Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1102: Game start

  Chapter 1102 The start of the game

  Dongyuan and Xiyuan’s big competition was about to start, which was a considerable temptation for Chen Xuan.

  After all, as long as he can get some rankings in this competition, he will be eligible to enter the grounds of the Jiugongwai Pavilion to practice!

  Although he has not practiced in the Jiugong Pavilion in the recent period, he still admires and covets this extremely powerful place.

  Now that the big competition has started, it is natural that Chen Xuan could not have the slightest intention to give up.

After waiting to clarify the general situation of the participants in front of him, Chen Xuan only pursed his mouth and smiled.

   "It seems that the challenge and pressure this time are not great!" He looked at the hundreds of warriors in front of him with a faint smile.

  Even though these guys, their ability to enter the Jiugong Pavilion has proven that they are still capable and capable.

  Unfortunately, compared with Chen Xuan, this is relatively ordinary.

  At this time, Chen Xuan was waiting for the start of the game. He believed that with his means, as long as he was able to explode, he believed that the battle would be settled in a very short time!

  But also when Chen Xuan was thinking about it at this time, he seemed to suddenly realize that among the many people, there seemed to be sharp eyes bursting out!

  The amazing look in the depths of the eyes seemed to have countless knives turning in it at this time. When he got in front of Chen Xuan's eyes, they pierced into his body, which made Chen Xuan feel very uncomfortable at this time!

   squinting at the scene in front of him, after he pondered for a while, he curled his mouth and revealed an extremely cold ridicule.

   "It looks like my opponent has appeared." Chen Xuan said coldly...

  The game started in half an hour!

  Chen Xuan looked at them lightly, just closing his eyes and paying attention.

  After seven hours have passed, he slowly opened his eyes amidst an indescribable blast.

   Chen Xuan looked at the warrior who appeared on the battlefield at this time, and his eyes immediately narrowed into a line.

"This guy…"

  Chen Xuan's eyes showed amazing sharp fluctuations in the depths! What appeared in front of him was a face that looked quite young. Although this man was only about twenty years old, the calmness that emerged from his body was quite powerful!

  Especially in the battle that took place in front of him, the kind of strength he showed is even more impressive!

   seems to be anxious to end the game? However, the visual enjoyment brought by such amazing combat power is naturally great!

  Because many people are now crazy and become admirers of this guy unknowingly!

   "Half-step holy emperor quadruple realm warrior."

  Chen Xuan looked at the guy in front of him, and at this time he couldn't help feeling a little uncomfortable!

  Similar to the powerful warriors of this level, let alone places like Dongyuan and Xiyuan, even in the legendary Tianyuan and Diyuan, it is estimated that there will be some emboldened existence!

  After all, when martial arts enters this level and level, it is already very powerful!

  If you want to contend with this powerful life, if your own strength and confidence are not strong enough, then it will be really sad...

  Chen Xuan stared at this guy at this moment, and now it's finally his turn to play! …

  On this battlefield in front of you, the astonishing light of aura quickly converged into a powerful blade shape, and the terrifying killing intent made people unable to resist easily!

  I have to say that Chen Xuan’s current combat effectiveness has reached a certain level.

  The one who appeared in front of Chen Xuan's eyes was a half-step Saint Emperor dual-level warrior, with two sparkling steel knives in his hands.

  On the surface of this steel knife, there are countless fine and dense lines, and the dazzling spiritual energy flowing inside it, you can see that it is really powerful and terrifying.

  That is a man close to thirty years old. His fighting ability is very strange. It can be seen that when he swings the two knives in his hands, he can not only cause cruel damage and blows to his opponents.

   And when it uses steel knives to dance, its defense power is also quite astonishing!

  It can be seen that in this kind of offensive and defensive battle, it is really necessary to pay some price if you want to break it.

  However, Chen Xuan did not seem to be anxious to break it at this time.

  Because in his opinion, he wants to defeat the seemingly powerful boy in front of him with not weak means, it seems that there is no too much difficulty!

  But this guy in front of him is the last one in this competition. If you want to get some opportunities to improve your strength, now it's the best chance.

  Looking at this battle, the energetic man was surging all over, with cold emotions in his eyes.

   "Does it have to pay such a price to deal with a weak person? It seems that Chen Xuan's ability is nothing more than that!"

  The young man put his hands in his sleeves, his eyes filled with astonishing killing intent!

  It can be seen that he really has a kind of ridicule at this time.

  The battle on the square gradually subsided with the passage of time. Although the young man with double knives, his ability and ability are very powerful and amazing.

  Unfortunately, under Chen Xuan's blow at this time, he still didn't seem to be able to gain much advantage.

  After a stalemate for a certain period of time, I can clearly feel it at this time.

   Chen Xuan, who was relatively calm at first, suddenly became extremely powerful in his attack intensity.

   At this time, he pursed his mouth and smiled, feeling the emptiness of his whole body, and now finally began to solidify, Chen Xuan pursed his mouth and smiled.

  Looking at the young man brandishing a pair of swords in front of him, he smiled faintly: "It's over!"


  The aura of the astonishing palms whirled, which made his white palms look like crystals.

  Chen Xuan manipulated the palm of an astonishingly powerful force, and swiftly waved the blow away.

  It was almost instantaneous, and the striking strength of this shocking strength slammed in front of him, the body of the young man holding a pair of knives and hitting like a gust of wind.

  咚! The terrifying slapping force immediately caused the young man in front of him to shake.

  He snorted and flew out in embarrassment. It was obvious that he was really embarrassed at this time.

  With both swords away from his hand, the young man fell heavily to the ground.

  He got up in embarrassment and looked at Chen Xuan in shock. He didn't seem to think that this guy who seemed to be mediocre before, why suddenly became more powerful? !

   "Chen Xuan wins!"

  There was an old figure on the rostrum at this time, waving his arm with a loud voice.

  (End of this chapter)

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