Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3119: Space props

  Chapter 3119 Space props

  Chen Xuan kept looking at the surrounding walls, holding a sword in both hands, slashing the sky above the house.


  A fierce sword aura kept rippling in the house, Yu Wenqiu just walked in, and suddenly saw the sword aura floating in the room, his face suddenly sank.

   "What are you doing Chen Xuan? Do you want my life?"

  Haha laughed, Chen Xuan then said, "I'm really sorry, I didn't expect you to walk in at this time, Yu Wenqiu, look."

  Chen Xuan pointed to the rose-red spar above the roof, and said to Yu Wenqiu: “This place is connected to the secret space. As long as the red spar is broken, I can open the space.”

  Yu Wenqiu showed doubts and asked: "Unexpectedly, you still have an understanding of space, but this is unlikely. Why is there an independent space in this place? And there are constant beatings?"

  The sound of beating still kept coming, but Yu Wenqiu kept wandering around, and couldn't find the source of the sound.

   Seeing Yu Wenqiu's movements, Chen Xuan laughed and said, "You don't need to look for it. I have found it. It is in this place where you are standing. Is the sound louder than other places?"

Yu Wenqiu listened, a smile suddenly appeared on his face, and he admired Chen Xuan: "What you said is really right. The sound in this place is indeed louder than other places, but you are sure to crush the red spar. Can you open up the space?"

Hovering carefully to observe the yellow spar, the power of the demon soul was circulated, and then began to carefully observe the spar on the roof, and said to Yu Wenqiu: "There is absolutely nothing wrong with it, I have already felt the one above the room The power emanating from the spar is used to maintain space."

  Lightly nodded, Yu Wenqiu said: "Then I wish you a helping hand."

  As soon as the voice fell, Yu Wenqiu's body suddenly turned into a red phantom, and he directly struck the red spar in the air.

  Waving two daggers in his hands, a violent aura suddenly gathered from Yu Wenqiu's body and directly smashed the red spar.

  At this moment, the whole house began to continuously revolve, and the densely packed golden bricks began to rearrange.

  Chen Xuan found a bunch of strange runes appearing on the wall. These symbols were ancient characters that Chen Xuan had never seen before. When these runes appeared, Chen Xuan found that the whole house was beginning to fall apart.

   "What happened?" Yu Wenqiu's face was full of surprises, and she felt that her body was swaying around, and then she fell directly onto the ceiling.

  Chen Xuan did the same, smashing his body severely on the ceiling.

  Chen Xuan hurriedly got up from the ground, with a serious look on his face, and said to Yu Wenqiu: "It seems that this room has been upside down. I can't imagine that if the red spar is removed, it will turn this house upside down..."

Yu Wenqiu took the dust off his body and complained: "You still said, you asked me to break the red spar, but I just broke it, and this room has undergone such a big change. How do you think about it? Did you compensate me? Chen Xuan?"

   Seeing Yu Wenqiu’s angry look, Chen Xuan could only laugh awkwardly, and then replied: “Don’t be so serious, no matter what you see, what did I just say to you?”

  Yu Wenqiu looked around and found that there was a red light in the middle of the room. As this red light continued to bloom, a black void suddenly appeared in the middle.

Yu Wenqiu nodded secretly and replied to Chen Xuan: "It seems that what you said still makes sense, but it is not that easy for us to enter this empty space. We must know that if the space enters at will, it is likely to make the body. Tearing occurs."

  Chen Xuan replied softly: "It makes sense, but the space in this place is very narrow. Even if we pass, we won't let our body tear. Let me go in and take a look."

  After finishing speaking, Chen Xuan jumped directly into the space. Just walking into the space, Chen Xuan suddenly felt dark in front of him, and then opened his eyes and found that the sky had become sunny.

   "There is no cave in this place. It is not so much a space, as it is a secret realm." Chen Xuan kept looking around and said inwardly.

  Not long after Chen Xuangang walked in, Yu Wenqiu's body was constantly swaying in the space. After a while, Yu Wenqiu appeared behind Chen Xuan.

   "Chen Xuan, where is this?" Yu Wenqiu asked in confusion.

  Chen Xuan looked at the scorching sun above, the expression on his face suddenly became serious, and said to Yu Wenqiu: "Yu Wenqiu, we seem to have come to an incredible place."

   "Where, have you never shown this expression before? Is this place really that amazing?" Yu Wenqiu asked suddenly.

  Chen Xuan nodded hurriedly, and replied to Yu Wenqiu: "This place is exactly the same as I thought. It is a very old space, but I think the space in this place should not be too large."

In the    space, red light is permeated all around, but the scorching sun is still shining continuously in the sky.

  Chen Xuan heard the knocking sound still coming, but his eyes finally locked on a distant mountain peak.

  On the top of the mountain, there is a house from which the sound came.

  The expression on Chen Xuan's face kept getting serious, and hurriedly said to Yu Wenqiu: "I just felt the sound is on the mountain peak. Let's go and take a look. I don't know if anyone lives there."

   "How could anyone live there?" Yu Wenqiu looked surprised.

   "It's not easy to say, I thought it was just a closed space, but after I came in, I found out that this place not only has air, but also water and sun, it is a top secret space created by man."

   "No, I feel terrified when you say that, or let's go out." Yu Wenqiu began to retreat.

  Chen Xuan laughed and said: "I said Miss Yuwen, weren't you not afraid of being afraid before? Why are you still getting up now?"

