Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1067: Fight with Wu Fang

  Chapter 1067 Fighting Wu Fang

   "Your opponent has begun to exert strength, what are you prepared for?" Zhang Jingyue, wearing a moon white robe, looked at Chen Xuan and smiled.

   There was a look of concern on her playful face, which inevitably made people look a little embarrassed.

  Chen Xuandao: "The medicine refining competition is about to end after the overnight stay. Although there is still Wu Fang, I don't think this woman can pose any threat to me... What opponent do I have?"

  "Don't you really know?" Zhang Jingyue became curious at this time.

  Chen Xuan looked at the perfect woman in front of him. At this time, he was also very surprised. At this time, he appeared to ask for knowledge and said: "What is going on?"

"Wu Fang is indeed unlikely to be your opponent, but you can't ignore Wu Yun." Zhang Jingyue looked at the youth around him with a faint smile, pursing his lips. .

  Chen Xuan was immediately stunned: "Wu Yun? Is that Qiu Shijie's fiancee?"

   "Hmm." Nodding her head, she can see that Zhang Jingyue doesn't mean anything negative at this time. Chen Xuan became curious again: "This woman did not participate in the refining competition this time. Even if she has some abilities, it will not have anything to do with this competition! Even if she challenges it in a private name, it depends on me. No mood or desire to accept!"

   Chen Xuan smiled faintly.

  Zhang Jingyue scanned the youth around her, and she nodded her head, and there was a smell that you didn't know in the depths of her eyes.

"You must be able to win the championship of this medicine competition. But after the game is over, there will usually be friendly matches. This is a highly anticipated game, as long as you participate in it, you will immediately become famous. The world! And the benefits are not only that, as long as you can get results in the friendly match, whether you agree or disagree, you can immediately become the elder of Taixu Palace! And you can also have the opportunity to practice once in Taixu Pagoda That is the most valuable training ground in the entire Jiugong Pavilion!"

  "Become an elder directly? Enter Taixu Pagoda for one practice?"

  Hearing two explosive news, even with Chen Xuan's mind, his nerves inevitably jumped violently at this time! ...

  The next day.

  The morning sun pierced the darkness, making the whole world gradually show a warm state.

  Thousands of pharmacists are distributed in all directions on the bluestone ring in front of them. It can be seen that there is a look of expectation on their faces. Obviously, they really attach great importance to the game they enter!

  There is only one reason and that is today’s game, the biggest dark horse Chen Xuan wants to make medicine!

  This news is explosive!

  Chen Xuan is in the VIP room, he is not paying attention to the outside situation now. A faint aura brilliance surged rapidly in his hands, and these powers were sent into his fingers.

  This made Chen Xuan's fingers begin to possess a very powerful combat power and destructive power.

  "God annihilates the finger." Chen Xuan looked at the finger with a faint smile, feeling the astonishing violent aura flowing inside, and a sneer sneer emerged from his lips.

   "Now finally entering the stage of great success, this martial art is not something ordinary people can deal with." He smiled and he really had a cunning mood now.

  After all, outsiders don’t know this thing, and the strength of God's Annihilation Finger is beyond imagination. If you suddenly blow it out without knowing it, I believe it will cause cruel damage to your opponent in an instant!

  At this time, the noise like thunder broke out near the ring at the foot!

  Chen Xuan slowly opened his eyes. He dissipated the special aura that could only appear when he was practicing, and he moved his muscles and bones and spit out muddy breath.

Standing on the white jade railing in front of him, Chen Xuan clearly saw that countless people were casting their eyes here.

   Seeing these extremely concerned gazes in front of him, Chen Xuan was really embarrassed.

   did not stop at the slightest, a faint light of spiritual energy emerged under his feet, and then he swished away from the white jade railing in front of him to the battlefield...

  There is a weak-looking **** the ring that has arrived a long time ago. In general, this girl feels a little bit like a jade.

It may be of good origin, but not too wealthy...In general, there is no noble temperament, but its youthful atmosphere is still very strong, and the atmosphere of honesty and empathy is very strong, which makes the girl in front of him still earn a lot of money. Popularity.

  Obviously, the girl who appeared in front of you at this time was naturally Wu Fang! Wu Fang walked through all the way, especially in the recent match with Chen Xiaoxiong, she showed a fierce state completely different from her style and temperament.

  Finally, with a terrifying perseverance, Chen Xiaoxiong abruptly defeated Chen Xiaoxiong. This incident shocked countless people who knew her.

  And it seems that they are not difficult to guess now. After this competition, I believe Chen Xiaoxiong's innermost heart is that there will be some fear for the quiet girl in front of Xiaojiabiyu!

  After all, this astonishing gap is still too terrifying and terrifying...At this time on the battlefield, I can clearly see that, Chen Xuan looked at the girl in front of him, and smiled.

  Wu Fang's eyes flashed with a lack of confidence... She looked at the tall and stalwart young man in front of her, and couldn't help clenching her fists subconsciously.

  The game has begun!

  Chen Xuan didn't mean to wait at all. To talk about the understanding of Wu Fang, he has fully understood it in previous games.

  Because now, based on her previous record, Chen Xuan can naturally speculate clearly to what extent her ultimate competition ability can reach.

  Since the ability of Wu Fang is now mastered, Chen Xuan is naturally unlikely to waste any time on the game.

  It can be seen that Chen Xuan almost finished the refining of the pill, and when the work was over, he did not forget to glance at the girl who was choosing the medicinal materials.

   A smile appeared from her lips, and Chen Xuan waved his hand to eject the rounded pill.

  The amazing medicinal aroma accompanied by the gradual rise of the pill, and gradually dissipated in the air.

  At this time, everyone was stunned looking at the pill in front of them, feeling the powerful power fluctuating within the pill, and they were all dumbfounded.

  We are not ready yet, have you finished refining the medicine? !

  Under the sun, the whole body of the elixir presents a warm color and quality, and the mellow and refreshing taste flows in it.

  Many people stared at the pill in front of them in amazement. After seven or eight breaths of collective silence, someone screamed: "Jin Yuan Bone Tempering Pill!"

  (End of this chapter)

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