Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3366: Wei Longmo

  Chapter 3366 Wei Longmo

  In Tianlong City.

  Chen Xuan nodded. He had only heard of Wei Longmo's name before, but Chen Xuan knew very little about Ming Kong Boxing.

   "Of course, he is only good at boxing. If you use the Liaoyuan sword, you can also fight against him." Du Gulun said.

"Don't say so much for now, I'm going to the Hanlong Mountain in a few days to see what the Yan Boss plan will be. It's almost a month now, and it's absolutely impossible for them to not move at all." Chen Xuan said softly.

   "Chen Xuan, you have to be more careful when you go. After all, there are many dragon-killing bone-chewing insects in the Cold Dragon Mountain Range, so don't be bitten." Dugulun said.

  "Will you not come with me?" Chen Xuan asked suddenly.

  Dugulun scratched his head: "Hey, let's not go. I will upgrade my cultivation level in the last few days. Brother Chen, you have to be cautious alone."

   Seeing that Dugulun was not ready to go, Chen Xuan could only smile helplessly: "You guy finally knows that it has been cultivation. It has been so long. I have never seen you practice..."

  The next morning, Chen Xuan set foot on the journey to the Qiushuang Empire alone. By chance, in the Hanlong Mountain Range, he suddenly saw several sneaky figures ahead.

  These people are all dressed in uniforms, and they are covered in heavy armor. Obviously, the armors on their bodies carry spiritual formations, and they have extremely strong defensive power.

  Through their direction, Chen Xuan discovered that all these people were heading towards Sky Dragon City.

  "Could it be that these people are from the Qingfeng School?" Chen Xuan had a curious look on his face.

The day before yesterday, he had just heard Dugulun talk about the Qingfeng faction, which was formed by the Huaiyi City Lord himself, and he was rewarded generously. It would be better to say that these people are a group of mercenaries and take money. work.

  Especially the leader of the Qingfeng faction, it is also Wei Longmo. The product needs to be observed calmly. It is found that the leader is tall, with gloves on his fists, and exudes a terrifying aura.

  It happened that two magic spring monitor lizards appeared in front of them, and one of the magic spring monitor lizard charged towards them.

  The burly middle-aged man snorted coldly, and suddenly took off his heavy robe, a pair of iron fists suddenly appeared, and slammed on the body of the magic spring monitor lizard.

  The magic spring monitor lizard weighing more than ten tons was directly hit by him, and then he flew out fiercely and landed in a direction a hundred meters away.

   Seeing that this person shot and destroyed a magic spring monitor lizard, Chen Xuan can also infer that he is definitely Wei Longmo right.

"I didn't expect them to come so soon. I thought that the people of Qingfeng faction would not come directly to Sky Dragon City. Looking at their thoughts, it is very likely that they would come to Sky Dragon City to intercept me..." Chen Xuan thought secretly in his heart.

  At this moment, all the warriors of the Qingfeng faction were laughing and clamoring loudly while looking at the two corpses of the demon spring monitor lizards that had been beaten to death on the ground.

   "These two beasts really don't know good or bad. They dare to sneak attack on our big brother Wei Longmo, it's just looking for death."

"We, Wei Longmo, hadn't exerted all his strength, so he killed these two beasts. If he exerts his cultivation base with all his strength, he can easily kill them." Several Qingfeng Sect warriors suddenly They started flattering, and they all looked at Wei Longmo. The cultivation base that broke out just now was just the tip of the iceberg, and it didn't burst out all the power.

With a cold snort, Wei Longmo covered his heavy robe again, leaving only a jet-black light, which burst out from his fist: "These two beasts don’t know what is good or bad, you hurry up and get their insides. Take Dan out. They don't want to waste time. They killed Chen Xuan near Tianlong City, and we can go back to receive the reward."

   "That's right, this Huaiyi City Lord really has a blood base, and he is willing to give us so many high-grade spirit stones. Hahaha, I am Li Long, if I can get so many spirit stones at once, it would be considered advanced!"

   "Hahaha, won't you be a poor ghost reincarnated? It's just a thousand high-grade spirit stones, which reveals this kind of greed for money, it's really shameful!" Another Qingfeng school man said suddenly.

"What do you know? These are a thousand spirit stones. To me, these top-grade spirit stones are extremely precious. I have lived for most of my life, and there are only more than 500 top-grade spirit stones. These are the city masters. It's really rich, and he can give us so much at once."

"Hahaha, you think too much, not everyone can have so much wealth, the family of Huaiyi City Lord itself is very wealthy, plus, he has been the City Lord for most of his life. If you can't get more than a thousand spirit stones, then you look down on him too much!"

With a cold snort, Wei Longmo said to them: "Don't talk here, can you forget our mission? The top priority is to kill Chen Xuan. As long as we can kill Chen Xuan, we can go back. Get paid."

   Suddenly, a thief-eyed man walked towards him quietly: “Brother Wei Longmo, I’m afraid you don’t know. The reason why the Huaiyi City Lord hired us to kill Chen Xuan, there is one insider who didn’t tell us.”

  Wei Longmo raised his eyebrows lightly and asked: "What's the inside story?"

The thief-eyed man suddenly said: "Brother Wei Longmo, I heard that they are fighting for the snow-breaking veins in the Cold Dragon Mountain Range, and, or they are extremely precious, have you heard of it?"

"Snow-breaking spirit stones have no effect on us? I am not the city owner. What can I do with these snow-breaking spirit stones? If my guess is correct, this kind of snow-breaking spirit stones is most suitable for building city walls, right? Let the defensive strength increase by several dimensions." Wei Longmo is also very knowledgeable, he naturally knows that snow-breaking spirit stones can't be used to build city walls.

