Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3569: Yunlang Demon Winged Beast

  Chapter 3569 Yunlang Demon Winged Beast

  When the Vermillion Bird's fire burned, the vigorous aura that bloomed from Chen Xuan's body immediately spread all over him.

  This monster beast also felt the horror of Chen Xuan's cultivation, let out a roar, stretched out its huge claws and rushed towards Chen Xuan.

  At the same time as the monster came out, blood-red rays of light burst out from his claws, and these light clusters disappeared in a blink of an eye.

   "What's going on..." Chen Xuan was slightly surprised, but the Liaoyuan Sword also stood in front of him and directly ran into the monster beast.

A burst of light continued to dissipate, but the speed of the Yunlang Demon Wing Beast did not slow down, and it changed its direction towards Chen Xuan, and then a more powerful force burst out of the Yunlang Demon Wing Beast’s claws. Killed directly at Chen Xuan's cheek.

   "I still want to fight with me, it's really looking for death!" Chen Xuan whispered, and directly displayed the third level of the Suzaku sword technique.

  A fierce sword light instantly hit the body of Yunlang Demon Wing Beast, causing a violent sensation.

  The cultivation base of this Yunlang Demon Winged Beast is stronger than that of Li Xuanyu. Chen Xuan also felt that the power of the Yunlang Demon Winged Beast had reached the mid-fifth stage of the Shenluo realm.

   "How can there be such a powerful Yunlang Demon Winged Beast here." Chen Xuan's heart was surprised, even he had to exert all his strength to deal with this Yunlang Demon Winged Beast.

In the following time, Chen Xuan also continued to display his strongest techniques, and the Suzaku swordsmanship was urged to the extreme by him. After several rounds of battle, the Yunlang Devil Winged Beast was stabbed by Chen Xuan in the chest. Through a gap.

  Blood gurgled out from the middle, and he strode forward, another fierce sword aura slashed towards the neck of the Yunlang Demon Winged Beast.

  He knew that this was the only weakness of the Yunlang Demon Winged Beast. If he did not attack the Yunlang Demon Winged Beast’s neck, it would be difficult for Chen Xuan to win.

  The fierce spiritual power is still condensing continuously, Chen Xuan's body jumped in the air, waving the Liaoyuan sword, and displaying the Ten Thousand Sword Art.

  "Go to me to die!" Chen Xuan's face was full of ferociousness. The sword art he learned at Wanjian Villa at the beginning further improved his cultivation and made him full of lethality.

Facing this fierce sword aura, Yunlang Demon Winged Beast’s eyes also showed a shock, but Chen Xuan would not give this Yunlang Demon Winged beast time to think. The fierce sword aura remained. In the direction of Yunlang Demon Wing Beast slayed fiercely.

  In an instant, Chen Xuan's sword aura finally hit the huge body of Yunlang Demon Wing, and directly penetrated the body of Yunlang Demon Wing.

  After the blood flowed out, the Yunlang Demon Winged Beast finally died and lay motionless on the ground.

After killing the Yunlang Demon Wing Beast, Chen Xuan also took out the inner alchemy from the Yunlang Demon Wing Beast's body.

"It's worthy of being a five-level monster in the Shenluo realm. Its cultivation base is really strong, and the spiritual energy contained in the inner alchemy is also very sufficient." Looking at the corpse of the Yunlang Demon Winged Beast that was killed on the ground, Chen Xuan let out a cry sigh.

  The battle with Yunlang Demon Wing Beast just now made Chen Xuan's perception of Wan Jian Jue a lot more improved.

  He vaguely sensed that he had touched the threshold of the fourth stage of Wan Jian Jue.

  If the Ten Thousand Sword Art can be cultivated to the fourth level, Chen Xuan will definitely be able to further increase the lethality of the sword technique.

After    killed the Yunlang Demon Winged Beast, Chen Xuan also took the inner alchemy, and then began to absorb the aura in the inner alchemy.

   Yunlang Demon Winged Beast’s inner alchemy contained extremely abundant aura. After Chen Xuan absorbed it, he also felt that the power of the dragon pattern had increased a lot.

