Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1263: Arrogant blue rhyme

  Chapter 1263 Proud Lan Yun

  The astonishing flame fluctuation rose up whizzingly at this time, and then it quickly disappeared.

  Chen Xuan looked at the sparkling red jade piece in his hand, and he pursed his mouth, and a faint smile appeared. Now he can finally absorb it.

  But it was also at this time that there were dissatisfied voices around him. Looking closely at the very arrogant girl, she stared at Chen Xuan, with deep contempt in the depths of her eyes, and she really became extremely arrogant at this time.

   "Chen Xuan, you acted privately, and now you have taken away such a powerful flame. Is there still a senior sister like me in your eyes?"

  The girl's extremely cold voice came out of her mouth. It must be said that this amazing cold breath seems to be able to freeze a person's body.

  I have to say that such amazing freezing is really amazing and shocking...

  The girl in front of her was called Zhu Hua. Chen Xuan knew her. When she left last time, because her mouth was not clean, she almost caused a battle that was not weak!

  At that time, Chen Xuan had a deep hatred for the woman in front of him, so if he could avoid it, Chen Xuankai really did not want to have any relationship with her.

  It is a pity that this idea is destined not to become a reality. I could see the girl in front of me. She really became a bit tricky at this time. She locked Chen Xuan indifferently, and she seemed to be very cruel.

  Chen Xuan looked at the woman indifferently. He pondered for a while and then said: "If you really want this thing, I can give it to you. Are you sure you want it?"

   "Scare me?" Zhu Hua curled her red lips and said uncomfortably!

   "If you really mean to respect the elder sister, then I can collect it." Zhu Hua said lightly.

  Chen Xuan’s eyes showed a little bit of spirit, he nodded lightly, and then in the depths of his eyes, a deep horror and spirit appeared...

   "If you want it, give it to you!" Chen Xuan looked at the girl in front of him incomparably, and a faint fluctuation appeared in the depths of his eyes at this time.

  There is no hesitation in his mind, and then he waved away lightly, and the pure and incomparable brilliance condensed in his palm.

  He bounced it away when he got the ultimate light, hoo! The astonishingly dazzling light began to explode in front of the eyes at this time.

  Looking carefully at the depths of the light, the crimson-colored flame light gave people an extremely dazzling temperature, and the intense burning smell made the vast space almost turned into a vacuum.

   Although it was controlled by Chen Xuan's hands, it did not seem to hurt or horror at all, but it was a pity that when it hit the girl in front of him at this time, it suddenly showed astonishing and amazing damage.


  Zhu Hua's eyes suddenly became energetic. An astonishing concentration of aura quickly gathered in her hands, and then she began to become powerful and dazzling.

  Flying hands suddenly fell on the flames in front of him, and the powerful and heavy palms suddenly tore them apart.

  I have to say that such death-like blows and injuries really feel terrifying.

  The astonishing tyrannical power made people unable to resist easily, and it shredded the flames in front of them extremely fiercely.

It is a pity that when the outermost flame disappears, the most core flame line emerges clearly. The flame concentration inside this line is probably very high, far exceeding the flames lingering outside by dozens. Times.

  After this thing appeared, the air around it was in a hot state, with amazing flame lines, which immediately evaporated the air.

  With the cruel incineration power, it suddenly burst into sight.

boom! Zhu Hua's body was shot away immediately. The incomparable impact force caused the girl in front of her to lift her feet off the ground and flew away in embarrassment.

A full tens of meters away, her body fell heavily to the ground. It was obvious that she was embarrassed to the extreme at this time. On the battlefield in front of her, the flames were still presumptuous. Burning.

  This made Zhu Hua almost suffer a death-like blow and impact at this time. I believe that if the flames around him can burn like this for a long time.

  In less than tens of seconds, she will be abruptly burnt to death in this terrifying flame...

"come back!"

   But also the red flames of this astonishing intensity in front of him, the moment before the woman in front of him is about to be burned into fly ashes, not weak attractive fluctuations emerged.

The shocking intensity of attraction fluctuations caused those dragon-like flames to retreat one after another, and when they got the moment, they were sent into the red jade pieces. I have to say that this amazing absorption can be regarded as such. It's not weak anymore.

  Chen Xuan pursed his mouth with a faint smile. He looked at Zhu Hua and said faintly: "It seems that Senior Sister Zhu Hua is a bit unsuitable for training and mastering such powerful materials. It's really a shame."

   "Damn it!" Zhu Hua's fists entered me and got up, and the death-like killing intent turned crazily in the depths of her eyes. At this time, she seemed to use powerful and cruel means to forcefully destroy the young man in front of her!

  It's just that Chen Xuan didn't seem to care at all at this time. After he pondered for a little time, he looked at the woman in front of him faintly, and his eyes were filled with a not weak ridicule.

  Zhu Hua was embarrassed and flushed. Although she was very vengeful against Chen Xuan at this time, she lacked the necessary excuses, because at this time she could only gritted her teeth and turned and disappeared.

  Two days later.

  In front of this sea of ​​fire, several disciples of Jiugong Pavilion gathered together at this time. Looking at the amazing flame scene in front of them, even though their temperament is very good at this time, it is a pity that their faces are inevitably pale.

   "Looking at this meaning, the most valuable materials or treasures should be in the ocean of flames in front of you. I just want to take them out. It seems that there is no such simple and easy thing."

  Bi Lang looked at the amazing scene in front of him. At this time, deep coveting fluctuations emerged from the depths of his eyes. Obviously, he had the intention to compete at this time.

It is a pity that he is very clear, let alone that he is relatively weak in competition among these people, even the most powerful Lan Yun, I believe that there will not be much room for development in this environment. Right!

  At this time, Lan Yun said faintly: "You are all here waiting for me, I will check it out first, after all, the strength is too weak, even if you go there, it will be a burden!"

  (End of this chapter)

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