  Although the snow-breaking spirit stones can also be used to smelt weapons, there are countless weapons that can be made, and there is no need to use the snow-breaking spirit stones.

"Hahaha, Big Brother Wei Longmo, you don't know this. Although you can build weapons without the snow breaking spirit stone, the preciousness of this snow breaking spirit stone is really needless to say. You should know what I mean, right? "

  Wei Longmo still shook his head: "Boy, if you sell me again, my iron fist will hit you in the face later."

  Naturally know that Wei Longmo has cultivated the Ming Kong boxing method, which is extremely superb. If he is punched by him, the man with eyebrows and rat eyes will definitely be killed directly.

   hurriedly laughed, and the man began to say: "What I mean is that we can **** all the snow-breaking spirit stones of the snow-breaking veins and then sell them. There is no need to sell my life to the city lord Huaiyi."

  "As far as I know, with only more than 20 snow-breaking spirit stones, you can sell nearly 100 top-grade spirit stones, which is extremely expensive." The man hurriedly said.

Wei Longmo stroked his chin with both hands, and then touched his beard again, feeling that what the other party said was reasonable: "Oh, I didn't expect it, since this snow-breaking spirit stone is so precious, we can indeed **** it directly. There is no need to transfer it to City Lord Huaiyi at all."

"Brother, I have another plan. We are not going to kill Chen Xuan. By chance, we can also find the whereabouts of the snow-breaking mineral veins in the Cold Dragon Mountain Range, grab all these snow-breaking spirit stones, and go back. Then sell it to City Master Huaiyi, don't you say that this is not a strategy of killing two birds with one stone." The man laughed loudly.

   "Hahaha, good boy, what you said is indeed a good way, we will do what you say." Wei Longmo's face was full of admiration, and he patted the man on the shoulder.

  His strength was extremely terrifying, and he was still on the opponent's shoulder, directly hitting him on the ground.

  Even so, the thief man could only smile awkwardly, and then stood up from the ground hard: "Brother Wei Longmo, I think my approach is right, let's not waste time, and do it as soon as possible."

  In the distance, in a gloomy jungle, Chen Xuan withdrew the Liaoyuan sword, and he heard all their conversation just now.

"Unexpectedly, this Huaiyi City Master was so vicious in his heart and wanted to use these Qingfeng Sect people to kill me. It's a pity that among these people, only Wei Longmo's cultivation base is considered to be very good, and the others are just Some walkers and pawns are not worth mentioning at all." Chen Xuan had a calm look on his face. Under the prying just now, he felt the rest of the people, the so-called strongest was only in the middle stage of the Shenluo realm. Only Wei Longmo's cultivation reached a major completion in the Shenluo realm.

After nearly a month of training, Chen Xuan's cultivation is almost invincible in the first level of the Shenluo realm. No one can be his opponent anymore. What's more, even if this Wei Longmo has practiced the Ming Kong boxing technique , His boxing skills are invincible, and it is absolutely impossible to be stronger than the Liaoyuanjian.

   "Wei Longmo, I will ask him for advice then to see if his Mingkong boxing is really invincible."

Of course, Wei Longmo is not just fighting the enemy empty-handed. The glove in his hand is also a magic weapon of the middle rank. It is extremely powerful when used, and then cooperates with the Mingkong fist that he cultivates, even if the opponent's cultivation is down. Reaching a stronger state is also difficult to support.

  Walking in the forefront, Wei Longmo led many Qingfeng sect warriors, and began to constantly search for the whereabouts of the snow-breaking veins in the Hanlong Mountain Range. Under their search, two days later, they found the snow-breaking veins.

"Brother Wei Longmo, this is probably where the Poxue Mine is located. Let's go in and search for it. Maybe we can find a lot of valuable things." A man's face was full of greed, and they heard it. The yelling from the snow mine already felt that the wealth was in front of him.

  At this moment, within the Poxue Mine, several warriors began to dig out the Poxue Lingshi in the cave.

   Suddenly, there was a roar from the Xue Xue mine vein, only to see a stalwart man walking in slowly from the light, his face full of murderous aura.

"Don't dig it for me, let me listen." Wei Longmo's voice spread to the ears of many Sky Dragon City men. His voice is almost beyond doubt. It contains a powerful spiritual energy that keeps everyone's dantian constant. Trembling.

  "Who are you?" A Tang Yicheng man asked hurriedly.

These days, they have been digging the snow-breaking spirit stones in the snow-breaking mine veins. Several days have passed, and no one dared to trouble them. After all, Tianlong City has deployed heavy defenses in the Cold Dragon Mountain Range. It is not so easy for people to come in.

   Although there are many guards in Sky Dragon City, the Dragon Exterminating Bone Eaters in the Cold Dragon Mountain Range are also very scary. They are only defending at some important passes. After all, the entire Cold Dragon Mountain Range is very large, and it is impossible to cover everything.

  This gave Wei Longmo a chance to succeed, not to mention his very strong cultivation base, even if the guards sent to defend near the Cold Dragon Mountain Range were not his opponent at all.

The guards of Sky Dragon City had been killed by him a long time ago. In the face of his iron fist, these Sky Dragon City guards had no chance to resist at all. Even if they came to the Poxue Mine, these Sky Dragon City warriors felt it too. The murderous spirit radiating from the opponent is invincible.

   "What do you want to do?" the Sky Dragon City warrior asked loudly.

  (End of this chapter)

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