Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3597: Cloud Elephant Hall

  Chapter 3597 Cloud Elephant Hall

"Hey, you don't know. These dozen people all have the power of dragon patterns. Didn't I tell you before? They can search far away, even if they are a hundred kilometers nearby, they can be touched by them. ."

"Even if these dozen people are lined up, we can search many strongholds in Yunxiao Mansion. As long as the number of our defense forces is checked by them, the Dragon Blood Empire can launch a concentrated attack at will, and then we will even react. Now, it is impossible to resist their attack." Master Li said patiently.

   "So that's it..." A warrior showed a suddenly realized expression.

   "I don't know if I can help?" Chen Xuan asked suddenly.

  Zang Feiyu himself was a disciple of the sect, and did not participate in the worldly affairs. They only heard about the struggle between the Dragon Blood Empire and the Kamikaze Dynasty, but did not participate.

Master Li suddenly pointed to a direction on the map and said to Chen Xuan: "Chen Xuan, look at this, I found that there are many people from the Dragon Blood Empire moving nearby. Maybe they are also providing information. I don't know if you can. Can't go over and take a look."

After thinking about it, Master Li continued: "If you can complete it, I can give you 50,000 top-grade spirit stones. Recently, my people are on the border of the central part. I can use too few people, even if There are some idle soldiers, but their cultivation is not that strong. If they really meet these dragon blood warriors, they are definitely not opponents."

  Chen Xuan thought for a while, so he agreed: "Don't worry, I will help you investigate in a few days."

   "By the way, you must be careful when you go in. If there are really many dragon blood warriors who can't be beaten, run quickly and bring me the information. I will take people to destroy their Cloud Elephant Hall."

  Chen Xuan nodded: "Okay."

  He turned his head and looked at Zang Feiyu: "Are you going to come with me."

  Zang Feiyu and the people behind him also looked at each other: "What do you think?"

   "Why don't we go there too, it just happens to be able to improve the cultivation level, I also want to ask Brother Chen Xuan how to practice..."

  These warriors seem to have regarded Chen Xuan as their idol, and they have been following Chen Xuan all the way like a stalker.

After making up their minds, Chen Xuan and the others also began to formulate strategies.

"Look, there is a lake around here. If we want to sneak into their Cloud Elephant Hall, it must be impossible from the sky. Then you will all be standing by under the lake. I will use the Liaoyuan Sword to search them quietly." Chen Xuan said.

  With the soul of the sword in the Liaoyuan sword, Chen Xuan was able to find out what they were saying even if he was 50 kilometers away from the enemy.

However, Chen Xuan also knew that among the people of the Dragon Blood Empire, there were experts who used the power of dragon patterns. If they directly used the Liaoyuan Sword to inquire about their conversation, they would most likely be sensed by these experts, so Chen Xuan could only come out. With this move, sneak in from the lake near the Cloud Elephant Hall.

  In the morning, Chen Xuan got up early.

  Zang Feiyu and a few people also came over, and they were all ready.

   Packed up his clothes, Chen Xuan also refined a few pills in advance, and at the same time, he also painted dragon patterns on Zang Feiyu and others.

  It can be said that in the entire Yunxiao Mansion, only Chen Xuan can draw dragon patterns, and no one else can.

  Looking at the dragon pattern on his body, Zang Feiyu and other warriors all exclaimed: "No? Chen Xuan, you actually mastered the drawing method of dragon patterns."

   "It turns out to be a real dragon pattern. It's great. I have never seen the power of a dragon pattern in my life." A warrior showed joy on his face.

  Although they have also dealt with the people of the Dragon Blood Empire, they have never mastered the power of the dragon pattern, and they have never been carved by the dragon pattern master.

The power of the    dragon pattern is obvious to all. Just carving an ordinary dragon pattern can increase the cultivation base by about 10%.

  If the dragon pattern carved by some of the top masters of dragon pattern masters, it will even increase their power several times. Of course, with Chen Xuan's current carving techniques, it is not possible to carve such a powerful dragon pattern.