  As for the other disciples, seeing the Yunlang Demon Winged Beast that Chen Xuan easily defeated, there was also a shock on their faces.

   Ah, no, I am afraid that even Li Xuanyu can't deal with Yunlang Demon Wing Beast easily.

  What realm has his cultivation reached? It took only a few rounds to kill this Yunlang Demon Winged Beast, it was terrifying...

   Seeing the terrifying power erupted by Chen Xuan, some disciples recognized it, and took the initiative to hand over their Hunyuan Magic Jade Crystal.

  He took a lot of mixed-element magic jade crystals, and now Chen Xuan's ranking is very close to Li Xuanyu.

  This kid's cultivation level has actually improved so fast. It seems that the power gap between him and Li Xuanyu is not too big. Can he complete the reversal and make Xingyuezong the number one in this competition?

  Xingyue Sect has always been unknown in the previous competitions. After all, the Xingyue Sect was very famous three thousand years ago.

  It's a pity that now, the Xingyue Sect's power is weakening bit by bit. Among the nearby martial arts, Xingyue Sect has drifted away from third place.

  If Chen Xuan hadn't been because of the extremely unique alchemy methods in the Xingyue Sect, he would definitely not get involved in it and look for the Xingyue Sect masters.

  There is only half a day left in the race. If Chen Xuan can continue to search for more mixed-element magic jade crystals, he may be able to complete a miracle.

  Even in these martial arts competitions, it was only three hundred years ago that a master could get more than two hundred Hunyuan Magic Jade Crystals, but no one else could get it.

  Walking on the road, Chen Xuan's face showed a look of surprise. He felt that the temperature in front of him was constantly decreasing, and a gust of cold wind was blowing from a distance. This scene made Chen Xuan unable to help but doubt it.

   "What happened? Why did the temperature suddenly drop?" Chen Xuan thought in his heart, but instead of staying here, he accelerated his pace and swept forward quickly.

  In a short while, Chen Xuan appeared beside the poisonous ice river, his face was surprised, and found that the cold in the poisonous ice river was more intense.

  Moreover, there was a burst of extremely fierce aura in the poison ice river.

  His face was slightly startled, Chen Xuan began to search for traces near the Poison Glacier River, and after careful inspection, Chen Xuan did not find any abnormalities.

   "It's really strange. I clearly felt a throbbing inside the poison ice river just now, why is it suddenly gone" Chen Xuan thought in his heart, but he did not relax his vigilance. There is still a danger near the poison ice river.

After    Dragon Mark's power was raised to the second level, Chen Xuan's perception ability was also improved accordingly, and Chen Xuan was convinced of his own perception ability.

  In the poison ice river, a light blue light suddenly flashed.

   Chen Xuan opened his eyes wide, his face was full of shock: "Impossible, what is this? This breath is really weird."

  Now in his surprised gaze, from the poisonous ice river, a light blue Gu Flame Demon Disk appeared, and the strange aura exuding from the Gu Flame Demon Disk made Chen Xuan not dare to walk over.

   "Why is this magic disk hidden under the poisonous ice river?" Although Chen Xuan was surprised, he also wanted to get this magic disk.

  If he could get the treasure from the Flame Demon Disk, he would not be in vain.

  Intuition tells him that this flame magic disk is definitely not simple, and it definitely contains danger.

  Sure enough, just when Chen Xuan was about to walk forward, he felt a gloomy aura emanating from the Gu Flame Demon Disk.

   "What's the matter?" Chen Xuan's pace stopped immediately, and he didn't dare to move forward. Instead, he held the Liaoyuan Sword and stared at the Flame Demon Disk in front of him.

   "Could it be that there are any monsters in it? This breath is too weird." Chen Xuan thought to himself.

  But at this moment, an extremely fierce force burst out from the Flame Demon Disk, and a terrifying energy continued to condense around him.

  Unexpectedly, after so long, I finally came out of it...

  Chen Xuan was slightly startled, staring at the Guflame Disk in front of him, he found that a dark black light and shadow appeared in the Guflame Disk and appeared in the world.

