Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2039: Looking for a big fight

  Chapter 2039 Looking for a home war

   Hearing Wu Ye's ironic words, the dialect finally couldn't help it.

  "Go ahead and turn this place upside down for me."

  "Want to search my house, you asked me if I did not,"

  "The city lord has an enchantment, can it break it?"

   "Yes, then you have to defeat him to be able to."

   "Is that so? Then I will clean him up, it's best to kill him."

   "Arrogant, I didn't even understand the real meaning of the title of Daojun, do you really think you are very powerful?" Wu Yi said with disdain.

   "Let you see what is the power that a real titled Daoist should have."

   "The way of thunder and lightning, the killing of dragon!"

  I saw a thunder and lightning dragon appearing behind Wu Yi, with lightning all over his body, crackling, sending out a power that makes people's heart trembling.

   Then, the thunder and lightning dragon roared,


   rushed towards several people, with unmatched momentum.

   "Be careful, everyone, this is Rui Yi's fame stunt. There are countless deaths under this trick."

   "Yes, I still have some eyesight, knowing the old man's fame skills." Wu Yi laughed.

  The four drew away in an instant, and then various envoys made their debut, trying to blast away the dragon together, but I didn't expect this dragon to be so tenacious, even though they were still unaffected by this.

  "Don’t fight fearlessly. I said that you don’t even know the true meaning of titled Daojun. Don’t waste your efforts."

  "How is this possible, why is the gap so big! Could it be that he has become a saint?"

   "Impossible, he does not have the power of the holy way, and it is impossible to be a powerful person."

   "But why are the same titled princes, so the gap is so big, even if we two are invincible, we won't be as helpless as we are now!" All of them were shocked.

   "I said, even we are the real titled Daoist do not know that we are so arrogant."

   "In my name, summon the Avenue of Thunder and Lightning, and the thunderous thunderous tops."


  Several people, like kites with broken wires, flew upside down to the ground, their eyes full of incredible!

  "Quick retreat" after speaking in dialect, the four scattered and fled

   "Huh, when my sky auction house is, do you come and leave when you want to come"

   "Wu Yi Lao Er, what do you want, although we can't beat you, but if you want to keep us, you probably don't have that strength." The dialect secretly charges up and prepares to give him a thunderous blow when he is wrinkled and not paying attention.

  "Dialect old dog, put away your little moves, and rely on your tricks, the old man is not in his eyes."

  "Really, then you take this trick: Lava Sword"

  I saw a sword flowing with lava appearing in the void and piercing Yu Yi's body. "Hehe, wrinkled old man is just like that. Huh? No, it's the afterimage, Ah Da retreat." Suddenly the burly man among the three following the dialect retreated violently. With a thunder, Ah Da burst into a ball of blood. fog.

   "Wai Yi Lao Er, are you really at that level?"

  "Dialect old dog, you should think about how to get out of it."

  "Do you really think you can keep me"

  "I think I can try it. I am fixing the way of thunder and lightning, which is famous for speed. Can you still have the confidence to escape?"

  "Do you dare to kill me, my father will not let you go"

  "Then leave you all behind and he won’t know who killed you." After saying this, he rushed towards the dialect, "Thunder Wanren"


   Dialect tried his best to dodge but failed to escape the thunderous blow, the whole person flew out and smashed a large human-shaped pit on the ground.

  Aer and Asan flew to the dialect, "City Lord, how are you?" The dialect wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

"Dialect old dog, your mouth is hard and your teeth are beaten. Okay, to bet on your stinky mouth, I will use Thunder Wanren to take your dog's life, and in my name, I will call Thunder Avenue, Lei Ting Wan. Ren!!!"

In    dialect, the left and right hands respectively grabbed Ah Er Ah San and threw them to the wrinkle.

  "City Lord, you..." Before Ah Er Ah San had finished speaking, he burst into a cloud of blood. "Wrinkle is also an old man, the hatred of today will be returned ten thousand times in the future" dialect turned into a stream of light and fleeed away. "Damn it, let him run away, the old dog will be reported, and there will be trouble in the future."

  At this moment, Chen Xuan appeared to the side and said

   "Unexpectedly, this dialect still has some ability to escape."

   "I was careless, so I let him run away."

   "Hey, he will definitely notify his father when he goes back this time, our trouble is unavoidable!"

   "The soldiers are here to cover the water and earth, no matter how worried they are, it won’t work."

   "That's what the little friend said, that's the end of the matter, and that's the only way to go."

   "I have to make sufficient preparations for emergencies."

   "What do you plan to do?"

  "When I was in the mainland in the early years, I had a few close friends. They were all of the same level as me. Presumably they would still sell me a bit of face. It is okay to ask them to help."


  In fact, there is still some unwillingness to wrinkle. After all, this will put them in danger. Although they also have protection behind them, if this is to fight, who will estimate the background of the other party?

   "In this way, let Miss Qing'er take Xiaotian to Han Bingcheng. Where is a friend of mine, and he also has some background, even Fang Youwei dare not go to trouble."

   "That's the best way."

  The only thing Chen Xuan worries about is these two people, so that he will have no worries about the future, and he can safely fight a battle.

   "Senior, this is what I need. Take a look and get it together as soon as possible."

   looked at the list that Chen Xuan handed over, and said with excitement:

   "Unexpectedly, the little friends will also arrange the formation, so that we will be a lot easier."

   So the two men were divided into two groups, Xi was also responsible for raising materials to move the soldiers, while Chen Xuan waited patiently and arranged a large formation.

  A big battle is about to begin.

   "Qing'er, you take Wutian to the Ice City and wait for me, remember, be careful wherever you go."

   "No, Brother Chen Xuan, I will not go anywhere. I will fight alongside you here. I am also a powerful Daoist. I can protect myself and not become a burden to you."

   "Qing'er, I didn't tell you to leave because of this."

"Wutian has only cultivated for a few months. We have to think about him. If a war breaks out, no one of us can protect his comprehensiveness, and your task is to take him to Han Bingcheng. We will arrange it. Besides, Xiaotian We don’t worry about it when we leave it to others."

   Hearing Chen Xuan's explanation, Qing'er was a little shaken. After all, Rutian was indeed still very weak.

   "That's good, but after I send him off, I will come back and fight with you, Brother Chen Xuan."

   "Qing'er, what are you doing back after you have gone, Xiaotian alone, Han Bingcheng, don't worry, you, as a elder sister, Xiaotian's senior, you have to protect him, don't you?"

  Finally, Qing'er stopped insisting, and decided to go to Frozen City with Wutian.

  (End of this chapter)

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