Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1468: The way of fighting in the cold domain

  Chapter 1468 The way of fighting in the cold domain

Chen Xuan took the lead and said: "What are you waiting for, let's do it!" The two brothers were even more strange in their hearts: "You are really strange, you are inexplicably angry, and you are still in a hurry to die. In that case, my brother Both will complete you today."

  The two brothers were very straight-tempered, and said they would do it. When they raised their hands, a cone of ice flew from them.

  The two brothers shook their bodies, and a set of armor made of ice crystals spread all over the body. At the same time, a shiny ice axe was formed in their hands. , The armors of the two are similar in shape, except that the elder brother’s left shoulder has a beast head that resembles a lion and a tiger, while the younger brother’s right shoulder is a beast head that resembles a unicorn, and the two roar and wave the ice axe in their hands. .

  This is a special fighting method formed under the influence of the unique environment of the cold region. Due to the special environment of the cold region, the food sources of the people in the cold region are all kinds of beasts.

  While fighting with people is very exhausting, and it is meaningless, after all, people can’t eat after they die. Although there have also been incidents of eating the corpses of accidentally deceased people, this usually happens when there is an extreme lack of food.

  Because of this, the various combat methods in the Cold Region are all combat systems formed against wild beasts. In the harsh environment of the cold region, injuries and heat consumption are very fatal, so the two brothers will wrap themselves tightly.

   Compared with light swords, domineering knives and other weapons, the axe is the most threatening when dealing with beasts. Therefore, the axe has become the choice of most people in the cold region.

  As for the beast heads on the shoulders, most of the time they play a role of intimidation. Of course, some people will condense the beast heads on other parts of the body armor, or even on the weapons. Some special techniques can absorb the souls of powerful beasts killed into the beast heads on the armor. Therefore, the attack methods of the people in the cold region are also strange and varied.

  As for weapons, due to the limitation of the geographical conditions of the cold region, there is basically no development in smelting technology. Therefore, the weapons of the cold region are all formed by condensing vitality using special techniques. This is the special way of fighting in the cold domain.

Naturally, Chen Xuan had never seen this kind of fighting method before, and he did not dare to rush forward. He used his vitality imperial sword to stab at the two of them with the Tailing sword, but he retreated quickly, pulling the distance away, and he could see it. The two attack methods are mainly close combat.

   Tai Ling Sword made a circle in the air, and flew towards the heads of the two in a weird arc.

The two of them had never seen this kind of attack, and they didn't dare to hold it big. The eldest brother twisted his body and dodged the Supreme Spirit Sword, and then slashed the Supreme Spirit Sword with an axe, which spun into the ground. . After such a delay, Shuang Leng had already fallen behind Shuang Han by several positions.

  Frosty Cold was extremely fast, but Chen Xuan, who had transported the God Demon Flying Shadow Judgment, was even faster, but Chen Xuan did not expect that Frost Cold’s blow would cut the connection between himself and the Supreme Spirit Sword. This Supreme Spirit Sword was left by the Venerable, and it embodies all the hopes of the Venerable. How can I leave it behind? Thinking about it this way, the figure is just a meal.

  The distance between Shuanghan Jian and Chen Xuan was getting farther and farther, and he randomly slashed an axe at the air, and a blue light flew towards Chen Xuan.

  Originally, with Chen Xuan's foot power, this blow could barely dodge, but because the figure was stagnant, he did not dodge and was hit by this light.

  Chen Xuan was shocked, only feeling that a cold air flowing around his body attacked, and his figure slowed down. Helpless, I had to stop and get rid of this chill.

   After such a delay, Shuang Han Shuang Leng had already caught up with Chen Xuan's footsteps one after another.

This trick is often used by Shuang Han Shuang Leng when hunting in the cold region. The beasts are often very alert. Some timid even feel the breath of other creatures and will run away quickly. Moreover, the speed of this beast is. It is also extremely fast.

Sometimes after accidentally alarming the beast, the two brothers Shuang Leng and Shuang Han will use this trick to limit the escape speed of the beast, and the weaker will be directly attacked by the cold in such a blow and die. . However, because humans and wild beasts have different body structures, and most warriors use their vitality to quickly get rid of the cold air, this move does no harm to humans, and most of them can only limit the speed of those who are hit.

However, after such a delay, Chen Xuan also regained contact with Tai Ling Sword. Chen Xuan also got rid of the coldness in his body. Although there was still a trace of remnants, it only slightly affected his actions. Two breaths can be completely eliminated, completely unaffected.

  Chen Xuan made a move, the Tai Ling Sword groaned, shot out from the ground, and flew towards Chen Xuan.

