Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3589: The position of the dragon master

  Chapter 3589 The position of the dragon master

The total number of   Longwen Grandmasters is only one hundred, no more, no less, a total of one hundred, only in the county town of the Dragon Blood Empire.

  And this Scarlet Cloud City is naturally also a county city of the Dragon Blood Empire, and its history is also very old.

  When Chen Xuan walked into Scarlet Cloud City, he felt the same emotion in his heart. The Dragon Blood Empire was completely different from what he had imagined.

  In Chen Xuan’s original impression, the Dragon Blood Empire was covered with frost all year round, and the folk customs were very aggressive, but the impression that Scarlet Cloud City gave him was somewhat similar to some cities in the Kamikaze Dynasty.

Although the Dragon Blood Empire has existed for a long time, the Fourth Era that they originally created has now passed nearly tens of thousands of years.

  The historical civilization of the Dragon Blood Empire today is far less developed than the Kamikaze Dynasty.

  At this moment, Chen Xuan was recovering from his injuries in the Scarlet Cloud Mountain Range. In this battle, after eating the Huiyuan Pill, he couldn't restore his true energy.

   "Unexpectedly, this Lu Yunhong and Song Qingqiong actually joined hands, this time it is really a bit difficult." Chen Xuan's voice was extremely low.

   Originally, Chen Xuan wanted to kill Lu Yunhong directly, so that he would be more confident when dealing with Song Qingqiong.

  However, I didn't expect these two people to appear in such a timely manner. Chen Xuan's strength alone is definitely not the opponent of this group of dragon blood warriors.

While    was recuperating from his injuries in the mountains, Chen Xuan heard the voices of monsters in the distance.

   "Why are there monsters here too!" Chen Xuan hurriedly got up from the ground and carefully looked at the depths of the Cangyan Cave.

  The darkness in this Cangyan cave is extremely dark. If Chen Xuan hadn't used the Vermillion Bird Fire, he would not even be able to see five meters near him.

   There were bursts of light flashing, and Chen Xuan suddenly discovered that in the Cangyan cave ahead, faint bursts of light blue light were emerging.

   "Could it be that no one has ever come in here?" Chen Xuan couldn't help scratching his head, so he took his steps and walked towards the depths of the Cangyan Cave.

  Without walking a few steps, he heard the sound of Cangyan Illusion Bone Snake from a distance.

  Sure enough, there was a Cangyan Illusion Bone Snake, and Chen Xuan hurriedly raised the Liaoyuan Sword, releasing a fierce aura from his dantian.

  Only saw the deepest part of the hole, two Cangyan Illusion Bone Snake whispering to each other, making a faint sound.

   "These two Cangyan Illusion Bone Serpents seem to want to attack me." Chen Xuan smiled lightly, and then a fierce sword aura burst out, and he slew in the direction of the Cangyan Illusion Bone Serpent.


   Sword Qi directly hit a Cangyan Illusion Bone Snake, instantly cutting the body of the Cangyan Illusion Bone Snake in half, but immediately afterwards, it clearly entered the community.

  I only saw the densely packed skeletons in the Cangyan Cave, and the Cangyan Illusion Bone Snake kept crawling out, and the aura released from them was also extremely terrifying.

  A stream of venom continuously sprayed towards Chen Xuan.

  Frightened Chen Xuan hurriedly ran his sword art, and quickly cut out a sword aura.

  When the sword light was released in the air, the venom suddenly dissipated.

"Unexpectedly, there are so many Cangyan Illusion Bone Snakes in the Cangyan Cave. It seems that you must be more careful." Chen Xuan firmly grasped the long sword, and stared at the dense Cangyan Illusion in front of him. Bone snake.

  A Cangyan Illusion Bone Snake with horns on its forehead and a very large body slowly crawled out of these snakes.

  The number of Cangyan Illusion Bone Snake has almost reached hundreds. With Chen Xuan's current cultivation base, it is really difficult to deal with such a large number of Cangyan Illusion Bone Snake at once.

  But he seemed to vaguely feel that there was a dragon stone stele in the depths of the Cangyan Cave. Since Chen Xuan awakened the power of the dragon, he had been able to sense the power of the dragon stone stele.

   "I have to bite the bullet." Chen Xuan sighed helplessly, once again raised the Liaoyuan sword, and slew towards a Cangyan Illusion Bone Snake.