   But even so, the dragon pattern he had just carved on Zang Feiyu's people also increased their cultivation skills.

   "Cover the dragon patterns on your body, and we will still be active in the Kamikaze Dynasty. If we are discovered by those garrisons, we might mistake us for the Dragon Blood Empire."

  Zang Feiyu and others have covered their clothes tightly without exposing the skin, so the power of the dragon pattern is naturally invisible.

  They walked towards the Cloud Elephant Hall on the map. After more than three hours, Chen Xuan finally came to a lake near the plain.

   "Are you sure this is here?" Zang Feiyu asked.

  Chen Xuan took out the map and found that a light red light appeared above it.

A burst of red light kept flashing, Chen Xuan nodded and said, "There should be nothing wrong with this map. The map shown on this map is right here. The map given to me by Master Li can lock the locations of several of us. Wait a minute. All of you are in the lake. I will use the Liaoyuan Sword to check it out first. If the Liaoyuan Sword is not discovered, we can go in boldly."

  A few minutes later, Zang Feiyu and the others gathered zhenqi, all around them, and plunged into the water.

   has a body of innocence, and the water will not soak their bodies, but Zang Feiyu has to read the water avoidance tactics to be able to stay in the water.

  The wrist shook slightly, and the Liaoyuan sword flew around Chen Xuan in a circle.

   "Go!" Chen Xuan whispered, only to see the Liaoyuan Sword transform into a red light and shadow, rushing towards the Cloud Elephant Hall in front of him.

  At this moment, in the Cloud Elephant Hall, several warriors dressed in red are whispering.

   "You said, we have got so much information, why didn't the lord let us return? Do you want us to cause sabotage behind the scenes?"

A dragon blood warrior with a little fat body also took off his clothes at this time, and the dragon pattern was all over his body suddenly: "Don't worry, no one will find out if we hide here, after all, this cloud image The main hall has long been deserted, and even if the people of Yunxiao Mansion come over, they will never find it here."

  "How are you sure?" a dragonblood questioner asked.

   "When I came, the adult gave me a magic weapon, and the surrounding atmosphere will be completely hidden. Unless someone passes by here, it is absolutely impossible to find..."

   "By the way, have you got the things I asked you to find before?" the dragon blood warrior asked.

   "We want to find it too. Now, everyone is surrounded by heavy soldiers set up by Yunxiao Mansion. They are on guard at every level. It is already difficult for us to mix in, let alone find that thing."

"You can't continue to waste time, we have to figure out where their defense forces are concentrated within a month, and we must find the areas where their defenses are the weakest." The short dragon blood warrior continued. .

  At this moment, Chen Xuannian moved his formula, and the Liaoyuan sword began to fly continuously in the Cloud Elephant Hall. At the same time, he also relied on the power of the sword formation to completely hide the breath of the Liaoyuan sword.

  A few minutes later, Chen Xuan passed the Liaoyuan Sword and saw a dragon blood warrior in the Cloud Elephant Hall patrolling nearby.

  "Unexpectedly, they actually occupied this cloud elephant hall." Chen Xuan whispered.

  Continuing to control the Liaoyuan sword, Chen Xuan obviously felt a fierce aura moving nearby.

   "There seems to be a master inside, and his cultivation has definitely reached the sixth stage of the Shenluo realm." Chen Xuan's face also showed seriousness.

  As the Liaoyuan sword got deeper and deeper, Chen Xuan suddenly heard a movement outside a room, so he hurriedly reduced his breath.

   "What's the matter? Why do I think someone is coming by outside?" A warrior said suddenly.

"Really? Hurry up and release the power of the dragon pattern and see if there is anyone! If these Yunxiao Mansion people find our hiding place, it will be bad, they will definitely lead the soldiers to kill, our number Too few, it is impossible to be their opponent." The dragon blood warrior said.

  The rest of the people gathered the power of the dragon pattern one after another, and dark red lines appeared in front of them. In just a few seconds, these rays of light rushed out of the room and floated to the sky.

