Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3412: Shangguan Helian

  Chapter 3412 Shangguan Helian

  Chen Xuan was not angry either. He knew that the best place to find out about the news was the tavern. The tavern in Yunliancheng has existed for more than ten years and has a very long history.

  When Chen Xuan walked into the tavern, he began to ask people next to him for news.

Many people in    were already drunk, and when Chen Xuan took out the spirit stone, their eyes were about to burst into flames.

   "Brother, you said you said, I will tell you if I know it." His eyes didn't stare at Chen Xuan's eyes at all, but the high-grade spirit stones that were all placed on Chen Xuan's palm.

   smiled softly, Chen Xuan knew that he had succeeded, so he said: "I want to ask you a few people."

  "Who are you talking about? I will tell you everything I know."

  Chen Xuan put a spirit stone in his hand, and then asked: "Do you know if anyone from Tianlong City has come from Yunlian City recently?"

"This, I really have to think about it." The drunk man searched desperately in his mind. Suddenly, he turned his head and said to Chen Xuan: "Don't tell me, it seems that there are really a few people from Tianlong. Get here from the other side of the city."

  "Do you know where they went?" Chen Xuan asked.

   "I don't know, I just ran into a few of them on the road, and they looked sneaky, as if they were running for their lives."

  Hearing this, Chen Xuan can almost tell that it must be them.

  "Do you know how many of them are there?" Chen Xuan asked immediately.

   "This makes me think about it." The drunk man closed his eyes, but it didn't take long before he fell asleep.

   "Brother, what's wrong with you?" Chen Xuan couldn't help but patted his head, but the man drank too much wine and still didn't wake up.

   "I didn't say it halfway through, you **** it, this drunkard." Chen Xuan suddenly picked up a glass of wine and poured it directly on his head.

   "Oh, who!" The drunk man suddenly got up from the wine table, and when he saw the swaying Lingshi in Chen Xuan's hand, he suddenly smiled.

   "It turned out to be you, I'm really sorry this brother, I was so sleepy just now, you say you say it, and I tell you everything I know."

   "I just asked you, do you know how many people are there? Where are they going?" Chen Xuan asked in a low voice.

"Let me think about it. It seems that there are five people. They should all be heading towards Yunlian City, but I don't know if they have entered Yunlian City. I was still hunting monsters and they asked me. It's on the way," said the drunk man.

   "What did they ask you?"

  "They asked me where Yunlian City was."

   "So, they must be in Yunlian City?"

   "I have to think about this."

  Chen Xuan threw the high-grade spirit stone directly on the table, then turned his head and left.

  Walking on the street, Chen Xuan began to constantly search nearby.

   "Since the guy said just now that Gongsun Boyu has already rushed in the direction of Yunliancheng, maybe they will indeed come to Yunliancheng." Chen Xuan whispered.

  Yunlian City is also a well-developed city in the Demon Wind Empire. If Gongsun Boyu came to the Demon Wind Empire, he would definitely pass through Yunlian City. Chen Xuan would definitely not know their ultimate goal.

   "There are five people in total?" Chen Xuan was also surprised. According to the information he received, they were obviously only four at most. These were all brothers who followed him loyally.

   "There is actually one more person. If I didn't guess wrong, it would definitely be Shangguan Helian." Chen Xuan thought inwardly.

  Just after leaving the front foot, Shangguan Helian remained on alert when Chen Xuan had just taken it to the tavern. As a killer, he attached great importance to his own safety, so naturally he would not reveal any aura.

  Chen Xuan had just entered the tavern, and had not noticed any of his spiritual power at all, but Shangguan Helian seemed to have noticed that Chen Xuan had been following him.

   "Gongsun Boyu, I didn't lie to you, Chen Xuan may have really come here." Shangguan Helian whispered.

"Shangguan Helian, I know what you are thinking, hahaha, don't you just want to be paid more? It's okay, you can promise, my grandson Boyu will not be stuck on these small details for most of his life. of."

"These are all the Yunlong Demon Mine I just sold. The spirit stones that I have exchanged for, you see, there are a total of 20,000 pieces. I have all of them in this space ring. Now I will give them all to you." Gongsun Boyu He smiled heartily and whispered to Shangguan Helian.

   took the space ring from Gongsun Boyu's hand, Shangguan Helian did not continue to drink with him here, but clasped his fists and said: "It is really a bold person, let's meet in the future."

  Shangguan Helian also knew that Chen Xuan's cultivation base was extremely powerful. He had already felt a breath of power just now, and he had stayed in the tavern for a while.

   Shangguan Helian would not stay, so he left Yunlian City and set off for other cities in the Demon Wind Empire.

  Three days later, at the back of the tavern, staring at the four men in front of him, they walked out drunkly.

   "I didn't expect them to be in this tavern. I didn't find it at the beginning." Chen Xuan quietly followed behind these four people with a murderous look on his face.

  Gongsun Boyu and others did not realize that Chen Xuan had already followed their steps closely, with both hands on each other’s shoulders, they laughed loudly while drinking.

"Hahaha, now we have made a lot of money. We got 90,000 top-grade spirit stones in one go. Brothers, we can also share it equally. For most of our lives, we don't need to sit and eat anything!" Gongsun Boyu laughed loudly.

  Getting so many spirit stones at one time also made him feel complacent. Just three days in the tavern had cost him close to a hundred high-grade spirit stones.

