Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1564: Zhan Duo Ke, double breakthrough

   Chapter 1564 Fight against Duoke, double breakthrough

  "This...Are we destined to die here today?" What is roaring...

  What is an intermediate power in the Innate Realm? If it is to fight with Duoke at this time, it must be fierce and lucky, and Chen Xuanxiu's aura peak can't help much. The opponent is a strong in the acquired peak...

  However, why do you still want to fight with your death? Since there is no suspense of being alive, then die on the battlefield...

  Doko took a palm and slapped it down, and the sky in the secret realm broke and the ground broke, and all the plants rose from the roots. This is the strength of the pinnacle of the acquired realm...

  What is the purpose of pulling out his long sword, the orange flame, burning the true essence of what is...It can be seen that the current strength of what is really being suppressed by Doko...


  What is a sword that slashed towards Doko... Doko solved what is the light of a huge blade like a flame...


  Doko only used one move, and in an instant it seemed that the world of the secret realm had changed color, and a black light was so close to what it was...

  Ah ah...

  What is the use of orange true essence to withstand Doko’s attack... But obviously the final result may not be so ideal...


  Chen Xuan made a move, with the strength of the pinnacle of the innate realm and the strength of the six-fold pinnacle of spiritual power, he made a move...

  Jia's blue sword shining intent to fight, the blue flame burned fiercely, longing for this fight.

  Doko roared...

  Doko’s right palm is condensed with a huge fireball, like a huge furnace. This is the strength of the acquired peak power and the gap between the acquired peak power and the acquired mid-level power...


  A white light flashed through Chen Xuan’s white robe...

  His mental power is almost unsupported, the opponent is too strong to defend blindly...

  At this time, what is seemingly stunned, he did not expect that Chen Xuan was actually an innate strong, and he was also a strong innate peak, and his spiritual power had reached the sixth peak...

  Why think about all the things before, it seems that the team experience and reaction speed are indeed emphasizing that Chen Xuan can't just be the pinnacle of Qi cultivation...It seems that this can only be done by the innate strong...

   But such a young innate pinnacle powerhouse, passing the half-immortal trial, being so young is simply a monster! Enchanting!

  What is exclamation...

  Chen Xuan holds the Jia blue sword and stands against the wind. He is really a semi-celestial demeanor.

  It seems that we must attack...


  A few blue lights flashed beside Doko, but they were all absorbed by Doko’s furnace...

How to do?

  The defense of the furnace is too strong...

  Chen Xuanjian, like raindrops, stabs towards Duoke quickly. The dense blue sword intent, like a firefly in summer, is very fast...

  Doko is a bit overwhelmed...

  Usually, fast attacks are very useful for beasts, because beasts are generally behemoths. If they attack quickly, the beast’s response will be overwhelming. This is very helpful for finding his weakness and hitting it with a single blow...

  This was also taught by Mr. Sanbai...

  Of course, Doko was not idle either, a few fire lights directly forced towards Chen Xuan, accompanied by a huge fire light blade...

  Doko started a fierce attack with offensive as defensive. He discovered that Chen Xuan’s weakness was actually... He rushed towards He Wei...



  His steps sound like iron pillars hitting the ground...every step is a big hole...

  His body is like a wild beast, rushing towards what is!


  Chen Xuan once again blocked Duoke with the Jialan Sword. The body of the Jialan Sword was glowing with blue runes, violently burning Duoke’s fore palm...

  What a sigh of relief, if there was no Chen Xuan just now, why would I really dare not think about the result...

  Chen Xuan saw that Duoke’s forefoot was burned by the Jialan sword, so he took advantage of the situation, slashed with a blue light, and approached Duoke’s forefoot...


Chen Xuan's forefoot was actually seen by Chen Xuan abruptly. The blood splashed around hundreds of feet like a huge wave, and that forefoot flew out, and he just smashed the pit of the last landing place several feet down. ...

  "Teacher Ho, come up at this time"

  Chen Xuan took out Bai Yu and let He Wei come up. From Doko's point of view, it may not be able to recover in a short time, but once it recovers, it will definitely retaliate fiercely against Chen Xuanhe He Wei...

  So Chen Xuanhe and He Wei must immediately escape from the secret realm, and then seal the secret realm, and never come out more...


  Chen Xuan vomited blood out

This battle really consumes too much for him, because this battle can't help him much, because He Wei's strength is only the Intermediate Innate Realm, and his mental strength is only the sixth-tier Intermediate. It's true. The difference is too big...

  If Chen Xuan and He Wei are two people and Doko only has one, using the crowded tactics, then it’s useless...

  Like Chen Xuan’s bloodbath of the Blackpool, there are so many people in the Blackpool, but in front of the real cultivators, they are all ants.

  It's just an ant in front of Duoze...

"I'm sorry, Mr. He... I didn't protect you..." He Wei is not ranting, maybe he can't protect Chen Xuan, but he thinks that Chen Xuan is a teacher, and what he can't be tolerated. Before he died, Chen Xuan was injured...

