Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1369: Find the difference

   Chapter 1369

   "It's really a bunch of lifeless things!"

  The young man still put on a tough posture.

  Chen Xuan had already walked here with the soldier at this time.

Chen Xuan saw the scene in front of him from a distance. Those young people, all dressed in neat and elegant clothes, all wore the same costumes. At first glance, they looked like subordinates in which mansion, but in this city, they dare to act like this. , Which shows that the backers behind them are somewhat powerful.

  As for how powerful it is, it is unknown.

   "What's the matter?" Chen Xuan glanced at the young people lightly, and then asked coldly.

Before the young people could answer, a soldier said to Chen Xuan, "These people are people who came from Zixia City. We didn't do anything in the autumn, and the water in the well did not offend the river. However, we don't know what happened today. As soon as they came over, they asked us for trouble, we fought **** reason, and then they started on us."

  "Zixia City?" Chen Xuan frowned. He had never heard of the name.

  "Zixia City is a city on the east side of Wasteland City. It can be said that it is the largest subsidiary city under the jurisdiction of Emperor Xuzhu City." The soldier saw that Chen Xuan seemed a little puzzled, so he continued to explain.

   "You said, they just came here to hurt people for no reason? Find fault?"

  Chen Xuan looked at the young people in front of him with a serious expression.

  The soldiers nodded, and then fell silent.

"What about hurting you? Don’t be afraid to tell you, I’m here to find fault today, my uncle, I’m not happy in my heart, I just want to have fun, who made you guys unlucky and bumped into this uncle, Who is unconvinced, just say it, we will compete!"

  The young man in the lead was still reluctant, and at the same time said to Chen Xuan with disdain.

   Hearing this, Chen Xuan's expression suddenly became cold. Just one day after he was in office, this kind of thing happened, and he didn't believe it if there was no weirdness!

  I don’t know who it is, dealing with himself so deliberately?

  Is that the prince? Rejected his terms, and then asked someone to find him wrong?

  However, Chen Xuan negated this idea in an instant. How could the prince’s masters, such as clouds, be so stupid to send such clutters to trouble him? Moreover, it was still this kind of indiscriminate means, and the important ones were also masters who directly killed Chen Xuan.

Since    is not the prince, Chen Xuan can't figure out who it is for a while. Anyway, he has offended too many people, and he can't count them.

  Since everyone has come, Chen Xuan is no longer indifferent, and he can't justify it.

  What's more, after all, he is the lord of this city, although he has no real power, after all, he is in charge of this place now!

   Seeing that he innocently moved the people on his side, if he was still indifferent to Chen Xuan, Chen Xuan would not be Chen Xuan, and there was no need for a gift to be a lord here again.

With care in his mind, Chen Xuan glanced at the young people coldly, and said in a strong and indifferent voice: "You all kneel down and apologize to them, kowtow and apologize, and then take what you have on your body. Give them all to me for compensation, and then you all get me out of the Wasteland City. From then on, it's best not to show up here!"

  After finishing speaking, Chen Xuan squatted down, took out some pills, and handed them to the injured soldiers.

  Don’t know what is going on in this wasteland city? These old people are still serving as soldiers here, do they have no relatives? Helpless?

  When the soldiers saw this, they all glanced at Chen Xuan in surprise, and then thanked him with a grateful look.

  Then they ate down those pills, and suddenly felt the pain on their bodies, and most of it disappeared.

  I don’t know who the young man in front of me is, but since he helped out today, I have to thank him in any way.

   "What? Do you want me to do it myself?" At this time, Chen Xuan got up after all the pills were distributed, and he was indifferent to the young people, and couldn't help being a little angry.

  Injured someone for no reason, and it is so arrogant!

  Moreover, he specifically provoked those who could not fight back. Chen Xuan hated such people most.

  After hearing Chen Xuan's words, the young people made waves of sneers.

The young man headed by    couldn't understand the origin of the young man in front of him for a while, but he was not afraid, anyway, the sky fell, and the people behind him were supporting him.

He gained courage, and then said coldly to Chen Xuan, "Who do you think you are? Do you think we will obey you if you say a word? In this wasteland city, you really think you are What character is it?"

  After speaking, these young people laughed at Chen Xuan.