   Immediately after a hoarse voice, it also began to emerge: "It has been so many years, I finally came out."

   Seeing this dark black aura, still containing a **** smell, Chen Xuan's face changed slightly, and his voice became very cold: "This aura is very familiar. Is it possible that it is the black blood sect of the Shenfeng Dynasty."

  Chen Xuan naturally knew the power of the Black Blood Sect. At the beginning, he had also fought against this mysterious sect and knew that there were many masters in the Black Blood Sect.

  But since the Black Blood Sect’s major guardians were defeated by Chen Xuan, they have never encountered them in the Kamikaze Dynasty.

"Unexpectedly, I just woke up and a delicious meal came to me. Hahaha, it has been a long time since I had eaten. His flesh and blood must be very delicious." The dark shadow let out a grinning laugh, and then condensed it. Wild energy.

  This aura rushed towards Chen Xuan in an instant.

  Chen Xuan could clearly feel the energy of the Black Blood Sect from the black shadow.

   "I didn't expect you to be a protector of the Black Blood Sect. If I didn't guess wrong, are you the protector of the inner door?"

  As soon as the voice fell, the Black Blood Sect warrior directly attacked Chen Xuan without any nonsense.

  A hundred years ago, this black blood sect protector was also seriously injured.

  There are seventy-two guardians in the Black Blood Sect, all of which are the top powers of the Black Blood Sect.

Moreover, the cultivation levels of these protectors are also different. Some are only in the realm of the **** king, but there are also some protectors, known as the inner door protectors, and their cultivation is far stronger than the outer door protectors, and most of them are cultivated. For all of them can reach the realm of Shenluo, and even some of them can enter the realm of Divine Soul.

  Because of the serious injury, he finally hid here. Now, his cultivation level has not fully recovered.

  At the beginning, several martial sects in the Divine Soul Dynasty once united to deal with the Black Blood Sect, and each of these seventy-two law protectors suffered heavy injuries, causing them to run everywhere and never dared to gather again.

  If the black blood sect master does not summon them out, these black blood sect guardians will definitely not appear in the arena.

  When this black spiritual power attacked in front of Chen Xuan's body, it was discovered that a red spiritual power had condensed around Chen Xuan's body.

what happened?

  The Black Blood Sect's guardian opened his eyes wide, and he realized that his attack did not achieve the slightest effect on Chen Xuan, but was easily resolved by the opponent.

   "What is the origin of this kid? Why didn't my attack cause him much harm?" I thought this way, but the black blood sect guardian still revealed a terrible murderous aura on his face.

   "I can't control that much anymore. He must be killed. Only by eating his flesh and blood can I fully recover my cultivation base!" An extremely fierce force once again bloomed from the palm of his hand.

   Immediately after that, this burst of spiritual energy slammed into Chen Xuan's body again, and there was a burst of air bursting in the air.

  Chen Xuan snorted coldly and waved the Liaoyuan sword, directly releasing the power of the dragon pattern.

"How can it be……"

   Feeling the power of Chen Xuan's dragon pattern exploded, the black blood sect's guardian was obviously shocked, even his current cultivation level, there was no way to resist it.

   "No, run quickly, this kid's cultivation is actually hidden."

   has reached the early stage of the fifth stage of the Shenluo realm, and coupled with the power of the dragon pattern, Chen Xuan is now able to deal with even a master in the middle of the fifth stage of the Shenluo realm.

  What's more, this black blood sect protector has only reached the fifth level of the Shenluo realm.

  It can only be said that he is out of luck and his injury has not fully recovered yet.

There was almost no suspense in this battle between    and Chen Xuan. With a simple sword aura, Chen Xuan directly defeated his defensive line.

   "Go to death for me!" Chen Xuan let out a roar, and then slew towards the Black Blood Sect's hair conditioner.

  The Black Blood Sect protector who just wanted to escape, felt the murderous aura coming from behind, and turned his head hurriedly, but it was too late.

The fierce power of the Liaoyuan sword burst directly into his head.

  The Suzaku fire was released, but Chen Xuan showed a hideous look.

  (End of this chapter)

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