Chen Xuan also felt their power, so he hurriedly took the Liaoyuan sword back: "Oops, there is a master who uses dragon patterns. It seems that his dragon pattern power has reached the third level, even if it is me. It may be his opponent."

  Since the clues of these dragon blood warriors have been obtained, Chen Xuan can now return to the central camp and report the news to Lord Li, there is no need to continue searching here.

  "Continue to search to see how many people they have." Chen Xuan opened his eyes again, and the Liaoyuan sword had been taken back by him.

  When controlling the Liaoyuan Sword, you must not be distracted, otherwise, one who is not careful is likely to be discovered by these dragon blood warriors.

  Chen Xuan's current cultivation base, it is certainly impossible to deal with so many dragon blood warriors, otherwise it is very likely that they will be killed.

  After he retracted the Liaoyuan sword, Chen Xuan also gave an order to Zang Feiyu in the water.

   Soon, Zang Feiyu and the others emerged from the water.

   "What's wrong with Chen Xuan? Why do you let us come back?"

   "Brother Chen, what happened? Did they find out?" Their faces were full of tension.

Chen Xuan nodded: "When I used the Liaoyuan sword to search, it seemed to be discovered by a strong man. Let's retreat now. This person's cultivation has reached the sixth level of the Shenluo realm, and the dragon pattern Li has also cultivated to the third level, and we are not his opponents together."

  They just wanted to leave, Chen Xuan suddenly felt a terrifying light appearing in the sky, gathering quickly around their bodies.

   "Run quickly!" Chen Xuan said loudly.

  At this moment, all the dragon blood warriors were all dispatched. There were almost seven or eight people, and the power of the dragon pattern condensed all over their bodies.

  The dragon pattern that Chen Xuan carved on Zang Feiyu's body can make them speed up quickly.

  The warriors, including Chen Xuan and Zang Feiyu, all fled, not even daring to turn their heads back.

Chen Xuan is well aware of how terrifying these people are, and being able to cultivate the power of the dragon pattern to the third level shows that their perception is stronger, and they can even be searched for a hundred kilometers around. .

  Just came to the lake, the dragon blood warrior suddenly said: "I didn't expect to be discovered."

   "Brother Hua, what shall we do now."

   "Hurry up and chase them, and don't let them expose our actions!" At this moment, several dragon blood warriors immediately chased the past, fast.

  After Chen Xuan mastered the dragon pattern, he also increased the speed-increasing dragon pattern several times, and now his speed has soared.

  Even if these dragon blood warriors are not slow, it is very difficult to catch Chen Xuan.

  Half an hour later, Chen Xuan and the others finally fled to the middle camp.

  In the middle camp at this time, Chen Xuan immediately found Master Li.

   "We have discovered their whereabouts." Chen Xuan whispered.

After receiving news about the Dragon Blood Empire from Chen Xuan, Master Li's face was also filled with excitement: "Very well, Chen Xuan, here are fifty thousand high-grade spirit stones."

   "Thanks to you this time, we can get the whereabouts of these bits and pieces. Don't worry, I will take someone to kill them all!"

  Chen Xuan nodded, and did not continue to say anything. He still has important things on his body and can't manage these trivial things.

But he clearly saw some expectations from Master Li’s face. Chen Xuan knew very well that Master Li would definitely want to keep him. After all, there were disciples of Zang Feiyu and other sects beside Chen Xuan with their assistance. It will obviously be easier to deal with the warriors of the Dragon Blood Tribe.

After bidding farewell to Master Li, Chen Xuan and the others finally set off toward the northeast.

  This is also the most central place in Yunxiao Mansion, and the Five Main Schools are naturally located nearby.

  However, the Five Martial Arts and the several forces in the middle of Yunxiao Mansion cannot be compared at all.

  Chen Xuan only went to Xingyue Sect to learn the exercises, but he just wanted to learn the techniques of alchemy from Xingyue Sect.

  (End of this chapter)

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