Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1232: Cutting Ice Spirit Fairy

   Chapter 1232 Cutting Ice Spirit Fairy

  The young man from Huo Xiu wailed, but at this moment he couldn't avoid it at all, and punched in the head.

  The cruel impact tore his head and exploded immediately! His body flew out in embarrassment, and he fell to the ground after reaching a distance of tens of thousands of meters.

   Hot blood came out of his shell without money, and his body showed violent convulsions. It is a pity that his head has exploded now, even though his powerful strength made his vitality very vigorous.

  Unfortunately, there is no possibility that he will survive at all.

  Quily, an astonishing frost and cold knife burst out. The Frost Hanknife burst into dazzling light in the sun, and when he came to his side, he immediately stabbed the remains of the young man Huo Xiu.

  噗嗤! An astonishing knife was sent into his body, and his internal organs were shattered by an astonishing tear!

  Even if the vitality of the fire repair youth is very strong, when the body bears such an astonishing blow, it is immediately killed!

   "Things looking for death." Chen Xuan came to his side and stepped on it to explode!

Chen Xuan saw a treasure box among the messy flesh and blood. Then he caught it in his hand, and a faint smile appeared in the depths of Chen Xuan's eyes.

   "Hehe, you can leave now!"

   Five days later.

Chen Xuan smiled with a faint smile: "This guy named Feng Ao turned out to be a genius of the Blood Fiend Palace. Especially with a not-so-weak attainment in the cultivation of flame attributes, it's a pity that he went out alone. And he proudly believes that he will not have the slightest problem in this adventure land, which led to a cruel failure. If he and other geniuses in the Blood Fiend Palace act together, it is estimated that even if he wants to kill him, it is estimated There will be considerable difficulty...hehe, it seems that this guy is also looking for death."

   Chen Xuan smiled faintly.

  Waving a hand to take out a very mysterious martial art, feeling the not weak fighting power flowing out of the inside, he really pursed his mouth and smiled.

  "Blasting the sky, Tianyuan palm." Chen Xuan smiled faintly. He could clearly feel that the rank and strength of this martial art were extremely powerful, but Feng Ao was so powerful that he had not been able to grasp all its connotations.

Chen Xuan was a little frightened at this time. If he could master more levels of this incomparable martial art, it is estimated that in the last battle, even if Chen Xuan temporarily increased his level through the pill, he reached the level of harmony. The level and level of combat.

   But whether it can be defeated in the end, it is really not easy to say!

  Looking at the amazing value of martial arts in his hand, Chen Xuan's excitement gradually calmed down, no matter what, he should work hard to master the content of this martial arts.

  After all, although Feng Ao said that his personality is very tricky and domineering, his talent and talent are absolutely sufficient.

No one like    can completely master these amazing martial arts, and can clearly feel that what he has mastered is only a small part of the martial arts content.

What is the reason? I believe that Feng Ao’s problems encountered by Chen Xuan will also be encountered... At this time, he does not have the slightest care and pride in his mind. What is the trick in this martial arts, just such a guess does not have the slightest meaning.

  Chen Xuan collected the martial arts. At this time, he pursed his mouth and a faint smile appeared. Only through practical training, may he be able to find out his problems and difficulty points!

  In Chen Xuan's hands in the deepest part of this dense forest, the light of amazing aura gradually gathered together.

  The extremely powerful aura seems to flow freely like water waves, and the power flowing inside it can be described as terrifying to the extreme.

  However, although Chen Xuan gathered these powerful forces at this time, he did not take the next step. Just keep increasing the concentration of the aura, which makes the aura in the hand gradually become bright and dazzling at this time.

   tried for a long, long time, and after getting the sunset, he gradually dissipated it in his pale face.

  In the depths of Chen Xuan's eyes, there was a slight light of aura that flowed out at this time. After pondering for a while, his eyes narrowed to a line at this time.

   "Although the initial mastery is very smooth, the internal forces that can be mobilized and burst out are also terrifying... But this always stays on the surface and cannot continue to practice deeply."

   "It seems that if you want to master it thoroughly, you still need some special opportunities."

  "This matter needs to be taken slowly, not too anxious."

  The aura that was clenched with both hands began to disappear gradually, and sharp fluctuations appeared in Chen Xuan's eyes: "I need to refine the ice spirit pill."...

  The material of the ice pill is simple, but the function is very savage and powerful. It's just that although the materials are simple, it's actually not that easy to get them. After all, the condition of ice spirit crystals will discourage countless refining medicines.

Fortunately, in the hands of Chen Xuan during the last ice cave cultivation, there were still some reserves of these extremely pure ice materials, so this time he mobilized them and added some necessary auxiliary medicinal materials without consuming too much. Time has been successfully mastered.

   Accompanied by the success of the pill, the sparkling breath flows on the surface of the pill... It can be seen that the pill really becomes very bright at this time.

   quietly put it in the pill box, and Chen Xuan pursed his mouth with a faint smile.

  With this thing, you will have strong hole cards in future battles, so you don’t have to fear those powerful opponents.

  However, although the ice spirit pill is relatively powerful, Chen Xuan did not think that it was absolutely safe to have this thing. After a little pondering, he decided to refine a more powerful pill.

   "The Ice Spirit Fairy is a good thing... Hehe, although it can't be used yet, with its few materials, it is possible to make a powerful pill that is suitable for the current stage."

  Take a deep breath Chen Xuan tried to separate a little material from the ancient scrolls of the cold cave. Several consecutive attempts failed!

  Not only that, he was also frostbited by the cruel ice! This made Chen Xuan really feel a little embarrassed.

  Similar absorption and cutting lasted for more than two days before it ended. When Chen Xuan was covered in cuts and bruises, he finally absorbed some of the extremely powerful medicinal materials.

   "It's really not easy." Looking at the material that is the size of a fingernail, Chen Xuan wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and shook his head.

   quietly collected it, Chen Xuan said with a smile: "With this thing, now we need to use other materials... go to the auction house and see!"

  (End of this chapter)

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