Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3581: Lin Hanqiu

  Chapter 3581 Lin Hanqiu

  Chen Xuan could only smile helplessly, and replied: "Then it has nothing to do with me. If you have the ability, kill me. If you have no ability, you will be the one who died today."

  Chen Xuan knows this kind of people very well, if they are let go, they will definitely come to trouble in the future.

  He wouldn't just leave without a trouble, plus, Chen Xuan is still sure to kill the opponent now.

  Although Lin Hanqiu reached the mid-fifth stage of the Shenluo realm, he was a small level higher than his cultivation base.

  But Chen Xuan hadn't exerted his full power. As long as he burst out the power of the Vermillion Bird with all his strength, coupled with the assistance of the power of the dragon pattern, he could definitely kill Lin Hanqiu within half an hour.

Looking at Chen Xuan, Lin Hanqiu's eyes still showed hideousness, and said to him again: "Chen Xuan, don't be so proud of you. I already know your cultivation level very well, that is, at the beginning of the fifth stage of the Shenluo realm, we two The individual is a small difference, and the power of the dragon pattern stays at the second level. How can you be my opponent?"

Lin Hanqiu didn't know that Chen Xuan had not only these two life-saving methods, but also the power of the Vermillion Bird, and as long as the power of the Vermillion Bird and the power of the dragon pattern were combined, the damage caused was very powerful.

   Raised the Liaoyuan sword lightly, and Chen Xuan's murderous intent was also aroused.

  A gust of wind blew around his body, all because of murderous intent.

Suddenly, Chen Xuan slowly raised his body into the air, and the Liaoyuan sword in his hand began to circle the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

  At this moment, Chen Xuan's whole body was filled with an extremely fierce power, and under the impetus of this powerful aura, the breath released from his body even made Lin Hanqiu feel ashamed.

how can that be?

  Lin Hanqiu’s face was full of shock. He thought he could suppress Chen Xuan already.

  But now the power that the other party burst out, even faintly surpassed his momentum, which made Lin Hanqiu puzzled.

"Is this kid really so talented? No wonder I can get Yuwentian's guidance, I don't believe it, I don't believe I am inferior to him!" Yuwentian roared, and rushed over directly, and the long sword in his hand was also emitted. A burst of sword chants.

  Since you want to die, then I will fulfill you!

  Chen Xuan let out a roar, and then released a ray of light red from the blade of the sword. Surrounded by the fire of the Vermillion Bird, this fierce sword aura made his face flushed.

  Go to death for me!

  Chen Xuan waved the Liaoyuan sword, this terrifying sword aura instantly rushed in the direction of Lin Hanqiu.


  In an instant, Lin Hanqiu's body was surrounded by a fierce sword light, no matter how hard he struggled, there was no way to escape the siege of sword energy.

  After more than ten minutes finally passed, Lin Hanqiu was no longer Chen Xuan's opponent, and even his physical strength was exhausted.

   Consecutively ate the Huiyuan Pills one by one, and Chen Xuan also began to replenish his aura.

  The previous battle caused him to consume a lot of spiritual energy. After all, the Thousand Thousand Sword Art itself would consume a lot of spiritual power. If he did not eat the Huiyuan Pill, Chen Xuan would most likely explode and die.

  After twenty rounds, Chen Xuan finally killed Lin Hanqiu.

   Seeing Lin Hanqiu's body lying motionless on the ground, Chen Xuan could only sigh helplessly: "It is indeed a genius, but the jealousy is too strong."

In this battle between    and Lin Hanqiu, Chen Xuan also felt danger. This was not the previous fight between the needle tip and the Maimang. The cultivation base of the two of them was not much different.

  In this battle, Chen Xuan fully displayed the power of thousands of swords.

  Although there are dangers, he does feel that this battle has made his spiritual acupuncture clear, and he feels refreshed.

  Taking the storage ring from Lin Hanqiu, Chen Xuan did not continue to stay in the Scarlet Cloud Mountain Range, but chose to return to Scarlet Cloud City.

   Scarlet Cloud City and Yuwentian were guarded there. Chen Xuan believed that once they returned to Scarlet Cloud City, these people would definitely not do anything to them.

  After Chen Xuan returned to Yu Wentian's mansion, he was found to be nowhere to be seen. Chen Xuan did not look for it either. Instead, he returned to his place of residence and started searching for the storage ring left by Lin Hanqiu.

   "This Lin Hanqiu is also a very famous monk, I don't know if there is any good thing in his ring." Chen Xuan thought in his heart, and then the working spirits penetrated directly into the ring.

  A few minutes later, Chen Xuan's face was obviously with a touch of surprise: "It really didn't happen to me. There are so many good things in his ring. It seems that this guy is also quite rich."

  In Lin Hanqiu's ring, there are indeed many valuable treasures. Chen Xuan just searched for it and found many valuable spiritual plants.

  Time flickered without knowing it. Three days later, when Chen Xuan was preparing to refine the artifacts in the mansion, he saw Yu Wentian walking in his direction.

   "Chen Xuan, how is your research recently? Have you followed my instructions?" Yu Wentian asked suddenly.

  Chen Xuan nodded slowly, and replied: “I followed your steps all the way, but recently I have encountered some difficulties.

   "Hehe, Chen Xuan, you have to pass my test if you want to refine the weapon. You must refine it first, and I will help you to see what went wrong with you."

  While talking, he walked to Chen Xuan's side and watched his movements carefully.

  Three hits five divided by two, Chen Xuan refined the magic weapon, and felt that the power of the Vermillion Bird was spreading, and then Chen Xuan condensed a stream of flames as he wanted.

