Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1557: Kill the Secret Valley God

   Chapter 1557 Killing the Secret Valley God

  Chen Xuan certainly won't let them go.

  Chen Xuan faced the direction they were escaping, only a blue light flashed by, and the other three members fell down in response.

  Chen Xuan looked at these blankly, as if it was a matter of course to kill them, Chen Xuan took out the Melt Pill that had brought the dense valley and gave it to Wang Keke.

  Wang Keke’s breathing became even instantly, as if he had fallen asleep, and his body recovery was also accelerating. Melt Pill is the unique pill of Sanbai Valley, not to mention these detained souls, even if they are placed in Xuncheng mainland, they are also very precious.

   Zhou Fei looked at this scene of Chen Xuan, admiring Chen Xuan more and more, and felt that Chen Xuan became more and more mysterious.

"Big... Your lord... I hope you will forgive you for your rudeness before." Zhou Fei immediately apologized to Chen Xuan. In a world that was originally respected by the strong, when Chen Xuan showed no spiritual power, he naturally treated Chen Xuan. A lot of white eyes, but now...

  That night

"Chen...Chen Xuan, are you okay?" Wang Keke's first reaction was to ask if there was anything wrong with Chen Xuan, because he felt that the opponent was too powerful and defeated Wang Keke with just one move, and how could Chen Xuan still be alive. , Could it be Zhou Fei...

"I'm okay... you take a good rest. If you have something to call me." Chen Xuan didn't know what kind of feelings it was when facing Wang Keke, but felt that his heartbeat speeded up involuntarily when facing her, but as an innate powerhouse, he still had no face. The expression, even if you say something that you care about, is expressionless, with no expression of joy or anger.

the next morning

Wang Keke didn’t know how the team let them go. Maybe Zhou Fei was a hidden powerhouse. Since Zhou Fei didn’t want to say Wang Keke, he didn’t ask him, but Zhou Fei admired Chen Xuan very much because he couldn’t see through. Curious, the more curious, the more admired.

   "Zhou Fei, and Chen Xuan, let's quickly deploy what we should do next to escape the pursuit of that team." Wang Keke worried.

   "That team has..." Zhou Fei said immediately.

  Chen Xuan motioned a look at him. He didn't want to let Wang Keke know so quickly, because he liked the feeling of being cared for, and Chen Xuan himself didn't know what it felt like.

   "Already...we just have to be careful." Zhou Fei added quickly. Zhou Fei now simply regards Chen Xuan as an idol, and obeys his words.

  Wang Keke also found no problems, and then decided to take the western path and quickly reach the center of Miyou Valley.

  On the road, Wang Keke used Chen Xuan as a slave as before, but Chen Xuan did not show any dissatisfaction and teased Wang Keke from time to time. Chen Xuan found that he was gradually getting used to Wang Keke’s company.

  I also really enjoy Wang Keke's care.

  Three days later

  What caught the eyes of the three of them was an extremely large volcano. Perhaps the strength of the valley **** of the dense valley completely exceeded the estimates of Zhou Fei and Wang Keke.

   "Chen...Chen Xuan...Or you go first..." Wang Keke trembled.

   "I...I and Zhou Fei go in. It is too dangerous here. If I...I die, do you...will you still remember me?" Wang Keke said in tears.

   "You are dead...I can't live either." Chen Xuan roared.

It’s not that this is Chen Xuan’s naive or polite remarks, but the creator’s requirement for Chen Xuan to pass this test is to ensure that Wang Keke is alive and that Wang Keke cannot be injured, otherwise Chen Xuan will become a reality when he returns to reality. Waste material.

  So Chen Xuan would not let Wang Keke take risks, he would follow Wang Keke closely.


  As soon as the three of them entered the mountain range, a big fireball blasted towards Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan did not wait for Wang Keke to come over to him, and directly used the white shield technique.

  A white light flashed, and the fireball was immediately blocked by Chen Xuan and Zhou Fei by the white light, Wang Keke was.


  The fireball turned directly into ashes and dissipated.

   "Chen" Wang Keke was surprised.

   "Yes, I really don't need your protection. I'm an Intermediate Innate Realm, so it's normal that you can't detect my spiritual power." Chen Xuan touched Wang Keke's head and said.

  "Chen big liar..." Although Wang Keke's tone was full of explosives, Chen Xuan still heard a hint of tenderness and concern.

  The three of them continued to walk into the valley, a huge beast hung on the ground, and suddenly woke up when they heard the movement of the three.

  His eyes were as big as a copper bell, like an ancient wild animal, with three giant thorns on his back, like three pillars.


  His low roar was really deafening, as if the entire mountain range was trembling, but Zhou Fei and Wang Keke had a chill in their hearts. They found that they didn't know the strength of this valley god, nor could they detect it.

   Chen Xuan used his spiritual power to probe, and he found that the strength of the secret valley **** of the valley had reached the first level of the acquired, and it was two levels behind Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan was now an innate mid-level powerhouse.

  The Mi Valley God grinned, it slowly climbed up, and three fireballs condensed on its right paw. It was obvious that it was about to attack Chen Xuan, Zhou Fei, and Wang Keke.


  Three fireballs smashed at the three at the same time, Chen Xuan flashed a white barrier to resist with a white shield technique.