  The body of the Cangyan Illusion Bone Snake was cut into two pieces, but the other Cangyan Illusion Bone Snake was also enraged one after another, suddenly let out a roar, and bit in the direction of Chen Xuan.

The Cang Yan Illusion Bone Snake’s fangs carried bursts of toxins. Chen Xuan did not dare to fight these Cang Yan Illusion Bone Snakes. If he was accidentally bitten by these Cang Yan Bone Snake, Chen Xuan’s It is even more difficult to recover from the injury.

  The sword in his hand danced again, and a wave of wind appeared in front of Chen Xuan, and he continued to kill the Cangyan Illusory Bone Snake.

Under Chen Xuan’s continuous attack, these Cangyan Illusion Bone Snake also had several more wounds, especially the Cangyan Illusion Bone Snake, which was covered in red scales and had huge horns on its forehead. The body was directly knocked out by Chen Xuan for more than two hundred meters.

  Even if these Cangyan Illusion Bone Serpents are the strongest in cultivation, they have only reached the four major consummations of the Shenluo realm.

  With Chen Xuan's current cultivation base, he could deal with this group of Cangyan Illusion Bone Snakes. If it weren't for the large number of Cangyan Illusion Bone Snakes, Chen Xuan would not be so cautious.

He knows that he must not be bitten by the Cangyan Illusion Bone Snake. After all, the toxins in the Cangyan Illusion Bone Snake’s sharp teeth are not a joke. If an ordinary person is bitten, he will die, let alone him. He is still injured.

  If Chen Xuan is also bitten now, there will only be one consequence waiting for him, that is, being swallowed by these Cangyan Illusion Bone Snake, and even no bones are left.

  Cangyan Magic Bone Snake is not only very dangerous, but also very large in number.

Feeling that the number of Cangyan Illusion Bone Snake in Cangyan Cave was still increasing, Chen Xuan could only sigh helplessly: "I didn't expect to kill more and more. This is really a bit difficult. I don't know if there are any in this cave. There is no dragon stele..."

  If the dragon stone stele was not found, and it had been too long with these Cangyan Illusion Bone Serpents, Chen Xuan could only help his forehead and sigh.

  In his constant offensive, these Cangyan Illusion Bone Snake suffered a lot.

Another Ten Thousand Immortal Sword Art was displayed, and the red lines surrounding Chen Xuan suddenly spread to the surroundings. Before the two Cangyan Illusion Bone Serpents approached Chen Xuan's side, they were directly cut into pieces by his sword aura. Two cuts.

With a soft breath, a dragon pattern faintly appeared on Chen Xuan's arm. With the blessing of the dragon pattern, his strength increased greatly. At the moment this Cangyan Illusory Bone Snake just rushed over, Chen Xuan flew directly and kicked the Cangyan Illusion Bone Serpent's chest fiercely.

With an indifferent color on his face, Chen Xuanhan said in a voice: "A group of beasts still want to trouble me. Regardless of whether there is a dragon stone stele in it, I just need you to cultivate the dragon pattern."

  If you want to practice the dragon pattern, you can’t do it in books. It is just learning how to carve the pattern of the dragon pattern, and it will not let the dragon pattern master master more proficient dragon pattern carving skills.

  Only on the same monster leather can various dragon patterns be carved, and it is also possible to test whether the power of the dragon patterns is exerted.

  As a dragon pattern master, it is normal to have a lot of monster leather in the storage ring. Chen Xuan also went to the Chamber of Commerce to buy a lot of monster leather.

  But the leather of these monsters is very tough, but it lacks firmness.

If this group of Cangyan Illusion Bone Snake can be killed, Chen Xuan can harvest more than one hundred Cangyan Illusion Bone Snake armors at one time, and then use their bone armor to try to carve dragon patterns, which will definitely make him face the dragon. The comprehension of the pattern is further enhanced, and perhaps even Chen Xuan will be able to truly master the carving of the dragon pattern soon.

  Now Chen Xuan is only just new to the foundation of dragon pattern carving, Yu Wentian did not teach him too much, only let Chen Xuan accept the dragon pattern inheritance.

  Whether Chen Xuan can continue to use the power of the dragon pattern in the future still needs to see how he plans.

  For Chen Xuan, the power of the dragon pattern was an unexpected gain. He didn't expect that he could cultivate the power of the dragon pattern. Even when he cultivated the demon soul, Chen Xuan had made a mistake by accident.

  His understanding of the power of the dragon pattern is only limited to this kind of power and the aura of heaven and earth are two different concepts.