  Chen Xuan waved his hand, not caring...

   Suddenly Chen Xuan's body was hot and it seemed to be about to explode...

   Just now, Chen Xuan’s physical strength has been overdrawn, and his mental power is almost overdrawn. Now he is using only his mental power to control Bai Yu...

  Chen Xuan's complexion was pale, this was really a physiological reaction when the pain was at its extreme, but Chen Xuan abruptly endured it without saying a word...

  Chen Xuan understands that this is about to break through...

  His body training is about to break through...


  Chen Xuan suddenly turned red, and then the blood seemed to have boiled, and the meridians were clearly revealed. Chen Xuan’s cold sweat had wetted his white robe, and the white robe seemed to have been boiled in boiling water...

  Why is it even more surprised to see this scene...

   is simply a god...

  It's going to break through again, breaking through with the physical and mental strength being overdrawn...Is this still a young man in his twenties? This is simply a monster!


  Chen Xuan’s body except for the white robe, the black gauze draped over the white robe was directly torn apart, and the plain clothes in the white robe were also turned into fragments...

"White...white robe...I was thinking...the defense just like the white shield technique in the first battle...could it be that you are?" Why is it that I have seen it in the history of the development of the mainland of Xuncheng, and white robe is not everyone? Wearable...

The first is that the President of Xuncheng can wear a white robe, but it is only an ordinary white robe, and the white robe with a strong defense is the white robe of the white shield technique. I am afraid that only one family is allowed to wear it, and only one family can wear it. Qualified to wear...

  That is the Three White School, and only the head can wear the white robe, and the plain clothes can be worn by the disciple, but only the head can be qualified to use and wear the white robe and the white shield technique...

  "This...Is he..." What is the time when thinking


  This huge noise has brought what is back to reality...

  Chen Xuan broke through again! Powerful of acquired realm! The beginners of the acquired realm are only in their twenties!

  The powerful force turned into a warm current, which remained in Chen Xuan's heart...

   comes right away...

  Chen Xuan's mind is another sharp pain...

  Don’t even need spiritual power...

  The mental power in Chen Xuan's mind kept hitting the barrier, and that barrier began to loosen... Chen Xuan was once again immersed in the pain

  But Chen Xuan’s facial expression remains unchanged, that is, there is no expression...

That pillar of mental power keeps climbing upwards, as if giving Chen Xuan a thermometer now, his value is the same, Chen Xuan's blood starts to boil again, the blood that has just calmed down, and the body that has just returned to normal is also beginning to turn red. ...

  There was still severe pain and dizziness in his mind, as if Chen Xuan took the initiative to hit an iron wall...

  The pillar of spiritual power is like a butterfly imprisoned in a silkworm cocoon, struggling to hit the wall of the silkworm cocoon with his head...


  Chen Xuan’s mental power finally broke through the barrier...Chen Xuan finally entered the seventh level...

  The body-refining cultivation base at the peak of the Hou Tian realm, the seventh-level primary mental power...

  What is it that I have not dared to bother by the side...until Chen Xuan broke through the barrier of mental power...

The dizziness and pain in his mind also weakened, and slowly turned into nothingness. Now Chen Xuan is very weak. He has just fought with Doke, and now he has just broken through. It is because of both physical training and spiritual power. Overdraft situation...

  Chen Xuan quickly took out a melt pill and swallowed it, refining physical and mental strength also improved...

  "Caomin pays homage to the head of Sanbai!"

  What is the courtesy way to Chen Xuan...

  The head of the Sanbai faction must salute even if the president sees it. What's more?

  The reason is very simple. The Sanbai Sect once opened up the Xuncheng Continent and was the founder of the Xuncheng Continent. Although it is not a ruler now, its prestige is still great...

   And every time the head of the Sanbai sect goes down the mountain, it means that the Xuncheng Continent is in crisis and needs to be rescued, and looking at the situation now, the Xuncheng Continent is indeed a piece of fat in the eyes of other continents...

  "Caomin is willing to do the work of adults, and is willing to protect the mainland of Xuncheng!" What is excitement...

  This is what he has been thinking about in the Heavenly Snake Mercenary Corps these years, but the current Zhengzhi forces cannot rely on, and the Jianghu forces are also very dark. He doesn't know what to do. Now Chen Xuan's arrival has also awakened his ambition...

  Chen Xuan nodded. Chen Xuan had already seen what his ambition was, so he has been observing what he was doing, and what he had done desperately to protect in the fight against Doko... and it is precisely because of this...

   "The Xuncheng Continent only relies on the Sanbai sect, I am afraid it will be difficult to return to the sky, I want the entire Celestial Snake mercenary group to be used by me, and I will fight with me, just..."

  Chen Xuan hesitated...

"It's just that the Sanbai sect is currently smashed by Yanjin... and Captain Ren Hua is indulging in the fight for the rights of Yanjin... and is unable to manage things in the group... So we still have to cultivate our strength. what……"

  Chen Xuan solemnly said...

  (End of this chapter)

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