Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 245: Ancestor Shenwei

  Chapter 245 Ancestor's Power

Bi Fang is the beast that masters flames. The reason why he chose to comprehend this fire bird Bi Fang is also because the ancestors of the Shangguan family had the privilege of seeing this beast Bi Fang once, and even the cultivation in the future. In the middle, it is also mixed with a lot of insights about the beast Bi Fang, and because of this, the strength of the Shangguan family can be improved so quickly.

  Except for the first generation of ancestors, it is now finally in the hands of Shangguan Natian, once again showing the demeanor of the beast Bifang, and all Shangguan family members are excited.

   "The ancestor's supernatural power!"

   "The ancestor's supernatural power!"

  Someone shouted loudly, and then the cheers of the people of that tribe rang out throughout Shangguan City, and that voice was constantly echoing across the sky.

   Very strong.

   "The power of the ancestors."

  When he heard the shouts of these clansmen, Shangguan Natian seemed to be even more proud.

   "Chen Xuan, it is an honor for you to die under the power of this beast!"

After    finished speaking, Shangguan Natian controlled the beast Bi Fang and rushed towards Chen Xuan, and the energy between the sky and the earth was already being burned while the wings were waving.

  The flame roared and reflected on the sky.


  The sky above the entire Shangguan city was blew up like a vulcan storm, and the beast holding the flame descended on Shangguan city with mighty power to cover the sky.

   "If you are a real beast coming, then I will be afraid of you three points, but a mimicry, like fighting with me!?"

  Chen Xuan was also agitated, bullying his own lonely family is impossible, but I, Chen Xuan, with my own strength, can move your entire Shangguan City away!

   "Small Flint!"

  Chen Xuan threw the stone in his hand, and the power of that runestone instantly diffused between the heaven and the earth, seeming to form a defensive formation, waiting for Chen Xuan's arrival.

   "Arrogant! Look at my sacred animal Bifang, destroy the wind and flame!"

The huge body of the Firebird Bifang began to spin frantically, and directly slammed into Chen Xuan. The flame formed a terrifying tornado power around the body, even where the Firebird swept through. The flames swayed out, all burning the surrounding ground.

  A series of terrifying scratches appeared under the ground, quite strong and terrifying.

  The invisible force tore apart, making the ground seem to be continuously beaten with a long whip.

   "The ancestor's supernatural power!"

  Everyone stared at the scene in front of them intently, waiting for the end of the beheading of Chen Xuan, the enemy of this century, and seeing Chen Xuan dead in front of them, so happy and excited, how happy and excited it will be.

  Die, you Chen Xuan devil.

  This Chen Xuan is simply not a human being.

  Where can anyone do it, come to your city alone, and then destroy all the masters of your city. Only Chen Xuan can do such a thing.

The power of   Firebird Bifang almost covered the breath of heaven and earth, as if the most powerful animal in the whole world was the beast in front of him, Firebird Bifang.

   "Suppress Flint, give me suppression!"

  The next moment, the Firebird turned and hit the flint in the town, and Chen Xuan immediately activated the energy in the flint in the town.

   Suddenly only heard a strong fluctuation.


  This sound wave was quite deadly. The houses in the center of the collision were all turned into fragments in an instant, and even the people in the distance were swept into meat sauce by the power of this sound wave.

  Chen Xuan himself also stepped on the ground with his feet, and was directly bombarded by that tyrannical force over a distance of tens of meters, and his feet dragged a long trace on the ground.


The profound energy in front of him kept agitating. Under Chen Xuan's defense, he also resisted the attack. When all this was done, Chen Xuan also sneered.

   "It's kind of interesting."

  Kang Dang!

  A stone fell on the ground.

  A mushroom cloud rising into the sky above the sky made people shocked and terrified after seeing it.

  The Shangguan family’s house was also flattened off in half, and the top half was directly cut into pieces and fell, only the last half fell on the ground intact.

  Shangguan Nahai and others were also buried in the ruins instantly.

  Many people can get out of the ruins by themselves, but some people are buried forever.

  The huge Shangguan City was also swept directly under this shock, becoming a pile of ruins.

   "It turned out to have consumed all my flintstones, which is amazing."

Chen Xuan also exclaimed. This emperor-level realm is still amazing. With all his best, he can beat his first-level runestones into this shape. At this time, the fire-suppressing stone in his hand has completely lost its power. However, Chen Xuan didn't care. Although a gem is rare, after the strength is strong, the gems of that level are completely useless, and it is time to eliminate them.

   "What! How can it be!"

  When he saw Chen Xuan standing in front of him intact, then Shangguan Natian could hardly believe it.

  Why can Chen Xuan survive? This is impossible!

  The emperor-level realm he had managed to break through was now released, and he could have easily killed Chen Xuan, but now, Chen Xuan just used a small stone to resist his tricks.


  Not only that, but Shangguan Natian's mouth was also spurted with blood.

  The whole person knelt down on the ground.

   "Impossible, you should be dead, you cannot survive."

  The next moment, Shangguan Natian looked at Chen Xuan again.

   "Even without the power of the emperor, with my profound strength cultivation base, it will be enough to kill you!"

   Shangguan Natian roared.

The profound strength of the   Emperor-level powerhouse was also madly released, and it continued to rush forward, as if there was a long snake under the ground, surging and rumbling continuously.

  The ground trembled violently, and Chen Xuan knew that it was time to fight head-on.


   Before Chen Xuan made a move, the Antarctic True Flame Tiger behind him had already rushed towards the profound strength one step at a time.


  The Antarctic Real Flame Tiger roared, but it was still shaken off, and rolled around on the ground several times, and finally got up, glaring at Shangguan Natian in front of him.

  It is worthy of this mutant profound beast. Even if it faces this powerful emperor-level expert, it does not have a trace of fear and rushes forward, regardless of the strength of the opponent, as long as it is an enemy, then rush forward and kill it.

   "You rest first, let me deal with this guy!"

  The next moment, above Chen Xuan's head, a seven-colored pagoda was suddenly suspended.

  At the same time, a nine-tier spirit pill was swallowed by Chen Xuan, and the halo on the seven-color pagoda was brightened again.

  Boom boom boom!

  This time, six consecutive layers were lit up.

When the seventh floor is opened, it can even break through the limit, but now Chen Xuan is still unable to open it, only by relying on the power of this nine-tier spirit pill, it is only to open the sixth floor above the seven-treasure light tower. It can be seen that when this seventh layer is opened, how much power is needed to infuse it.

  Boom boom boom!

The breath released by Chen Xuan also set off a violent wave on the ground. Under the collision of the two masters' breath, this Shangguan City was almost broken, and now only a pile of ruins remained.

  However, the battle continues.

  The auras of the two powerhouses collided together, tearing the sky apart. Although Chen Xuan's strength was still a little short of the emperor-level realm, at this moment it was no different from that of Shangguan Natian.

  The powerhouse far surpasses the ordinary imperial peak.

  In just a few months, Chen Xuan had such a terrible breakthrough in strength. If he were to say it, it would be unbelievable, and he even thought that it was a miracle born here.

  It is hard for ordinary people to believe.

  In Chen Xuan's opinion, harmony is normal.

  Even without the invincible cultivation base of the previous life, these people are not able to trample on them at will now.

  As long as it is one's own enemy, then there is only one dead end!

   "Indestructible Tripod!"

  A giant tripod with a height of one hundred feet appeared on top of Chen Xuan's head, as if it were a mountain.

  (End of this chapter)

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