so hard! I have to say that this powerful and sharp claw gives people a very terrifying feeling! In the battlefield in front of him, at this moment, he could see the sharp and fierce tiger claws falling on Chen Xuan's body swiftly and violently.

  Chen Xuan's body was so shocked that he fell dozens of meters again. Such blows have been blasted dozens of times, and now Chen Xuan has turned into a blood gourd appearance.

   "It's time to end."

  Prince Feihu looked at the young man in front of him faintly, and at this time he also squinted indifferently. To say that the power he holds is not weak. Especially the power that burst out in an instant can be regarded as terrifying.

   But when facing the boy in front of him, his blow was not able to kill him, which was really unexpected. It seems that we shouldn't delay any longer now, and immediately kill it!

  (End of this chapter)

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