Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1075: Breakthrough in battle

  Chapter 1075 Breakthrough in battle

  The shocking big gun shot suddenly came before her eyes. There was quite a barbaric power in this big spear, and when he got around Chen Xuan, he forcibly tore the aura around him into countless pieces.

   However, Chen Xuan did not have the slightest fear at this time.

The aura of   huhu quickly gathered between his hands, and his hands became bright and dazzling.

   Fists with amazing aura intensity surged and slammed out fiercely.

  This punch hit the opponent's big gun severely. Bang... the shocking force caused the big gun in front of him to bend abruptly.

   Then countless fine cracks burst open, and these spider-web-like cracks tore the whole big gun, and the big gun suddenly exploded.

Ok? !

There was an unexpected sound of shock, and there was an arrogant young man among the fragments at this time. He looked at Chen Xuan inconceivably, and deep determination and killing intent surged in the deep gray-brown eyes. .

  The young man waved away the sharp fragments in the space. He looked at Chen Xuan and said faintly: "I didn't expect you kid to be able to stop my blow!"

  Chen Xuan slightly stunned the person he knew. Before he had entered the Taixu Building to experience it, this guy locked it in with a gloomy look.

  At that time, Chen Xuan knew that perhaps after entering this battlefield, this kid would attack him.

  He only appeared in front of him now, which made Chen Xuan feel a little surprised.

   "Zhang Cai ha ha." Chen Xuan said lightly.

  Although this guy is just a warrior in the early stage of the formation of alchemy, his confidence is very sufficient. Obviously he has accumulated more than five years of strength during the period of the formation of alchemy.

  Compared with the martial artist who has just entered this realm in the early stage of the formation of pill formation, it can be said that there is a quite essential difference.

  Chen Xuan looked at the guy in front of him curiously, but at this time he also stared slightly.

  It is obviously not realistic to say that he doesn't care about the kid in front of him at all.

  After pondering for a while, I can clearly see Chen Xuan pursing his lips and laughing: "It looks like the gift to the treasure boy is finally here."...

  "The kid has absorbed so much spiritual energy, should I spit out some?" Zhang Cai moved his muscles and bones, and there were jokes and cruel fluctuations in his eyes.

  The dazzling light is so dazzling. This amazing brightness makes people feel scared. At this moment, he could clearly see that the boy in front of him pursed his mouth and showed a cold killing intent.

  The indescribable threat engulfed Chen Xuan. If Chen Xuan can not give him a satisfactory answer at this time, I believe this kid will use cruel means to kill him.

   "Go away, you don't seem to be qualified to talk to me like this." Chen Xuan said lightly.

  Zhang Cai suddenly stunned his dissatisfaction and said: "You dare to talk to me like this, you really eat the guts of a bear."

  He moved his muscles and bones all over his body to burst out astonishing, and the red color deep in his eyes gradually became clear. At this time, he could clearly see that the astonishing killing intent became full and rich.

  After these hostile powers reached their limit, a dazzling light suddenly burst out.

  The big gun buzzes! An attack that was five times stronger than before, suddenly came!

  "Splitting Gunslinger, break it for me!"

   Zhang Cai was so fierce that he could clearly see at this time, his expression began to become afraid.

  Chen Xuan sneered and faced the astonishing blow in front of him, he suddenly squeezed out a Lingsheng Pill. This is already the third Lingsheng Pill taken within this level!

Although   Ling Sheng Dan can bring benefits to people, it is still effective for the warrior to take only the first one in each big level stage.

  There is no benefit to taking it again. However, at this time, Chen Xuan was still preparing to take this pill, because this Lingsheng Pill had the biggest advantage that it could give the person taking it a chance to break through the level with its amazing potential.

  Obviously, if Chen Xuan can raise his level in this battle, the benefits he can obtain will be considerable.


  Pills fall into the mouth and instantly turn into a pure and powerful force like a river! At this moment, I can clearly feel that Chen Xuan's originally calm body suddenly began to become powerful and dazzling.

  The amazing snow-white light in his body, rapidly turning and solidifying.

  As if countless lines were walking around his body, Chen Xuan roared and his level finally rose!

  For an instant, his level was the strength of the early stage of pill formation. With the increase in strength, he can clearly see at this time, Chen Xuan's eyes turned into a bright state like a star.

"It seems that the gap between this half-step pill formation and the real pill formation state is so vast and huge. According to my current combat power and state, if I meet the former me, it is estimated that I can defeat it within one move. !"

   "This gap is really incredible."

  At this time, the attack in front of you has arrived! Seeing the big gun fluctuating with astonishing brightness and strength, it gradually arrived.

  Chen Xuan pursed his mouth and showed a sneer...I didn't care before, but now it seems that this trick is really too weak! ...

   "God's Annihilation Finger!"

   Facing the arrival of the amazing big spear in front of him, Chen Xuan sneered and surging with the fingers of the astonishingly powerful spiritual energy fluctuations, and immediately pierced away fiercely.

  The finger of amazing strength suddenly collided with the big gun in front of you, Boom! The shocking collision caused the big gun in front of him to bend away suddenly, and it could be seen that the big gun that seemed to be powerful in front of him suddenly burst open.

  Chen Xuan's fingers swiftly moved forward like breaking ice. When he got it in front of him, he pierced into the shoulder of the panicked Zhang Cai!

  Zhang Cai's defense ability is very strong, but in the sudden violent stabbing of this finger, he still can't defend it at all.

  It can be seen that this astonishing violent stab blow almost instantly pierced his body apart!

  Blood was sprayed out of it without money, but it could be clearly seen that the whole air was full of blood!

  Zhang only retreated several hundred meters continuously. At this time, his feet were heavily spotted in the mud, and as the earth broke apart, he gradually raised his head and a faint **** air from the depths of his eyes emerged.

He looked at the young man in front of him, pursed his lips and sneered, waved his hand to wipe off the hot blood spilling from the corners of his mouth, and said faintly: "A good boy has the ability, but if you try to use this means, you will defeat me. Can't do it!"

  (End of this chapter)

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