Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1350: Emperor Xu City Competition

   Chapter 1350 Emperor Xu City Competition

   The incomparable aura fluctuations began to become stronger at this time, and some auras were sent into the big gun like water waves, which made the big gun at this time start to become powerful and dazzling.

  Above the astonishingly powerful force. At this time, a dragon-like form emerged, and these powerful and impressive powers began to rotate in his spear.

  Chen Xuan sneered. His eyes began to become sharp and powerful at this time, and he swept away the big gun in his hand. At this time, he could clearly see in Chen Xuan's shocking state.

  The space in front of her was torn apart almost instantly. Nine thrilling long dragons shuttled far away fiercely, with cruel shuttle waves.

  It was so fierce that it smashed in front of the eyes, and such astonishing punctures and explosions made people a little unable to resist.

   "Okay, now it's finally okay." Chen Xuan smiled.

   His eyes brightened and he looked into the distance. He clenched his fists at this moment. It seemed that he could choose to shoot...

  The ten-day time passed quietly, and a more scaled and confident game in the Emperor Void City was now in full swing.

  I have to say that this is of considerable benefit to Chen Xuan. As long as he can get his ranking, he will be able to get more and greater benefits.

  Such words are good for his refining medicine, and it is good for his own growth, although there are some risks in the process of challenge, and even some price.

   But anyway, for him, there is considerable attraction and benefit.

  On this day, the entire Dixu City appeared to be a bit troubled. Countless people gather here, they all seem to be looking forward to and excited, obviously at this time they all want to behave in this grand event!

  On this battlefield in front of me, I can clearly feel it at this time, and the astonishing absorption fluctuation makes people feel terrifying and fearful.

  It didn’t take too much time...The game is now on!

  Chen Xuan relies on the aura in his hand, no matter what kind of powerful opponent he is, he can easily defeat it.

  It’s just that even though this was going well, and it seemed to Chen Xuan that it didn’t take much effort, but at this time, it was possible to see the continuous challenges and battles.

  Those truly strong began to gradually appear. The powerful mountain-like figure appeared on the battlefield in front of him today.

  I could clearly see that in this amazing battle, if Chen Xuan could not mobilize his own strength and ability to the maximum.

  I believe he will pay some more painful price.

   "Chen Xuan, I really didn't expect your kid to be so strong. But it doesn't make sense. Although you have entered the middle stage of the fit, there is still a considerable gap compared with me."

   "I didn't beat you or even killed you that day, hehe, today I will let you know who is the real strong."

The young man looked at Chen Xuan coldly, his dark eyes were filled with ferociousness and cruelty at this time. As long as this guy chooses to shoot, he might be able to defeat his opponent with incomparably powerful strength. Even crippled.

  At this time, Chen Xuan smiled faintly, and the shock wave in the depths of his eyes gradually disappeared.

  He faintly looked at the young man in front of him, the depths of his star-clear eyes, and at this time there was a strong wave of extremes emerging.

  There is no such thing as a habitual mind. He stared at the opponent fiercely, and then he punched out fiercely.


   Thrilling tearing fluctuations tore the air apart. It has to be said that these death-like shock fluctuations can be described as terrifying and dazzling to the extreme.

  The death-like shock fluctuations are terrifying. At this moment, the young man in front of him hadn't realized what was going on.

   "You!" Looking at the powerful punch in front of him, he slammed into his eyes with fierceness. At this time, the young man was stunned and began to growl frantically.

   These thrilling strike powers can be described as terrifying to the extreme, and thrilling powerful combat capabilities can be described as tyrannical to the extreme.

  Death-like punches came before the eyes, and the youth fought back and then the two sides collided together at this time. Boom... The powerful fists collided fiercely, which made the bodies of both sides begin to look a little shaky at this time.

  After continuously retreating to an area of ​​tens of meters, the feet fell into the ground under their feet, and the heavy feet immediately tore the ground apart.

  I have to say that this kind of destructive power like money, immediately brought cruel influence and destruction to the surrounding space...

  The young man was hit on the chest by Chen Xuan's punch. This blow was too powerful and dazzling. It turned out to be a little embarrassed under the state of crazy blow.

  At this time, he could clearly feel that, in such a thrilling blow state, his ability began to become extremely weak.

  Fists clenched tightly in the depths of the eyes, sharp air emerged. He waved his hand to wipe off the hot blood spilling from the corner of his mouth, and he could see that this guy was really weak to the extreme.

   "You are dead!" The young man sneered cruelly. Then he clenched his fists and the fireworks burst out, and he jumped to Chen Xuan's side, and then slammed his fist out extremely fiercely.

   Swish this thrilling tearing wave, suddenly split the air in front of you, and countless pieces of things began to disperse in the air.

  Don't look at the fragmented state, but unfortunately it is still as horrible as a wave. When he got the moment, he brought the incomparable piercing wave, almost instantly killed him.

   The extremely cold blows and piercing fluctuations reached the extreme and terrifying almost instantaneously. Such death-like killing intent made people a little unable to resist.

  The thrilling blow force makes people somewhat unable to resist. At the moment, the young man's angry counterattack came to De Chen Xuan's side.

   "Are you coming?" He faintly looked at the already suffering young man in front of him. At this time, he slammed open with a punch.

The aura of   huhu became powerful and dazzling under Chen Xuan's blow state, and did not mean to stop at all. This contained a very powerful punch that was extremely fierce to collide with opponents.

A powerful and heavy punch from   咚 was extremely fierce and blasted the opponent upside down. When he flew upside down for a distance of tens of meters, his body just fell to the ground again.

  This time falling to the ground cracked the ground under both feet, and the young and middle-aged eyes were darkened with blood spurting!

  (End of this chapter)

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