Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 276: Three charms

  Chapter 276 Three Charms

  Outside the northern city of Liaoning.

  The mighty eight-thousand beheading army is already close to the city.

  There was already a murderous air before he opened his mouth, spontaneously, and the entire sky seemed to be a black cloud.

  The suppressed black clouds, the people in Liaobei City that were suppressed were breathless.

  The horse stomped from time to time, it seemed to be very irritable, ready to attack at any time.

   "Wei Tianheng, you are so bold, you dare to rebel on the territory of King Liao!"

  A commander came under the city wall and shouted. The city guards were already under full control. When the forces in this Liaobei city were all unified, the resulting power would be immense.

  Wei Tianheng, the ancestors of the Wei family and others, plus other masters in this city, are all here, staring down.

  Fortunately, these people are also considered to have seen the world. Although the momentum of the Eight Thousand Beheading Army is quite mighty, but now it can be reluctantly supported to ensure that this face will not be ashamed in the first place, and will not fall into a disadvantage.

   "Today, my commander led eight thousand beheading troops to the city, and quickly opened the city gate, otherwise, if the city gate is broken, our army will surely kill you all!"

  The commander below roared loudly.

After speaking, he also raised the weapon in his hand. The eight thousand beheading army behind them yelled in harmony, and with a thunderstorm, they penetrated into the sky. At this moment, the people in the northern city of Liaoning were also shivering. If this beheading army rushed to kill. If you come in, then you will only end up as a dead soul under the sword, and even too late to run, the beheading army will not let any one live.

  Thinking of this, these people couldn’t help but pray, and they were panicked.

  I had known it a long time ago and went straight out of the city, but during this period of time, it was already blocked by the Wei family.

   On the city wall, listening to the arrogant clamor of the beheading army below, the faces of the Wei family were also quite uncomfortable, and the elders of the seven family members around him also frowned one after another, with embarrassment on their faces.

   "Patriarch Wei, just say something."

   "Yes, Patriarch Wei, it's a fight or a peace, but it's an order."

  Some even directly persuaded them, and simply surrendered, but this person was also directly dragged down and beaten up, confusing the people here and confounding the military's mind.

   "Listen to the people above, the King of Liao has already said that this time only the people from the Wei family will be arrested, and the innocent will not be hurt. In half an hour, I will lose the patience of the beheading army, and I will be at my own risk!"

After the commander finished speaking, he turned and left under the city wall to prevent these people from taking the lead in violent walking and beheading themselves. This rushed to the front and clamored, which also requires courage and strength. Otherwise, this will rush through at will, I don't know what to do. If you scold him, you can easily be killed directly by someone.

"Only arresting people from the Wei family, Patriarch Wei, you have deceived us. This is obviously the fault of your Wei family, but we need the entire Liaobei city to bear it. Are you too selfish? I’ll wait for the suggestion, and directly hand over the Wei family. What do you think about it?"

  Above the city wall, there was a man who had fallen in battle.

  It was clearly said that they were on the same front, and the commander of the beheading army was clearly a divorce, and he was still hooked. How could there be such a stupid person.

   "President Huo, you have to pay attention to the occasion when you say this. It will not be too late to regret it now."

  A Patriarch-level person could not help standing up and saying.

  Have everyone in the Huo family's brains been eaten by dogs? They can say such stupid things.

  But Wei Tianheng didn't have any nonsense.

   "Huo Yan, do you really think I don't know you secretly pass the city lord, do you think that the city lord will really let you go? Now, you can go with the city lord."

  Wei Tianheng sneered, and the next moment the Huo Family Patriarch Huo Yan also became nervous.

   suddenly jumped out under the city wall, obviously trying to open the city gate.

  But the ancestor of the Wei family blocked the city gate alone, and seeing this Huo Yan coming, it was not the slightest surprise.

   "I knew you would come a long time ago, just waiting for your blood sacrifice flag."

  After the ancestor of the Wei family finished speaking, he pulled out his body and smashed the Huo Yan in front of him into pieces with a palm.


  The plasma was flying, but the head remained.

  At this time, Wei Tianheng and others also threw the flag of the Liao King from the northern city of Liaoning.