"A group of bullying and fearful miscellaneous people are just a few dogs that others have lowered, and they don’t see where this is, offend someone who shouldn’t be offended, even if your master comes, don’t dare Be presumptuous to me!" Chen Xuan sneered, mocking mercilessly.

  "Who are you? What a big tone! You are so courageous, you dare to take care of our affairs, is it impatient to live?"

  Chen Xuan's words were just harsh words that they heard, threatening them, but they could not help being annoyed by calling them so directly that they were dogs.

   "Don't be presumptuous! This is our new lord of Wasteland City."

  At this moment, the soldier who came with Chen Xuan suddenly shouted at those people.

   "What? Lord?"

The soldiers who were wounded were shocked. They have been soldiers here for decades and have seen many lords who came here to take office, and the lords before them were basically old. The old man, even if by chance there is a lord who was in his prime, he didn't have a good face after he came here. After a long time, either he left or died silently.

  There are only a few elderly lords, and they no longer have the idea of ​​going to other places to take office, and because of their old age, they basically can’t make any major decisions, so they can still spend their old age peacefully.

  However, the person in front of him is so young, he seems to be only about twenty years old, and he has achieved the status of the lord of the city.

  Although he is the lord in name, in this wasteland city, he is almost the lord.

  In the true sense of the city, the lord of the city is to rule the imperial city including Wasteland City, and Zixia City, etc., such a small city like this one!

  Only a big city like Dixu City is qualified to be called a city lord, and everything else is just a small lord.

   However, even so, the scale of Wasteland City is not small, with a vast territory with a radius of thousands of miles.

  "What? The new lord?" The young men showed incredible expressions, but in a flash, their expressions became cold.

"The lord of the Wasteland City? They are just some small characters who can't be on the table. They are not as big as the housekeeper in the lord's mansion of Zixia City. What's the big deal? I thought that what kind of big fish was here. It's just a small shrimp." The young man in the lead sneered and said mockingly to Chen Xuan.

"I don't care where you come from, who is behind you, since this city is now under my control, no matter who comes in, you must act according to my rules!" Chen Xuan glanced at him coldly. Said disapprovingly.

  Even the people in Dixu City are not afraid. Could they still be afraid of a running dog in his little Zixia City?

"Huh, boy, don't think you are just a lord. You don't know how high the sky is and how thick the ground is? I tell you, if you anger the people behind us, even if you have nine lives, you are not dead enough. "The young man in the lead still said with a sneer.

   "I don't know how to live or die!" Chen Xuan's expression suddenly became even colder. These people are really lawless and excessive!

  Chen Xuan doesn’t want to talk nonsense with them anymore. Since they have no consciousness of apologizing, they will fight until they realize it!

  The young people in front of them were just a few little monks in the Golden Core Stage, and they were too far apart from Chen Xuan.

  If it weren’t for Chen Xuan’s irritation today, Chen Xuan would not bother to take care of them. However, in any case, today’s statement must be brought back.

  And Chen Xuan also wanted to find out the mastermind behind them.

  Chen Xuan wanted to see who it was that had trouble with him! Use this kind of abuse to deal with yourself.

  I saw, Chen Xuan just raised his palm and swept towards them gently. Only a faint light appeared in the palm of his hand.

  Chen Xuan slapped it out. Although the young people were all masters of the Golden Core period, they were cold and dominant in this small town, but facing Chen Xuan, a strong man in the middle stage of the fit, they had no chance to resist for a moment.


  Only one face to face, the young people vomited blood and fell to the ground one after another.


The young man headed by    paled with fright. He did not expect that he would meet such a terrifying person. This strength is comparable to their young master!

  Thinking of this, some of their young people's expressions were shocked, but they were not subdued by this, and they looked ruthless and said: "You kid is impatient? Don't you know who we are?"

  "Isn't it just a group of dogs raised by others? Kneel over and kowtow to apologize!" Chen Xuan sneered, not putting them in his eyes. "Otherwise, don't blame me for not keeping anyone."

When the few people heard Chen Xuan’s words, their faces paled, and they couldn’t help but said with some fear: "Kill us? You better pay attention to your words. If we die, the young master will definitely not hold back his breath. When the time comes, the young master will kill us. Come here, it’s not something you can bear! Even if you are the lord here, it’s not enough!"

  (End of this chapter)

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