Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1043: Land of flames

  Chapter 1043 Land of Flames

  Zhao Feihu was blown upside down and flew out. Now he was covered in blood and his skin was broken.

  He staggered up and swayed, turned and left. But at this time, Chen Xuan walked out from behind him and slapped him on his thick shoulder.

  The horrible claws like steel claws suddenly tore his thick flesh and blood, and blood flowed out without money.

   "Aren't you very arrogant? It seems that Wang Tieshan is right. You people have dealt a cruel blow to the ancient medicine clan, right? Why don't you shoot me now?"

  Chen Xuan's claws began to exert force. Creak! The power of terror caused Zhao Feihu's bones to shatter.

  Zhao Feihu suddenly let out a scream like a pig.

  "Forgive me, forgive me! I can satisfy you with whatever conditions you want!" Zhao Feihu was really embarrassed at this time, and blood mixed with minced meat continued to flow from the corner of his mouth.

  A shocking **** atmosphere gathered all over his body. Zhao Feihu was trembling now. It was obvious that he had fought until now, and he had completely lost all his cards and chips to resist.

Seeing the man in front of him, Chen Xuan just sneered, without any intention of stopping, his eyes filled with madness: "People like you shouldn't live in this world. Apart from harming others, you still know what to do. ?"

  Indescribable hatred and interest burst out. Chen Xuan at this time looked really terrifying.

  At this time, Zhao Feihu’s eyes were full of tension and doubts. He could not imagine the young man in front of him. Where did his amazing anger come from?

  Only at this moment he knew very well that the young man in front of him could no longer let him go, because now even if his body is very weak, he must use his own power to break free of his control!

   Zhao Feihu's body suddenly became full of pitch black toxins. Huhu's spiritual energy immediately drowned both of them, and it could be seen that he was going to use a powerful poison gas impact to get out! ...

  Chen Xuan clasped Zhao Feihu's shoulders tightly, and gave him cruel torture for five minutes. Only when he finally got it, he sneered and punched it out.

  咚! Suddenly Zhao Feihu fell to the ground in a lifeless manner.

   Stepped on Zhao Feihu's body and exploded. The air was filled with astonishing blood. However, within this **** atmosphere, a black and thick storage ring bloomed with a seductive light.

  You can clearly feel the quality and breath from this fluctuation. The strength and quality inside this storage ring are really not weak.

  The song refers to a grasp and take it away. At this time, Chen Xuan turned and shot towards a crack several kilometers away. In the previous battle, in order not to affect Wang Ru's unnecessary damage, he sent it to this one. In the cracks that were cracked out.

  At this time, he saw that his qi was dead as if he had died.

   "It seems that the damage is too heavy! You have to find Bodhi Immortal Grass to continue your life!" Chen Xuan squinted his eyes.

  Although I haven’t known each other for a long time, he has almost been with this girl day and night during this period of time, faintly considering this woman as his younger sister in his heart!

  Now seeing that another life and blood is ruined under the attack of Wutianmen martial artist, Chen Xuan's heart is filled with indescribable irritation and anger!

   "The **** Wutianmen account, I will settle with you sooner or later!"

   Five days later.

  In the depths of the hot and thick valley in front of you, you can clearly see that Chen Xuan's body is moving forward.

  I have to say that the flames here are terrifying! There are scorching air waves everywhere. As long as these thick flames touch a person's body lightly, the body will emit blue smoke.

  The extremely hot temperature seems to be able to easily burn people to death. I have to say that this amazing intensity is terrifying!

  Although the place in front of you is very vast, there are almost no creatures in the area of ​​tens of kilometers! I have to say that this amazing look makes people feel air-conditioned.

   "I can't feel wrong, it should be here..."

  Looking at the space in front of him, Chen Xuan's eyes began to brighten.

  Five minutes later, Chen Xuan came to the edge of a canyon surging with flames. Looking down at the incomparable flame light, it rose rapidly and violently.

  The hot open flame surging in it gives people a cruel feeling of burning.

  Although Chen Xuan's ability is already very good. The body also has a solid water-like aura as a defense, but it is a pity that under such astonishing flames, it still feels a little unbearable.

   just watched for a few seconds, at this time he was a bit unable to hold on, because he could only retreat in embarrassment.

   "What a powerful flame!"

"In this place where flames are tempered, there are things that are reborn from the ashes, and the linden grass has excellent growth conditions!" Feeling the burning of the thick flames, Chen Xuan squinted at this time even though the place was full of indescribable things. It was dangerous, but he decided to take the risk to see the situation.


  But also when Chen Xuan was about to take action, he suddenly discovered that there seemed to be a mysterious aura near this flame canyon.

  This mysterious breath gave him a peculiar feeling. Chen Xuan frowned slightly, carefully sensing the not-weak spiritual energy fluctuations from around him, he immediately pursed his mouth and said: "This should be a breath of a powerful flame treasure, what is it?"

  Chen Xuan was really surprised at this time! You must know that the environment in front of you is very harsh, with endless fire and poisonous squinting.

  Want to get some benefits in such a place, it is really more difficult than reaching the sky.

  Affected by its own environment, it is destined that no special precious materials can be cultivated.

  However, at this time, Chen Xuan was more confident in his own feelings, so after hesitating for a while, he decided to look for this mysterious fluctuation first.

  Look at what exactly is this? The mysterious and fluctuating breath radiated flame light in the air.

   Feeling the location and direction of this object, Chen Xuan immediately began to act.

  On this battlefield filled with hot magma, the air is full of bright and hot fire.

  At this time, I can clearly see that in the deepest part of this flame of light, there is an amazing lake of flames at this time!

  There is a huge flame diaphragm surging around this lake of flames. Covering the sky and the sun, concealing several kilometers or so!

  Chen Xuan looked at the scene in front of him and immediately squinted his eyes, “It seems that someone has entered this place not long ago!”

  He clearly discovered that in this flame enchantment-like breath, there was a faintly weak part, and he had obviously suffered an intrusion not long ago!

  (End of this chapter)

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