Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3592: Song Qingqiong is dead

   Chapter 3592 Song Qingqiong is dead

  In the secret cave...

  Suzaku's fire constantly emerging from the blade, he also knows who is conspiring against him.

   "Damn Chen Xuan, has he been watching here all the time." Song Qingqiong's heart was full of regret.

   Originally thought that he could easily defeat the demon, take out the inner alchemy from the opponent's body, and even make the cultivation base breakthrough, but Chen Xuan's conspiracy was met, and he even lost his life here.

  At this moment, many dragon blood warriors surrounding Song Qingqiong also took out their weapons one after another. Their faces were full of horror. Obviously, Chen Xuan had been watching their battles by the side.

   "The big thing is not good, Song Qingqiong was actually killed!"

   "Where is Chen Xuan hiding? We must find him!" Lu Yunhong immediately ordered the group of warriors.

  In the secret room far away, Chen Xuan's fingers gently hooked down, and the power of the Vermillion Bird was immediately released in the Liaoyuan Sword.

  Song Qingqiong's body was surrounded by a wave of flames, even if he was using body refining now, there was no way to defend it.

  The destructive power of the Suzaku Fire was originally very terrifying, and now it has started to burn in his body. No matter how strong Song Qingqiong's cultivation base is, there is absolutely no way to resist the power of the Suzaku Fire.

   "It's a pity, you are dead." Chen Xuan sneered, then he directly recovered the Liaoyuan sword and slowly walked out of the secret room.

  A few minutes later, Chen Xuan appeared in front of these dragon blood warriors.

  Some people have a murderous look on their faces, but some people reveal horror and fear.

  The moment Chen Xuan killed Song Qingqiong just now, they all saw it.

  The most angry person is Lu Yunhong, but his body is also faintly trembling. The current situation is not good for them, and they are already in a disadvantageous situation.

"No, if there is Song Qingqiong, I might be able to deal with Chen Xuan. Now Song Qingqiong has been killed, and I have overdrawn a lot of spiritual energy in the battle with the monsters. I am alone, and it is absolutely impossible to be his opponent... "Lü Yunhong's eyes rolled thiefly.

Immediately afterwards, he suddenly knelt on the ground, knocked his head twice, and said respectfully: "Chen Xuan, please don't hurt me. As long as you let me live, I will be a cow and a horse for you in the future. Your servant..."

   "It's no longer needed." Chen Xuan's voice was extremely cold. Without waiting for Lu Yunhong to finish, the Liaoyuan Sword instantly cut off his head.

  All the dragon blood warriors stared at Chen Xuan with marvelous eyes.

   "Hurry up and form a formation!" Under the order of a warrior, they immediately formed a circle, and bursts of fierce red auras were released immediately, and they began to defend against Chen Xuan's Suzaku fire attack.

  Chen Xuan helplessly spread his hands: "You are also taking money from people, but unfortunately it provokes me. I can't let you go."

   "Chen Xuan, this matter has nothing to do with us. You are also the inheritor of Master Yuwen, don't you even have this stomach?" A warrior asked.

  Chen Xuan smiled: "Why didn't you think that way when you killed me? Now I am going to kill you, so I mentioned this to me instead?"

  As soon as the words came out, everyone was speechless.

  "If the big deal is a big deal, let's fight with him, don't worry, brothers, I don't believe that Chen Xuan can hold us!"

   "That's right, if it's a big deal, we'll fight him to die, and see who is stronger!"

  All the dragon blood warriors gathered together, and suddenly there was a red breath, which quickly blew in his direction.

   Feeling this violent energy, Chen Xuan's face also burst with a pale red light. After releasing the power of the dragon pattern, his speed increased a lot in an instant.

  This sword aura disappeared in the air without even touching his body.

  Chen Xuan is like killing a god, staring at all the dragon blood warriors: "Since you want to die, you can't blame me, let all of you stay here!"

