Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3571: Lin Hongqiang

  Chapter 3571 Lin Hongqiang

  For Lin Hongqiang, this is a big meal.

  In just a few short hours, he has swallowed the essence of more than a dozen martial arts disciples.

  If he gave him more time, Lin Hongqiang's cultivation could even be completely restored to his original spiritual realm.

Standing on top of the towering tree, Lin Hongqiang's power immediately locked onto Chen Xi's body.

   "This kid's cultivation seems to be very weird, only the early stage of the fifth level of the Shenluo realm, why can I kill my brother!?"

  He can see from his younger brother’s wound that the person who killed his younger brother is definitely Chen Xuan.

   "It can actually kill my brother. This kid definitely has a lot of exercises that he hasn't used. Maybe he has a family background that is not exposed." With a gloomy face on his face, Lin Hongqiang's body immediately rushed towards Chen Xuan's direction.

  Chen Xuan raised his foot and ran without any hesitation.

  As the saying goes, hesitating will lead to defeat. The opponent's cultivation base is far higher than him. If Lin Hongqiang fights here, Chen Xuan is just like looking for death.

   "The person I want to kill can't run away!" Lin Hongqiang was full of blood, his speed was very fast, and he caught Chen Xuan's back in just a few minutes.


   A wave of fierce aura immediately surrounded Chen Xuan's side, and soon shocked other sect masters near the Chiyun Spirit Vessel.

  But their strength was not Lin Hongqiang's opponent at all. In the end, this incident finally shocked Pingxihou of Yunxiao Mansion.

  For a powerhouse like Pingxihou, he has reached the ninth level of the Shenluo realm, and his cultivation base can definitely be regarded as an infinite master among the five sects.

  At this moment, a man wearing a white long dress who was also walking among the Chiyun Spirit Vessel immediately attracted the attention of many disciples of the school.

  The faces of these disciples were respectful. Although Ping Xihou was not a member of various sects, his status was also very noble. His ability to reach the ninth level of the Shenluo realm was enough to admire these sect disciples.

   "Ping Xihou is here, this time we are finally saved..." The face of a martial artist was full of joy.

   "Yes, Ping Xihou helped us deal with Lin Hongqiang, this time we can win!" A disciple of the school was full of joy.

  At this moment, several other sects, including Zhuge Tianlang, also showed their respect, and said softly to Ping Xihou, "Master Ping Xihou, I really trouble you this time. I didn't expect you to be in this Dan vein."

  Ping Xihou gently waved his sleeves and said to him: “I just passed by here by accident and heard movement here, so I went down and took a look. I didn’t expect there was movement from the Black Blood Sect.”

  In the Kamikaze Dynasty, the Black Blood Sect was basically everyone shouted and beaten. No matter it was the main sects or the entire Kamikaze Dynasty, basically they would not condone the Black Blood Sect.

  At this moment, the embarrassed Li Xuanyu also hurriedly escaped from the mountain, his face was full of blood, and he had obviously gone through a battle just now.

   Seeing Li Xuanyu walk out, Zhuge Tianlang's face was suddenly full of joy.

  Although Zhuge Tianlang was not a member of their White Elephant Sect, he was from the Fire Immortal Sect, but this shows that Lin Hongqiang has not yet exhausted all these disciples.

  After a while, Zhuge Tianlang realized that the disciple in his martial arts still hadn't come out, his face finally showed a ferocious look: "It's a pity that he was the only one who escaped."

  Li Xuanyu, who had just escaped from the mountain, was very excited, and said in a low voice: "Several elders, something big has happened, and there is a super master..."

   "Needless to say, we already know that this person belongs to the Black Blood Sect, and his cultivation base is also very strong. I am afraid he was also the Inner Sect elder of the Black Blood Sect back then..."

  At this time, all the sects are very nervous.

  As for the elders of Xingyue Sect, they are also full of excitement in their hearts. I don't know if Chen Xuan escaped from it.