   "If you want to fight, then fight, why not take half an hour!"

  Wei Tianheng's voice spread for ten miles.

The people in the entire Liaobei city heard the voice of Wei Tianheng so loud, full of confidence, and even completely angered the beheading army. The beheading army has been fighting for so long in the South and North. It has never been so long. Having encountered such an arrogant person, it turned out to be provoking the beheading army.

   "Let these people know the horror of my beheading army."

The great commander said indifferently, this great commander is already at the half-step imperial realm, and he has killed countless people in his life, his hands are stained with countless blood, and even just sitting there, he can feel the latter from a distance. murderous look,.

   One will succeed in everything.

  This is a strong man made by millions of dry bones. What kind of thorns have never been seen. Now Wei Tianheng is afraid that he will be tortured by himself.


  The chief of the beheading army waved his hand gently, and the eight thousand beheading army was a neat and uniform blade forward, and then launched a charge.


The breath of    overlapped into a sharp breath, and rushed towards the gate of the city a hundred meters away.

  I can faintly feel the strong breath coming.

  Even the city walls have a feeling of being destroyed.

   "To worship the elders, it's time for you to take action."

  As soon as the voice fell, six terrifying auras rose into the sky.




  As if six gods and Buddhas descended from the sky.

  One person has big ears, and seems to have a steel fork in his hand, possessing power to break the sky.

  A person wearing a red robe, a golden warhammer in both hands, a mouth full of beards, and eyes like a King Kong, you can feel the madness of the latter from a distance.

  A person dressed in white and holding a long sword, but behind that is carrying a long bow, his body is as light as a swallow, and he stands in the air.

  The remaining three people are exactly the same. They are all women, holding double rings.

  "Mao-tou Steel Fork Zhu Guangyue, Red Robe Warhammer Fang Wukui, White Clothes Lengjian Yufengshan, Three Sisters of Linglong Seven Rings!"

   "The six imperial powers in the Northeast are all assembled."

   "This clearly brings out the strongest lineup of worship!"

  "They are planning to win us in one game!"

   "Liao Wang, what a ruthless method!"

Seeing those six masters appearing, the people on the wall were all shocked. This was simply too shocking. The six masters of the Northeast Land were all under the account of the Liao King. No wonder there were none. People can fight against King Liao, and all those who fight against him will be beheaded.

  The six masters alone are enough to frighten any forces. ,

  These six people are not only powerful, their shots are even more fierce, and they never stay alive.

   "Brothers, today's battle is bound to be won. Whether I can live or not depends on the sword in my hand!"

   Wei Tianheng said, looking at the three charms in his hand.

   "If the talisman is broken, I will fight immediately!"

  Wei Tianheng shouted, the battle is imminent, if there is any ambition at this moment, it will be too late. Even if you rush out and surrender now, it will only be torn into pieces to increase the opponent's majesty.

   "Take Ling!"

  And the six masters all sneered, and they laughed and talked with each other to see who killed more people.

  After that, the six people suddenly rushed out, and the people on the wall burst out with a terrifying aura.


   "Take it to death, you guys and some trash."

   "Today I will slaughter 100,000 people!"

   "I am just one million people away from this city."

  The six emperor-level powerhouses burst out, and they were about to crush the city wall. At this moment, Wei Tianheng didn't hesitate anymore. The spell in his hand was immediately torn, and the power within that spell suddenly surged out.


  Thunderclouds cover the sky!

  Nine Dragon Thunder Tribulation Array!

   faintly saw nine thunder dragons walking through the thundercloud.

  When the Nine Dragons Thunder Tribulation Array was released, the sky changed color, and the six emperor-level masters also showed horror.

"what is this.!"


  A thunder dragon attack directly fell on the eight thousand beheading army, and it was instantly destroyed by one tenth!

  This one-tenth of the people was directly turned into ashes, with people and horses, plus the weapons and equipment, nothing was left, only some scorched traces appeared on the ground.


  The beheading army greatly commanded the sight, and suddenly his eyes were shocked.

"the second one!"

  When Wei Tianheng saw this, he also tore the second spell.


  The scene seemed to be a knife-like wind.

   "Nine-turn knife wind gust!"

  (End of this chapter)

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