Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3574: I want to return to Xingyue Sect

  Chapter 3574 I want to return to Xingyue Sect

  He still wants to return to Xingyue Sect as soon as possible, how can he follow the gray-clothed man to practice here.

As soon as the words came out, the gray-robed man sullenly said to him, "Boy, do you know who I am? You actually used this tone to talk to me? Do you know that this world wants to cultivate with me? There are so many people."

  What does that have to do with me.

  Chen Xuangang wanted to say that, but in the end he swallowed this sentence back. After all, this unpredictable gray-clothed man must have a very strong cultivation base.

  "Do you know what my name is?"

   "I don't care what your name is, I still have something to do." Chen Xuan said slightly.

   Seeing Chen Xuan's serious expression, the man in the gray robe suddenly felt a little speechless.

  If someone could hear his name in the Dragon Blood Empire, they would definitely be surprised, but Chen Xuan's performance was too plain, as if he had never heard of it.

   Finally sighed, the gray-robed man said helplessly: “You don’t know and there is no way. After all, you are from the Kamikaze Dynasty. You must have never heard of my name.”

Immediately afterwards, he took a look at Chen Xuan, and then said: "My name is Yu Wentian, a member of the Dragon Blood Empire. For the cultivation of the power of the Dragon Mark, there are probably only a few people in the entire Dragon Blood Empire who can follow me. On par."

  After hearing this, Chen Xuan's expression suddenly changed, and he had also heard of it from Princess Yuwen.

  Dragon Blood Empire Only those who have blood with the royal family can possess the power of dragon patterns.

   In addition to this, there are also some dragon-mark masters who can also possess the power of dragon-marks, but these people are basically divided from the royal family.

   Hearing this, Chen Xuan's pupils shrank, and there was a glow in his eyes. He did not expect that the origin of the gray-clothed man in front of him was so terrifying, that was the Grandmaster Longwen.

  Want to see a dragon pattern grandmaster, it was more difficult than ascending to the sky, but in the end he encountered him in the Chiyun Spirit Vessel, and Chen Xuan actually wanted to turn his head and leave just now.

  No wonder the gray-robed man asked him again and again whether he was cultivating the power of the dragon pattern. Now it is easy to understand.

The opponent turned out to be the Grand Master of Dragon Marks, and his understanding of the power of Dragon Marks must have reached a very profound level, so Chen Xuan arched his hands and said to him: "It turns out to be Grand Master Dragon Marks, Senior, I don’t know how old you are. ?"

"Hehe, many years have passed, and I don’t bother to remember these things, boy, in the Dragon Blood Empire, as long as the royal family wants to cultivate the power of the dragon pattern, they need me to give pointers, and they all ask for advice. Worship me as a teacher." When he said this, Yu Wentian was obviously proud.

  Obviously, as the dragon master, he has his own pride.

  In the entire dragon blood empire, the status of the dragon master is equivalent to the high priest. Of course, the real status is much higher than that of the high priest.

  After all, the dragon masters also have royal blood, and they can also possess the power of dragons. The most important thing is that they can use the power of dragons to refine weapons.

   "However, I still have important things to do now. If I learn from you, it will definitely waste me a long time." Chen Xuan said.

"Hehe, the steps for Master Longwen to cultivate are not difficult. Do you know that the mystery of the power of the dragon is not fully understood. This kind of power can allow you to refine alchemy, refining tools, and even let you master the talisman. The power of text."

   "Can you master so much?" Chen Xuan shook his head and asked.

   "Hehe, you don't know this, Master Longwen, it is used to describe spiritual patterns, and it can also enhance your cultivation. Don't miss this opportunity."

  Chen Xuan thought for a moment, and there was a doubt in his eyes. After thinking about it, he grinned and said: "In this case? Grandmaster, can you do me a favor?"

   "What can I do for you?" Grandmaster Longwen immediately asked Chen Xuan with a straight face.

