Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1397: Corpse Worm

   Chapter 1397

  The body was upside down, the waist hung at the cross between the branches, and the head and legs were hung softly there, hanging in the air. And in his abdomen, he didn't know what was hit, and a blood hole the size of two fists was bombarded. The intestine inside said that the hole was flowing out, but it did not break, but one end was still hanging in his stomach. , But one end was longer than his head.

  Even, bursts of scarlet blood flowed from the blood hole.

  The corpse was almost ten meters away from Chen Xuan and the others. Looking at it at such a close distance made people even more creepy, and even more clearly smelled the stench of the corpse, which made people nauseous.

  This scene was caught off guard. It really looked a little scary. No wonder Wei Xia was so scared that she screamed.

  Even if it was Chen Xuan, a ruthless character who started to kill people without blinking, he felt the hairs exploded at this moment.


  At this moment, a blood flower that was already darkened suddenly rushed out from the heart of the corpse, and a small black shadow appeared.

  After the little shadow appeared, he quickly glanced at Chen Xuan and the others, and then made a few very low noises, and then swiftly got in from the chest of the corpse.

  Seeing this scene, including Chen Xuan and Li Yitian, their faces turned pale after brushing them, and their scalp numb for a while.

   "What is that?" Qian Tao swallowed his saliva, and then said tremblingly.

  Several people shook their heads, indicating that they didn't know what the living creature was.

   was silent for a moment, and Li Tiantian suddenly said with a solemn expression: "If I didn't guess wrong, it should be a corpse worm, who specializes in eating corpses for a living!"


Hearing Li Yitian's words, the expressions of several people suddenly became embarrassed. The corpse insects are legendary existences. They have not been seen in the outside world. The main thing is that there will be no situation like the Owu Forest in the outside world. .

  Li nodded one day, and continued: “Legend has it that the corpse worm disappeared three thousand years ago. I didn’t expect to meet one here today.”

  "Isn't it said that in Owu Forest, since the formation of the Jedi, there are no other creatures except plants? How come corpses appear here?" Qian Tao asked with some doubts.

  Not only Qian Tao, but Chen Xuan and others are also puzzled at this moment.

  Li Yitian also shook his head solemnly, and said, “I don’t know. It looks unusual here, too weird. I don’t know which corpse worm will attack the living.”

  Hearing Li Yitian suddenly say this, Qian Tao and the others immediately turned white with a brush, and there was even a slight cold air behind them.

Although they have not seen what the corpse insects look like, they have indeed heard of the corpse insects. It stands to reason that the corpse insects will only appear in places where there are more corpses, but the Owu Forest is so special. Any creatures that come in will almost always be killed by inexplicable forces in the forbidden area. However, the presence of corpse insects here means that these corpse insects definitely did not come in when the forbidden area was opened a few days ago. They have lived in it for a long time. a period of time.

If this is the case, in this Ouwu Forest, there is no doubt about everything. Several people think of the monster beast that they encountered a few days ago, which is suspected to be a fit period, and they feel that Ouwu Forest is no longer the same as the previous environment. It's the same, but what happened inside is not something they can explore.

"It seems that something major has really happened in Owu Forest. Otherwise, we wouldn't have encountered a monster beast first, and now we have encountered a corpse insect that hasn't appeared in three thousand years." Li Yitian suddenly sighed. , Said with a dignified look.

   "I don't know if it will affect us." Qian Tao said.

Li Yitian shook his head and was silent for a while, and then said: "Since we have encountered a corpse insect, although there is only one, the corpse insect is extremely capable of reproducing. If it reappears in the world, I have to say that it will be a trouble. , Let's find a way to kill him."

  Hear the words. Everyone was silent for a while. Although the life-saving ability of the corpse insects was not strong, the attack ability was not weak. Although they did not have a strict division of strength like the cultivators, they could not cultivate, but even so, they should not be underestimated.

  The combat power of a corpse insect is extremely terrifying, especially their speed is also very fast, even the master of the fit period, can not easily kill him.

  Fortunately, there are six of them now, not alone. If they hadn’t met the corpse worms alone, it would have been more difficult.

The corpse insects also seem to have discovered that there are many people here, and they all exude a not weak aura. At the same time, they are not very interested in living people, unless there are no dead corpses around, otherwise they generally don’t. He took the initiative to attack, so after the corpse worm hid in the corpse again, it didn't show up anymore, and he didn't know where it got to the corpse.

