Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1352: Intervener

   Chapter 1352

  The thrilling piercing power immediately knocked down the opponent and flew out.

  Nine Dragons Battle Sky Spear is really very powerful. The terrifying power has become dazzling and strong. I believe that as long as it can collide people, I believe it can bring devastating blows and injuries to people in an instant.

  Chen Xuan didn't mean to stay at all, he jumped to De Liang Gong's side, and the cruel big gun suddenly dazzled.

  Previously, it just tore its flesh and blood apart. At this time, the big gun moved forward again and brutally, and almost instantly shocked people.


  The sharp and terrifying big gun was sent into his body again at this time, causing cruel damage to his opponent almost instantly.

  On the battlefield in front of you, the thrilling fluctuations of blows made people feel uncomfortable all over.

   Although Liang Gong is still powerful, his ability in the later stage of the fit is very good, but it is a pity that he is almost beaten under pressure now, this sad scene makes him have no resistance and qualifications at all.

  Because when the battle entered the current stage, besides vomiting blood, he hardly had the slightest fighting ability and ability.

The   Nine Dragons Fighting Sky Spear once again swept away fiercely, and the astonishing and terrifying piercing power made people a little unable to resist.

  The thrilling killing intent came before us.

  The sparkling big gun now came to his side again, and shot deadly towards the youth in front of him.

  The thrilling tearing force really feels terrifying. Liang Gong watched the blow abruptly to his side, and the sharp fluctuations were extremely terrifying.

  At this time, he could clearly feel that, in such a thrilling blow state, he began to become extremely strong at this time.

  These thrilling blows and injuries can be described as tyrannical to the extreme...

The   Nine Dragons Battle Sky Spear carries incomparable power, and it stabbed the young man's body heavily. It has to be said that this amazing stabbing force makes people feel uncomfortable all over.

   Facing the astonishing violent stab in front of him, he couldn't bear the blow at all. At this time, the powerful attack and combat power were extremely fierce and vented.

  Suddenly, the body of the guy in front of him flew upside down. Liang Gong's body fell heavily to the ground, and at this time he completely fainted to death.

  I am afraid that he will not know at the last moment, how on earth he was defeated?

The   Fateless Sacred Fire began to gradually disappear at this time. With a faint smile, Chen Xuan finally came to an end.

  The battle that took place in this space in front of him was tragic. Although the level difference between the two sides was still quite large, Chen Xuan relied on his own very not weak ability and ability.

  In the end, it was easy to beat the opponent, which has to be said to be of great benefit to him.

  Now countless people are looking at him, and there is deep respect and awe in their eyes.

  After all, in the Baicao Realm, as long as it is able to endure and combat power is reasonable, you can gain the respect and admiration of others.

  The ability and ability that Chen Xuan showed in this battle is naturally extremely powerful.

  Chen Xuan looked around, and under the attention of countless people, he began to relax at this time.

  After all, from his previous observation, it seems that there are not many people who can fight him besides Liang Gong. Under such circumstances, when the battle is over, there should be no more terrifying battles.

  But it was also at this time that the incomparably powerful aura began to gradually converge. The extremely powerful combat power makes people feel terrified.

   is on this battlefield in front of you, the thrilling fluctuations of blows make people a little unable to resist.

  These amazing auras quickly became powerful, and then this thrilling blow was arrogant to the extreme.

  In such a thrilling blow state, the death-like damage is extremely terrifying.

  It was in the shocking blow in front of me. A big gun tore the air to my eyes. I have to say that this death-like blow and injury was terrifying to the extreme.

  It’s hard to imagine how much impact and damage this sensational strength can bring to people. It’s almost not hard to imagine...

   "Broken." Facing the arrival of the seemingly powerful but not weak gun, Chen Xuan did not have the slightest nervousness at this time.

   Then he clenched his fists. The icy-cold fist pierced away fiercely, and immediately tore the air along the way. With the incomparable shock wave power, it suddenly smashed into the opponent fiercely and fiercely.

  咚...... The extremely dull attacks and shock fluctuations make people a little unable to resist. These thrilling blows can be described as terrifying to an astonishing degree.

   Chen Xuan's fist immediately collided with the opponent's power, and it was only in an instant that this extremely powerful combat force slammed into the big spear.

  The material of the big gun is obviously very high-end and terrifying. Unfortunately, under the blow of this punch, he still seems a little unbearable.

  咚. The tearing horror slammed immediately. This thrilling attack and power hit his body almost instantaneously, and the death-like impact and slam made his body fall back.

  Chen Xuan himself also retreated seven or eight steps in embarrassment because of his own weakness.

   looked indifferently at the guy who suddenly shot in front of him. At this time, Chen Xuanqi's eyes were full of deep coldness.

  After all, the guy in front of him is pretty good. Just why don't you just take the fight in an upright manner? At this time, he chose to use this method that only small people like to use.

  This kind of thing made Chen Xuan feel a little look down on him. He looked carefully at a young man with a breath of breath. This person with thick eyebrows and eyes looked a little bold.

  It just looked carefully that there was a faint sharp wave of light in the depths of his eyes. The old man waited for the brilliance of the spirit to make people feel a little scared, but at this time, after he pondered for a little time, he decided to take a look first.

   "Huh, you have to pay the price today." The abrupt young man roared in a low voice, seeming to be talking to himself, but at this time his directivity and pertinence are very powerful and terrifying.

  At this time, deep waves of sharp aura emerged in the depths of his eyes. It seemed that he had to use powerful means to tear Chen Xuan apart.

  (End of this chapter)

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