Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1070: Friendly match

  Chapter 1070 Friendly Match

  Friendly match!

Countless people are watching Chen Xuan at this time. This match is very important to them, because for Chen Xuan, who exists as a mystery, this match may be that they can see him in public to really make medicine. The only chance for strength!

  After all, how powerful the alchemist is, they are usually reluctant to reveal it. After all, who is stronger and weaker is a secret for the alchemist himself.

  Because these things will become the key factors that determine victory or defeat in battle, who wants to show their strength and ability if it is not necessary?


  In the urgent attention of countless people, I can see it clearly at this time. In response to the elder's gaze, Chen Xuan nodded faintly.

   Suddenly the whole audience was in an uproar... I didn’t expect Chen Xuan to actually accept this game! ...

  Wu Yun looks heroic. I have to say that this is a perfect girl, whoever sees her will be attracted by her beauty!

  However, Chen Xuan, who appeared in front of her at this time, didn't seem to be very tempted.

  He looked at the very cold girl in front of him, and he was really stressed!

"You defeated Wu Fang and Qiu Shijie, which is very interesting, but you humiliated Qiu Shijie and it made me feel dull. Today-if you really choose to fight with me, you will pay ten times more painful than Qiu Shijie. cost."

  The cold words came from the girl's mouth. The extremely cold aura made people feel terrifying. At this time, he could clearly see that a sharpness appeared in Chen Xuan's eyes.

   "Okay, welcome!"

  He looked at the girl indifferently and pursed his lips and smiled.

  Why does Wu Yun's eyes feel that the young man in front of him is a little different? But at this moment she sneered at her, and there was a look of contempt in the depths of her glasses.

   "Hmm, I don't believe that waste can become stronger in such a short time? It's up to you to see what you can end up looking for."

   An extremely cold breath emerged in the girl's body. At this time, after a brief confrontation between the double opponents, the game has just begun...

  An hour later.

  The astonishing and dazzling light of aura suddenly spread out in the sky. At this time, I can clearly feel how terrifying and real the pure medicinal power from the brilliance should be.

  In general, what is emitted from the medicine in front of me is an extremely refined medicine breath. These breaths flow into the human body and bring huge benefits to the spiritual energy of the human body.

  I believe that as long as the drug can be absorbed for a long time, considerable benefits can be obtained.

  If the core pill can be swallowed directly, it will be self-evident what value it can bring to the body.

  "Pure nourishing pill..."

  Looking at the pill in front of him, the people present were completely stunned! After the shape of the pill was clearly recognized, they all became extremely excited at this time.

  Many people are saying: "These five-grade pill can purify the body to a high degree, thereby shortening the training time of the martial artist. It must be said that it is a very good pill. It is not easy to compete with it."

   "Chen Xuan does not seem to be the girl's opponent after all. But it is no wonder that there are not many people who can match this girl in the world."

   "Hmm... I don't know how Chen Xuan will react and behave under such pressure?"

  The end of Wuyun alchemy. She looked at the young man in front of her with a faint smile, and a faint ridiculous atmosphere emerged in the depths of her pretty eyes. She pursed her red lips and said faintly: "You can start your medicine now."

  It can be seen that Wu Yun was really ridiculing and mocking at this time. Many people hold their breath, because at this time they can feel the tension in the air at this time, after all, today's competition is really cruel.

  It’s really not easy to resist it...

   "Okay." Looking at the aggressive woman in front of him, Chen Xuan grinned, not caring about the strength of the opponent.

He smiled faintly at this moment, and the terrifying smell of medicine in his hands rose rapidly. At this time, he could clearly feel the extremely strong smell of medicine between Chen Xuan's hands. Began to become powerful and dazzling.

   "Dan Cheng!"

  Facing the powerful challenge of the girl in front of him, Chen Xuan gave her a cruel counterattack! I can see that the pill in my hand takes shape quickly!

   Terrifying pure fluctuations flowed inside this pill. It is so powerful that it makes people breathe as if they can get full benefits!

  Chen Xuan sneered faintly: "My medicine doesn't seem to be worse than yours."

   "It's even stronger!" Chen Xuan said lightly...

  The perfectly round pill on the arena is now surging with a powerful light, and it can be seen that the value of this pill is really very high.

   Countless people were stunned first, and then they all said in a frying pan: "This turned out to be a pure Yang body pill? My god, this pill was successfully refined by Chen Xuan!"

"The legend has it that this pill contains a pure Yang Qi, which can evaporate the dirt in the body, and its medicinal effect is very long, even if the pill itself does not exist, but this pure Yang power It can still be played continuously for a long time. In this way, the body of the warrior can be continuously strengthened! This is really surprising!"

   "Chen Xuan is really tough!"

It was not just these peripheral generations who were shocked at this time. Wu Yun was really surprised at this time. She clenched her fists in astonishment and looked at the perfectly round pill in front of her. Everything above the playful alchemy Shocked and can't believe it.

  After a while, she was able to fully realize that the pill in front of her might have surpassed her in its value and practicality!

  There is no point in any regrets now! Only finding a way to make up for it is a serious matter!

   A faint spiritual energy appeared in Wu Yun's fingers, and her faint spirit blade exploded with the flick of her fingers.

  咻! Puff...The spirit blade pierced into the pill without anyone seeing it, but only a small part of the seemingly powerful spirit blade slammed into the pill.

  Most of them were shattered by Chen Xuan's slap, and Wu Yun frowned.

  "Insidious things." Chen Xuan sneered. A strong killing intent appeared in the depths of his eyes at this time, and his fists clenched, his bones squeezed and rattled!

  A good Wu Yun is the same as Qiu Shijie! It's no wonder that the two families can get married, it looks like there are some snakes and rats in a nest!

  (End of this chapter)

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