Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3137: Duguwang

  Chapter 3137 Dugu Wang

  The Oriole Princess showed a hesitant look, apparently she hadn't been relieved from the battle just now.

   "Let me think about it, the things you made up for fighting just now are too small, and all the things I thought of just now have been forgotten."

   "Then let the Oriole Princess think about it quickly, if we can't find a way out, I'm afraid we will be trapped in this place." Chen Xuan said.

Yu Wenqiu's expression also became serious, and then he said: "It makes sense. This place is definitely not that safe. I'm afraid I don't know how many monsters are hidden in this bamboo forest. The people of these lonely families are really sinister. "

   "Hahaha, I can't say that they are insidious. The Dugu family has a history of thousands of years, and the security force must be very strong."

   At this moment, the Oriole Princess seemed to have thought of something, and pointed to the two fork roads next to her and continued: "It seems to have thought of some specific scenes just now..., you should go here."

   "Let's listen to Princess Oriole, let's go." Chen Xuan finished speaking, followed behind Princess Oriole, and continued walking forward.

After seeing Chen Xuan leaving, Yu Wenqiu followed the two of them.

   Constantly searching, the bamboo forest did not continue to change its position. After walking for more than an hour, Chen Xuan finally saw an exit in front of him.

  The four characters of Dugu Family stood on the stone tablet beside it, and there was a hint of surprise in his eyes.

   "Unexpectedly, we really came out. This time it is really thanks to Princess Oriole. If it weren't for the help of Princess Oriole, we don't know how long it will take to get out." Chen Xuan's face showed great joy.

  Yu Wenqiu's face also calmed down, giggled, and said to everyone: "Indeed, it's really thanks to you this time."

  The Oriole Princess also showed a chuckle, and said to both of them: "Don't praise me so much."

After walking inside, Chen Xuan saw a man wearing blue casual clothes standing in a pavilion, his pupils full of spirits.

   "I heard that you want to find someone. I don't know what the person's name is?" The man stood with his hands behind his hands, his face was full of spleen, and he didn't put the three of them in his eyes at all.

  Think about it a little bit and know that the martial artist of this Dugu family must be very powerful, and it is very likely that it has reached the realm of gods.

   Entering this realm, Chen Xuan and the others would not be regarded at all.

   "We really want to find someone here, and his name is Wang Lun." Chen Xuan said.

  "It's called Wang Lun? We have never had a surname here. I have never heard of the person you want to find. You should leave here as soon as possible." said the man in casual clothes in Tsing Yi.

  Yu Wenqiu also took a step closer and explained to him: "His previous name was Wang Lun, but his current name should be Dugulun?"

  "You want to find Dugulun?" The man showed a look of surprise on his face, his eyes locked tightly, and he kept looking at them: "Unexpectedly that you are the two people Dugulun said?"

With a look of surprise on Chen Xuan's face, he immediately hugged the middle-aged man and said, "That's right, my lord."

   "If this is the case, come with me, but I have one thing to tell you clearly in advance that Dugulun is no longer in the family." The man explained.

  "Not in the family, where can he be?" Chen Xuan showed a look of doubt.

  "He is cultivating in the Valley of Swords. If you want to find him, I am afraid it will not be so easy."

   "Where is Sword Valley?" Yu Wenqiu showed a look of doubt.

   "Sword Valley is the place where our Dugu family must pass through to practice sword art. Only through Sword Valley can we get the inheritance of Dugu family. If it can't pass, there is only a dead end." The man said softly.

   "No way, where is the sword valley of your Dugu family? How harsh is it?" Yu Wenqiu showed a look of surprise.

"This is a secret realm of our Dugu family. If someone can pass through it, they will get the inheritance of the Dugu family's sword art. If they fail to pass, they will die in it. Our Dugu family will not leave a waste, if he can By passing, we can successfully exist as a member of our lonely family." The man said decisively.

   "This is really ridiculous, is it a dead end if you can't pass it? That's how your Dugu Family treats your own people?" Chen Xuan suddenly asked.