  Wrists shook lightly, and the Liaoyuan Sword suddenly appeared, bursts of fierce aura constantly erupting.

   "Sword Shadow is the third!" Chen Xuan roared out hysterically.

  Under the attack, the last few dragon blood warriors are not opponents after all.

  One of them was cut in half by his sword, and blood was spilled on the ground.

  The last remaining dragon-blood warrior was so horrified in his heart that he simply knelt on the ground and begged Chen Xuan for mercy.

   Shake the Liaoyuan sword again, and Chen Xuan directly killed the dragon blood warrior.

  In the entire Cangyan Cave, no one could threaten him anymore.

  Chen Xuanxin comfortably enhances the power of the dragon pattern here. It is not easy to find a safe corner to practice in the Scarlet Cloud Mountain Range.

  But Cangyan Cave itself has a dragon-print stone stele, and Chen Xuanxiu’s dragon-patterned power will get twice the result with half the effort, which will speed up his ascent. He will not miss this opportunity.

  For three days, Chen Xuan was cultivating dragon patterns and swallowed a lot of high-grade spirit stones, but his dragon pattern power still did not break through to the next realm, and he remained in the early stage of the fifth stage of the Shenluo realm.

   "It's really weird, why there is still no breakthrough? It's a little different from what I thought." Chen Xuan originally thought that within three days, whether it was the power of the dragon pattern or his cultivation, he would at least complete a breakthrough.

  Sighed helplessly, Chen Xuan could only accept this fact.

  Searching for many valuable treasures from these dragon blood warriors, including Song Qingqiong and Lu Yunhong, Chen Xuan put them all in his storage ring.

   "With these things, you can refine a lot of magic weapons..."

   Chen Xuan thought in his heart, also preparing to practice dragon carving in this cave.

  Dragon carving can be used in many scenes, and it can even be carved on daily necessities.

  But all this requires a prerequisite, that is, Chen Xuan is proficient in using the power of dragon patterns.

  In the past few days, Chen Xuan has not stopped in his training of dragon patterns.

   And naturally, he has cultivated the power of the dragon pattern to a deeper level. Now he can skillfully carve dragon patterns on the leather of monster beasts.

  He took out a piece of animal skin, Chen Xuan silently read the formula, and a dark red light suddenly appeared on his fingers.

   Pressing his finger on his arm, Chen Xuan condensed his spiritual consciousness, and accompanied by bursts of dragon pattern power, he slowly carved dragon patterns on this piece of animal skin.

   Feeling that he has become more and more proficient in the control of divine consciousness, Chen Xuan also admired in his heart: "Very well, it seems that I can now apply dragon patterns proficiently and sculpt some simple patterns."

  Dragon Mark Master is a very old profession, and there are many ways to learn.

   Although Chen Xuan worked hard in alchemy, he could not say that he had mastered all alchemy in the world.

  As for dragon carving, Chen Xuan has only studied for a few months, although with his extraordinary talent, he is now able to master the basic carving skills of dragons.

  But these dragon carvings can't escape the basic category. They are all speed-ups, powers, and physiques.

  Chen Xuan once heard rumors that some dragon pattern masters can even engrave dragon patterns for an ordinary person, so that they can master the ability to fly in the air.

  Some dragon carvings will produce more wonderful effects than the pill.

  As for the cultivation of dragon patterns, Chen Xuan knew that this was just the beginning. If he wanted to continue carving dragon patterns, he had to buy a lot of animal skins.

  So, Chen Xuan also strolled around in the nearby town. He didn't have to use monster skins at the time. Even the leather of ordinary beasts can be used for carving.

  A beast’s leather costs almost ten pieces of silver, but a monster’s leather is very expensive.

   is basically a medium-grade spirit stone, and the last ordinary monster leather that can be bought.

  Although the use of monster leather for training, dragon carving is very good, but Chen Xuan knows that there is no need to use such a good thing to carve.

  That is not cultivation, but waste.