   "Hope Chen Xuan can escape from it, otherwise, it would be very difficult for us Xingyue Sect to make a comeback."

   "I don't know what happened to Chen Xuan now. If he can't escape from it, maybe he was killed by the people of the Black Blood Sect now..."

  In this Chiyun Spirit Vein, Chen Xuan quickly ran the power of the dragon pattern, the speed increased a lot, but he still did not escape Lin Hongqiang's tracking.

   "As expected of Lin Hongqiang from the Black Blood Sect, his cultivation is indeed very powerful." Chen Xuan murmured, with a touch of despair on his face. Now it is very difficult for him to escape from the opponent's hand.

  Lin Hongqiang's body shuttled quickly, and a tyrannical breath was immediately released from his dantian.

  The spiritual power squeezed from all directions slowed Chen Xuan's speed significantly.

  In the blink of an eye, Lin Hongqiang's speed increased again, and quickly rushed to the front of Chen Xuan: "Boy, killed our Black Blood Sect elder, you still want to escape, it's just whimsical."

   Hearing this, Chen Xuan didn't have a lot of nonsense. With a flick of his wrist, a Suzaku fire suddenly condensed in his body.

   Immediately afterwards, Chen Xuan spread the power of the dragon pattern all over his body.

  Two months ago, Chen Xuan accidentally obtained a stone stele with a dragon pattern, and also obtained a dragon pattern exercise from this stone stele.

After    was promoted to the second level, Chen Xuan was surprised to find that the dragon pattern technique recorded in it turned out to be a self-exposure technique.

  At this moment, Lin Hongqiang also felt the breath blooming from Chen Xuan's body, his face changed slightly, and he whispered: "No wonder you kid didn't run away. So you want to die with me?"

  Although he didn't know that Chen Xuan had performed suitable exercises, he could feel the terrible power condensed in Chen Xuan's body. If this aura suddenly broke out, even he might be injured.

  Lin Hongqiang was already badly injured. If he is injured again, it will take a long time before he can completely repair the injury. This is a trade that does not pay off.

   "Today you let me go, otherwise, I will die with you in a big deal," Chen Xuan said coldly.

  Lin Hongqiang smiled grimly, his face was full of disdain: "Boy, you mean to threaten me."

   "I'm just doing what I should do, is it possible that I will watch you kill me?" Chen Xuan replied.

  Now his heart is also full of tension, and I don’t know if Lin Hongqiang will kill him without hesitation.

  If Chen Xuan performed the self-exposure technique now, he would definitely be injured and die.

  Lin Hongqiang was full of anger, but he did not act rashly.

  In just a few minutes, the two of them are deadlocked here.

   "Boy, don't think I really dare not kill you. I'll take a few more months to take a rest. Then I will be able to recover, but you are the one who died. You have to think about it for me!"

   "I think you are also good at a young age, and quite talented. You don't want to die here so early, right?"

Chen Xuan smiled softly: "It depends on whether you are driving me into a desperate situation. If I really have nowhere to run, maybe I will blew myself up with you. Rather than being killed by you, I might as well cause you a little. hurt."

  When the two of them were in a stalemate, Chen Xuan also felt a tyrannical aura, and was constantly approaching in their direction.

   revealed a suspicion, Chen Xuan looked in the direction of his right hand and found that this breath was coming towards them faster and faster.

   "Who? Could it be that the strong from other schools came here!?" Chen Xuan was full of doubts.

Lin Hongqiang was also puzzled in his mind. After all, in the entire Yunxiao Mansion, people who were better than him abound, and many masters were basically not dispatched.

  In this competition between the five sects, only the elders of these sects came over. Although some sect masters have also come, their cultivation bases are obviously lower.

   "Black Blood Sect, I didn't think you were still here, you are really looking for death!" A middle-aged man's voice came out.

  Chen Xuan hurriedly raised his head and saw a middle-aged man in a white shirt who was directly stopped in front of him.

   "This person is so strong!" Chen Xuan's face was full of shock. This was the first time he had seen such a strong person.