  When he saw Chen Xuan cultivated the power of the dragon pattern to the second level, he was already interested in Chen Xuan.

  He knew that Chen Xuan was not from the Dragon Blood Empire.

  Unless Chen Xuan’s family is a clan that split from the Dragon Blood Empire a long time ago, it is absolutely impossible to master the power of the dragon pattern.

In addition, Chen Xuan's apparently young age is only in his 20s or 30s, and he is definitely not too old, and his cultivation has reached the fifth level of the Shenluo realm, and he has also raised the power of the dragon pattern to the second level. .

   Just now when Chen Xuan was fighting Yunlang Devil Wing Beast, he inadvertently displayed the Dragon Roar, all of which was seen by Grand Master Longwen.

  If you want to use the power of the dragon pattern to depict the spirit pattern, you must thoroughly master the dragon pattern.

  And Chen Xuan has just realized the power of dragon patterns. Even in the Dragon Blood Empire, there are probably not many who can master the power of dragon patterns so proficiently.

   "Could it be possible that any expert had taught this kid before?" Grandmaster Long Wen thought in his heart, obviously wanting to inquire into Chen Xuan's secrets.

  He didn’t know, he had accepted Princess Yuwen’s instructions before, otherwise, he would definitely not increase the power of the dragon pattern so quickly.

   "I heard that using the power of the dragon pattern to depict the spirit pattern can improve the cultivation level a lot, I wonder if the senior can help me describe one first?"

  Longmark Grandmaster suddenly smiled, and said to him: "Okay, okay, as a Dragonmark Grandmaster, I am still very good at portraying spiritual patterns."

  Through the dialogue, Chen Xuan had a natural liking for Longwen Grandmaster Yuwen, and found that the other party had no other ideas.

   "I wonder if you can engrave a set of dragon patterns on my right arm, specifically to enhance my swordsmanship."

of course can!

   smiled, Yu Wentian did not take it to heart, and then walked in the direction of Chen Xuan.

  But at the next moment, with a touch of surprise on his face, he discovered that Chen Xuan's body had gathered a wave of fierce aura.

   "Why is this flame burning out of your body? Is it possible that you are an alchemist?"

  Chen Xuan nodded: "That's right, senior, here is indeed an alchemist."

  As soon as these words came out, Yu Wentian was shocked: "It's really unexpected, your flame has such a terrible heat wave. It seems that this is definitely not an ordinary fire."

Chen Xuan smiled and said: "That's right, as expected to be a senior, I can tell at a glance, this is the Suzaku fire that I specialize in cultivation, it is full of power, even those with a higher realm than me, were burned by the Suzaku fire. When it arrives, I’m afraid it’s too late."

  "Where did you cultivate the Suzaku Fire? Why have I never seen it before?" Yu Wentian was extremely surprised. He walked the rivers and lakes for most of his life, but he had never seen such a terrifying flame.

  Chen Xuan was taken aback, then smiled and replied: "I learned this by accident, and I don't know where I learned it."

  Yu Wentian did not continue to ask, he could hear what Chen Xuan meant, and he was unwilling to tell him.

"Okay, okay, kid, I know you don't want to say it. After all, everyone has their own secrets. I know that even if you ask you, you won't tell me, hahaha." Yu Wentian laughed loudly, appearing Very generous.

  Yu Wentian fits Chen Xuan's appetite. He has no scheming, and he laughs unscrupulously.

   "Not bad, but I want to see how powerful you Suzaku Fire is."

   "By the way, aren't you afraid that I will kill you? See if there is any Suzaku fire cultivation method in your storage ring?" Yu Wentian said suddenly.

"Haha." Chen Xuan also grinned: "You don't have to do this, right? Senior, even if you really kill me, you will definitely not find it in my ring. Suzaku Fire’s cultivation method."

   "Okay, I tell you, don't run around for me, now you are my person, I must point you!"