The man sighed and continued to both of them: "This is the rule of our family for thousands of years. It is precisely because of this rule that our Dugu family can pass on for thousands of years and remain invincible in the Demon Wind Empire. "

   Chen Xuan also felt a little dumb, so he could only say: "How long will it take for this secret realm to end."

"The secret realm lasts for a very long time. Until his strength can pass the final strength, it will end from it, so you can rest assured that as long as he is not directly killed in the secret realm, he will have a chance to pass the final trial. "The middle-aged man led them and walked towards a house.

   "Why did we come to this place?" Chen Xuan looked around and asked in surprise.

After    came here, the middle-aged man sighed bitterly, and then said to both of them.

"Actually, I am Dugulun's uncle. When his father died, he asked me to protect him, but unfortunately, we encountered a sneak attack from Shenlie Mountain. We finally lost contact until the year before. I finally found his whereabouts." The middle-aged man explained.

   "You turned out to be Dugulun's uncle?" Chen Xuan was shocked.

   "And what is the Godly Mountain?" Yu Wenqiu asked in surprise.

   "Shen Lie Shan is an ancient sect that inherits the ancient sect. It has been passed down for thousands of years in our world of Black Rock, and its strength is very powerful."

  Chen Xuan knows nothing about the name of Shen Lie Mountain. Although he knows that there are many ancient sects in the world of Black Rock, these sects basically do not appear in the world.

  There are even some ancient sects above the royal family, and even the empires have to give them a bit of face.

  Now in the eastern region of Black Rock World, there are a total of several empires divided into battles between each other.

  But the world of Black Flame is extremely vast, there are many mysterious countries in the northern region, and the strength is also very powerful.

  There are even many mysterious sects that have existed for a long time. This **** Lieshan is probably one of them.

   "Unexpectedly, I would meet someone from Shenlieshan..." Yu Wenqiu's face was full of horror.

  The middle-aged man was surprised when he saw Yu Wenqiu's panic.

  "This little girl, do you know the name of Mount Shenlie?"

  Through conversations with each other, Chen Xuan knew that the middle-aged man's name was Dugu Wang, and he was well-known in the Dugu family, and was hailed as one of the top ten masters of the Dugu family.

   "I have heard about Shenlie Mountain before, and I know that Shenlie Mountain is located in the northern part of the Black Rock World, and its strength is very powerful, but you actually have a contradiction with Shenlie Mountain?" Yu Wenqiu asked suddenly.

"This matter is a long story. It is not so much that our Dugu family has conflicts with them, it is more that Duguduan's father has conflicts with them. At the beginning, this incident caused a battle between the two parties. In the end, we all All lost..." The middle-aged man sighed and said to both of them.

  Chen Xuan faintly felt that he sighed very sadly. I am afraid that he was defeated by God Lieshan.

   "Is this sacred mountain really that powerful?" Chen Xuan asked in surprise.

  Yuwenqiu laughed, and then explained to Chen Xuan: "This Shenlie Mountain is stronger than you think, and even the Pantheon dare not presumptuously in front of Shenlie Mountain."

   "Although there are many believers in the Pantheon, and the power is also very large, Shen Lieshan has many extremely powerful masters, and their cultivation is far beyond the Pantheon." Yu Wenqiu explained.

  The middle-aged man nodded, and then said, “That’s right. Since then, our Dugu family has focused on dealing with the people of God Lieshan. So long has passed, and we still can’t deal with them.”

   "These people from Mount Shenlie are very powerful..."

In a blink of an eye, Chen Xuan and Yu Wenqiu stayed in the Dugu family for more than a month.

  On this day, Devil Wind City suddenly issued a warrant.

   "Chen Xuan, have you heard that the city lord of Demon Wind City recently issued an arrest order. I heard that as long as you catch the leader of the horse thief, you can get the city lord's reward." Yu Wenqiu chuckled and said to Chen Xuan.

