Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1355: Half step

   Chapter 1355 Half-Step Transformation

   Chen Xuan's expression became a little serious, and the young man in front of him was different from any opponent he had fought against in the past. Although it was also the strength of the late stage of the fit, Chen Xuan was able to be a master of deep understanding of the difference between this young man.

Without waiting for Chen Xuan to think about it, the young man in front of him, with dazzling glamour, rushed towards Chen Xuan.

  Nine Dragons Battle Sky Spear!

  At the critical moment, Chen Xuan had to sacrifice this weapon.

  The young man in front of him is extremely terrifying! The powerful breath is overwhelming, as if to tear this space apart!

  I saw the young man waving the long sword in his hand and slamming it towards Chen Xuan, just about to touch his body.

  Chen Xuan looked serious and calmly calculated in his head, this opponent had to let him be treated with caution!

  General Chen Xuan suddenly flashed to his side, and the long sword in that young man's hand only pierced Chen Xuan's afterimage!

  At the same time, Chen Xuan waved the Nine Dragon Sky Spear in his hand and patted the young man on the body.

   Seeing that the young man rushed for a moment, his eyes were stagnant, as if he felt a little weird. He did not expect that a person below his level would have avoided his ultimate move, and at the same time issued a counterattack to himself.

  However, that young man is a master who has experienced many battles after all, and his figure is only slightly stagnant, and he has cares in his heart.

   Seeing that he took advantage of the trend, his body quickly rushed out, avoiding Chen Xuan's attack.

   "It's interesting! I underestimated you." The young man stood still, sneered, and looked at Chen Xuan and said playfully.

  "Is it just interesting?" Chen Xuan replied unwillingly.

   "Huh, I just won two matches and defeated two unbearable guys. What's the matter? I can kill those guys with no effort." The young man replied calmly.

   "Oh?" Chen Xuan was surprised. "So, who did you send it?"

   "Hehe, the kid is a little bit thoughtful, but he will only meet you for a while. You are good at it, how about it? Are you interested in joining me?" The young man said leisurely.

   "I don't want to join your camp, and no matter which force you belong to, I said so, do you understand?" Chen Xuan replied neither humble nor overbearing.

   "Good boy, really a bit hardened!" The young man looked at Chen Xuan with some appreciation. "But I'm afraid it's up to you. Since you don't want to join, then from this moment on, we are the enemy!"

   "Oh?" Chen Xuan responded indifferently.

Seeing Chen Xuan's dead pig is not afraid of boiling water, his indifferent posture, the young man seemed a little bit intolerable, snorted coldly, and said, "I don't know how high and thick you are, I admit that you have some ways, but these are all in front of me. Not enough to see, I can't get on the stage, the forces behind me are not the existence you can provoke!"

   "What does that have to do with me?" Chen Xuan said.

"Since you are obsessed with not understanding, then I have to accept you for the prince, and then let you grow up and not serve the prince. Although you can't make any waves, I am afraid that you will be loyal to other forces in the future, and you have to today. Get rid of you." The young man seemed to be a little impatient.

   "In that case, let's stop talking nonsense, let's do it!" Chen Xuan put the Nine Dragon Sky Spear in his hand in front of him and made a fighting posture.

  The young man snorted coldly: "I don't know how to live or die! Make you perfect."

  Speaking, the youth's body suddenly shined brightly, and his aura rose to the extreme! Even the surrounding air seemed to tremble!

  Chen Xuan’s pupils shrank for a while, and he did not expect that the strength of the young man in front of him suddenly soared to an incredible level!

  This momentum has a faint breakthrough in the late stage of the integration! But his realm is naturally still in the late stage of integration.

   Needless to say, the young man in front of him has half-footed into the realm of half-step transformation of God, and he may break through at any time.

  The young man sneered: "Now you know how big the gap is between us? Listen to me, join the camp on the Prince's side, and you can quickly rise to my level."

Chen Xuan took a mocking look at the young man in front of him, and said faintly: "It's just a running dog at the feet of the prince. The running dog is always a running dog, even if it's really a half-step transformation? What's more, you haven't broken through, just I touched that threshold, and it's always the state of the late stage of the fit."

  The young man looked at Chen Xuan angrily, flushed, and shouted angrily: "You're looking for death! Take it!"

  Speaking, the young man had already held the long sword in his hand and stabbed towards Chen Xuan!

   Chen Xuan was unwilling to show weakness, the Nine Dragon Sky Spear in his hand made the sound of dragons and greeted the youth.

   "Kang Dang..."