   With a big wave of his hand, a burst of red spiritual power suddenly appeared, and then gathered on Chen Xuan's body.

   felt the pain in his right arm like a fire, and then Chen Xuan felt waves of fierce flames burning continuously on his body.

what happened?

  Chen Xuan opened his eyes wide. He thought that Yu Wentian wanted to kill him, but that was not the case.

  When the flame stopped, Chen Xuan was surprised to find that his right hand was already filled with light blue light.

   "No way, I actually did it."

  In the struggle just now, Chen Xuan even took out the Liaoyuan sword.

   saw Liaoyuanjian.

  Yu Wentian's face was also obviously surprised: "I didn't expect you to have such a magic weapon on your body. I really didn't expect it."

  Chen Xuan looked at Yu Wentian, and did not speak. When the power of the spirit pattern was completely concentrated on him, he felt that his power was obviously increasing, and then he laughed.

   "Master, the power of the spirit runes is really strong."

Yu Wentian did not answer. Instead, he walked over and stared at the Liaoyuan sword in Chen Xuan's hand carefully: "Boy, where did you get this sword? I feel that there is a very familiar force in it. You are Isn't it?"

  Chen Xuan told the other party five to ten.

   After hearing it, Yuwentian laughed suddenly: "You kid, you can refine it into a magic weapon by refining it casually. It's really strange. It seems that you are also very proficient in refining."

Chen Xuan said, "It's not. Although the pill refining has been refined for many years before the next step, this alchemy is not too different from the refining device, but under the subdivision, there are still many differences. I am a magic weapon to refine it. I also encountered a lot of trouble, but I managed to overcome it."

   "Boy, you are really naive, you feel the power of your long sword carefully, isn't it a bit different?"

  Chen Xuan replied: "Of course, I have condensed all three long swords together, and then refined it."

   "Although your method is the simplest, it will also leave hidden dangers. The sword soul does not match originally, and there will be only one left in the end." Yu Wentian whispered.

   "Then what should I do." Chen Xuan's face was full of helplessness.

  He did feel it too. Although Chen Xuan was unmatched in alchemy, he did encounter a bottleneck in refining tools.

   "Don't worry, you can go with me, I will help you figure it out, but in the meantime, you have to consider whether you want to do what I said."

   "Do what you said?" Chen Xuan opened his eyes wide, his face full of doubts.

   "Otherwise, do you think I gave you so many things for nothing?" Yu Wentian replied.

"That's what I said." Chen Xuan smiled awkwardly: "Since the senior wants to teach me spirit patterns, as well as refining tools, and also teach me the power of dragon patterns, I can't take nothing, this is me. It’s better to give all the Hunyuan Magic Jade Spar you got before to seniors."

  Looking at the mixed element magic jade crystal in Chen Xuan's hand, Yu Wentian said disdainfully: "Forget it, I want to get the mixed element magic jade crystal, and I can get it with a wave of my hand."

  Three days later, they left the Chiyun Spirit Vein, and a huge city appeared in front of Chen Xuan.

  This place is almost close to the Dragon Blood Empire, and it is also the most developed city in the west, Scarlet Cloud City.

  In the entire Scarlet Cloud City, there are many warriors who have just hunted monsters outside, walking in again and again.

   Seeing such a lively street, Chen Xuan stared at it and nodded and said, “It’s really lively here, but it’s still a bit different from Sky Dragon City.”

  "Sky Dragon City?" Yu Wentian was surprised: "Yes, Sky Dragon City is really fun. I went there once before."

  Walking to the gate of Tianlongcheng, Yu Wentian suddenly disappeared.

   "What's wrong? Where did he go?" Chen Xuan raised his head and said helplessly.

  At this moment, he suddenly heard a voice in his ears: "Boy, I'll go ahead and have a look. You go into the city and go shopping in the street."

  Chen Xuan could only walk towards the inside of Scarlet Cloud City.

  (End of this chapter)

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