Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3183: Keep it useless

  Chapter 3183 Keep it useless

"Brother Chen, this guy doesn't seem to have a strong cultivation base. You can deal with him directly. I want to sleep for a while. I haven't slept the night before. I feel a little sleepy now." Dugulun said After that, he found a place to fall asleep directly, and he looked like he was really asleep.

Chen Xuan couldn't help but there was a black line on his head. He didn't expect that Dugulun would be so straightforward, saying that he really went to bed when he said that he went to bed. What's more, now that the enemy is currently using only one person's power to deal with him, I am afraid not. so easy.

"You hell, go to bed when you say you go to bed? Do you want me to deal with him alone? This person's cultivation is not weak, he has reached the eighth level of the **** king realm." Chen Xuan shouted loudly. Said.

But Dugulun ignored him at all, just caring for himself to sleep, while looking at him with sleepy eyes, and then said: "It's not that I want to be lazy, it's really that I'm a little sleepy. I've been there the other day. Cultivating in secret, but you didn't see it."

   Hearing the two of them come and go, like singing a duo, the look on the black robe man's face suddenly became gloomy.

"The two of you guys actually sang a harmony here. It's just looking for death and doesn't look at me. When you two are going to hell, you will all die under my sword!" After the black robe man finished speaking , Cut out a surge of sword energy, and rushed towards Chen Xuan's body fiercely.

  After seeing him kill, Chen Xuan immediately displayed the Vermillion Bird Sword Art, and a wave of turbulent sword aura around him continued to kill the black-robed man in an instant.

  The two sword auras collided in the air. Suddenly, Chen Xuan's body took two steps backwards. After these terrible powers were finally removed, Chen Xuan's face showed a touch of shock.

"This guy's power is so strong, even more powerful than the powerhouse I met before in the Pantheon." Chen Xuan did not expect this person to have such a strong power, and the power of this sword almost killed Chen Xuan's half life. .

  From his swordsmanship, Chen Xuan only felt that his cultivation had reached the late eighth stage of the Divine King Realm, but he did not expect that his strength was much more than that.

"It seems that I can only use the power of the demon soul. I originally thought his cultivation level was not that strong. Now it seems that it is definitely my biggest mistake to despise the enemy." Chen Xuan thought while gathering all his spiritual power. , Began to prepare to defend against this terrifying sword aura...

  The gray-robed man's body suddenly floated in the sky, and a touch of dark spiritual power bloomed in his pupils, and then it burned directly on Chen Xuan's body.

This black spiritual power turned into a bunch of black flame crows in the air, and began to bite on Chen Xuan's body constantly. After seeing these black flame crows, Chen Xuan's eyes became low and he felt These black flame crows have no good intentions, and even contain a burst of weird spiritual power.

   "You guys from the Pantheon actually practice this kind of evil technique. If the world knows about it, I'm afraid it will make it clear to you!"

The black-robed man suddenly burst into laughter, his words were very crazy, and he said to Chen Xuan with disdain: "Little bastard, do you think people can deal with our Pantheon? As long as more than 50 years pass, it’s not right, right? In ten years or so, our Wanxian Temple will be able to rise successfully, and then the entire Yunye Empire will be ours, hahahahaha!"

With a arrogant smile on his face, the black-robed man didn’t notice that Chen Xuan’s face was completely darkened, and he was happy, but at this moment, Chen Xuan was suddenly enough to turn the sword in his hand. Suddenly He flew out from the palm of his hand, looked at the back of the black-robed man and killed him.

  The black-robed man had obviously fallen into self-arrogance, and he did not realize that Chen Xuan had already launched an attack on him. The Liaoyuan Sword burst into a turbulent flame in the air and burned directly beside the black-robed man.

  The strength of the black-robed man is indeed very strong. When the black light that bloomed from his pupils burned out, another bunch of black flame crows raged from the air.

   Seeing the sky spread by the black flame crow, Chen Xuan also showed a look of surprise, and then his body quickly retreated to the back.

  These black flame crows flew extremely fast in the air, and they rushed to Chen Xuan's side almost in an instant. At this moment, the black flame crows suddenly turned into a ball of flames and began to continuously burn groups of bodies.

   "Little bunny boy, this is the practice practiced by our Pantheon. Have you not seen it? Only the senior leaders of our Pantheon have the opportunity to comprehend it, hahaha!"

  When it laughed, it was discovered that after the black flame crow disappeared, Chen Xuan's body was actually unharmed and there was no loss at all.

"It's impossible. Why can you guys defend against my Black Flame Crow? It's simply unreasonable. No one has ever been able to defend against my Black Flame Crow, let alone we are of the same level." The black robe man's face was shocked. He thought that Chen Xuan would definitely not survive after being bitten by the Black Flame Crow.

  However, Chen Xuan has nothing to do now, as if he is okay, and even chuckles at him.

"It seems that you really despise me. Although your Black Flame Crow is very strong, it's a pity that I practiced Vermillion Bird Fire. My name should be recorded in your Pantheon. Have you ever heard of Chen Xuan? ?" Chen Xuan said.

With a look of disdain on the face of the black-robed man, he cursed at Chen Xuan: "You, his grandma's little bunny, you are such a furry thing. I have never heard of your name. I will treat you later. Kill me, let you see how good I am."

  After hearing the other party's crazy voice, Chen Xuan suddenly condensed a burst of terrible Suzaku fire, and at the same time, there was a sneer on his face.