  Under the burning of this Suzaku fire, the magical objects in the forging furnace quickly took shape.

   "Very good, now you can use the power of the dragon pattern to refine magic artifacts."

"However, I still want to teach you dragon pattern carving. When you carve dragon patterns, it can also make you fit with the power of the dragon pattern. Unconsciously, you can increase your cultivation level again." Yu Wentian said softly.

   Hearing this, Chen Xuan could only nod his head: "Okay, but I still haven't figured out the doorway. Dragon carving is indeed a bit difficult."

  After Chen Xuan finished speaking, he began to gather the power of the dragon pattern in his body.

  On the monster leather, Chen Xuan began to draw dragon carvings.

  In just a few seconds, a pattern has appeared on it.

  Chen Xuan's movements seem to be very skilled, but it is a pity that the dragon patterns he carved have no effect.

   "What's the matter? Why is the dragon pattern carved out by me different from yours? Why did the pattern that just emerged on the monster leather disappeared..." Chen Xuan couldn't help scratching his head.

Seeing his movements, Yuwentian suddenly laughed: "Chen Xuan, do you know what went wrong? When you were sculpting with the power of the dragon pattern just now, you did not gather your spiritual power from heaven and earth. You are now It’s just not long after you have been exposed to the power of the dragon pattern, and I still can’t apply it skillfully. Of these two forces, the power of the dragon pattern is stronger, but you can’t directly use the dragon pattern to carve it, you must use the power of the heaven and the earth... …"

  Yu Wentian's words immediately caused Chen Xuanmao to stop.

   began to operate two forces, Chen Xuan's fingers showed a blue light, and then he also used the dragon pattern to continuously draw patterns on the monster leather.


  Chen Xuan finished drawing the dragon pattern in a few seconds.

Seeing the flashing blue rays on the monster leather, Yu Wentian also scratched his beard, showing a touch of admiration: "Good boy, I didn't expect it to be completed by you. It only took a month. You can draw dragon patterns, which is also a genius."

   Reminiscing that he had used it for several months to learn dragon patterns at the beginning, Yuwen Tianxin was unconsciously amazed: “Very good, very good, just need to point him, then he might be able to become a generation of dragon pattern master.”

Although   Longwen Grandmaster is a respectable name, his status is also very important.

  In the entire dragon blood empire, most of the people who can be called the dragon blood empire are residents of the dragon blood empire, and very few people from other empires can become the dragon blood master.

  As a dragon pattern master, they have to find their own inheritors, because each dragon pattern master draws different spirit patterns and their styles are also very different.

  The dragon patterns drawn by some people can greatly increase the strength, but there are also dragon patterns drawn by some people, which can only increase the speed.

  Indeed, although there are many variants of the power of dragon patterns, there is only one important point, and that is to see who carved the dragon pattern, which has a stronger amplification effect.

Generally speaking, few dragon masters can master different types of dragon carvings proficiently, because dragons are also a very vast knowledge. If you want to master dragon carvings thoroughly, you don’t have to accumulate for hundreds of years. It can't be done.

  Yu Wentian is also considered a genius among the dragon pattern masters. He has mastered the dragon pattern carving skillfully in just over 30 years, and he has his own style.

  The dragon pattern he carved can increase the strength of a monk, and it can also draw dragon patterns that enhance defense power on the opponent's skin.

  Many warriors in the Dragon Blood Empire hope to have a dragon pattern master draw dragon patterns on them, instead of the dragon pattern masters casually grabbed from the street.

  If you want to truly comprehend the power of the dragon pattern, I am afraid it will take a long time to accumulate, and only the master of the dragon pattern can have this qualification.

  If you want Master Longwen to carve dragons for yourself, it is hard to find a lot of money. Many people have traveled thousands of miles and spent tens of thousands of gold, but Master Longwen is not a bird.

  For example, the people who wandered at the gate of Yuwentian a few days ago even secretly gave Chen Xuan a lot of treasures, wanting him to say something in front of Yuwentian.

   Seeing the dragon pattern carved by Chen Xuan, Yu Wentian admired at first, but then said: "It's already very good, but you still have a question. Have you noticed it?!

"What's the problem?" Chen Xuan asked immediately. He already knows a little bit about dragon carving. Just now, Chen Xuan also used all his strength to carve a complete dragon pattern. .

  When the dragon pattern was carved out, a blue light suddenly appeared on the monster leather. At this moment, the defensive power of the monster leather increased.

   "Although the carved dragon pattern can be used, it still has a slight flaw, you see." Yu Wentian walked over, and a red light group appeared on his finger, gently poking on the top of the monster leather.

  This red light suddenly penetrated the monster leather.

Seeing the dragon-patterned leather he had finally drawn out, it was easily pierced by Yu Wentian. Chen Xuan was filled with shock: "No, did you run the aura in your body just now? Otherwise, how could it be easy? Just pierce the leather I made with dragon patterns?"

  Yu Wentian smiled slightly: "Your dragon pattern drawing is incomplete, now learn from me."

  Only saw Yu Wentian's hands reappearing a red light group, under his rotation, a red light suddenly appeared on the monster leather.

  In just a few seconds, Yu Wentian engraved the dragon pattern.

   "Now you use your best effort to see if you can break this monster leather, just like I did." Yu Wentian smiled lightly, and then stood by and said.

Chen Xuan swallowed and spit. He indeed felt a powerful dragon pattern power from the dragon pattern leather. He walked over and circulated the true energy in his body, gathered on the tip of his left finger, and lightly moved towards the dragon pattern leather. stamp.


   Chen Xuan's body was immediately repelled by two steps, making his face full of shock.

what? Why did you bounce me back? What did he do.

  (End of this chapter)

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