  The opponent's cultivation base is even stronger than Lin Hongqiang.

  After seeing Ping Xihou coming, Lin Hongqiang's wrist flicked, and a fierce aura was immediately released, and he directly killed Chen Xuan, hoping to kill Chen Xuan at this moment.

   "You actually want to use me as a cushion!" Chen Xuan yelled, and then released the dragon pattern defense, and a light red breath emerged in front of him.


   Before Lin Hongqiang's spiritual power hit him, Chen Xuan saw this breath disappear without a trace.

  Ping Xihou with a touch of disdain on his face, appeared in front of Chen Xuan, helped him resist this terrible spiritual power, and then pursued and killed Lin Hongqiang in the direction.

  He was shocked, and then a more fierce force ran toward Pingxihou to kill.

  Being able to serve as Pingxihou in Yunxiao Mansion, basically in the western part of Yunxiao Mansion, most of them are under his jurisdiction.

  Chen Xuan had never seen Ping Xihou before, nor did he recognize the middle-aged man in white clothes in front of him as his immediate superior.

  In normal times, Chen Xuan basically met Palace Master Yunxiao directly. After all, he was also Yunxiaowei, and he didn't need to report directly to his leader.

Lin Hongqiang let out a murderous look on his face and whispered: "I didn't expect it to be you, Ping Xihou. In the first battle, you and the five major sects joined forces to besiege me. I will definitely retaliate this hatred! "

   "Hehe, I didn't think you were injured so badly, but now you have not been killed. It seems that you responded pretty quickly."

  "Don’t talk so much nonsense, I know it’s not your opponent now, we will have some time later!"

  Lin Hongqiang wanted to raise his foot to escape, he saw bursts of red spiritual pressure in the sky, trapping his body in it.

   "You have no way to escape now, let me die!" Ping Xihou roared, and the long sword in his hand burst out with a red fire ball, and instantly killed Lin Hongqiang.

  Faced with Ping Xihou’s attack, Lin Hongqiang's face showed horror, knowing that his cultivation base was not Ping Xihou’s opponent, so he hurriedly fled towards the distance.

   "You still want to run, I see where you can go today!" Ping Xihou cursed, and then drove his spiritual power to quickly move towards Lin Hongqiang who was killed.

   Seeing these two superpowers disappear one after another from his field of vision, Chen Xuan finally breathed a sigh of relief and breathed.

"The cultivation base of these two people is really too strong, they are definitely the strong in the Ninth Realm, but who is that person just now? Why do I feel that his appearance is a bit familiar..." Chen Xuan thought, but then He shook his head.

  Forget it, I’m afraid I won’t remember it for a while, so let’s leave here first.

  At this moment, many people of sects gathered outside Chi Yun Lingmai.

  They could feel that there was a wave of vibrations in the Chiyun Spirit Vessel, and the wild power was constantly being released. It was obvious that Lin Hongqiang and Ping Xihou were at war.

   "I wonder if Lord Pingxihou can deal with Lin Hongqiang..."

"We were able to deal with Lin Hongqiang because of the help of Master Ping Xihou in that battle. Besides, Lin Hongqiang was seriously injured back then, and his injury has never recovered. It is definitely not Master Ping Xihou's opponent!" Whispered.

  The sect masters of the other five sects also nodded one after another.

   "It was indeed because of his assistance that we were able to deal with Lin Hongqiang. It was really unexpected to me that Lin Hongqiang was resurrected. I thought he had been killed in the battle that year!"

  "This is hard to say. Not only did Lin Hongqiang not be killed, but his cultivation level became more terrifying than before. I am afraid it is difficult for anyone to deal with him now!"

   "What are you talking about in your dreams? He obviously won't break through. I don't think he has recovered to his original state!"

  As soon as Chen Xi was about to escape from the Chiyun Spirit Vessel, she felt the whole earth start to shake constantly, making his face also full of shock.

  (End of this chapter)

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