The price of high-grade spiritual stones is very expensive. It is precisely because of the rich spiritual energy contained in them that it is far more noble than medium-grade spiritual stones. If a high-grade spiritual stone is of high quality, it can even be equivalent to several Thousands of medium-grade spirit stones.

  Especially the spiritual energy contained in the high-grade spiritual stones is also very abundant, they can even use these spiritual stones to improve their cultivation.

   "Brothers, we will continue to drink tomorrow. We must celebrate. With so many spirit stones, we can't spend it all in the future!"

   "Big brother is right. With so much money, hahaha, we can do whatever we want in the future, and don't be angry with them anymore."

  If Gongsun Boyu and others just used the money for drinking and fun, it would indeed take a long time to spend it, but Chen Xuan knew very well that 100,000 high-grade spirit stones would not count as money in his eyes.

From Liu Yuanjian, he can only get close to 10 million middle-grade spirit stones a year. Naturally, he knows the preciousness of top-grade spirit stones. Although these 100,000 top-grade spirit stones were obtained from people from the sect before Chen Xuan Yes, but it also has a vital effect on Chen Xuan's improvement.

  He wouldn't watch so many spirit stones, all of them were spent by Gongsun Boyu and others.

   While they were having fun, Chen Xuan suddenly appeared in front of them, because he was wearing a black cloak, Gongsun Boyu did not recognize

  "Who are you!?" Gongsun Boyu saw a man in black suddenly appeared in front of him. He was still drunk, but now he was almost half awake.

He knew that he hadn't completely freed himself from the danger yet. Chen Xuan would not let him go easily, and would definitely launch a hunt for him. Although they fled to the Demon Wind Empire, Chen Xuan's temper could not be taken lightly. Up them.

   Still motionless, Chen Xuan merely scanned the four men in front of him through his cloak, and confirmed that it was Gongsun Boyu. Chen Xuan asked in a low voice, "Gongsun Boyu?"

   "I'm Gongsun Boyu, what do you want?" Gongsun Boyu is now using Jiu Jin, although he also feels that the man in front of him is likely to be Chen Xuan, but in terms of momentum, he also wants to gain the upper hand.

   "It's nothing, since it's you, then I don't worry." The body before childbirth suddenly shuttled out, and suddenly appeared beside Chen Xuan.

   Feeling the Suzaku fire condensed in Chen Xuan's body, his alcohol has completely awakened.

   "No, it's Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan really killed him!" A man beside Gongsun Boyu suddenly showed horror.

  I had already drunk a lot of alcohol, but now I felt the fear again, and he urinated directly, lying motionless on the ground.

  The flame surrounded them, and suddenly, Chen Xuan appeared beside the middle-aged warrior.

   "Where did Shangguan Helian go?" Chen Xuan placed the Liaoyuan sword in his hand on the opponent's neck.

Including Gongsun Boyu, who was already frightened for a long time, the spiritual power that bloomed from Chen Xuan's body instantly covered him, and a flame was dancing quickly in front of his eyes. In the next second, Chen Xuan directly said. With a palm on his chest, he patted Gongsun Boyu's body on the ground.

  Faced with Chen Xuan’s attack, there was obviously no chance to resist. This was still Chen Xuan's mercy. If not, he could directly beat Gongsun Boyu into flesh with a single punch.

   "Quickly, if you don't tell me Shangguan Helian's trail, I will kill you now."

Gongsun Boyu also knew that Chen Xuan would definitely not let him go, his face was full of despair, and smiled at Chen Xuan: "Chen Xuan, do you think I will believe you? Even if you don't kill me , I will crippled Lao Tzu, and never want to know anything from my mouth, haha!"

"Haha!" Chen Xuan's face was full of sneers: "You think you don't tell me, I can't know from you, don't worry, I just ask casually, whether you tell me or not, I will give you Killed."

Gongsun Boyu’s footsteps began to recede continuously. In the next second, starting from the soles of his feet, a burst of flames was set ablaze. When his eyes were placed on Chen Xuan, he only saw Chen Xuan’s palms converge. A burst of red fire light was continuously condensing the Suzaku fire toward his body.

"I don't want it, I don't want to be burned to death!" Gongsun Boyu's body was constantly trembling, and the flame burned, making him feel very painful, desperately resisting the flame burning, but in the end it could only be useless, Chen Xuan broke out The cultivation base he came out had far exceeded his imagination.

  Even if Gongsun Boyu was ready for life and death, the other brothers who followed Gongsun Boyu did not think so. Seeing Gongsun Boyu's tragic death in Chen Xuan's hands, everyone couldn't help kneeling on the ground.

   "Please don't kill me."

   "As long as you don't kill me, we will return all the spirit stones we got, Master Chen, please, we are all from Sky Dragon City, please don't kill me."

   "Master Chen, save me a life, this is Gongsun Boyu's idea, it has nothing to do with us!"

  Their spirit of drinking had already woke up, and Chen Xuan's murderous aura erupted, causing the remaining three people to shake uncontrollably.

  Chen Xuan was just gently shaking his fingers, and a burst of Suzaku fire burst out from his two fingertips, and continued to spread over these men.

   "What are you doing...? Master Chen, I beg you not to kill me."

   "Well, you want me not to kill you. It's very simple. You tell me the whereabouts of Shangguan Helian. Maybe I am in a good mood and let you go." Chen Xuan said to him.

   "Tell you all, Master Chen, this matter really has nothing to do with me. Shangguan He doesn't even know where I went, please don't kill me."

  (End of this chapter)

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