Nodding lightly, Chen Xuan also replied: "I also heard about this news, but no one knows where the horse thief is. If we rush over, we might be ambushed by them. ."

   "It's really boring to stay here recently, let's go and take a look." Yu Wenqiu said.

  Chen Xuan thought for a while, and then agreed: "What you said is not impossible. I am also very curious about the origin of these horse thieves. Looking at their clothing, it seems that they came from the Dragon Blood Tribe."

   "Who knows where they came from, this has nothing to do with us, if it is from the Dragon Blood tribe, just kill them directly." Yu Wenqiu said nonchalantly.

  Chen Xuan couldn't help scratching his head. This Yu Wenqiu himself was a member of the Dragon Blood Tribe, so why didn't he feel at all.

   "I said Yu Wenqiu, aren't you also from the Dragon Blood Tribe?" Chen Xuan's face showed a trace of doubt.

   Yu Wenqiu seemed to be very indifferent, and gently said to Chen Xuan: "This is all 800 years ago, and it has nothing to do with me now. Let's talk about how to find these horse thieves."

  Three days later, Chen Xuan and Yu Wenqiu appeared in a nearby red gold desert.

  These horse thieves have been active in the Red Golden Desert for many years and are very familiar with the terrain, but Chen Xuan and Yu Wenqiu are different.

I saw that Chen Xuan had never been here before. Looking at the hot red gold desert in front of him, Chen Xuan wiped the sweat off his head and said to Yu Wenqiu, "Yu Wenqiu, this time you came here on your own initiative. Wait for a while. Don't retreat."

  Yu Wenqiu also complained: "You still talk about me, it's really boring in the Dugu family recently, otherwise I won't run out."

  Chen Xuan smiled and said to Yu Wenqiu: "Then let's go quickly. These horse thieves must have a lot of good things. If they can seize their treasures, it will be a lot of help for us."

  Yu Wenqiu replied: “These horse thieves have no idea how long they have been in the Scarlet Golden Desert. There must be many traps in the middle.”

   "That's what I said, let's go and take a look first, if we really can't find it, we can only go back."

  In the red gold desert, the two of them kept looking for the trail of the horse thieves, but these horse thieves were very cunning, and there was no clue at all.

   "Look at Chen Xuan, there seem to be two corpses here. What does it have to do with the horse thief." Yu Wenqiu pointed to the two corpses on the ground in front of him and said to Chen Xuan.

  Chen Xuan also followed Yu Wenqiu's gaze, and found that the two corpses had no idea how long had passed. They were not so much corpses, but rather dry skeletons.

   "Let's take a look."

  The two of them immediately walked to the side of the two corpses.

  There are many traces of fighting around the corpse, and there is a carriage staying beside it, apparently looted by horse thieves.

   "There must be a battle here. Look at this carriage, everything in it has been robbed." Chen Xuan stepped off the carriage and began to look at the carriage in front of him.

Yu Wenqiu nodded, then walked to Chen Xun's side, and said to him: "It seems that a caravan nearby was robbed by these horse thieves. Maybe there are other traces ahead. Let's go ahead and take a look. "

Chen Xuan suddenly stopped Yu Wenqiu's actions, pointed to the carriage in front of him, and said to Yu Wenqiu: "Don't rush to the front. I think this carriage is a bit weird. Look at the underside of the wheel, they came here, as if early. It's the same as finding out that they will be attacked by horse thieves."

   "How did you infer it?" Yu Wenqiu's face was full of doubts.

  "If they pass by, they will definitely not let the carriage stay here. The reason why they parked the carriage in this place must have begun to guard against the attack of horse thieves." Chen Xuan said.

  Yu Wenqiu showed a thoughtful look, as if thinking of something, and immediately said to Chen Xuan: "Do you mean that?"

   "It's not wrong, that's what I meant. These horse thieves must have many people dispatched, and there must be more than one group. There must be a battle between these two groups of horse thieves." Chen Xuan replied.

  (End of this chapter)

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