Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2561: Mystic Fire Lion

   Chapter 2561 Mystic Fire Lion

  One of the men looked a little weak, holding a fan in his hand, but the strong wind carried on the fan actually repelled the bodies of the two men in black.

  But it is only one person after all. If it continues to be consumed, it is definitely not the opponent of these two men in black.

  Seeing this kind of exercise, Chen Xuan knew that he must be from the Nangong family.

  Chen Xuan did not stand by. The two men in black were both from the Pantheon, so Chen Xuan shouted, like a Qinghong, with a little tiptoe, holding the Liaoyuan sword in his hand. He attacked a black-clothed man.

  A wave of flames spurted from Chen Xuan's Liaoyuan sword, directly covering the body of the black-clothed man.

Just a face-to-face encounter, Chen Xuan’s Liaoyuan sword directly pierced the black-clothed man’s head, and only pierced her body in an instant. This kind of power stunned another black-clothed man. They never Having seen this kind of technique, the violent flames can only come to them in an instant. After killing a black-clothed man, Chen Xuan instantly attacked the other black-clothed man with a sword shadow like wind.

  The black-clothed man was still in consternation, but Chen Xuan had now quickly approached his side, a flame of sword light shot up into the sky, directly bombarding the black-clothed man's body, making a series of explosions.

  Since Chen Xuan has now retrieved the Vermillion Bird technique again, he has become more comfortable with the mysterious fire, and the power of the Liaoyuan sword exploded is very great. In an instant, Chen Xuan pierced the body of the other man in black.

  The young man in white clothes holding a fan hugged Chen Xuan and said, "Thank you, brother, my name is Nangong Tian."

  Chen Xuan had heard from Nangongxi that she also had a younger brother. It must be this Nangongtian.

   "You're welcome, I have met people in your family, and that should be considered proper, but why were you chased by these guys?" Chen Xuan asked curiously.

  By beheading the two men in black, Chen Xuan discovered that they were not members of the Pantheon at all, but they actually carried the token of the Pantheon.

   "I don't know. I just wanted to go to the Qiushuang Empire. I didn't expect to encounter the assassination of the two of them halfway through." Nangong Tian replied.

   Then Chen Xuan searched for the bodies of two men in black, but found nothing from them, just two tokens of the Pantheon.

   "How is Nangongxi now?" Chen Xuan asked.

   "It's fine now, but my sister has been staying in Yunye City recently." Nangong Tian replied.

   Yunye City is the imperial city of the Yunye Empire, and it is also the city that Chen Xuangang came into contact with when he came to this world, where he met Nangongxi in the first place.

When Chen Xuan mentioned Nangongxi, a smile appeared on Nangongtian's face and said to Chen Xuan: "If I guessed correctly, you must be Chen Xuan, whom my sister often mentioned, and my sister has recently paid for it. He told me to tell you that people from the Hua family have resurfaced again, so you must be more careful."

  Chen Xuan nodded and replied: "I will."

  After beheading the two men in black, Chen Xuan directly released the mysterious fire, burning the bodies of the two of them.

  When he was in Lu Yucheng, he once met Nangongxi, and he also met a Baiyunzong elder.

Because of this, Chen Xuan also got into trouble at the beginning. His alchemy genius was informed by an alchemy genius in the Baiyun Sect, so he wanted to challenge Chen Xuan, and he also released a ruthless remark, if Chen Xuan Should not fight, it means that Chen Xuan's strength in alchemy is not as good as him.

  Chen Xuan knew that the alchemy genius of Bai Yunzong was a defiant and very arrogant guy. Because Chen Xuan's knowledge of alchemy was very solid, he felt that his status was threatened, so he wanted to challenge Chen Xuan.

After learning that Nangongtian was going to Bailing City this time, Chen Xuan also agreed, and now he and Li Qiuyu are separated. I don't know if Li Qiuyu has arrived in Bailing City.

Bailing City was not far from Dragon Bird, and the difference between the two was only a few hundred miles, so Chen Xuan followed Nangongtian towards Bailing City. They just came to the gate of the city and found a bunch of cars. The horse is slowly driving towards the center of Bailing City. The scene of this team of horses and horses is very grand, and there are several luxurious vehicles in front of them.

  There are still a few monsters on the body of the car, and there are guards on top of these monsters, majestic and majestic.

  "Who are these people?" Chen Xuan asked.

   "I'm afraid they are all from Dragon Sparrow City." Nangong Tian replied.

  Dragon Sparrow City, as the largest city in the northeast, has a very large pomp, and this team is the owner of Dragon Sparrow City.

  Chen Xuan and the others just wanted to continue walking forward, they found a man in the team suddenly shouted: "Don't you two boys want to live anymore? You dare to walk in front of us!"