  A layer of sweat slowly appeared on Chen Xuan's forehead. This was the oppression of mental power. After all, Chen Xuan was a sixth-tier intermediate, and it was still very difficult for Chen Xuan to use spiritual power to control the white shield technique to resist the mid-level of acquired realm.

  By the way, all fierce beasts don’t cultivate mental power, they generally refining their bodies, that is, the higher the level of body refining, the more tired they will be when they are supported by mental power when the level of human refining is not comparable to the fierce beasts.


  Suddenly the three fireballs turned into a bright red flame, which was bounced onto the valley wall by the white light of the white shield technique.


  The valley shook the mountain for a while, as if it was about to collapse, Chen Xuan took out the Jialan sword from behind, the blue sword body, and the runes on the sword body were glowing blue, as if looking forward to this battle very much.

  Chen Xuan swung his sword over, and the blue light flashed directly against Gu Shen's heart. Gu Shen’s flame barrier, like a huge red wall, made Chen Xuan’s Jialan sword unable to penetrate. The war spirit in Chen Xuan's eyes became deeper and deeper.


  A big fire flashed across Chen Xuan’s white barrier...


  The White Shield technique collapsed. Now Chen Xuan had no defenses, and Wang Keke and Zhou Fei did not have the White Shield technique's defenses, so they were directly exposed to the God of Valley.

   "It seems that there is only a quick fight and a quick decision, die for me." Chen Xuan roared.

  A blue blade rushed to the valley **** to set up a huge red wall, and then brushed again, and several blue blades flashed past.

  Without the defense of the giant wall, Gu Shen was forced into an awkward situation in an instant, and Gu Shen was overwhelmed by a few blue lights. In the process of Gu Shen's dealing with these blue blades, Chen Xuan discovered Gu Shen's weakness, his chest, his weakness was his heart.

  Chen Xuan decided to give it a go, his mental power and physical spiritual power were already running low.

   "It seems that I can only make big moves, let me die!" Chen Xuan roared

  Chen Xuan slashed down with a blue light, and the Jialan sword was like a blue fierce sword, going to the life of the **** of valley, and slaying directly at the weakest place of the **** of valley.


   The mountain shook in an instant, and the huge body of Gu Shen completely split at this moment, and then turned into countless blood lights, slowly dissipating.


Zhou Fei suddenly vomited a mouthful of blood, which was obviously backlashed by mental power. In fact, the battle between Gu Shen and Chen Xuan was a battle between the acquired power and the innate power, while Zhou Fei was only in the middle-level Qi Cultivation realm. .

  After the death of the strong in the acquired realm, his spiritual backlash, if it were not for the strong in the innate realm, may not be able to bear it. As for Wang Keke, it may be the reason for eating the melt pill, so he did not suffer too much backlash.

  Slowly, Zhou Fei's body also slowly dissipated as the soul of Gushen flew away. This may be the end of the weak. In this world of bullying, the weak would have become cannon fodder in the struggle between the strong.

   "Zhou Fei!" Wang Keke shouted anxiously.

However, Chen Xuan was still expressionless. It was not that Chen Xuan was cold-blooded, but Chen Xuan understood that this was inevitable when he was unable to save him, because at this time Chen Xuan's mental energy was exhausted and his physical energy was exhausted. It was also exhausted, and there was no way to use the White Shield technique, but the Melt Pill had been taken, so it couldn't be saved at all.

   Suddenly the heart of Gu Shen turned into two pills and fell into the hands of Chen Xuan and Wang Keke respectively. Chen Xuan probed the two pills with spiritual power, and the energy contained was very huge.

   is like the effect of tenfold bone frustration. It should be able to help break through. Since the beginning of the battle with the **** of valley, Chen Xuan has a vague sense of breakthrough, especially during the last fight, Chen Xuan felt that his body was about to burn.

  Chen Xuan swallowed it without hesitation. Wang Keke saw Chen Xuan swallowed it, and she swallowed it too.

  In an instant, Chen Xuan's eyes blacked, and his mental power and spiritual power slowly emerged in his mind. He knew that his spiritual power and spiritual power were about to break through the barrier.

   Spiritual power is like energy, hitting his body one by one, like a whip roasted on a fire, hitting his body one by one.

  Ah ah...

  Chen Xuan couldn't help but yelled, because the pain was so painful that after being beaten by spiritual power, his body seemed to be roasted on a fire. It was very hot and hot, and huge heat climbed in his body.


  Chen Xuan's innate intermediate barrier was broken, and the heat of that heat slowly diminished, turning into a warm current flowing in Chen Xuan's lower abdomen.

  But it's about a quarter of an hour...

  Chen Xuan's mental power began to tremble and shock like crazy again. Chen Xuan felt that the barrier of mental power would also be broken, and that pill could actually break through the double barrier.

  In fact, it’s not all pill problems. The main reason is that the battle between Chen Xuan and Gu Shen was so fierce that it hit both barriers in Chen Xuan's body, and it was a blessing in disguise.

  Chen Xuan’s mental power was shaking more and more violently, as if it was about to break through. Chen Xuan’s head seemed to be severely squeezed. The pressure of mental power when breaking through the barrier was not something ordinary people could suffer. If the will is not firm enough, he will definitely go crazy immediately.

  (End of this chapter)

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