"Brother Li said that the corpse worm's damaging ability is definitely no less than a small war. If the number of breeding is huge, I don't know how many people will suffer, and..." Chen Xuan said, there was a pause. Pause, then glanced at everyone, and then said: "And even if it’s not for the consideration of others, or for ourselves, no matter why this corpse worm appears here, we must find a way to kill him. Otherwise, if this corpse worm walks out from here, based on his powerful reproductive ability, it will not be long before thousands of corpse worms will be reproduced. Maybe we will meet one day. What do you think?"

  Hearing what Chen Xuan said, Li Yitian gave Chen Xuan a little surprised. He nodded and said, "Brother Chen is very thoughtful."

  Chen Xuan just smiled faintly. For Li Yitian, since the day he saw him, he knew that this person was not so simple on the surface.

  Qian Tao also pondered silently, recalling what Chen Xuan said. After a long time, he looked up at Chen Xuan and said, "Brother Chen said it makes sense, I agree."

   Zhou Long saw Qian Tao also express his opinion, he also said: "Since everyone thinks so, I will definitely not be soft."

Li nodded one day and said, "Well, since everyone agrees, please think about it. In terms of our strength, although we are superior in numbers, there is no corpse worm's action and attack power, so You can only outsmart, but not the enemy, please think about it, are there any weaknesses in the corpse worm?"

  "Weakness?" When everyone heard the words, they couldn't help frowning and thinking.

   "Yes, as long as we know the weakness of the corpse worm, we can deal with it more easily," Li nodded and said one day.

At this time, Sun Tingting suddenly said: "I heard my grandfather talk about it before. Corpse insects are cold creatures. They are most afraid of sunlight and fire. Right now, the sky has been given down. There is no sunlight, so we have only one way to kill. That corpse bug, that's flame."

  Hearing Sun Tingting's words, Li couldn't help frowning all day, and then said, "Flame, I don't know who has practiced the fire technique?"

   was silent for a moment, and Zhou Long suddenly said, “The practice I practice is about the type of fire. I don’t know if it’s useful for that corpse worm.”

  Sun Tingting said: "As long as it is a flame, and not a common fire, it can deal with that corpse insect."

   Hearing this, Zhou Long nodded and said: "You help me cover, I will kill the corpse insect."

  Qian Tao patted Zhou Long on the shoulder and said, "Don't worry, brother, as long as we are still alive, we won't let that corpse insect approach your body."

  Zhou Long nodded solemnly, glanced at everyone, and said nothing, and a red light appeared in his hands and walked towards the corpse.

  After a while, in Zhou Long's hands, a flame appeared in the red light, but Zhou Long did not exude his own breath, for fear of disturbing the corpse insect.

  At the same time, Chen Xuan and the others all followed Zhou Long towards the corpse and made a gesture of being ready to fight at any time.


  However, since everyone has hidden their breath, the corpse insect still feels danger.

  The corpse worm was born with extraordinary sensitivity to light and flames, even if Zhou Long hadn't approached yet, he felt a dangerous aura.

  At this moment, the corpse insect quickly emerged from the corpse's brain, and at the same time brought out a piece of blackened blood and white brain plasma.

  It made everyone feel sick.

Seeing that the corpse insect came out on its own initiative, Zhou Long suddenly yelled and jumped towards the corpse insect. At the same time, he waved his hands, and the flames above his hands shot suddenly. Out, and quickly hit the corpse insect.

  The corpse insect looked at the crowd with some fear at the moment, and after seeing the flames that Zhou Long slapped, it suddenly screamed, and quickly got into the head of the corpse.


  The flames shot by Zhou Long almost burned the corpse insect, hitting the head of the corpse, and there was a stinking odor, which made people just want to disgust.

   "Hey, this bug still has some wisdom." Zhou Long said regretfully.


  Speaking, Zhou Long's whole body suddenly burst into a fiery flame, which looked like a human-shaped torch.

  At the same time, Zhou Long said in a very low voice that he did not know what, his fingers drew a circle in mid-air, and suddenly blazing flames swept across the body of the corpse.

   "Puff, puff!"

  After a while, the whole body burned, making a sound of being burnt.

   "Crunch, crunch..."

  At the same time, there were waves of weird screams from the corpse.

  (End of this chapter)

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