This made Chen Xuan feel a little unhappy in his heart. He didn't deal with the lord of Dragon Sparrow City, and now he is not allowed to walk in front. Just when Chen Xuan was about to speak, a man in front of him actually shook his hand directly. The bow and arrow, an arrow coming through the air, was mixed with profound profound energy, and it was attacking against Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan suddenly took hold of his Liaoyuan sword, floating like lightning, and now on the palm of his hand, his profound strength burst out suddenly and burst out, slashing the arrow into two. Half, fell to the ground.

  Although he cut the arrow in half, Chen Xuan felt that his arm was numb.

  Several guards saw that Chen Xuan was so rampant, they lined up neatly, surrounding Chen Xuan and Nangong Tian.

A guard suddenly held a sword and attacked Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan's steps backed slightly and avoided the past. The Liaoyuan Sword emerged in an instant and knocked out the body of the guard. The guard was obviously Unexpectedly, Chen Xuan's attack speed was so fast. Without a reaction, several guards were blasted off by Chen Xuan.

  There was a burst of flames above their bodies. Just when Chen Xuan wanted to continue pursuing the past, a man in a white robe walked out of the middle of the carriage.

  The man glanced at Chen Xuan, with a joking smile on his face, and said to Chen Xuan: "I didn't expect you, a brat, to be so courageous that even the people from Dragon Sparrow City would dare to provoke him."

   "What is your Dragon Bird City? I don't care about it at all." Chen Xuan replied coldly.

  The middle-aged man was extremely fast. He clenched his fists in the blink of an eye, and fierce fist winds hit Chen Xuan.

Feeling the sudden body of the middle-aged man, Chen Xuan let out a low roar, his body stepped back two steps, and attacked the middle-aged man with a punch. The two bodies collided in the middle and exploded in midair. A group of powerful profound energy came out.

  The battle attracted many guards in Bailing City. They all saw Chen Xuan who was fighting with the middle-aged man, and their faces showed a trace of disdain.

"He actually dared to provoke the people of Dragon Sparrow City. This kid is really tired of his life. I think he is definitely not the opponent of this man in Dragon Sparrow City. He is based on his cultivation base, and he just stayed in the realm of God Sovereign, this kid. But it is too rampant, it seems that he thinks his strength can compete with him." A guard said.

  At this moment, a man’s voice came from above a carriage in the center.

   "Enough." The man's voice seemed calm, even with powerful profound energy.

After hearing this man's voice, the middle-aged man who was fighting with Chen Xuan suddenly closed his hand.

Looking at Chen Xuan fiercely, he said, "Our son has already spoken today, so I won't continue to pester you anymore, but if I see you again in the future, I will definitely not let you go easily. ."

  Chen Xuan did not answer, watching the Dragon Quecheng convoy continue to drive into Bailing City, after the battle just now, these guards did not dare to stop Chen Xuan.

  After arriving in Bailing City, Chen Xuan kept inquiring about the news, but found Li Qiuyu, so after staying in the city for a while, Chen Xuan bought some panacea and left here immediately.

  I have just been to the Soul Refining Tower, Chen Xuan can improve his cultivation level, so he can only hunt and kill Beasts. Only by refining the blood of powerful Beasts can his demon soul be upgraded again.

However, it is very difficult to continue to cultivate the demon soul. Every time a demon soul pattern is condensed, more energy is needed, and it is not so easy to condense. The cultivation of a demon soul is actually very difficult. Soul pattern, you have to pay a very high price.

"I can't find Li Qiuyu yet. Ouyang Yu and the others are probably still staying in the Yuan Palace that day, and I can't find Yu Wenqiu and Wang Lun now." Chen Xuan felt a little disappointed, just in a blink of an eye, he He returned to the state of being a person, but this was also just right. Chen Xuan was now ready to go to the forest to experience it.

  When he left, he also told Nangongtian to help him search for Li Qiuyu's whereabouts, so Chen Xuan left Bailing City.

As soon as he arrived in the Dragonfinch Forest, Chen Xuan directly killed a monster, and quickly ran the power of the medicine soul in his body. Chen Xuan refined the blood of the monster, but he did not increase the monster soul. Lines, Chen Xuan's current cultivation method is likely to make his foundation unstable.

  Although you can quickly improve your cultivation level, it is very likely to bring some side effects.

The Dragon Sparrow Forest is stronger than the Warcraft in the Black Rock Forest, because the aura here is more abundant, but there are also many Demon Hunters in the Dragon Sparrow Forest. They all want to hunt a lot of Warcraft here, although Chen Xuan is now the cultivation base of the realm of gods, but he can't go too deep in the forest. If he encounters a lord-level beast, he may only escape for his life with his strength.

The Dragon Sparrow Mountain Range is also very ancient. It is said that this place was the dwelling place of the ancient divine beast Dragon Sparrow a long time ago. Such ancient mountain ranges are accompanied by a certain degree of danger, but there are also many elixir plants growing in it. And it is very likely that there are many good things hidden.

  Half an hour later, Chen Xuan had appeared alone within a few hundred miles of the Dragon Que Mountain Range.


  (End of this chapter)

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