The power of the   dragon pattern is not the same as the aura of heaven and earth. The power of the dragon pattern itself is the accumulation of the aura in the monk's body, but the absorption of the spiritual stone can also increase the power of the dragon pattern, but the increase is very small.

  If you want to greatly increase the power of the dragon pattern, it is essential to fight with monsters.

  After a sword aura killed the monster, Chen Xuan suddenly felt the opponent's inner core, in which a burst of subtle energy was transmitted to his dantian.

  Different from the cultivation method of the power of the demon soul, the power of the dragon pattern does not need to personally obtain the inner pill of the monster beast, just kill the monster beast.

   Before cultivating the demon soul, Chen Xuan had to personally take out the inner alchemy from the body of these monster beasts, and then absorb them through refining, so that all these powers could be transformed into his own cultivation base.

  Dragon pattern power, as a more advanced cultivation method, does not need to be so laborious.

  You only need to slay the monster beasts, and you can directly collect the power of the soul from the body of the group of monsters.

The most essential difference between the power of the    dragon pattern and the demon soul is that the demon soul only tempers the power of the physical body, but the dragon pattern can cultivate the soul at the same time, and can also increase the strength of the body.

  When the power of the dragon pattern broke out again, Chen Xuan's throat released an astonishing aftermath, which quickly spread to the surroundings.

  The few Cangyan Illusion Bone Snake before him rushed to his side, they were directly knocked out by this fierce air current.

After killing more than 30 Cangyan Illusion Bone Snake, Chen Xuan gently shook the Liaoyuan sword.

  Swords groaned out, and Chen Xuan's body became hideous again.

  Two Cangyan Illusion Bone Snake rushed towards him, but this time Chen Xuan's performance was very flat.

  It was just a lightly swinging blade, and it directly took the lives of two Cangyan Illusion Bone Serpents.

  These Cangyan Illusion Bone Serpents also seem to perceive that the humans in front of them are not easy to provoke. They are all wandering in the distance, seemingly wondering whether they should continue to attack.

   Just now, Chen Xuan has not displayed all the power of the dragon pattern. If he gathers all the power of the dragon pattern, he will be able to deal with more than 100 Cangyan Illusion Bone Snake.

The only thing Chen Xuan worried about was the venom sprayed by the Cangyan Illusion Bone Snake. He did feel the threat from the venom. If he was accidentally hit, Chen Xuan could only ask for more blessings. After all, his physique was still good. Not strong enough to defend against the venom of the Cangyan Illusion Bone Snake casually.

  With a touch of ferocity on his face, Chen Xuan's Liaoyuan sword danced quickly, and after eating the Huiyuan Pill, the aura in Chen Xuan's body quickly recovered.

  In just two seconds, another sword aura gathered in the air and directly enveloped the entire cave.

  All the Cangyan Illusion Bone Snake, including the Snake King with red horns on his forehead, are now showing horror.

  Monsters can also express emotions.

  Only from the posture of these Cangyan Illusion Bone Snake, Chen Xuan could see that these Cangyan Illusion Bone Snake must have recognized it, otherwise they would definitely attack him instead of wandering in the distance.

   "What's wrong? Do you still know that you are afraid?" Chen Xuan smiled quietly.

  He was already prepared, but these Cangyan Illusion Bone Snake did not rush over, which really made Chen Xuan feel helpless: "Since you are not coming, don't blame me, just let me die!"

  Following his angry shout, Chen Xuan's body suddenly condensed with fiery red rays of light. After the Vermillion Bird's fire burned out, a halo suddenly formed on his body.

  The venom sprayed by a Cangyan Illusion Bone Snake hadn’t even approached Chen Xuan’s side, it was completely burned by the flames of the Vermillion Bird surrounding him.

  The venom of the Cangyan Illusion Bone Snake can no longer cause damage to Chen Xuan. Instead, every Vermilion Sword Qi of Chen Xuan can directly harvest the life of a Cangyan Illusion Bone Snake.

  "A group of beasts!" It roared again, and another wave of fierce dragon pattern power, accompanied by the attack of the Vermillion Bird sword aura, kept hitting the bodies of these Cangyan Illusion Bone Serpents.

In just half an hour, a total of more than 80 Cangyan Illusion Bone Snake were killed by Chen Xuan, and now there was only one Cangyan Illusion Bone Snake with red horns on his forehead.

  (End of this chapter)

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