  The young man was holding a long sword and fought fiercely with Chen Xuan’s Nine Dragon Sky Spear! In a short while, dozens of moves were removed.

  I saw two figures in the field, like two flaming rays of light, entangled together.

   Fierce fighting, wanton explosive aura, agitated in this space, giving this space a sense of tremor!

  Chen Xuan became more and more courageous, and in the end, he even faintly suppressed the youth.

  The young man was also secretly frightened at the same time. He did not expect that the person in front of him seemed a little different, but he couldn't tell where he was different!

  But with the strength of only the mid-stage of the fit, he can draw a tie with himself, who is about to break through to the half-step transformation of the gods, and even he is gradually at a disadvantage!

  This is like a fantasy!

too frightening! You know, this young man is almost equivalent to being invincible in the same realm, at most in the same realm, someone can tie him.

  But the person in front of him is a level lower than himself! If he is allowed to continue to grow like this, I am afraid that it will be misfortune or blessing when the time comes.

  Even if he draws him to his camp, it is a threat that cannot be ignored for him.

  Not to mention where the prince...

  Thinking of this, the young man suddenly yelled out loudly, with twelve points of spirit, and his aura to the extreme! It seems to show the momentum of either you or me.

  Chen Xuan's heart was stunned. This young man was already a tough opponent, and now he showed the atmosphere of dealing with the enemy, and he couldn't help but feel a little terrible.

In the    field, the long sword in the young man's hand suddenly turned abruptly, drew a circle in the air, and slashed towards Chen Xuan with a fiery light.

  Chen Xuan hurriedly retracted the Nine Dragons Battle Sky Spear, blocked in front of him, and broke the light.

  Only in this way, the offensive that had the upper hand, was gone in an instant. Moreover, at this time, Chen Xuan was at a disadvantage.

   Seeing that the young man couldn't make a single blow, he had already started the next move.

  I saw that the long sword in the young man's hand was drawing circles in the air, and blazing rays of light swept toward Chen Xuan again.

  Chen Xuan waved the Nine Dragon Sky Spear in his hand, constantly wiping out the rays of light.

  However, somehow, those rays of light, one after another, seem to be more powerful than the previous one.

  After wiping out the seven or eight layers of light, Chen Xuan couldn't help but feel a little struggling to deal with it.

  Fortunately, for each subsequent light, the offensive was much slower than before. Let Chen Xuan relieved some pressure.

  Chen Xuan couldn't help his expression move, and his face was joyful, as if he had caught the weakness of the young man.

  However, Chen Xuan had to defend passively in the face of the youth's successive offensives.

  In the field, when the young man released the seventeenth light, he suddenly shouted, and the sword in his hand rose a little more.

  At the same time, a more flaming light shot out from the sword, and rushed toward Chen Xuan quickly.

   Chen Xuan showed an extremely solemn expression, waved the Nine Dragon Sky Spear in his hand, and tapped a few times in the void.

  The aura in his body rushed into the Nine Dragons Battle Sky Spear madly.

  After a while, a rotten golden dragon gas rushed out toward the light.


  Only heard a loud noise, the blazing light emitted by that young man collided with the golden dragon gas emitted by Chen Xuan. exploded.

  The huge power immediately surged towards the surrounding with the sound of the explosion.

  It was razed to the ground with a radius of several feet!

  After the young man released eighteen rays of light one after another, the aura in his body seemed to have used more than half, and he was a little exhausted.

  I saw him collapse to the ground, panting.

  Chen Xuan was not much better, the blow just before almost exhausted all the aura in his body, he had to use the profound arts, and kept absorbing the surrounding aura into his body.

  If the young man still had the strength to attack Chen Xuan at this time, Chen Xuan could hardly fight back at this time.

  The young man seemed to be a little surprised when Chen Xuan took over his eighteenth path offensive, especially the last offensive. The destructive power caused can definitely kill the monks in the late stage of the union easily.

  However, Chen Xuan took it abruptly, and did not seem to have received any serious strength at all.

  This is a bit scary!

  The young man had to re-examine the man in front of him. This man seemed to be a little surprised by the evil spirits, and he actually forced himself to this point!

   "Yes. Good boy, I admit that you are really strong!" The young man took a break, then suddenly stood up with a playful smile.

  Walking a little and walked towards Chen Xuan.

  At the same time stretched out the long sword in his hand and pointed at Chen Xuan.

   "However, this is the end!"

  The young man said confidently.

  Chen Xuan smiled non-committal, and said, "Are you so sure?"

  (End of this chapter)

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