The cold lagging behind noticed the abnormality, and when he looked back, he ducked away without hesitation. At the same time, he shouted to remind Shuang Han: "Left! Waist! Flash!" The two brothers have been hunting all year round. He has developed an incomparable tacit understanding during his career. The simple three words Shuanghan has already understood the meaning of Shuang Leng. Even if his axe can strike Chen Xuan by a bit, he does not hesitate to put away the offensive. A slippery twisted his waist and took a step to the right, then flashed over.

   But even so, due to the twisting of his waist, a trace of red was exposed in the gap between the armors, and it was actually cut with a trace of oily skin by the Supreme Spirit Sword.

   Chen Xuan quickly took over the flying Tai Ling Sword, and sighed secretly the incredible flexibility of the waist of Frost Han and the tacit cooperation between the two brothers.

  Chen Xuan understands that this time his idea of ​​trying to distance himself is completely immersed. If these two people are giving themselves such a chill, I am afraid that they are very passive, and then they can only fight in close quarters. Chen Xuan could see that, based on the seamless cooperation just now, the two brothers didn't say they were amazing talents, but they were definitely top-notch players in the cold domain.

  Chen Xuan also had to be cautious, and if he made a mistake after a while, he would step into a situation where he would not be able to recover.

Chen Xuan thought that he could fight against the powers of the earthly realm. It was aimed at the powers of the supreme realm in general. To those two brothers who seemed to be strong in the human emperor realm at a young age, that said. Not allowed, let alone these two brothers who cooperate very tacitly.

  Anyone who is strong and powerful at a young age does not have the skill of pressing the bottom of the box and is too ordinary. Coupled with the fact that these two brothers cooperated extremely well, Chen Xuan's winning rate dropped greatly.

   "However, these two brothers shouldn't know that they can fly in the air, and should be able to use this to catch them by surprise." Chen Xuan secretly thought.

  Although only the strong in the Human Sovereign Realm can evade the void, Chen Xuan's God Demon Feiying Jue and the law of space have completely broken this common sense. The most important thing is that the flight of the human emperor realm is still very stiff, and it is only when you step into the human emperor realm that you have the capital to move in the air.

  But this does not mean that you can do whatever you want in the air without any scruples. That is something that can only be done by a strong person in the Celestial Realm.

  The so-called emperor is the emperor among the people, who can ignore the shackles of secular rules and be free. The realm of the earthly respect is the sage of the earth, whoever sees it will call the sage, no one dares to provoke. It is said that after reaching the Divine Realm, he can condense his own small domain, and he is invincible in the domain. This is the origin of the name of Di Zun Jing. And the Heavenly Sovereign Realm is the heaven and the earth for me.

  Further up, it is no longer in the category of human beings. For tens of thousands of years, few people have broken through the heavens and can see the power of the strong in the gods.

   God is in harmony with God, this is already one with the legendary gods. It is said that after reaching this step, you will be omnipotent, you can live with the sky and the earth, and compete with the sun and the moon.

  As far as it goes, no one will know. Even in the legend, the God-Harmony Realm is currently the highest realm that humans can reach.

  Returning to the subject, Chen Xuan secretly calculated that compared to the two brothers, his advantage is that he can move freely in the air. If you want to defeat the two, you need to make good use of such advantages. It's a long story, but all this happened in an instant. Chen Xuan decided to preemptively, danced a sword and fought with the two.

  Chen Xuan traveled between the two with the subtlety of the Supreme Spirit Sword Classic, with a weird body and unpredictable body. The two brothers are gnashing their teeth, but they have nothing to do with Chen Xuan.

  The enemies the two usually face are just ordinary beasts. Sometimes there are powerful ones, and they can't be taken down by the strength of the two, and the high-level beasts will generally run away. Therefore, the two seldom fight against wise enemies, even if they are usually head-to-head. Therefore, the two moves are very powerful and powerful.

  This kind of tried-and-tested move against beasts is very weak when facing Chen Xuan, after all, it can't hit people, and no matter how powerful the move is, it is not very useful. So, Shuang Hanshuang Leng yelled.

Although on the surface Chen Xuan is at ease, Chen Xuan is also secretly crying out. Although he keeps attacking the two with his exquisite posture, the defense of the two is very strong, and the lingering sword of the spirit sword can only cause it. A small crack. Not long after, these cracks slowly healed under the nourishment of the two of them. Therefore, none of the three people suffered any harm after playing for a long time.

  The strength of these two brothers lies in their unparalleled defense. Generally, the armor of people in the cold region is formed by their own vitality plus the ice spirits that are stored in the body and refined in a special way.

  Ice Spirit is a special product of the cold domain. This kind of thing can be absorbed and stored in the body by the cold domain with special techniques and methods. When needed, it can be activated with vitality to form various armor weapons.

  The armor formed by ordinary ice spirits is not only fragile, but once broken, it must be re-refined. Even if it is damaged later, it needs refining to absorb new ice spirits to repair, which is really troublesome.

  (End of this chapter)

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