Yu Wenqiu snorted and said, "What else, if it weren't for being so creepy, I wouldn't feel scared. You said that this place is inhabited. How could this be possible? Thousands of years have passed, so it's a golden city. Of those people live here?"

  Chen Xuan slowly shook his head and said, “I don’t know where the people in the Golden City went, but I did feel a breath of life, which is very small...”

Hearing this, Yu Wenqiu's eyes slowly closed, with a layer of red spiritual power lingering around his body, floating between the sky and the earth.

After displaying the power of the demon soul, Yu Wenqiu's aura has undergone tremendous changes. Two minutes later, Yu Wenqiu suddenly said: "You seem to have some truth in this place. There is some vitality in this place, but they are all very Weak, if there is no wrong guess, it should be sealed here..."

"Yes, there must be someone being sealed here, or it may be a monster being sealed, we must be careful, being able to be sealed in such a place, the cultivation base is definitely already strong to the point of heaven." Chen Xuan's face revealed. With a complicated look, he looked at the distant mountain peak.

   "Then you still have to go there? What if you run into those strong ones?" Yu Wenqiu asked.

  Chen Xuan shook his head lightly: "It shouldn't be. If someone is sealed here, they will definitely get a lot of good things."

   While speaking, Chen Xuan suddenly saw the red clouds floating in the sky constantly, even exuding a trace of blood.

   "This place is not that safe. There may still be monsters living in it. Let's go ahead and take a look." Chen Xuan stepped his legs and walked towards the mountain.

  This space is indeed as Chen Xuan said, the area of ​​the entire space is not that big, about 25 kilometers, just right.

When    came to the mountain, it only took twelve minutes to stand at the foot of the mountain, and Chen Xuan looked up at the mountain.

   "I feel the breath is coming from the inside of the mountain. I'm afraid we still need to find a cave and go through the cave."

   "Look for a cave? Are you sure you can find a cave in this place." Yu Wenqiu was surprised.

  The strange rocks on the mountain peak are rugged. It is impossible to find the hole, but you can feel the breath of life in this mountain peak.


  The earth trembled suddenly and Chen Xuan's expression also changed: "Did you feel it? An extremely powerful aura is constantly gathering around?"

  Yu Wenqiu nodded lightly, and said, “I do feel this breath. It must be inside the cave. If you think about Chen Xuan, this place is definitely not that safe.”

  Chen Xuan has long known that this place is very dangerous. As the so-called wealth and wealth are in danger, the original Golden City actually occupies a huge proportion of the Demon Wind Empire, and there must be many good things in the secret realm that remains.

   "Let's go ahead and continue walking." After Chen Xuan finished speaking, his feet slammed on the ground, and he jumped up and climbed to the top of the mountain.

  The highest point of this mountain is only 1,125 meters. Chen Xuan went up very easily, standing on the commanding height of the mountain in the blink of an eye.

  Yu Wenqiu followed Chen Xuanfei up, and standing at the top of the mountain, Chen Xuan found that there was an altar in the center of the mountain.

   There was a touch of surprise on his face, and Yu Wenqiu asked, "What is this altar used for?"

  Chen Xuan shook his head and replied: "I don't know what other functions are, but it must be related to the breath we feel."

  Chen Xuan began to walk towards the top of the altar. When Chen Xuan stood on it, he suddenly found the pattern of Yin and Yang and the five elements depicted in the center of the altar.

   "You come to Yu Wenqiu, this place can definitely open the passage." Chen Xuan said.

  Yu Wenqiu also walked up immediately. The red dress was floating continuously under the rippling breeze, and stood slowly on the spot. Yu Wenqiu said: "I have walked up, but nothing has changed?"

  Chen Xuan's mouth was slightly raised toward the back, and then he said: "You'll know it later."

Yu Wenqiu was full of doubts, but still chose to trust Chen Xuan. He stayed motionless on the altar, only slowly watching Chen Xuan.

  Three minutes later, Chen Xuan began to gather the spiritual power in his body, spreading towards the surroundings, and began to burn the huge altar.

  Standing in the center of the five elements of Yin and Yang, Chen Xuan kept chanting mantras. Five minutes later, the altar began to make a huge sensation.

  This sound came time after time, and after the huge rumbling sound ended, the sound of fine beating continued to spread.

   "That's what we heard just now." Yu Wenqiu said suddenly.

  Chen Xuan smiled softly and said in a low voice: "What I heard just now is just the tip of the iceberg. Wait a minute, the altar is about to open. Are you ready? Yu Wenqiu."

Nodded earnestly, Yu Wenqiu said to Chen Xuan: "I have been prepared for a long time. I just saw you there and don’t know what to do. If you get it right, start quickly. I also want to see this altar. What will happen after opening."

A gleam of light flashed in the corner of his eyes, Chen Xuan quickly waved his hands, and a wave of spiritual energy filled the center of the altar, converging continuously towards the bottom.

After the strength continued to gather, Chen Xuan said to Yu Wenqiu: "Yu Wenqiu, hurry up and help me!"


  The altar kept gathering energy, almost knocking Chen Xuan's body into the air.

   After feeling this power constantly flooding between the heaven and the earth, Chen Xuan's pupils were full of light.

   "It's about to turn on, be careful!"

  As soon as the voice fell, a violent breath began to shuttle in the sky, and the center of the entire altar gathered bursts of black energy, which directly enveloped the bodies of the two of them.

   "Feel it!" Chen Xuan asked loudly.

  (End of this chapter)

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