  Ordinary animal skins can already satisfy Chen Xuan's consumption, and if the best Cangyan Illusion Bone Snake leather is used, it is just a waste.

  Using some spirit beast leather, the dragon pattern can be used for a shorter time and less energy to carve a perfect dragon pattern.

  But animal skins test the dragon pattern master even more. As long as they can carve the dragon pattern on ordinary objects, it is naturally much easier to carve the dragon pattern on the body of a monk.

  But in most cases, animal skins only exist as consumables for the dragon master.

  Each dragon pattern master consumes a large amount of animal skins in the process of cultivation, so that he can master the carving skills of spiritual patterns.

  Kamikaze Dynasty also has many spirit pattern masters, but their status is far from that of alchemy masters.

  After all, the kamikaze dynasty's spirit pattern master, even if it is a horse, is not as good as a dragon pattern master.

  In the last few days, Chen Xuan has consumed more than 30,000 yuan and has also mastered many basic carving techniques for dragon patterns.

Now he has carved three dragon patterns on his body, one of which is on his right arm, which can increase his strength. When Chen Xuan displays thousands of swords and shadows, he will also condense his dantian aura to make him lethal. Promote.

  As for the second dragon pattern, Chen Xuan carved it on his calf. This dragon pattern can instantly increase Chen Xuan's speed, which is very useful when escaping.

  The third dragon pattern, Chen Xuan did not cover the whole body like before, but chose to hide it, creating an unexpected illusion.

  When fighting against the enemy, if the power of the dragon pattern is retained, Chen Xuan can cause surprises. If the opponent's cultivation base is stronger than him, Chen Xuan can also guarantee that the dragon pattern will be activated in an instant and run away directly.

  But this last dragon pattern, Chen Xuan pondered for a long time and still failed.

Looking at the piles of animal skins in front of him, Chen Xuan scratched his head in distress: "I obviously follow the dragon pattern carved on the book Yu Wentian gave me. Why do I fail every time? What's wrong... …"

  Chen Xuan once again took out Yu Wentian's notes, and carefully looked at the densely packed small characters: "This guy wrote such small characters, it's too much eye-consuming."

  Chen Xuan couldn't help complaining, the words in this notebook were too small, and Chen Xuan could only read them very close.

  As the master of Longwen, Yu Wentian wrote very ugly characters, and Chen Xuan even had to decipher it so that he could understand what he wrote.

  "This Yuwentian is not deliberately trying to make me trouble. This word is written like the heavenly book. I have just learned the words of the Dragon Blood Empire, and it is simply difficult to read...."

   Seeing a line of small characters on this note, Chen Xuan felt that he was going crazy.

  He was not familiar with the words of Dragon Blood Empire, and Yu Wentian wrote very sloppyly, and he couldn't see what he was writing.

  Finally, a line of small characters attracted Chen Xuan’s attention. He vaguely discovered that Yu Wentian deliberately kept one line neat when he was writing, but the next line became very scribbled.

  And the neat line of small characters, Chen Xuan can also tell what is written in it.

  Looking at the handwriting on it carefully, Chen Xuan suddenly said, "That's it, I finally know why the Third Stripe Road has always failed. It turns out that there is a problem here..."

  If it hadn't been for reading the records in Yuwentian's notes, even if Chen Xuan wanted to break his head, I'm afraid he wouldn't find out what went wrong with him.

   With a confident smile on his face, Chen Xuan took a piece of animal skin from the side: "I must break through this time. I don't believe it anymore. I still have no choice but to take you today."

  A dark red ball of light emerged from his fingers, and Chen Xuan lightly tapped it on his arm, and he immediately carved dragon patterns on his arm.

   meditating silently, Chen Xuan was running the power of the dragon pattern, and the pattern above was also forming little by little.

  Three minutes later, Chen Xuan looked at his finished product with satisfaction: "This time is finally completed, it took a lot of effort."

  (End of this chapter)

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