"Then I'm going to tell you. Your contempt for me will cost you a heavy price, and this price is almost irreversible. I want you to know what true power is." After finishing talking with Chen Xuan's body After turning into a red light and fully exerting the power of the demon soul, Chen Xuan instantly raised the Liaoyuan sword and slew towards him.

  And behind Chen Xuan, a series of sword shadows of thousands of swords formed, the sword shadows were constantly floating in the air, almost instantly killing the black-robed man.

The black robe man showed a touch of shock at first, but the next moment his face showed a sneer: "Little miscellaneous hair, you still want to deal with me based on your strength. This time I will use 100% of my power to let you see. What is called a real cultivation technique!"

Suddenly, in his pupils, black flames burst out suddenly, burning quickly on his body, and these flames also turned into black flame crows all black in an instant. The flame crow flies faster than before.

"I was just testing you. Lao Tzu's black flame crows are not vegetarian. These black flame crow fires can bloom 200% of their power, as long as you are bitten by my black flame crows. , You are definitely going to die!" The black robe man was full of madness, shouting loudly.

  For these black flame crows, Chen Xuan's face showed a look of disdain.

  All these black flame crows are made of flames. Although the black flame crows are not ordinary fires, the composition of these flames is too low for Suzaku's wings.

  Suzaku's fire, known as the source of all fire, is not something these black flame crows can deal with.

   Suddenly, Chen Xuan's body suddenly floated in the sky, a fiery red light burst into his pupils, and then the Vermillion Bird's fire burst out of his eyes.

Using his eyes, Chen Xuan directly burned the flames on the opponent's body. These flames burned quickly on the black-robed man. When he came to his consciousness, he only felt that his body was bitten by countless insects. These flames It burned quickly, and it took almost a few seconds to burn all the armor he was wearing.

   "It's impossible!" The black-robed man was panicked. He felt that his body was being devoured bit by bit, especially the swarms of Suzaku's fire hadn't disappeared yet.

  If it is an ordinary mortal fire, even if he has displayed the spiritual power of refining, it can be completely extinguished, but now there is no sign of any reduction in the Suzaku fire, and it is still burning on his body.

Feeling this terrifying spiritual power, the black-robed man finally showed a flustered look on his face, and shouted: "Damn, how is it possible? Why does this guy's power increase so fast? What exactly are these flames made of? Why can't it be extinguished at all."

  Suzaku's fire was still burning on his body. With a trace of terrible flames, Chen Xuan suddenly flew in the sky, and bursts of flames burst out of his arms.

  Chen Xuan suddenly held the Liaoyuan Sword. When the Liaoyuan Sword was held in his hand, Chen Xuan's eyes suddenly burst into flames, and suddenly he killed the black-robed man.

  The black-robed man originally wanted to evade, but the flame directly hit his body, no matter how much he dodges, there is no way to avoid it.

   could only watch the turbulent sword aura hit his body and knocked him out.

   His face was full of despair, and his face was full of madness, but he could only be defeated by Chen Xuan, because the difference between each other was not the strength, but the original flame quality.

  The fire of the Suzaku is much stronger than the fire of the Black Flame Crow. For Chen Xuan, the fire of the Suzaku is simply not on the sidelines.

And now it has been fully manifested. Facing the attack of the Vermillion Bird Fire, the black robe man's face is desperate. He knows that there is no way to escape now, so he can only urge the sword in his hand to kill Chen Xuan. , I want to fight to the death.

  But after seeing him rushing towards him, Chen Xuan instantly flew up into the air, then stared at the man desperately attacking, and said coldly.

   "Don't try anymore. Now you are dead. After being hit by the fire of my Vermillion Bird, even if your cultivation reaches the Shenluo realm, I am afraid you will not be able to break through it so easily."

"Damn, damn, damn, how could this guy's power be so strong, I didn't expect that I actually planted here today!" The black-robed man was full of regrets. If he left here, he would have a chance, but now he has been taken by Chen Xuan. Suzaku's fire was hit.

  The flame was burning quickly on his body, and he had already suffered minor injuries. Although with the spiritual power of refining, he could protect the Suzaku fire from burning, but the penetration of the Suzaku fire was very terrible.

  In just two short seconds, Chen Xuan had already penetrated the fire of the Vermillion Bird into his body, and a surge of sword energy quickly surrounded the air.

  Chen Xuan roared, and immediately displayed Wan Jian Jian Ying. Ten thousand sword shadows kept floating on Chen Xuan's body.

  After all, he still failed to kill Chen Xuan. The black robe man yelled, and finally he was like a turtle in the urn, who could only be captured by Chen Xuan.

With the long sword resting on his neck, Chen Xuan's voice was extremely cold, and he asked directly: "Hurry up and tell me where exactly are the branches of the Pantheon set up? What are these branches researching? If you don't say it, there is only a dead end!"

The black-robed man suddenly burst into laughter, spit out a mouthful of blood, directly touched Chen Xuan’s clothes, and sweared at him: "Damn little bunny, just because you still want to know who I am and want to If you know how many strongholds our Pantheon has, you should save your time. If you have such a strength to make trouble in our Pantheon, there will definitely be a dead end.

"Don't be too naive, your strength is simply not famous. Many branches of our Pantheon have many powerful people who have reached the realm of Shenluo, and even great powers who have reached the realm of God's way!" Hei The man in the robe was full of mockery.

  After hearing this, Chen Xuan gently waved the long sword in his hand, and a turbulent fire burst out, directly cutting his head in half.

  (End of this chapter)

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